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synced 2024-11-30 12:36:02 +00:00
672 lines
18 KiB
672 lines
18 KiB
File created by Yohann NICOLAS.
@brief Diablo II Unit Structures definitions.
NOT TESTED IN 1.10 (1.09b)
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
struct CBPlayerData;
struct CBItemData;
struct Unit;
/* Skill Structure. */
struct SkillData
{ //Offset from Code. (size = 0x3C or 0x40)
SkillsBIN* ptSkillBin; //+00
SkillData* ptNextSkill; //+04
DWORD mode; //+08
DWORD uk1[3]; //+0C
DWORD targetInfo; //+18
DWORD targetType; //+1c
DWORD targetUNID; //+20
DWORD uk2; //+24
DWORD slvl; //+28
DWORD slvlBonus; //+2c
DWORD uk3; //+30
int state; //+34 (-1 if index exist)
DWORD param1; //+38 (nb current charge)
DWORD param2; //+3C
struct Skills
{ //Offset from Code.
DWORD gameRelated; //+00
SkillData* ptFirstSkill; //+04
SkillData* ptLeftSkill; //+08
SkillData* ptRightSkill; //+0c
SkillData* ptCurrentSkill; //+10
/* Unit Data Structure. */
struct Position
struct Room//size=0x80
//ptRoom +48 0 = spawn new units (monster, objects e.tc), 1 = don't spawn any new units
DWORD seed1; //+00
DWORD seed2; //+04
BYTE uk8[0x1C]; //+08
Room* ptNearRooms; //+24
DWORD nbNearRooms; //+28
Unit* unit; //+2C
BYTE uk5[0x44]; //+30
Room* ptNextRoom; //+74
BYTE flags; //+78
BYTE isGenerated:1;
BYTE isGenerated2:1;//???
struct ActMap//ptGame+BC size=0x60
DWORD isNotManaged;
DWORD uk4;
DWORD uk8;//size = 0x488
Room* ptFirstRoom;
struct NetClient;
//ptGame : 04E4007C
struct Game
{ //Offset from Code.
BYTE uk1[0x18]; //+00
DWORD _ptLock; //+18 Unknown
DWORD memoryPool; //+1C Memory Pool (??)
BYTE uk2[0x4D]; //+20
BYTE difficultyLevel; //+6D (Difficulty 0,1 or 2)
WORD unknown1; //+6E Cube puts 4 here
DWORD isLODGame; //+70 (D2=0 LOD =1) (DWORD ?)
BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+71
WORD unknown2; //+78
BYTE uk4[0x0E]; //+7A
NetClient* ptClient; //+88
BYTE uk8C[0x30]; //+8C
ActMap* mapAct[5]; //+BC
BYTE ukD0[0x1024]; //+D0
DWORD* game10F4; //+10F4
BYTE uk6[0x28]; //+10F8
Unit* units[0xA00]; //+1120
Unit* roomtitles[0x200]; //+1B20
//WORD ptGame+28 game ID ?
struct Path //(8 dword)
{ //Offset from Code. Size: 20
WORD uk1; //+00
WORD mapx; //+02
WORD uk2; //+04
WORD mapy; //+06
DWORD uk3; //+08
DWORD x; //+0C
DWORD y; //+10
DWORD uk6; //+14
DWORD uk7; //+18
Room* ptRoom; //+1C
struct Inventory
{ //Offset from Code. Size: 30 <20> 40
DWORD tag; //+00 = 0x01020304
BYTE uk1[0x04]; //+04 =? 0
Unit* ptChar; //+08
Unit* ptItem; //+0C
BYTE uk2[0x10]; //+10
Unit* inventory1; //+20
BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+24
DWORD currentUsedSocket; //+28 //Kingpin : a variable to know how many sockets that have added to item
DWORD Inventory2C; //+2C //one value
DWORD Inventory30; //+30
void* ptCorpse; //+34
BYTE uk5[0x04]; //+38
DWORD nextCorpseId; //+3C //max = 15
BYTE uk6[0x04]; //+40
struct D2Stat
WORD index;
WORD id;
int value;
struct Stats //sizeof(Stats)=0x64
DWORD nUnitId; //+00
Unit* ptUnit; //+04
DWORD nUnitType; //+08
DWORD nItemNum; //+0C
DWORD flags; //+10
DWORD fuk1:13; //0x00001FFF
DWORD isDisabled:1; //0x00002000
DWORD fuk2:17; //0x7FFFC000
DWORD dontUseBaseValue:1;//0x80000000
DWORD id; //+14
DWORD uk18; //+18
BYTE uk2[0x08]; //+1C
D2Stat* ptBaseStatsTable; //+24
WORD nbBaseStats; //+28
WORD sizeOfBaseStatsTable; //+2A ??
Stats* ptStats; //+2C
BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+30
Stats* ptItemStats; //+34
BYTE uk4[0x04]; //+38
Stats* ptAffixStats; //+3C
Stats* ptNextStats2; //+40
Unit* ptChar; //+44
Unit* ptItem;
D2Stat* ptStatsTable; //+48
WORD nbStats; //+4C
WORD sizeOfStatsTable; //+4E ??
BYTE uk5[0x8]; //+50
BYTE* unknow0; //+58 (sizeof(*unknow0)=0x30 (calculated)
DWORD unknow1; //+5C (=0)
DWORD unknow2; //+60 (=0)
struct MonsterData // sizeof(MonsterData)=0x60
{ //Offset from Code.
BYTE uk[0x16]; //+00
union {
WORD flags; //+16
struct {
WORD fuk1:1;
WORD isSuperUnique:1;
WORD isChampion:1;
WORD isUnique:1;
WORD fuk2:13;
BYTE uk1[0x0E]; //+18
WORD superUniqueID; //+26
void* unknow1; //+28
BYTE uk2[0x38]; //+28
struct ObjectData
ObjectsBIN* ptObjectsBIN;
BYTE levelID;
Kingpin: struct MonsterData
BYTE uk1[0x13]; // +00
DWORD Flags; // +14
DWORD uk2; // +18
DWORD MinionOwnerID; // +1C
BYTE uk3[0x5]; // +20
WORD SuperUniqueID; // +26 Superunique ID of monster
D2Game* ptGame; // +28 ptGame
struct ItemData//size=0x74
{ //Offset from Code.
DWORD quality; //+00
DWORD seedLow; //+04
DWORD seedHi; //+08
DWORD playerID; //+0C #10734 / #10735 (PCInventory->ptPlayer->0C)
DWORD seedStarting; //+10
DWORD flags1; //+14
union {
DWORD flags2; //+18
struct {
DWORD fuk1:1; //0x00000001
DWORD isIndentified:1; //0x00000002
DWORD fuk2:2; //0x0000000C
DWORD isUnindentified:1; //0x00000010
DWORD fuk3:3; //0x000000E0
DWORD isBroken:1; //0x00000100
DWORD fuk4:2; //0x00000600
DWORD isSocketed:1; //0x00000800
DWORD fuk5:10; //0x003FF000
DWORD isEtheral:1; //0x00400000
DWORD fuk6:3; //0x03800000
DWORD isRuneword:1; //0x04000000
DWORD fuk7:1; //0x08000000
DWORD isPersonalized:1; //0x10000000
DWORD fuk8:3; //0xE0000000
ITEMFLAG_NEWITEM = 0x00000001,
ITEMFLAG_Durability = 0x00000100,
ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN2 = 0x00000400,
ITEMFLAG_NEWITEM2 = 0x00002000,
ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN3 = 0x00004000,
ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN4 = 0x00080000,
ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN5 = 0x00800000,
DWORD guid1; //+1C Global Unique ID 1
DWORD guid2; //+20 Global Unique ID 2
DWORD guid3; //+24 Global Unique ID 3
DWORD uniqueID; //+28
BYTE ilvl; //+2C
BYTE uk1[0x03]; //+2D
WORD version; //+30
WORD rarePrefix; //+32
WORD rareSuffix; //+34
WORD autoPref; //+36
WORD prefix[3]; //+38
WORD suffix[3]; //+3E
BYTE equipLoc; //+44
/* emplacement si <20>quip<69>
* 00 = noequip/inBelt
* 01 = head
* 02 = neck
* 03 = tors
* 04 = rarm
* 05 = larm
* 06 = lrin
* 07 = rrin
* 08 = belt
* 09 = feet
* 0A = glov
* 0B = ralt
* 0C = lalt
BYTE page; //+45
/* page dans laquel se trouve l'item
* FF = mouse/equip/onEarth
* 00 = inventory
* 01 = cube
* 04 = stash
BYTE uk4[0x01]; //+46
BYTE ItemData3; //+47 //D2Common10854 D2Common10853
BYTE pEarLevel; //+48
BYTE varGfx; //+49
char IName[0x12]; //+4A //inscribed/ear name
Inventory* ptInventory; //+5C
Unit* ptPrevItem; //+60
Unit* ptNextItem; //+64
BYTE uk8[0x01]; //+68
BYTE ItemData2; //+69
BYTE uk9[0x0A]; //+6A
struct NetClient
DWORD clientID; //+00
BYTE uk1[0x06]; //+04
union { //+0A
WORD flag;
struct {
WORD f1:1;
WORD f2:1;
WORD isHardCoreGame:1;
BYTE uk2[0x170]; //+0C
BYTE* savefile; //+17C
DWORD finalSize; //+180
DWORD counter; //+184
DWORD currentSize; //+188
BYTE uk3[0x1C]; //+18C
Game* ptGame; //+1A8
//+1A8 is ptGame
//+4A8 ptNextClient
Kingpin: ptPclient
+16C is either act or unit type
+170 Active UniqueID for player
+174 Active ptPlayer on Client
+1a8 ptGame
+1b4 Current or next ptRoom
struct PlayerData
char name[0x10]; //+00 (size min 0x08 max 0x11)
BYTE uk1[0x8C]; //+10
NetClient* ptNetClient; //+9C
struct PlayerData
char name[0x10]; //+00 Player Name
void* ptQuest[3]; //+10 Quest Pointers for each difficulty
BYTE uk1[0x18]; //+1C //before : 0x14
void* ptArenaUnit; //+34 ptArena for the Unit
BYTE uk2[0x4]; //+38 //before : 0x7
WORD MPSourcePortalUniqueID; //+3C Source Portal Unique_ID
BYTE uk3[0x2]; //+3E
WORD MPDestPortalUniqueID; //+40 Destination Portal Unique_ID
BYTE uk4[0x06]; //+42
BYTE ptObjectUnID; //+48 Object UniqueID for TownPortals
BYTE uk5[0x53]; //+49
NetClient* ptNetClient; //+9C ptClient
#define F1_IS_SPAWNED 0x10 //or F_IS_IDENTIFIED ?
#define F2_IS_LOD 0x2000000
struct Unit
{ //Offset from Code. Size: 0xF4+4
DWORD nUnitType; //+00
DWORD nPlayerClass;
DWORD nTxtFileNo;
}; //+04
DWORD nUnitId; //+08
DWORD nItemNum; //+0C
DWORD CurrentAnim; //+10
MonsterData* ptMonsterData;
ObjectData* ptObjectData;
ItemData* ptItemData;
PlayerData* ptPlayerData;
}; //+14
BYTE act; //+18
BYTE uk12[3]; //+19
void* ptAct; //+1C
DWORD SeedLow; //+20
DWORD SeedHi; //+24
DWORD SeedStarting; //+28
Path* path; //+2C
BYTE uk1[0x08]; //+30
Path* ptPos; //+38
DWORD animSpeed; //+3C
BYTE uk2[0x04]; //+40
DWORD curFrame; //+44
DWORD remainingFrame; //+48
WORD animSpeedW; //+4C
BYTE actionFlag; //+4E
BYTE uk3[0x1]; //+4F
void* ptAnimData; //+50
BYTE uk4[0x08]; //+54
Stats* ptStats; //+5C
Inventory* ptInventory; //+60
BYTE uk5[0x1C]; //+64
Game* ptGame; //+80
BYTE uk6[0x24]; //+84
Skills* ptSkills; //+A8
void* ptCombatData; //+AC
BYTE uk7[0x08]; //+B0
DWORD itemCode; //+B8 for an item being dropped by this unit
BYTE uk8[0x08]; //+BC
DWORD flags1; //+C4
DWORD flags2; //+C8 //flags
DWORD ukf1:25;
DWORD isLod:1;
BYTE uk9[0x04]; //+CC
DWORD clientId; //+D0
BYTE uk10[0x0C]; //+D4
Unit* ptFirstMonster; //+E0
Unit* Unit1; //+E4
Unit* Unit2; //+E8
BYTE uk11[0x08]; //+EC
CBPlayerData* ptCBPlayerData;
CBItemData* ptCBItemData;
void* ptCBData;
}; //+F4
struct D2Game
DWORD unknown[19];
WORD difficulty;
struct ItemMod
DWORD mID; // +00 Mod ID, get it from properties.txt
DWORD mParam; // +04 First Property
DWORD mMinimum; // +04 Second Property, Min Value
DWORD mMaximum; // +04 Third Property, Max Value
struct AIStruct
DWORD mSpawn; // +00
void* mAIFunc; // +04
DWORD mUnknown1[8]; // +08
D2Game* mGame; // +28
DWORD mMinionOwner; // +2C
DWORD mOwnerType; // +30
struct LocInfo
{ //Offset from Code
Unit* noneLoc; //+00
Unit* headLoc; //+04
Unit* neckLoc; //+08
Unit* torsoLoc; //+0c
Unit* rightArmLoc; //+10
Unit* leftArmLoc; //+14
Unit* rightRingLoc; //+18
Unit* leftRingLoc; //+1c
Unit* beltLoc; //+20
Unit* feetLoc; //+24
Unit* glovesLoc; //+28
struct ItemData
{ // Offset from Code
DWORD quality; // +00.
DWORD lowSeed; // +04.
DWORD highSeed; // +08.
DWORD unknown1; // +0c.
DWORD startLowSeed; // +10.
DWORD cmdFlags; // +14.
DWORD flags; // +18.
DWORD unknown2[2]; // +1C
DWORD originID; // +24.
DWORD iLvl; // +28.
WORD version; // +2C.
WORD prefix; // +2E.
WORD suffix; // +30.
WORD autoPrefix; // +32.
WORD prefix1; // +34.
WORD prefix2; // +36.
WORD prefix3; // +38.
WORD suffix1; // +3A.
WORD suffix2; // +3C.
WORD suffix3; // +3E.
BYTE bodyLoc; // +40. // 0=inv/stash 4=gaucheS 5=droiteS
BYTE inPage; // +41. // FF=equip 00=inv 04=stash
BYTE unknown3[3]; // +42
BYTE picture[8]; // +45
DWORD ilvl; // +4C
struct PresetUnit
{ //Offset from Code
DWORD unitType; //+00
DWORD txtFileNo; //+04
DWORD unknown1[1]; //Unkonwn Data at +08
DWORD xPos; //+0c
DWORD yPos; //+10
DWORD unknown2[2]; //Unknown data at +14
PresetUnit* pNext; //+1c
struct MissileData
+04 flags
+08 0 on start
+0c -1 on start
+20 nDirection
+28 range?
+2c range?
+30 level
+34 number of pierces (byte)
+35 (byte)
+36 (byte)
+37 (byte)
+38 range-activate
struct Combat
DWORD mHeader; // +00 : Always 0x32
DWORD mDisplayFlag; // +04 : Affect critical hit etc ...
DWORD mPhysicalDmg; // +08 : Values are << 8
DWORD mUnknown1; // +0C
DWORD mFireDmg; // +10 : Values are << 8
DWORD mUnknown2; // +14
DWORD mBurnLeng; // +18
DWORD mLtngDmg; // +1C : values are << 8
DWORD mMagDmg; // +20 : values are << 8
DWORD mColdDmg; // +24 : values are << 8
DWORD mPoisDmg; // +28 : ??
DWORD mPoisLeng; // +2C
DWORD mColdLeng; // +30
DWORD mFreezeLeng; // +34
DWORD mLifeSteal; // +38
DWORD mManaSteal; // +3C
DWORD mUnknwon3; // +40
DWORD mStunLeng; // +44
DWORD mUnknown4; // +48
DWORD mTotalDamage; // +4C
DWORD mUnknown5[6]; // +50
DWORD mOverlay; // +68
DWORD mUnknwon6; // +6C
struct Node
{ //Offset from Code.
DWORD flag; //+00 //Yoh : null->flag
Unit* ptItem; //+04 //Yoh : ItemData=>Unit
DWORD unID; //+08
DWORD page; //+0c //Yoh plutot etat : inventory/stash=1; inv-belt=2; equip=3
Node* nextNode; //+10
struct MonsterData // size110 : 60
AIStruct* AIPtr;
void* unkonwPtr1;
void* uniqueInfo;
void* spawnInfo;
void* unknownPtr2;
DWORD unkown[8];
void* lvlPtr;
MonStatTxt* monstatPtr;
struct Unit
{ //Offset from Code.
DWORD nUnitType; //+00
DWORD nTxtFileNo;
DWORD nPlayerClass;
}; //+04
DWORD nUnitId; //+08
DWORD eMode; //+0c
DWORD* unknow1; //+10
DWORD nAct; //+14
DWORD pActRelated; //+18
DWORD unknown2[4]; //Unknown Data at +1C
D2Seed nSeed; //+2C
DWORD startSeed; //+34
Path* pPos; //+38
DWORD unknown3[6]; //Unknown Data at +3C
DWORD animSpeed; //+54
DWORD unknown32[2]; //+58
BYTE COFString[12]; //+60
Stats* ptStats; //+6C
PlayerData* pPlayerData;
MonsterData* pMonsterData;
ItemData* pItemData;
MissileData* pMissile;
ObjectData* pObjectData;
}; //+70
DWORD unknown5[2]; //+74
BYTE unknown6[2]; //+7C
BYTE rndDmg[2]; //+7e
DWORD unknown7; //+80
Inventory* ptInventory; //+84
DWORD unknown8[4]; //+88
DWORD startNull; //+98
DWORD unknown9[2]; //+9c
D2Game* ptGame; //+a4
DWORD unknown10[4]; //+a8
DWORD nOwnerType; //+b8
DWORD nOwnerId; //+bc
DWORD unknown11[3]; //+c0
D2Info* ptInfo; //+cc
Combat* ptCombat; //+d0
DWORD unknown12[5]; //+d4
DWORD flags; //+e8
DWORD LODflag; //+ec
DWORD unknown13[7]; //+f0
Unit* pNext; //+10c
DWORD unknown14[2]; //+110 //YOH
ItemData* ptItemData;
void* ptData;
}; //+118 //YOH
/*================================= END OF FILE =================================*/ |