library PlugYLocal; //Created by L'Autour { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } uses KOL; //library from //SysUtils, //Classes; {$R *.res} type TLocalStr = record name: AnsiString; value: WideString; end; TStrType = record k: AnsiString; s: WideString; case Byte of 0: (dw: Cardinal); 1: (c: array[0..3] of AnsiChar); end; const NamePlugyLocal = 'Plugy\PlugYLocal.ini'; MaxStr = 52; MaxLng = 11; MaxType = 97; MaxIdxType = 41; sLng: array[0..MaxLng] of AnsiString = ('ENG','ESP','DEU','FRA','POR','ITA','JPN','KOR','SIN','CHI','POL','RUS'); var Gender: WideString = ''; StrTypes: array[0..MaxType + 1] of TStrType = ( (k: ''; s: 'Shield (Not Class Specific)'; c: ('s','h','i','e')), (k: ''; s: 'Body Armor'; c: ('t','o','r','s')), (k: 'Gold'; s: 'Gold'; c: ('g','o','l','d')), (k: 'aqv'; s: 'Arrows'; c: ('b','o','w','q')), (k: 'cqv'; s: 'Bolts'; c: ('x','b','o','q')), (k: 'ear'; s: 'Ear'; c: ('p','l','a','y')), (k: 'hrb'; s: 'Herb'; c: ('h','e','r','b')), (k: ''; s: 'Potion'; c: ('p','o','t','i')), (k: 'rin'; s: 'Ring'; c: ('r','i','n','g')), (k: 'elx'; s: 'Elixir'; c: ('e','l','i','x')), (k: 'amu'; s: 'Amulet'; c: ('a','m','u','l')), (k: ''; s: 'Charm'; c: ('c','h','a','r')), (k: 'lbt'; s: 'Boots'; c: ('b','o','o','t')), (k: ''; s: 'Gloves'; c: ('g','l','o','v')), (k: ''; s: 'Book'; c: ('b','o','o','k')), (k: 'mbl'; s: 'Belt'; c: ('b','e','l','t')), (k: ''; s: 'Gem'; c: ('g','e','m',' ')), (k: 'tch'; s: 'Torch'; c: ('t','o','r','c')), (k: ''; s: 'Scroll'; c: ('s','c','r','o')), (k: 'scp'; s: 'Scepter'; c: ('s','c','e','p')), (k: 'wnd'; s: 'Wand'; c: ('w','a','n','d')), (k: ''; s: 'Staff'; c: ('s','t','a','f')), (k: ''; s: 'Bow'; c: ('b','o','w',' ')), (k: 'axe'; s: 'Axe'; c: ('a','x','e',' ')), (k: 'clb'; s: 'Club'; c: ('c','l','u','b')), (k: ''; s: 'Sword'; c: ('s','w','o','r')), (k: ''; s: 'Hammer'; c: ('h','a','m','m')), (k: ''; s: 'Knife'; c: ('k','n','i','f')), (k: 'spr'; s: 'Spear'; c: ('s','p','e','a')), (k: ''; s: 'Polearm'; c: ('p','o','l','e')), (k: 'mxb'; s: 'Crossbow'; c: ('x','b','o','w')), (k: 'mac'; s: 'Mace'; c: ('m','a','c','e')), (k: 'hlm'; s: 'Helm'; c: ('h','e','l','m')), (k: ''; s: 'Missile Potion'; c: ('t','p','o','t')), (k: ''; s: 'Quest Item'; c: ('q','u','e','s')), (k: ''; s: 'Body Part'; c: ('b','o','d','y')), (k: 'key'; s: 'Key'; c: ('k','e','y',' ')), (k: 'tkf'; s: 'Throwing Knife'; c: ('t','k','n','i')), (k: 'tax'; s: 'Throwing Axe'; c: ('t','a','x','e')), (k: 'jav'; s: 'Javelin'; c: ('j','a','v','e')), (k: ''; s: 'Weapon'; c: ('w','e','a','p')), (k: ''; s: 'Melee Weapon'; c: ('m','e','l','e')), (k: ''; s: 'Missile Weapon'; c: ('m','i','s','s')), (k: ''; s: 'Throwing Weapon'; c: ('t','h','r','o')), (k: ''; s: 'Combo Weapon'; c: ('c','o','m','b')), (k: ''; s: 'Armor'; c: ('a','r','m','o')), (k: ''; s: 'Any Shield'; c: ('s','h','l','d')), (k: ''; s: 'Miscellaneous'; c: ('m','i','s','c')), (k: ''; s: 'Socket Filler'; c: ('s','o','c','k')), (k: ''; s: 'Second Hand Item'; c: ('s','e','c','o')), (k: ''; s: 'Staves And Rods'; c: ('r','o','d',' ')), (k: ''; s: 'Missile'; c: ('m','i','s','l')), (k: ''; s: 'Blunt'; c: ('b','l','u','n')), (k: 'jew'; s: 'Jewel'; c: ('j','e','w','l')), (k: ''; s: 'Class Specific'; c: ('c','l','a','s')), (k: ''; s: 'Amazon Item'; c: ('a','m','a','z')), (k: ''; s: 'Barbarian Item'; c: ('b','a','r','b')), (k: ''; s: 'Necromancer Item'; c: ('n','e','c','r')), (k: ''; s: 'Paladin Item'; c: ('p','a','l','a')), (k: ''; s: 'Sorceress Item'; c: ('s','o','r','c')), (k: ''; s: 'Assassin Item'; c: ('a','s','s','n')), (k: ''; s: 'Druid Item'; c: ('d','r','u','i')), (k: ''; s: 'Claw'; c: ('h','2','h',' ')), (k: ''; s: 'Assassin Claw'; c: ('h','2','h','2')), (k: ''; s: 'Orb'; c: ('o','r','b',' ')), (k: ''; s: 'Voodoo Heads'; c: ('h','e','a','d')), (k: ''; s: 'Paladin Shield'; c: ('a','s','h','d')), (k: ''; s: 'Barbarian Helm'; c: ('p','h','l','m')), (k: ''; s: 'Druid Helm'; c: ('p','e','l','t')), (k: 'cloak'; s: 'Cloak'; c: ('c','l','o','a')), (k: ''; s: 'Rune'; c: ('r','u','n','e')), (k: 'circlet'; s: 'Circlet'; c: ('c','i','r','c')), (k: 'hp3'; s: 'Healing Potion'; c: ('h','p','o','t')), (k: 'mp3'; s: 'Mana Potion'; c: ('m','p','o','t')), (k: 'rvs'; s: 'Rejuvenation potion'; c: ('r','p','o','t')), (k: 'vps'; s: 'Stamina Potion'; c: ('s','p','o','t')), (k: 'yps'; s: 'Antidote Potion'; c: ('a','p','o','t')), (k: 'wms'; s: 'Thawing Potion'; c: ('w','p','o','t')), (k: 'cm1'; s: 'Small Charm'; c: ('s','c','h','a')), (k: 'cm2'; s: 'Large Charm'; c: ('m','c','h','a')), (k: 'cm3'; s: 'Grand Charm'; c: ('l','c','h','a')), (k: ''; s: 'Amazon Bow'; c: ('a','b','o','w')), (k: ''; s: 'Amazon Spear'; c: ('a','s','p','e')), (k: ''; s: 'Amazon Javelin'; c: ('a','j','a','v')), (k: ''; s: 'Magic Arrows'; c: ('m','b','o','q')), (k: ''; s: 'Magic Bolts'; c: ('m','x','b','q')), (k: ''; s: 'Chipped Gem'; c: ('g','e','m','0')), (k: ''; s: 'Flawed Gem'; c: ('g','e','m','1')), (k: ''; s: 'Normal Gem'; c: ('g','e','m','2')), (k: ''; s: 'Flawless Gem'; c: ('g','e','m','3')), (k: ''; s: 'Perfect Gem'; c: ('g','e','m','4')), (k: 'gsv'; s: 'Amethyst'; c: ('g','e','m','a')), (k: 'gsw'; s: 'Diamond'; c: ('g','e','m','d')), (k: 'gsg'; s: 'Emerald'; c: ('g','e','m','e')), (k: 'gsr'; s: 'Ruby'; c: ('g','e','m','r')), (k: 'gsb'; s: 'Sapphire'; c: ('g','e','m','s')), (k: 'gsy'; s: 'Topaz'; c: ('g','e','m','t')), (k: 'sku'; s: 'Skull'; c: ('g','e','m','z')), (k: ''; s: '???'; dw: 0)); LocalStrings: array[0..MaxStr + 1] of TLocalStr = ( (name: 'STR_STATS_UNASSIGN_WITH_LIMIT'; value: '+Alt: Unassign, +Shift: by %d points'), (name: 'STR_STATS_UNASSIGN_WITHOUT_LIMIT'; value: '+Alt: Unassign, +Shift: all remaining points'), (name: 'STR_STATS_BASE_MIN'; value: 'Base: %d (Min: %d)'), (name: 'STR_SKILLS_UNASSIGN'; value: 'Un-allocate all skills points'), (name: 'STR_STASH_PREVIOUS_PAGE'; value: 'Previous Page (+shift: First Page)'), (name: 'STR_STASH_NEXT_PAGE'; value: 'Next Page (+shift: Last not empty Page'), (name: 'STR_TOGGLE_TO_PERSONAL'; value: 'Toggle to Personal Stash'), (name: 'STR_TOGGLE_TO_SHARED'; value: 'Toggle to Shared Stash'), (name: 'STR_STASH_PREVIOUS_INDEX'; value: 'Previous Index : by %d Pages (+Shift: %d)'), (name: 'STR_STASH_NEXT_INDEX'; value: 'Next Index : by %d Pages (+shift: %d)'), (name: 'STR_PERSONAL_PAGE_NUMBER'; value: 'Personal Page n°%u'), (name: 'STR_SHARED_PAGE_NUMBER'; value: 'Shared Page n°%u'), (name: 'STR_NO_SELECTED_PAGE'; value: 'No selected page'), (name: 'STR_PUT_GOLD'; value: 'Put Gold'), (name: 'STR_TAKE_GOLD'; value: 'Take Gold'), (name: 'STR_SHARED_GOLD_QUANTITY'; value: 'Shared Gold : %u'), (name: 'STR_PREVIOUS_PAGE'; value: 'Previous Page'), (name: 'STR_NEXT_PAGE'; value: 'Next Page'), (name: 'STR_ITEM_LEVEL'; value: 'Item Level: %u'), (name: 'STR_COW_PORTAL'; value: 'Cow Portal'), (name: 'STR_PANDEMONIUM_PORTAL'; value: 'Pandemonium Portal'), (name: 'STR_PANDEMONIUM_FINAL_PORTAL'; value: 'Pandemonium Final Portal'), (name: 'STR_FULL'; value: 'Fully '), (name: 'STR_REPAIR'; value: 'Repair '), (name: 'STR_AND'; value: 'and '), (name: 'STR_RECHARGE'; value: 'Recharge '), (name: 'STR_DESTROY_FILLERS'; value: 'Destroys Fillers '), (name: 'STR_REMOVE_FILLERS'; value: 'Remove Fillers '), (name: 'STR_REGENERATE'; value: 'Regenerate '), (name: 'STR_WITH_N_SOCKETS'; value: ' with %u Sockets'), (name: 'STR_ETHERAL'; value: 'Ethereal '), (name: 'STR_NOT_ETHERAL'; value: 'Not Ethereal '), (name: 'STR_NOT_RUNEWORD'; value: 'Not Runeword '), (name: 'STR_BASIC'; value: 'Basic '), (name: 'STR_EXCEPTIONAL'; value: 'Exceptional '), (name: 'STR_ELITE'; value: 'Elite '), (name: 'STR_CRACKED'; value: 'Cracked '), (name: 'STR_NORMAL'; value: 'Normal '), (name: 'STR_SUPERIOR'; value: 'Superior '), (name: 'STR_MAGIC'; value: 'Magic '), (name: 'STR_SET'; value: 'Set '), (name: 'STR_RARE'; value: 'Rare '), (name: 'STR_UNIQUE'; value: 'Unique '), (name: 'STR_CRAFTED'; value: 'Crafted '), (name: 'STR_TEMPERED'; value: 'Tempered '), (name: 'STR_ITEM'; value: 'Item'), (name: 'STR_ITEM_SAME_TYPE'; value: 'Item of the same type'), (name: 'STR_OR_UPGRADED'; value: ' (or upgraded)'), (name: 'STR_WITHOUT_SOCKET'; value: ' without Sockets'), (name: 'STR_WITH_SOCKET'; value: ' with Sockets'), (name: 'STR_ONLY_N_H'; value: ' (Nightmare and Hell only)'), (name: 'STR_ONLY_HELL'; value: ' (Hell only)'), (name: 'STR_ONLY_CLASS'; value: ' (%s only)'), (name: ''; value: '') ); IniName: AnsiString; //MS C++__fastcall(ecx,edx) vs Delphi register(eax,edx,ecx) - :( function InitTranslatedString(_EAX: Integer;_EDX: Integer; iLng: Integer): Boolean; register; var IniFile: PIniFile; CurLng: AnsiString; S: UTF8String; i: Integer; begin Result := False; if not FileExists(IniName) then Exit; if (iLng < 0)or(iLng > MaxLng) then iLng := 0; CurLng := sLng[iLng]; IniFile := OpenIniFile(IniName); IniFile.Mode := ifmRead; for i := 0 to MaxStr do begin IniFile.Section := LocalStrings[i].name; S := IniFile.ValueString(CurLng, ''); if S <> '' then LocalStrings[i].value := UTF8Decode(S); end; for i := 0 to MaxType do begin IniFile.Section := StrTypes[i].c; S := IniFile.ValueString(CurLng, ''); if S <> '' then begin StrTypes[i].s := UTF8Decode(S); StrTypes[i].k := ''; end; end; Result := True; end; //MS C++__fastcall(ecx,edx) vs Delphi register(eax,edx,ecx) - :( function GetTranslatedString(_EAX: Integer;_EDX: Integer; Idx: Integer): PWideChar; register; begin if (Idx < 0)or(Idx > MaxStr) then Idx := MaxStr + 1; Result := @LocalStrings[Idx].Value[1]; end; //MS C++__fastcall(ecx,edx) vs Delphi register(eax,edx,ecx) - :( function GetTypeString(_EAX: Integer;out IdxStr: PAnsiChar; Code: Cardinal): PWideChar; register; var i: Integer; begin i := 0; while i <= MaxType do begin if Code = StrTypes[i].dw then Break; Inc(i); end; if StrTypes[i].k = '' then IdxStr := nil else IdxStr := PAnsiChar(StrTypes[i].k); Result := PWideChar(StrTypes[i].s); end; function WSprintStringLastGender(buf: PWideChar; lenbuf: Integer; Idx: Integer): Integer; stdcall; var i, p, L: Integer; S: WideString; begin S := GetTranslatedString(0,0,Idx); if Gender <> '' then begin p := Pos(Gender, S); if p <> 0 then begin L := Length(S); p := p + Length(Gender); for i := p to L do if S[i] = '[' then Break; S := Copy(S, p, i - p); end; end; Result := Min(lenbuf - 1, Length(S)); for i := 1 to Result do buf[i-1] := S[i]; buf[Result + 1] := #$0000; end; //MS C++__fastcall(ecx,edx) vs Delphi register(eax,edx,ecx) - :( function SetMonoString(_EAX: Integer;_EDX: Integer; InStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; register; var StrList: PWStrList; i: Integer; S: WideString; begin Result := InStr; if Result = nil then Exit; StrList := NewWStrList; StrList.Text := InStr; i := Strlist.Count - 1; if i = 0 then Exit; S := StrList.Items[i]; while i > 0 do begin Dec(i); S := S + '. ' + StrList.Items[i]; end; Move(S[1], InStr[0], Length(S) shl 1); end; //MS C++__fastcall(ecx,edx) vs Delphi register(eax,edx,ecx) - :( function CutStringGender(_EAX: Integer;_EDX: Integer; InStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; register; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := InStr; Gender := ''; if (InStr = nil)or(InStr[0] <> '[') then Exit; i := 1; while (InStr[i] <> #$0000) do begin if InStr[i] = ']' then begin if (i < 2)or(InStr[i+1] = #$0000) then Exit; SetLength(Gender, i + 1); for j := 0 to i do Gender[j+1] := InStr[j]; Result := @InStr[i+1]; Exit; end; Inc(i); end; end; { const NcColor = 14; LenCode = 9; type TTextColor = array[0..LenCode - 1] of AnsiChar; const cColor: array[0..NcColor - 1] of TTextColor = ( ('\','w','h','i','t','e',';',#00,#00), ('\','g','r','e','y',';',#00,#00,#00), ('\','r','e','d',';',#00,#00,#00,#00), ('\','g','r','e','e','n',';',#00,#00), ('\','b','l','u','e',';',#00,#00,#00), ('\','g','o','l','d',';',#00,#00,#00), ('\','d','g','r','e','y',';',#00,#00), ('\','b','l','a','c','k',';',#00,#00), ('\','t','a','n',';',#00,#00,#00,#00), ('\','o','r','a','n','g','e',';',#00), ('\','y','e','l','l','o','w',';',#00), ('\','d','g','r','e','e','n',';',#00), ('\','p','u','r','p','l','e',';',#00), ('\','c','o','l','o','r',';',#00,#00)); //lengths of strings in cColor table, without '\' cColLength: array[0..NcColor-1] of Byte = (6,5,4,6,5,5,6,6,4,7,7,7,7,6); pColor: PAnsiChar = @cColor[NcColor-1][1]; var SaveToTbl: Byte = 0; //ANSI convert ColorApi to ColorCode //optional UCS2 convert '\n' to $0A function ColorApi2ColorCode(Src: PAnsiChar; Dst: PAnsiChar; SourceChars: Integer): Integer; //EAX: Src //EDX: Dst //ECX: Length Src //Result: OutLength -> EAX asm //backup PUSHF CLD //èíêðåìåíò äëÿ ñòðîêîâûõ êîìàíä PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH EBX PUSH EBP PUSH EDX //ñîõðàíÿåì íà÷àëüíûé àäðåñ ïðèåìíèêà MOV EDI, Dst TEST Src, Src //ïðîâåðêà íà ïóñòóþ ñòðîêó JZ @Exit MOV ESI, Src // â ECX õðàíèòñÿ êîëè÷åñòâî îñòàâøèõñÿ ñèìâîëîâ èç Src @NextChar: //çàãðóçêà î÷åðåäíîãî ñèìâîëà â EAX XOR EAX, EAX LODSB //MOV AL, [ESI]+ //ïðîâåðêà íà íóëåâîé ñèìâîë (êîíåö ñòðîêè) TEST AL, AL JZ @Exit //ïðîâåðêà íà ñèìâîë '\' CMP AL, '\' JE @Slash @CopyChar: //normal chars STOSB //MOV [EDI]+, AL //óìåíüøåíèå ñ÷åò÷èêà íåîáðàáîòàííûõ áàéòîâ è ïåðåä â íà÷àëî öèêëà @Loop: LOOP @NextChar @Exit: MOV BYTE PTR [EDI], $00 //íóëåâîé ñèìâîë â êîíöå âûõîäíîé ñòðîêè POP EAX //âîññòàíàâëèâàåì íà÷àëüíûé àäðåñ ïðèåìíèêà XCHG EAX, EDI //get length of Dst SUB EAX, EDI //restore POP EBP POP EBX POP EDI POP ESI POPF RET @Slash: //ïðîâåðêà íà íàëè÷èå ñëåäóþùåãî ñèìâîëà CMP ECX, 1 JB @CopyChar // if ECX < 1 //çàãðóçêà ñëåäóþùåãî ñèìâîëà LODSB //MOV AL, [ESI]+ //ïðîâåðêà ñèìâîëà íà êîä ïåðåâîäà ñòðîêè CMP AL, 'n' JNZ @TestColor //ïîïðàâêà ECX DEC ECX //test Save2Tbl CMP SaveToTbl, 0 JNZ @UnixReturn //save '\n' MOV AL, '\' STOSB //MOV [EDI]+, AL MOV AL, 'n' JMP @CopyChar @UnixReturn: //save UnixNewLine MOV AL, $0A JMP @CopyChar //ïðîâåðêà íà ñòðîêè óñòàíîâêè öâåòà øðèôòà: @TestColor: //ïðîâåðêà íà èñïîëüçîâàíèå ìàêðî îïðåäåëåíèé öâåòà øðèôòà //CMP MacroColorView, $00 //JE @StoreSlash //backup PUSH ECX PUSH EDI //âîññòàíîâëåíèå ESI DEC ESI //ñîõðàíåíèå èñòî÷íêà MOV EBX, ESI //çàãðóçêà êîëè÷åñòâà ñðàâíèâàåìûõ ñòðîê MOV EAX, NcColor //çàãðóçêà àäðåñà ïîñëåäíåé ñòðîêè èç ìàññèâà ñòðîê //óñòàíîâêè öâåòà øðèôòà (áåç '') MOV EBP, pColor //çàãðóçêà àäðåñà ìàññèâà äëèí ñòðîê áåç '\' è //(-1, ò.ê. áóäåò ïðèáàâëÿòñÿ EAX) LEA EDX, [cColLength - 1] @CmpStr: //çàãðóçêà àäðåñà ñòðîêè ïðèåìíèêà MOV EDI, EBP //çàãðóçêà ñ÷åò÷èêà ñèìâîëîâ ñòðîêè MOVZX ECX, BYTE PTR [EDX + EAX] //ñðàâíåíèå ñòðîê //(ïðåðûâàíèå, åñëè íå ðàâíû, ò.å. äëèíó Src ìîæíî íå ïðîâåðÿòü) REPE CMPSB //ïðîâåðêà ðåçóëüòàòà ñðàâíåíèÿ ñòðîê JZ @ColorCode //âîññòàíîâëåíèå àäðåñà ñòðîêè èñòî÷íèêà MOV ESI, EBX //ñäâèã àäðåñà ñòðîêè ïðèåìíèêà íà ñëåäóþùóþ ñòðîêó SUB EBP, LenCode //äåêðåìåíò ñ÷åò÷èêà ñòðîê DEC EAX //ïðîâåðêà íà ïîâòîð öèêëà ñðàâíåíèÿ ñòðîê JA @CmpStr //if EAX > 0 //ñèìâîë '\' áûë ïðîñòî ñèìâîëîì //restore POP EDI POP ECX @StoreSlash: //çàïèñü êîäà ñèìâîëà '\' MOV AL, '\' JMP @CopyChar //çàïèñü êîäà ñìåíû èçâåñòíîãî öâåòà øðèôòà //â AL íîìåð ñòðîêè èç cColor @ColorCode: //restore POP EDI //äîáàâêà êîäà öâåòà ê ColorCode MOVZX EDX, BYTE PTR [EDX + EAX]//çàãðóçêà ñ÷åò÷èêà ñèìâîëîâ ñòðîêè ADD AL, $2E //1..14 + $2E = $2F..$3C //backup EAX MOV ECX, EAX //save ColorCode MOV AX, $63FF STOSW //MOVD [EDI]+, AX //restore EAX MOV EAX, ECX //test \color; CMP AL, $3C JE @FullColorCode //add number to ColorCode STOSB //MOVD [EDI]+, AL @FullColorCode: //restore ECX POP ECX SUB ECX, EDX //êîððåêöèÿ ECX íà äëèíó ñòðîêè JZ @Exit //êîíåö ñòðîêè èñòî÷íèêà //ESI ïîñëå ñðàâíåíèÿ óæå óêàçûâàåò íà ñëåäóþùèé ñèìâîë JMP @NextChar //ECX >= 1 end; //MS C++__fastcall(ecx,edx) vs Delphi register(eax,edx,ecx) - :( procedure ReplaceColorCode(_EAX: Integer;_EDX: Integer; Str: PAnsiChar); register; var i, L, n: Integer; begin L := Length(Str); n := ColorApi2ColorCode(Str, Str, L); Dec(L); for i := n to L do begin //Str[i] := ' '; end; //MsgOK(Str); end; } //Decode string from UCS2 to UTF8 //WideCharToMultiByte not support CP_UTF8 in Windows 95 function UCS2ToUTF8(Dest: PAnsiChar; MaxDestBytes: Integer; Source: PWideChar; SourceChars: Integer): Integer; //EAX: @Dest //EDX: MaxDestBytes //ECX: @Source //(ESP): SourceChars; //Result: DestChars of @Dest -> EAX asm //backup PUSHF CLD //set (ESI)+ PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH Dest //backup @Dst MOV EDI, Dest TEST Source, Source //test NULL string JZ @Exit MOV ESI, Source MOV ECX, SourceChars @NextChar: //test length of Dst DEC EDX JLE @Exit //get next char to EAX XOR EAX, EAX LODSW //MOV AX, [ESI]+ //test NULL char (end of string) TEST EAX, EAX JZ @Exit //decode UCS2 to UTF8 @Ucs2ToUtf8: //test UCS2-char in $0000..$007F CMP AX, $007F JA @11xxxxxx //if AX > $7F //UTF8-char: 0xxxxxxx //AH = 00000000; AL = 0xxxxxxx @0xxxxxxx: //save UTF8-char STOSB //MOVB [EDI]+, AL //end Loop @Loop: LOOP @NextChar JMP @Exit @11xxxxxx: //test length of Dst DEC EDX JLE @Exit //test UCS2-char in $0080..$07FF CMP AX, $07FF JA @1110xxxx //if AX > $07FF //UTF8-char: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx //AH = 00000xxx; AL = xxxxxxxx //get first byte UTF8-char to AL ROR AX, 6 //AH = xxxxxx00; AL = 000xxxxx //get second byte UTF8-char to AH SHR AH, 2 //AH = 00xxxxxx OR AX, $80C0 //AH = 10xxxxxx; AL = 110xxxxx //save UTF8-char STOSW //MOVW [EDI]+, AX JMP @Loop //UTF8-char: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx @1110xxxx: //test length of Dst DEC EDX JLE @Exit //save lobyte of UCS2-char MOV BL, AL //AH = xxxxxxxx; AL = xxxxxxxx //get first byte UTF8-char UTF8 to AL ROL AX, 4 //AL = ????xxxx; AH = xxxxxx?? AND AL, $0F //AL = 0000xxxx //get second byte UTF8-char to AH SHR AH, 2 //AH = 00xxxxxx OR AX, $80E0 //AH = 10xxxxxx; AL = 1110xxxx //save first bytes UTF8-char STOSW //MOVW [EDI]+, AX //get second byte UTF8-char to AL XCHG EAX, EBX //??xxxxxx AND AL, $3F //00xxxxxx OR AL, $80 //10xxxxxx //save third byte UTF8-char JMP @0xxxxxxx @Exit: MOV BYTE PTR [EDI], $00 //set end-char of Dst POP EAX //restore @Dst XCHG EAX, EDI //get length of Dst to Result SUB EAX, EDI //restore POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX POPF end; function _UCS2ToUTF8(Dest: PAnsiChar; MaxDestBytes: Integer; Source: PWideChar; SourceChars: Integer): Integer; stdcall; begin Result := UCS2ToUTF8(Dest, MaxDestBytes, Source, SourceChars); end; //Decode string from UTF8 to UCS2 function UTF8ToUCS2(Dest: PWideChar; MaxDestBytes: Integer; Source: PAnsiChar; SourceChars: Integer): Integer; //EAX: @Dest //EDX: MaxDestBytes //ECX: @Source //(ESP): SourceChars; //Result: DestChars of @Dest -> EAX //if errors then //Result: -(DestChars of @Dest) -> EAX asm //backup PUSHF CLD //set (ESI)+ PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH Dest //backup @Dst MOV EDI, Dest TEST Source, Source //test NULL string JZ @Exit MOV ESI, Source MOV ECX, SourceChars @NextChar: //test length of Dst SUB EDX, 2 JLE @Exit //get next char to EAX XOR EAX, EAX LODSB //MOV AL, [ESI]+ //test NULL char (end of string) TEST AL, AL JZ @Exit //decode UTF8 to UCS2 @Utf8ToUcs2: //test first byte UTF8 = 0xxxxxxx TEST AL, $80 JNZ @1xxxxxxx //UTF8: 0xxxxxxx (AH = 0) @SaveU16: STOSW //MOVW [EDI]+, EAX @Loop: LOOP @NextChar JMP @Exit @1xxxxxxx: //test first byte UTF8 = 10xxxxxx TEST AL, $40 //01000000 JZ @Exit //Error UTF8: 10xxxxxx //test first byte UTF8 = 1111xxxx CMP AL, $F0 //11110000 JAE @Exit //Error UTF8 to UCS2: 1111xxxx ( if AL >= $F0) //test exist second byte UTF8 JECXZ @Exit // DEC ECX; if ECX = 0 //backup first byte UTF8 MOV AH, AL //11xxxxxx //load second byte UTF8 LODSB //MOV AL, [ESI]+ //test second byte UTF8 = 10xxxxxx TEST AL, $40 //01000000 JNE @Exit //Error UTF8: 10xxxxxx //test second byte UTF8 = 110xxxxx TEST AH, $20 //00100000 JNZ @1110xxxx //third byte UTF8 //UTF8: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx //backup first byte UTF8 MOV BL, AH //110xxxxx //get high byte UCS2 SHR AH, 2 //00110xxx AND AX, $073F //AH: 00000xxx; AL: 00xxxxxx //get low byte USC2 SHL BL, 6 //xx000000 OR AL, BL //xxxxxxxx //AX: 00000xxx:xxxxxxxx JMP @SaveU16 @1110xxxx: //test exist third byte UTF8 JeCXZ @Exit // DEC ECX; if ECX = 0 //backup second byte UTF8 MOV BL, AL //10xxxxxx //load third byte UTF8 LODSB //MOV AL, [ESI]+ //test third byte UTF8 = 10xxxxxx CMP AL, $C0 //11000000 JAE @Exit //Error UTF8: 11xxxxxx ( if AL >= $C0) //UTF8: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx //get bytes UCS2 íà: xx00000:0000xxxx AND BX, $003F //DX := 00000000:00xxxxxx ROR BX, 2 //BL := 0000xxxx; BH := xx000000 //get low byte UTF8 AND AL, $3F //00xxxxxx OR AL, BH //xxxxxxxx //get high byte UCS2 SHL AH, 4 //xxxx0000 OR AH, BL //xxxxxxxx JMP @SaveU16 @Exit: XOR EAX, EAX MOV [EDI],AX //set end-char of Dst POP EAX //restore @Dst XCHG EAX, EDI //get length of Dst to Result SUB EAX, EDI SHR EAX, 1 //restore POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX POPF end ; //asm function _UTF8ToUCS2(Dest: PWideChar; MaxDestBytes: Integer; Source: PAnsiChar; SourceChars: Integer): Integer; stdcall; begin Result := UTF8ToUCS2(Dest, MaxDestBytes, Source, SourceChars); end; exports _UCS2ToUTF8 name '__stdcall UCS2toUTF8', _UTF8ToUCS2 name '__stdcall UTF8toUCS2', //ReplaceColorCode name 'replaceColorCode', SetMonoString name '__fastcall setMonoString', WSprintStringLastGender name '__stdcall wSprintStringLastGender', CutStringGender name '__fastcall cutStringGender', GetTypeString name '__fastcall getTypeString', GetTranslatedString name '__fastcall getTranslatedString', InitTranslatedString name '__fastcall initTranslatedString'; var i, j: Integer; S: UTF8String; b: Boolean; begin IniName := GetStartDir + NamePlugyLocal; if FileExists(IniName) then Exit; S := #$EF#$BB#$BF';UTF8'; for i := 0 to MaxStr do begin S := S + #$0D#$0A'[' + LocalStrings[i].name + ']'#$0D#$0A + sLng[0] + '="' + LocalStrings[i].value + '"'#$0D#$0A; for j := 1 to MaxLng do S := S + sLng[j] + '='#$0D#$0A; end; for i := 0 to MaxType do begin S := S + #$0D#$0A; b := (StrTypes[i].k <> ''); if b then S := S + ';'; S := S + '[' + StrTypes[i].c + ']'#$0D#$0A; if b then S := S + ';'; S := S + sLng[0] + '="' + StrTypes[i].s + '"'#$0D#$0A; if not b then begin for j := 1 to MaxLng do S := S + sLng[j] + '='#$0D#$0A; end; end; StrSaveToFile(IniName, S); end.