Name Code Type Mods Weapons Helms Shields

Chipped Amethyst
gcv gema Mods: 3
+40 to Attack Rating

+3 to Strength

+3 to Strength

Flawed Amethyst
gfv gema Mods: 3
+60 to Attack Rating

+4 to Strength

+4 to Strength

gsv gema Mods: 3
+80 to Attack Rating

+6 to Strength

+6 to Strength

Flawless Amethyst
gzv gema Mods: 3
+100 to Attack Rating

+8 to Strength

+8 to Strength

Perfect Amethyst
gpv gema Mods: 3
+150 to Attack Rating

+10 to Strength

+10 to Strength

Chipped Sapphire
gcb gems Mods: 3
+1 to Minimum Cold Damage
+3 to Maximum Cold Damage
+3 to Maximum Cold Damage

+10 to Mana

+10 to Mana

Flawed Sapphire
gfb gems Mods: 3
+3 to Minimum Cold Damage
+5 to Maximum Cold Damage
+5 to Maximum Cold Damage

+17 to Mana

+17 to Mana

gsb gems Mods: 3
+4 to Minimum Cold Damage
+7 to Maximum Cold Damage
+7 to Maximum Cold Damage

+24 to Mana

+24 to Mana

Flawless Sapphire
glb gems Mods: 3
+6 to Minimum Cold Damage
+10 to Maximum Cold Damage
+10 to Maximum Cold Damage

+31 to Mana

+31 to Mana

Perfect Sapphire
gpb gems Mods: 3
+10 to Minimum Cold Damage
+14 to Maximum Cold Damage
+14 to Maximum Cold Damage

+38 to Mana

+38 to Mana

Chipped Emerald
gcg geme Mods: 3
+34 to Minimum Poison Damage
+34 to Maximum Poison Damage
+34 to Maximum Poison Damage

+3 to Dexterity

+3 to Dexterity

Flawed Emerald
gfg geme Mods: 3
+51 to Minimum Poison Damage
+51 to Maximum Poison Damage
+51 to Maximum Poison Damage

+4 to Dexterity

+4 to Dexterity

gsg geme Mods: 3
+82 to Minimum Poison Damage
+82 to Maximum Poison Damage
+82 to Maximum Poison Damage

+6 to Dexterity

+6 to Dexterity

Flawless Emerald
glg geme Mods: 3
+101 to Minimum Poison Damage
+101 to Maximum Poison Damage
+101 to Maximum Poison Damage

+8 to Dexterity

+8 to Dexterity

Perfect Emerald
gpg geme Mods: 3
+143 to Minimum Poison Damage
+143 to Maximum Poison Damage
+143 to Maximum Poison Damage

+10 to Dexterity

+10 to Dexterity

Chipped Ruby
gcr gemr Mods: 3
+3 to Minimum Fire Damage
+4 to Maximum Fire Damage

+10 to Life

+10 to Life

Flawed Ruby
gfr gemr Mods: 3
+5 to Minimum Fire Damage
+8 to Maximum Fire Damage

+17 to Life

+17 to Life

gsr gemr Mods: 3
+8 to Minimum Fire Damage
+12 to Maximum Fire Damage

+24 to Life

+24 to Life

Flawless Ruby
glr gemr Mods: 3
+10 to Minimum Fire Damage
+16 to Maximum Fire Damage

+31 to Life

+31 to Life

Perfect Ruby
gpr gemr Mods: 3
+15 to Minimum Fire Damage
+20 to Maximum Fire Damage

+38 to Life

+38 to Life

Chipped Diamond
gcw gemd Mods: 3
+28% Damage to Undead

+20 to Attack Rating

+20 to Attack Rating

Flawed Diamond
gfw gemd Mods: 3
+34% Damage to Undead

+40 to Attack Rating

+40 to Attack Rating

gsw gemd Mods: 3
+44% Damage to Undead

+60 to Attack Rating

+60 to Attack Rating

Flawless Diamond
glw gemd Mods: 3
+54% Damage to Undead

+80 to Attack Rating

+80 to Attack Rating

Perfect Diamond
gpw gemd Mods: 3
+68% Damage to Undead

+100 to Attack Rating

+100 to Attack Rating

Chipped Topaz
gcy gemt Mods: 3
+1 to Minimum Lightning Damage
+8 to Maximum Lightning Damage

9% better chance of getting magic item

9% better chance of getting magic item

Flawed Topaz
gfy gemt Mods: 3
+1 to Minimum Lightning Damage
+14 to Maximum Lightning Damage

13% better chance of getting magic item

13% better chance of getting magic item

gsy gemt Mods: 3
+1 to Minimum Lightning Damage
+22 to Maximum Lightning Damage

16% better chance of getting magic item

16% better chance of getting magic item

Flawless Topaz
gly gemt Mods: 3
+1 to Minimum Lightning Damage
+30 to Maximum Lightning Damage

20% better chance of getting magic item

20% better chance of getting magic item

Perfect Topaz
gpy gemt Mods: 3
+1 to Minimum Lightning Damage
+40 to Maximum Lightning Damage

24% better chance of getting magic item

24% better chance of getting magic item

Chipped Skull
skc gemz Mods: 3
1% Mana stolen per hit
2% Life stolen per hit

Replenish Life +2
Regenerate Mana 8%

Replenish Life +2

Flawed Skull
skf gemz Mods: 3
2% Mana stolen per hit
2% Life stolen per hit

Replenish Life +3
Regenerate Mana 8%

Replenish Life +3

sku gemz Mods: 3
2% Mana stolen per hit
3% Life stolen per hit

Replenish Life +3
Regenerate Mana 12%

Replenish Life +3

Flawless Skull
skl gemz Mods: 3
3% Mana stolen per hit
3% Life stolen per hit

Replenish Life +4
Regenerate Mana 12%

Replenish Life +4

Perfect Skull
skz gemz Mods: 3
3% Mana stolen per hit
4% Life stolen per hit

Replenish Life +5
Regenerate Mana 19%

Replenish Life +5

El Rune
r01 rune Mods: 1
+1 to Light Radius
+50 to Attack Rating

+1 to Light Radius
+15 Defense

+1 to Light Radius
+15 Defense

Eld Rune
r02 rune Mods: 1
+50 to Attack Rating against Undead
+75% Damage to Undead

15% Stamina Drain

15% Stamina Drain

Tir Rune
r03 rune Mods: 1
+2 to Mana after each Kill

+2 to Mana after each Kill

+2 to Mana after each Kill

Nef Rune
r04 rune Mods: 1

+30 Defense vs. Missile

+30 Defense vs. Missile

Eth Rune
r05 rune Mods: 1
25% Target Defense

Regenerate Mana 15%

Regenerate Mana 15%

Ith Rune
r06 rune Mods: 1
Regenerate Mana 15%

15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

Tal Rune
r07 rune Mods: 1
+154 to Minimum Poison Damage

Poison Resist 30%

Poison Resist 30%

Ral Rune
r08 rune Mods: 1
+5-30 to Minimum Fire Damage

Fire Resist 30%

Fire Resist 30%

Ort Rune
r09 rune Mods: 1
+1-50 to Minimum Lightning Damage

Lightning Resist 30%

Lightning Resist 30%

Thul Rune
r10 rune Mods: 1
+3-14 to Minimum Cold Damage

Cold Resist 30%

Cold Resist 30%

Amn Rune
r11 rune Mods: 1
7% Life stolen per hit

Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Sol Rune
r12 rune Mods: 1
Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Damage Reduced by 7

Damage Reduced by 7

Shae Rune
r13 rune Mods: 1
+20% Increased Attack Speed

+20% Faster Hit Recovery

+20% Faster Hit Recovery

Dol Rune
r14 rune Mods: 1
Hit Causes Monster To Flee25

Replenish Life +7

Replenish Life +7

Hel Rune
r15 rune Mods: 1
Requirements -20%

Requirements -15%

Requirements -15%

Po Rune
r16 rune Mods: 1
+10 to Vitality

+10 to Vitality

+10 to Vitality

Lum Rune
r17 rune Mods: 1
+10 to Energy

+10 to Energy

+10 to Energy

Ko Rune
r18 rune Mods: 1
+10 to Dexterity

+10 to Dexterity

+10 to Dexterity

Fal Rune
r19 rune Mods: 1
+10 to Strength

+10 to Strength

+10 to Strength

Lem Rune
r20 rune Mods: 1

Pul Rune
r21 rune Mods: 1
+100 to Attack Rating against Raakshus
+75% Damage to Raakshus

+30% Enhanced Defense

+30% Enhanced Defense

Um Rune
r22 rune Mods: 1
25% Chance of Open Wounds

Fire Resist 15%

Fire Resist 15%

Mal Rune
r23 rune Mods: 1
Prevent Monster Heal

Magic Damage Reduced by 7

Magic Damage Reduced by 7

Ist Rune
r24 rune Mods: 1
30% better chance of getting magic item

25% better chance of getting magic item

25% better chance of getting magic item

Gul Rune
r25 rune Mods: 1
20% bonus to Attack Rating

+5% to Maximum Poison Resist

+5% to Maximum Poison Resist

Vex Rune
r26 rune Mods: 1
7% Mana stolen per hit

+5% to Maximum Fire Resist

+5% to Maximum Fire Resist

Ohm Rune
r27 rune Mods: 1
+5% to Maximum Fire Resist

+5% to Maximum Cold Resist

+5% to Maximum Cold Resist

Lo Rune
r28 rune Mods: 1
20% Deadly Strike

+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

Sur Rune
r29 rune Mods: 1
Hit blinds target +1

Increase Maximum Mana 5%

Increase Maximum Mana 5%

Ber Rune
r30 rune Mods: 1
20% Chance of Crushing Blow

Damage Reduced by 8%

Damage Reduced by 8%

Jo Rune
r31 rune Mods: 1
Ignore Target's Defense

Increase Maximum Life 5%

Increase Maximum Life 5%

Cham Rune
r32 rune Mods: 1
Freezes target +3

Cannot Be Frozen

Cannot Be Frozen

Zod Rune
r33 rune Mods: 1
Cannot Be Frozen

Cannot Be Frozen

Cannot Be Frozen

Rough Fluorite Stone
abc gema Mods: 3
+10-20 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-2 to Strength

+1-2 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Faded Fluorite Stone
abd gema Mods: 3
+15-30 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-3 to Strength

+1-3 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Blemished Fluorite Stone
abe gema Mods: 3
+20-40 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-4 to Strength

+1-4 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Cleaned Fluorite Stone
abf gema Mods: 3
+25-50 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-5 to Strength

+1-5 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Triangle Fluorite Stone
abg gema Mods: 3
+30-60 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-6 to Strength

+1-6 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Trangle Cut Fluorite Stone
abh gema Mods: 3
+35-70 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-7 to Strength

+1-7 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Square Fluorite Stone
abi gema Mods: 3
+40-80 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-8 to Strength

+1-8 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Square Cut Fluorite Stone
abj gema Mods: 3
+45-90 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-9 to Strength

+1-9 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Regular Fluorite Stone
abk gema Mods: 3
+50-100 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-10 to Strength

+1-10 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Regular Cut Fluorite Stone
abl gema Mods: 3
+55-110 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-11 to Strength

+1-11 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Star Fluorite Stone
abm gema Mods: 3
+60-120 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-12 to Strength

+1-12 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Star Cut Fluorite Stone
abn gema Mods: 3
+65-130 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-13 to Strength

+1-13 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Imperial Fluorite Stone
abo gema Mods: 3
+70-140 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-14 to Strength

+1-14 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Imperial Cut Fluorite Stone
abp gema Mods: 3
+75-150 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-15 to Strength

+1-15 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Royal Fluorite Stone
abq gema Mods: 3
+80-160 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-16 to Strength

+1-16 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Royal Cut Fluorite Stone
abr gema Mods: 3
+85-170 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-17 to Strength

+1-17 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Spectacular Fluorite Stone
abs gema Mods: 3
+90-180 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-18 to Strength

+1-18 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Legendary Fluorite Stone
abt gema Mods: 3
+95-190 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-19 to Strength

+1-19 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Legendary Cut Fluorite Stone
abu gema Mods: 3
+100-200 to Attack Rating
1% Deadly Strike
+1% Damage to Raakshus (Based on Character Level)

+1-20 to Strength

+1-20 to Strength
1% Deadly Strike

Rough Jade Stone
abv gema Mods: 3
+1-2 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-2 to Dexterity

+1-2 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Faded Jade Stone
abw gema Mods: 3
+1-4 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-3 to Dexterity

+1-3 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Blemished Jade Stone
abx gema Mods: 3
+1-6 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-4 to Dexterity

+1-4 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Cleaned Jade Stone
aby gema Mods: 3
+1-8 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-5 to Dexterity

+1-5 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Triangle Jade Stone
abz gema Mods: 3
+1-10 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-6 to Dexterity

+1-6 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Trangle Cut Jade Stone
ab0 gema Mods: 3
+1-12 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-7 to Dexterity

+1-7 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Square Jade Stone
ab1 gema Mods: 3
+1-14 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-8 to Dexterity

+1-8 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Square Cut Jade Stone
ab2 gema Mods: 3
+1-16 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-9 to Dexterity

+1-9 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Regular Jade Stone
ab3 gema Mods: 3
+1-18 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-10 to Dexterity

+1-10 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Regular Cut Jade Stone
ab4 gema Mods: 3
+1-20 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-11 to Dexterity

+1-11 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Star Jade Stone
ab5 gema Mods: 3
+1-22 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-12 to Dexterity

+1-12 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Star Cut Jade Stone
ab6 gema Mods: 3
+1-24 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-13 to Dexterity

+1-13 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Imperial Jade Stone
ab7 gema Mods: 3
+1-26 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-14 to Dexterity

+1-14 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Imperial Cut Jade Stone
ab8 gema Mods: 3
+1-28 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-15 to Dexterity

+1-15 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Royal Jade Stone
ab9 gema Mods: 3
+1-30 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-16 to Dexterity

+1-16 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Royal Cut Jade Stone
acb gema Mods: 3
+1-32 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-17 to Dexterity

+1-17 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Spectacular Jade Stone
acd gema Mods: 3
+1-34 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-18 to Dexterity

+1-18 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Legendary Jade Stone
ace gema Mods: 3
+1-36 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-19 to Dexterity

+1-19 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Legendary Cut Jade Stone
acf gema Mods: 3
+1-38 to Minimum Poison Damage
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+1% Damage to Undead (Based on Character Level)

+1-20 to Dexterity

+1-20 to Dexterity
1% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Rough Argonite Stone
acg gema Mods: 3
+1-2 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-2 to Life

+1-2 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Faded Argonite Stone
ach gema Mods: 3
+1-4 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-3 to Life

+1-3 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Blemished Argonite Stone
aci gema Mods: 3
+1-6 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-4 to Life

+1-4 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Cleaned Argonite Stone
acj gema Mods: 3
+1-8 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-5 to Life

+1-5 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Triangle Argonite Stone
ack gema Mods: 3
+1-10 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-6 to Life

+1-6 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Trangle Cut Argonite Stone
acl gema Mods: 3
+1-12 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-7 to Life

+1-7 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Square Argonite Stone
acm gema Mods: 3
+1-14 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-8 to Life

+1-8 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Square Cut Argonite Stone
acn gema Mods: 3
+1-16 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-9 to Life

+1-9 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Regular Argonite Stone
aco gema Mods: 3
+1-18 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-10 to Life

+1-10 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Regular Cut Argonite Stone
acp gema Mods: 3
+1-20 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-11 to Life

+1-11 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Star Argonite Stone
acq gema Mods: 3
+1-22 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-12 to Life

+1-12 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Star Cut Argonite Stone
acr gema Mods: 3
+1-24 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-13 to Life

+1-13 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Imperial Argonite Stone
acs gema Mods: 3
+1-26 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-14 to Life

+1-14 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Imperial Cut Argonite Stone
act gema Mods: 3
+1-28 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-15 to Life

+1-15 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Royal Argonite Stone
acu gema Mods: 3
+1-30 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-16 to Life

+1-16 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Royal Cut Argonite Stone
acv gema Mods: 3
+1-32 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-17 to Life

+1-17 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Spectacular Argonite Stone
acw gema Mods: 3
+1-34 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-18 to Life

+1-18 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Legendary Argonite Stone
acx gema Mods: 3
+1-36 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-19 to Life

+1-19 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Legendary Cut Argonite Stone
acy gema Mods: 3
+1-38 to Minimum Fire Damage
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+1% Increased Attack Speed

+1-20 to Life

+1-20 to Life
1% to Enemy Fire Resistance

Rough Azurite Stone
acz gema Mods: 3
+1-2 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-2 to Mana

+1-2 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Faded Azurite Stone
ac0 gema Mods: 3
+1-4 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-3 to Mana

+1-3 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Blemished Azurite Stone
ac1 gema Mods: 3
+1-6 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-4 to Mana

+1-4 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Cleaned Azurite Stone
ac2 gema Mods: 3
+1-8 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-5 to Mana

+1-5 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Triangle Azurite Stone
ac3 gema Mods: 3
+1-10 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-6 to Mana

+1-6 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Trangle Cut Azurite Stone
ac4 gema Mods: 3
+1-12 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-7 to Mana

+1-7 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Square Azurite Stone
ac5 gema Mods: 3
+1-14 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-8 to Mana

+1-8 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Square Cut Azurite Stone
ac6 gema Mods: 3
+1-16 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-9 to Mana

+1-9 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Regular Azurite Stone
ac7 gema Mods: 3
+1-18 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-10 to Mana

+1-10 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Regular Cut Azurite Stone
ac8 gema Mods: 3
+1-20 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-11 to Mana

+1-11 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Star Azurite Stone
ac9 gema Mods: 3
+1-22 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-12 to Mana

+1-12 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Star Cut Azurite Stone
adb gema Mods: 3
+1-24 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-13 to Mana

+1-13 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Imperial Azurite Stone
adc gema Mods: 3
+1-26 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-14 to Mana

+1-14 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Imperial Cut Azurite Stone
ade gema Mods: 3
+1-28 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-15 to Mana

+1-15 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Royal Azurite Stone
adf gema Mods: 3
+1-30 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-16 to Mana

+1-16 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Royal Cut Azurite Stone
adg gema Mods: 3
+1-32 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-17 to Mana

+1-17 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Spectacular Azurite Stone
adh gema Mods: 3
+1-34 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-18 to Mana

+1-18 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Legendary Azurite Stone
adi gema Mods: 3
+1-36 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-19 to Mana

+1-19 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Legendary Cut Azurite Stone
adj gema Mods: 3
+1-38 to Minimum Cold Damage
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance
1% Chance of Crushing Blow

+1-20 to Mana

+1-20 to Mana
1% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Rough Sulpher Stone
adk gema Mods: 3
+1-2 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Faded Sulpher Stone
adl gema Mods: 3
+1-4 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Blemished Sulpher Stone
adm gema Mods: 3
+1-6 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Cleaned Sulpher Stone
adn gema Mods: 3
+1-8 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Triangle Sulpher Stone
ado gema Mods: 3
+1-10 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Trangle Cut Sulpher Stone
adp gema Mods: 3
+1-12 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Square Sulpher Stone
adq gema Mods: 3
+1-14 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Square Cut Sulpher Stone
adr gema Mods: 3
+1-16 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Regular Sulpher Stone
ads gema Mods: 3
+1-18 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Regular Cut Sulpher Stone
adt gema Mods: 3
+1-20 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Star Sulpher Stone
adu gema Mods: 3
+1-22 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Star Cut Sulpher Stone
adv gema Mods: 3
+1-24 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Imperial Sulpher Stone
adw gema Mods: 3
+1-26 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Imperial Cut Sulpher Stone
adx gema Mods: 3
+1-28 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Royal Sulpher Stone
ady gema Mods: 3
+1-30 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Royal Cut Sulpher Stone
adz gema Mods: 3
+1-32 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Spectacular Sulpher Stone
ad0 gema Mods: 3
+1-34 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Legendary Sulpher Stone
ad1 gema Mods: 3
+1-36 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Legendary Cut Sulpher Stone
ad2 gema Mods: 3
+1-38 to Minimum Lightning Damage
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+1% Faster Cast Rate

1% better chance of getting magic item

1% better chance of getting magic item
1% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Rough Quartz Stone
ad3 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-2 to Attack Rating

+1-2 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Faded Quartz Stone
ad4 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-3 to Attack Rating

+1-3 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Blemished Quartz Stone
ad5 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-4 to Attack Rating

+1-4 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Cleaned Quartz Stone
ad6 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-5 to Attack Rating

+1-5 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Triangle Quartz Stone
ad7 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-6 to Attack Rating

+1-6 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Trangle Cut Quartz Stone
ad8 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-7 to Attack Rating

+1-7 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Square Quartz Stone
ad9 gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-8 to Attack Rating

+1-8 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Square Cut Quartz Stone
aeb gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-9 to Attack Rating

+1-9 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Regular Quartz Stone
aec gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-10 to Attack Rating

+1-10 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Regular Cut Quartz Stone
aed gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-11 to Attack Rating

+1-11 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Star Quartz Stone
aef gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-12 to Attack Rating

+1-12 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Star Cut Quartz Stone
aeg gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-13 to Attack Rating

+1-13 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Imperial Quartz Stone
aeh gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-14 to Attack Rating

+1-14 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Imperial Cut Quartz Stone
aei gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-15 to Attack Rating

+1-15 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Royal Quartz Stone
aej gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-16 to Attack Rating

+1-16 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Royal Cut Quartz Stone
aek gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-17 to Attack Rating

+1-17 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Spectacular Quartz Stone
ael gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-18 to Attack Rating

+1-18 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Legendary Quartz Stone
aem gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-19 to Attack Rating

+1-19 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Legendary Cut Quartz Stone
aen gema Mods: 3
+1% Damage to Undead
+1% Piercing Attack
1% Chance of Open Wounds

+1-20 to Attack Rating

+1-20 to Attack Rating
+1% Piercing Attack

Rough Tiger Eye Stone
aeo gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Faded Tiger Eye Stone
aep gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-2 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Blemished Tiger Eye Stone
aeq gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-3 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Cleaned Tiger Eye Stone
aer gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-4 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Triangle Tiger Eye Stone
aes gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-5 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Trangle Cut Tiger Eye Stone
aet gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-6 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Square Tiger Eye Stone
aeu gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-7 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Square Cut Tiger Eye Stone
aev gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-8 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Regular Tiger Eye Stone
aew gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-9 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Regular Cut Tiger Eye Stone
aex gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-10 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Star Tiger Eye Stone
aey gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-11 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Star Cut Tiger Eye Stone
aez gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-12 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Imperial Tiger Eye Stone
ae0 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-13 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Imperial Cut Tiger Eye Stone
ae1 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-14 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Royal Tiger Eye Stone
ae2 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-15 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Royal Cut Tiger Eye Stone
ae3 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-16 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Spectacular Tiger Eye Stone
ae4 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-17 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Legendary Tiger Eye Stone
ae5 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-18 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit

Legendary Cut Tiger Eye Stone
ae6 gema Mods: 3
1% Life stolen per hit
1% Mana stolen per hit
+1-19 Life after each Raakshus Kill

Replenish Life +1

Replenish Life +1
1% Mana stolen per hit