/*================================================================= File created by Yohann NICOLAS. Add support 1.13d by L'Autour. @file D2wrapper.cpp @brief Main Diablo II extra DLL handler. This is the sources of the D2DLL class. =================================================================*/ #include "globalVariable.h" // Install_VariableOnRealm() #include "commands.h" // Install_Commands() #include "othersFeatures.h" // Install_ChangeResolution() #include "mainScreen.h" // Install_PrintPlugYVersion() Install_VersionChange() #include "savePath.h" // Install_ChangingSavePath() #include "bigStash.h" // Install_BigStash() #include "skillPerLevelUp.h" // Install_SkillPerLevelUp() #include "statPerLevelUp.h" // Install_StatPerLevelUp() #include "statsPoints.h" // Install_StatsPoints() Install_StatsLimitShiftClick() #include "skillsPoints.h" // Install_SkillsPoints() #include "infinityStash.h" // Install_MultiPageStash() #include "newInterfaces.h" // Install_NewInterfaces() #include "worldEvent.h" // Install_WorldEvent() #include "uberQuest.h" // Install_UberQuest() #include "extraOptions.h" // Install_AlwaysRegenMapInSP() #include "language.h" // Install_LanguageManagement() #include "windowed.h" // installed with Install_PrintPlugYVersion() #include "customLibraries.h" #include "common.h" int version_Game = UNKNOW; //int version_binkw32 = UNKNOW; //int version_Bnclient = UNKNOW; int version_D2Client = UNKNOW; int version_D2CMP = UNKNOW; int version_D2Common = UNKNOW; //int version_D2DDraw = UNKNOW; //int version_D2Direct3D = UNKNOW; int version_D2Game = UNKNOW; //int version_D2Gdi = UNKNOW; int version_D2gfx = UNKNOW; //int version_D2Glide = UNKNOW; int version_D2Lang = UNKNOW; int version_D2Launch = UNKNOW; //int version_D2MCPClient = UNKNOW; //int version_D2Multi = UNKNOW; int version_D2Net = UNKNOW; //int version_D2sound = UNKNOW; int version_D2Win = UNKNOW; int version_Fog = UNKNOW; //int version_ijl11 = UNKNOW; //int version_SmackW32 = UNKNOW; int version_Storm = UNKNOW; DWORD offset_Game = NULL; //DWORD offset_binkw32 = NULL; //DWORD offset_Bnclient = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Client = NULL; DWORD offset_D2CMP = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Common = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2DDraw = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2Direct3D = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Game = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2Gdi = NULL; DWORD offset_D2gfx = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2Glide = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Lang = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Launch = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2MCPClient = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2Multi = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Net = NULL; //DWORD offset_D2sound = NULL; DWORD offset_D2Win = NULL; DWORD offset_Fog = NULL; //DWORD offset_ijl11 = NULL; //DWORD offset_SmackW32 = NULL; DWORD offset_Storm = NULL; const char* S_Game = "Game.exe"; //const char* S_binkw32 = "binkw32.dll"; //const char* S_Bnclient = "Bnclient.dll"; const char* S_D2Client = "D2Client.dll"; const char* S_D2CMP = "D2CMP.dll"; const char* S_D2Common = "D2Common.dll"; //const char* S_D2DDraw = "D2DDraw.dll"; //const char* S_D2Direct3D = "D2Direct3D.dll"; const char* S_D2Game = "D2Game.dll"; //const char* S_D2Gdi = "D2Gdi.dll"; const char* S_D2gfx = "D2gfx.dll"; //const char* S_D2Glide = "D2Glide.dll"; const char* S_D2Lang = "D2Lang.dll"; const char* S_D2Launch = "D2Launch.dll"; //const char* S_D2MCPClient = "D2MCPClient.dll"; //const char* S_D2Multi = "D2Multi.dll"; const char* S_D2Net = "D2Net.dll"; //const char* S_D2sound = "D2sound.dll"; const char* S_D2Win = "D2Win.dll"; const char* S_Fog = "Fog.dll"; //const char* S_ijl11 = "ijl11.dll"; //const char* S_SmackW32 = "SmackW32.dll"; const char* S_Storm = "Storm.dll"; // Change the protection scheme of a loaded // DLL called libraryName in memory space at address addr+size to allow us to customize it. void hookLibrary(const char* libraryName, DWORD addr) { DWORD dw=0; BYTE* offsetPESignature = addr + *(BYTE**)((BYTE*)addr + 0x3C); DWORD sizeOfCode = *(DWORD*)(offsetPESignature + 0x1C); BYTE* baseOfCode = addr + *(BYTE**)(offsetPESignature + 0x2C); if( !VirtualProtect(baseOfCode, sizeOfCode, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dw) ) { log_msg("Failed to hook library : %s. (%08X,%08X)\n", libraryName ,baseOfCode, sizeOfCode); exit(-1); } log_msg("%s successfully hooked. (%08X,%08X)\n", libraryName ,baseOfCode, sizeOfCode); } void unhookLibrary(const char* libraryName, DWORD addr) { DWORD dw=0; BYTE* offsetPESignature = addr + *(BYTE**)((BYTE*)addr + 0x3C); DWORD sizeOfCode = *(DWORD*)(offsetPESignature + 0x1C); BYTE* baseOfCode = addr + *(BYTE**)(offsetPESignature + 0x2C); if( !VirtualProtect(baseOfCode, sizeOfCode, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &dw) ) log_msg("Failed to unhook library : %s. (%08X,%08X)\n", libraryName ,baseOfCode, sizeOfCode); else log_msg("%s successfully unhooked. (%08X,%08X)\n", libraryName ,baseOfCode, sizeOfCode); } void freeLibrary( DWORD library ) { if (library && library != offset_Game) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)library); } void freeD2Libraries() { if (version_Game >= V114a) return; log_msg("***** Free Libraries *****\n"); // freeLibrary( offset_binkw32 ); // freeLibrary( offset_Bnclient ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Client ); freeLibrary( offset_D2CMP ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Common ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2DDraw ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2Direct3D ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Game ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2Gdi ); freeLibrary( offset_D2gfx ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2Glide ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Lang ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Launch ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2MCPClient ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2Multi ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Net ); // freeLibrary( offset_D2sound ); freeLibrary( offset_D2Win ); freeLibrary( offset_Fog ); // freeLibrary( offset_ijl11 ); // freeLibrary( offset_SmackW32 ); freeLibrary( offset_Storm ); log_msg("\n\n"); } void hookLibraries() { log_msg("***** Unprotect Libraries *****\n"); hookLibrary(S_D2Client, offset_D2Client); // hookLibrary(S_D2CMP, offset_D2CMP); hookLibrary(S_D2Common, offset_D2Common); hookLibrary(S_D2Game, offset_D2Game); hookLibrary(S_D2gfx, offset_D2gfx); hookLibrary(S_D2Lang, offset_D2Lang); hookLibrary(S_D2Launch, offset_D2Launch); // hookLibrary(S_D2Net, offset_D2Net); // hookLibrary(S_D2Win, offset_D2Win); hookLibrary(S_Fog, offset_Fog); hookLibrary(S_Storm, offset_Storm); log_msg("\n\n"); } void unhookLibraries() { log_msg("***** Reprotect Libraries *****\n"); unhookLibrary(S_D2Client, offset_D2Client); // unhookLibrary(S_D2CMP, offset_D2CMP); unhookLibrary(S_D2Common, offset_D2Common); unhookLibrary(S_D2Game, offset_D2Game); unhookLibrary(S_D2gfx, offset_D2gfx); unhookLibrary(S_D2Lang, offset_D2Lang); unhookLibrary(S_D2Launch, offset_D2Launch); // unhookLibrary(S_D2Net, offset_D2Net); // unhookLibrary(S_D2Win, offset_D2Win); unhookLibrary(S_Fog, offset_Fog); unhookLibrary(S_Storm, offset_Storm); log_msg("\n\n"); } void freeCustomLibraries() { if (!customDlls) return; log_msg("***** Free custom libraries *****\n"); TCustomDll* dll=customDlls; TCustomDll* nextDll; while (dll) { dll->release(); freeLibrary(dll->offset); nextDll = dll->nextDll; D2FogMemDeAlloc(dll,__FILE__,__LINE__,0); dll = nextDll; } } void initCustomLibraries() { log_msg("***** Init custom libraries *****\n"); TCustomDll* dll=customDlls; while (dll) { dll->init(); dll = dll->nextDll; } } void loadCustomLibraries() { char* curString = NULL; TCustomDll* nextDll; DWORD offset_currentDll; log_msg("***** Custom libraries *****\n"); if (dllFilenames) curString = strtok(dllFilenames,"|"); if (!curString) log_msg("No custom libraries to load.\n"); else { log_msg("Load custom libraries :\n"); while (curString) { if (curString[0]) { offset_currentDll = (DWORD)LoadLibrary(curString); if (!offset_currentDll) { log_msg("Load library %s failed:\n", curString); exit(0); } nextDll = customDlls; customDlls = new(TCustomDll); customDlls->nextDll = nextDll; customDlls->initialize(offset_currentDll); } curString=strtok(NULL,"|"); } } if(dllFilenames) D2FogMemDeAlloc(dllFilenames,__FILE__,__LINE__,0); log_msg("\n\n"); } void loadLibrary(LPCSTR libName, int* libVersion, DWORD* libOffset, int shift, DWORD v109b, DWORD v109d, DWORD v110, DWORD v111, DWORD v111b, DWORD v112, DWORD v113c) { *libOffset = (DWORD)LoadLibrary(libName); if (*libOffset == NULL) { log_msg("Failed to load library : %s\n", libName); exit(-1); } log_msg("%s loaded at:\t%08X (", libName, *libOffset); DWORD addr = *(DWORD*)(*libOffset + shift); if (version_Game != UNKNOW && (version_Game <= V108 || version_Game >= V113d)) *libVersion = version_Game; else if (addr==v109b) *libVersion = V109b; else if (addr==v109d) *libVersion = V109d; else if (addr==v110) *libVersion = V110; else if (addr==v111) *libVersion = V111; else if (addr==v111b) *libVersion = V111b; else if (addr==v112) *libVersion = V112; else if (addr==v113c) *libVersion = V113c; else { *libVersion = version_Game != UNKNOW ? version_Game : V113d; log_msg("unknow, try with "); } log_msg("%s)\n", GetVersionString(*libVersion)); } #define GET_VERSION(F,S,A,B,C,D,E,G,H) loadLibrary(S_##F, &version_##F, &offset_##F, 0x##S, 0x##A, 0x##B, 0x##C, 0x##D, 0x##E, 0x##G, 0x##H) void initD2modules() { log_msg("***** Get D2 Modules address and version *****\n"); offset_Game = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle(NULL); version_Game = GetD2Version((HMODULE)offset_Game); log_msg("Game.exe loaded at:\t%08X (%s)\n", offset_Game, GetVersionString(version_Game)); if (version_Game >= V114a) { // offset_Bnclient = offset_Game; version_Bnclient = version_Game; offset_D2Client = offset_Game; version_D2Client = version_Game; offset_D2CMP = offset_Game; version_D2CMP = version_Game; offset_D2Common = offset_Game; version_D2Common = version_Game; // offset_D2DDraw = offset_Game; version_D2DDraw = version_Game; // offset_D2Direct3D = offset_Game; version_D2Direct3D = version_Game; offset_D2Game = offset_Game; version_D2Game = version_Game; // offset_D2Gdi = offset_Game; version_D2Gdi = version_Game; offset_D2gfx = offset_Game; version_D2gfx = version_Game; // offset_D2Glide = offset_Game; version_D2Glide = version_Game; offset_D2Lang = offset_Game; version_D2Lang = version_Game; offset_D2Launch = offset_Game; version_D2Launch = version_Game; // offset_D2MCPClient = offset_Game; version_D2MCPClient = version_Game; // offset_D2Multi = offset_Game; version_D2Multi = version_Game; offset_D2Net = offset_Game; version_D2Net = version_Game; // offset_D2sound = offset_Game; version_D2sound = version_Game; offset_D2Win = offset_Game; version_D2Win = version_Game; offset_Fog = offset_Game; version_Fog = version_Game; offset_Storm = offset_Game; version_Storm = version_Game; } else { // GET_VERSION(Bnclient //0x15000 0x6FF00000 Already Loaded - GET_VERSION(D2Client, 17F, 00000000, 14500000, 12500000, 0D814800, 0D812800, 0DA01000, 0DA03000); //0xCC000 0x6FAA0000 0xCA000 GET_VERSION(D2CMP, 1359, 3C686FE0, 38686FE0, 8BF78B56, 4C880424, 07C71824, CCCCCCCC, C7000005); //0x18000 0x6FDF0000 Already Loaded 0x19000 GET_VERSION(D2Common, 10CA, A1E86FDC, B1E86FDC, 72D03B42, F883057E, 16746AC6, 00FE81C3, 74FE85DB); //0x8D000 0x037A0000 0x7C000 // GET_VERSION(D2DDraw 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); // // GET_VERSION(D2Direct3D 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); // // GET_VERSION(D2Game, 1010, D22A78A1, D22910A1, D43FB0A1, 03E8506F, 53E8506F, 89E8506F, 63E8506F); //0xF6000 0x6FC30000 0xCF000 GET_VERSION(D2Game, 1092, 18968BF1, 38968BF1, 28968BF1, F6335608, C690C5B9, 895FD713, 56535700); //0xF6000 0x6FC30000 0xCF000 // GET_VERSION(D2Gdi, 105, B4000000, 0B210E00, E4000000, 48000401, 2F000401, 00000000, B7000401); //0x7000 0x6F830000 Already Loaded - GET_VERSION(D2gfx, 10D, EB000000, 006FA700, 00000010, 2A000401, 19000401, 0B210E00, 00000000); //0xB000 0x6FA70000 Already Loaded - // GET_VERSION(D2Glide 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); // GET_VERSION(D2Lang, 126D, FC45048B, F445048B, 02C18313, C4830000, 00C6E045, 8B48408B, 0C75FF0C); //0x0A000 0x6FC10000 Already Loaded - GET_VERSION(D2Launch, 109A, 81E8526F, 01E8526F, 85E8526F, 247C8B00, 00FC6583, 15FF0424, E850E045); //0x20000 0x6FA10000 Already Loaded 0x1E000 // GET_VERSION(D2MCPClient 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); //0x6000 0x6F9F0000 Already Loaded - // GET_VERSION(D2Multi 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); //0x1000 0x6F9A0000 ? GET_VERSION(D2Net, 16E1, 78B8A73C, 68B8A73C, 10244C8B, 5349E808, 5EA9E808, 105D8B72, 53B9E808); //0x6000 0x6FC00000 Already Loaded - // GET_VERSION(D2sound 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); //0xC000 0x6F980000 Already Loaded 0xD000 GET_VERSION(D2Win, 1699, 88686F8C, 84686F8C, D094686F, F0030000, 001435E8, 8B088F44, 0013F5E8); //0x19000 0x6F8A0000 Already Loaded 0x1C000 GET_VERSION(Fog, 102, D0000006, 10000001, 00000006, 000042E6, 00004302, 0000483C, 00004B95); //0x20000 0x6FF50000 Already Loaded 0x1F000 GET_VERSION(Storm, 1190, 19E85082, 59E85082, 13C103F6, 0474F685, 8B000321, 3B1074C9, 0D896404); //0x30000 0x6FFB0000 Already Loaded - if (version_Game == UNKNOW) version_Game = version_D2gfx; } // GET_VERSION(binkw32 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); // // GET_VERSION(ijl11 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); //0x24000 0x60000000 Already Loaded - // GET_VERSION(SmackW32 000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000); //0xD000 0x03B90000 Already Loaded - log_msg("\n\n"); } //////////////////////////////////// EXPORTS FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////// extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __stdcall Release() { log_msg("\n***** ENDING DIABLO II *****\n\n" ); freeCustomLibraries(); freeD2Libraries(); return true; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void* __stdcall Init(LPSTR IniName) { if (IniName) log_msg("* PlugY is called from D2mod.dll\n\n"); static int isInstalled = false; if (isInstalled) return NULL; isInstalled=true; initD2modules(); if (version_Game < V109 || version_Game > V113d) { log_box("PlugY isn't compatible with this version : %s", GetVersionString(version_Game)); Release(); exit(0); } initD2functions(); loadParameters(); if (!active_plugin) return NULL; loadCustomLibraries(); hookLibraries(); log_msg("***** INSTALL FUNCTIONS *****\n"); Install_VariableOnRealm(); if (active_Commands) Install_Commands(); if (active_ChangeLanguage || active_LanguageManagement) Install_LanguageManagement(); if (active_VersionTextChange) Install_VersionChange(); if (active_PrintPlugYVersion || active_Windowed) Install_PrintPlugYVersion(); if (active_StatsPoints) Install_StatsPoints(); else if (active_DisplayBaseStatsValue) Install_DisplayBaseStatsValue(); if (active_SkillsPoints) Install_SkillsPoints(); if (active_changingSavePath) Install_ChangingSavePath(); if (active_StatsShiftClickLimit) Install_StatsLimitShiftClick(); if (active_RunLODs) Install_RunLODs(); if (active_bigStash) Install_BigStash(); if (active_SkillPerLevelUpChange) Install_SkillPerLevelUp(); if (active_StatPerLevelUpChange) Install_StatPerLevelUp(); if (active_multiPageStash) Install_MultiPageStash(); if (active_othersFeatures) Install_OthersFeatures(); if (active_newInterfaces) Install_NewInterfaces(); if (active_WorldEvent) Install_WorldEvent(); if (active_UberQuest) Install_UberQuest(); if (active_alwaysRegenMapInSP) Install_AlwaysRegenMapInSP(); if (nbPlayersCommandByDefault) Install_SendPlayersCommand(); if (active_DisplayItemLevel) Install_DisplayItemLevel(); if (active_AlwaysDisplayLifeMana) Install_AlwaysDisplayLifeMana(); if (active_EnabledTXTFilesWithMSExcel) Install_EnabledTXTFilesWithMSExcel(); if (active_LadderRunewords) Install_LadderRunewords(); if (active_EnabledCowPortalWhenCowKingWasKill) Install_EnabledCowPortalWhenCowKingWasKill(); log_msg("\nDLL patched sucessfully.\n\n\n"); unhookLibraries(); initCustomLibraries(); loadLocalizedStrings(D2GetLang()); log_msg("***** ENTERING DIABLO II *****\n\n" ); active_logFile = active_logFile - 1; return NULL; } /*================================= END OF FILE =================================*/