2024-02-12 15:52:21 -07:00

3.3 KiB

I wrote this bot in one night, while I'm recovering from two level cervical spinal surgery, CDA Cervical Discectomy and Disc Arthroplasty. Expect a lot of bugs.

Matrix Bot

Matrix Bot is a Python-based chat bot designed to work with Matrix, an open network for secure, decentralized communication. This bot is built using the simplematrixbotlib library and provides various commands and functionalities for interacting with Matrix rooms.


  • Modular architecture: Commands are implemented as separate plugins, making it easy to add or modify functionality.
  • Command handling: The bot listens for specific commands prefixed with ! and responds accordingly.
  • Plugin system: Each command is implemented as a separate plugin module, allowing for easy customization and extension.
  • Extensible: Users can add new commands by creating additional plugin modules.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory of the bot and add the following variables:

MATRIX_URL="" (or another homeserver)
  1. Run the bot: python, or chmod +x, then ./ in the bot directory.


To use the bot, invite it to a Matrix room and interact with it by sending commands prefixed with !. For example:

  • !date: Display the current date and time.
  • !fortune: Get a random fortune message.
  • !proxy: Retrieve and test random SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies.
  • !isup <domain/ip>: Check if the specified domain or IP address is reachable.
  • !karma <user>: View or modify karma points for a user.

For a complete list of available commands and their descriptions, use the !commands command.

🍄 Funguy Bot Commands 🍄

🃏 !fortune Returns a random fortune message. Executes the /usr/games/fortune utility and sends the output as a message to the chat room.

!date Displays the current date and time. Fetches the current date and time using Python's datetime module and sends it in a formatted message to the chat room.

💻 !proxy Retrieves a tested/working random SOCKS5 proxy. Fetches a list of SOCKS5 proxies, tests their availability, and sends the first working proxy to the chat room.

📶 !isup <domain/ip> Checks if the specified domain or IP address is reachable. Checks if the specified domain or IP address is reachable by attempting to ping it. If DNS resolution is successful, it checks HTTP and HTTPS service availability by sending requests to the domain.

!karma Retrieves the karma points for the specified user. Retrieves the karma points for the specified user from a database and sends them as a message to the chat room.

!karma user up Increases the karma points for the specified user by 1. Increases the karma points for the specified user by 1 in the database and sends the updated points as a message to the chat room.

!karma user down Decreases the karma points for the specified user by 1. Decreases the karma points for the specified user by 1 in the database and sends the updated points as a message to the chat room.

🌟 Funguy Bot Credits 🌟

🧙‍♂️ Creator & DeveloperHash Borgir (HB) the author of 🍄Funguy Bot🍄.