2024-04-16 21:45:38 -06:00

4358 lines
119 KiB

#pragma once
#ifndef _D2STRUCTS_H
#define _D2STRUCTS_H
#include "D2TemplateDataTables.h"
#include "D2TemplatePacketDef.h"
//struct D2ShrinesTXT
// BYTE Code; //+00
// BYTE NotUsed1[3]; //+01
// DWORD Arg1; //+04
// DWORD Arg2; //+08
// DWORD DurInFrames; //+0C
// BYTE ResetTimeInMinutes; //+10
// BYTE Rarity; //+11
// char ViewName[0x1F]; //+12
// char NiftyPhrase[0x7F]; //+32
// BYTE EffectClass; //+B2
// BYTE NotUsed2; //+B3
// DWORD LevelMin; //+B4
// };*/
//enum D2CubeItemFlag
// CUBE_TYPE = 0xFD,
//struct CubeOutput//size: 0x54=84 (source total : fct of dll)
// union {
// WORD flag; //+00
// struct {
// WORD keepModifiers : 1; //",mod"
// WORD haveSockets : 1; //",sock=#nbsocket"
// WORD isEthereal : 1; //",eth"
// WORD isSpecificItem : 1; //"#itemUniqueName" or "#itemSetName" (set byItemID too)
// WORD destroysFillers : 1; //",uns"
// WORD removeFillers : 1; //",rem"
// WORD regeneratesUnique : 1; //",reg"
// WORD upgradeToExceptional : 1; //",exc"
// WORD upgradeToElite : 1; //",eli"
// WORD repair : 1; //",rep"
// WORD recharge : 1; //",rch"
// };
// };
// WORD ID; //+02
// WORD specificID; //+04
// BYTE quality; //+06 1=",low"; 2=",nor"; 3=",hiq"; 4=",mag"; 5=",set"; 6=",rar"; 7=",uni"; 8=",crf"; 9=",tmp"
// BYTE quantityOrNbSockets;//+07 ",qty=#quantity" Or ",sock=#nbsocket"
// BYTE outputType; //+08 02="Pand. Portal" 01="Cow Portal" FF="usetype"; FE="useitem" FC="#item4Code" FD="#type4Code"
// BYTE lvl; //+09 //+55
// BYTE plvl; //+0A //+56
// BYTE ilvl; //+0B //+57
// WORD Prefix; //+0C
// WORD PrefixMin; //+0E (always 0)
// WORD PrefixMax; //+10 (always 0)
// WORD Suffix; //+12
// WORD SuffixMin; //+14 (always 0)
// WORD SuffixMax; //+16 (always 0)
// DWORD mod1; //+18 //+64(13)
// WORD mod1param; //+1C //+68
// WORD mod1min; //+1E //+6A
// WORD mod1max; //+20 //+6C
// BYTE mod1chance; //+22 //+6E
// DWORD mod2; //+24 //+70
// WORD mod2param; //+28 //+74
// WORD mod2min; //+2A //+76
// WORD mod2max; //+2C //+78
// BYTE mod2chance; //+2E //+7A
// DWORD mod3; //+30 //+7C
// WORD mod3param; //+34 //+80
// WORD mod3min; //+36 //+82
// WORD mod3max; //+38 //+84
// BYTE mod3chance; //+3A //+86
// DWORD mod4; //+3C //+88
// WORD mod41param; //+40 //+8C
// WORD mod4min; //+42 //+8E
// WORD mod4max; //+44 //+90
// BYTE mod4chance; //+46 //+92
// DWORD mod5; //+48 //+94
// WORD mod5param; //+4C //+98
// WORD mod5min; //+4E //+9A
// WORD mod5max; //+50 //+9C
// BYTE mod5chance; //+52 //+9E
//struct CubeInput//size: 8 (source total : fct of dll)
// union {
// WORD flag; //+00
// struct {
// WORD byItemID : 1; //"#item4Code" or "any"
// WORD byItemTypeID : 1; //"#itemType4Code"
// WORD haveNoSocket : 1; //",nos"
// WORD haveSockets : 1; //",sock"
// WORD isEthereal : 1; //",eth"
// WORD isNotEthereal : 1; //",noe"
// WORD isSpecificItem : 1; //"#itemUniqueName" or "#itemSetName" (set byItemID too)
// WORD includeUpgradedVersions : 1; //",upg"
// WORD isBasic : 1; //",bas"
// WORD isExceptional : 1; //",exc"
// WORD isElite : 1; //",eli"
// WORD isNotRuneword : 1; //",nru"
// };
// };
// WORD ID; //+02 FFFF = any items
// WORD specificID; //+04
// BYTE quality; //+06 1=",low"; 2=",nor"; 3=",hiq"; 4=",mag"; 5=",set"; 6=",rar"; 7=",uni"; 8=",crf"; 9=",tmp"
// BYTE quantity; //+07 ",qty=#quantity"
//struct CubeMainBIN//size: 0x148=328 (source total : fct of dll) (total size in LoD1.10 : BDA0)
// BYTE enabled; //+00
// BYTE ladder; //+01
// BYTE minDiff; //+02
// BYTE playerClass;//+03 FF=all classes
// BYTE op; //+04
// DWORD param; //+08
// DWORD value; //+0C
// BYTE numinputs; //+10
// WORD version; //+12
// CubeInput input1; //+14
// CubeInput input2; //+1C
// CubeInput input3; //+24
// CubeInput input4; //+2C
// CubeInput input5; //+34
// CubeInput input6; //+3C
// CubeInput input7; //+44
// CubeOutput output1; //+4C
// CubeOutput output2; //+A0
// CubeOutput output3; //+F4
//struct TreasureClassBIN
//struct ObjectsBIN
//struct ExperienceBIN//size=0x20
// DWORD Amazon;
// DWORD Sorceress;
// DWORD Necromancer;
// DWORD Paladin;
// DWORD Barbarian;
// DWORD Druid;
// DWORD Assassin;
// DWORD ExpRatio;
//struct LevelsBIN//size=0x220
//struct GemsBIN //size: 0xC0=192 (source : fct of dll)
// char name[0x20]; //+00
// char letter[6]; //+20
// BYTE uk1[2]; //+26
// DWORD code; //+28
// BYTE uk2[2]; //+2C
// BYTE nummods; //+2E
// BYTE transform; //+2F
// int weaponmod1code; //+30
// DWORD weaponmod1param;//+34
// DWORD weaponmod1min; //+38
// DWORD weaponmod1max; //+3C
// int weaponmod2code; //+40
// DWORD weaponmod2param;//+44
// DWORD weaponmod2min; //+48
// DWORD weaponmod2max; //+4C
// int weaponmod3code; //+50
// DWORD weaponmod3param;//+54
// DWORD weaponmod3min; //+58
// DWORD weaponmod3max; //+5C
// int helmmod1code; //+60
// DWORD helmmod1param; //+64
// DWORD helmmod1min; //+68
// DWORD helmmod1max; //+6C
// int helmmod2code; //+70
// DWORD helmmod2param; //+74
// DWORD helmmod2min; //+78
// DWORD helmmod2max; //+7C
// int helmmod3code; //+80
// DWORD helmmod3param; //+84
// DWORD helmmod3min; //+88
// DWORD helmmod3max; //+8C
// int shieldmod1code; //+90
// DWORD shieldmod1param;//+94
// DWORD shieldmod1min; //+98
// DWORD shieldmod1max; //+9C
// int shieldmod2code; //+A0
// DWORD shieldmod2param;//+A4
// DWORD shieldmod2min; //+A8
// DWORD shieldmod2max; //+AC
// int shieldmod3code; //+B0
// DWORD shieldmod3param;//+B4
// DWORD shieldmod3min; //+B8
// DWORD shieldmod3max; //+BC
//struct ItemsBIN //size: 0x1A8=424 (source : fct of dll)
// char FlippyFile[0x20]; //+00
// char InvFile[0x20]; //+20
// char UniqueInvFile[0x20]; //+40
// char SetInvFile[0x20]; //+60
// DWORD ItemCode; //+80
// DWORD NormCode; //+84
// DWORD UberCode; //+88
// DWORD HellCode; //+8C
// DWORD AlternateGfx; //+90
// DWORD pSpell; //+94
// WORD State; //+98
// WORD cState1; //+9A
// WORD cState2; //+9C
// WORD Stat1; //+9E
// WORD Stat2; //+A0
// WORD Stat3; //+A2
// DWORD Calc1; //+A4
// DWORD Calc2; //+A8
// DWORD Calc3; //+AC
// DWORD Len; //+B0
// WORD SpellDesc; //+B4
// WORD SpellDescStr; //+B6
// DWORD SpellDescCalc; //+B8
// DWORD BetterGem; //+BC
// DWORD WClass; //+C0
// DWORD TwoHandedWClass; //+C4
// DWORD TMogType; //+C8
// DWORD MinAC; //+CC
// DWORD MaxAC; //+D0
// DWORD GambleCost; //+D4
// DWORD Speed; //+D8
// DWORD BitField; //+DC
// DWORD Cost; //+E0
// DWORD MinStack; //+E4
// DWORD MaxStack; //+E8
// DWORD SpawnStack; //+EC
// DWORD GemOffset; //+F0
// WORD NameStr; //+F4
// WORD Version; //+F6
// WORD AutoPrefix; //+F8
// WORD MissileType; //+FA
// BYTE Rarity; //+FC
// BYTE Level; //+FD
// BYTE MinDam; //+FE
// BYTE MaxDam; //+FF
// BYTE MinMisDam; //+100
// BYTE MaxMisDam; //+101
// BYTE TwoHandMinDam; //+102
// BYTE TwoHandMaxDam; //+103
// BYTE RangeAdder; //+104
// BYTE NotUsed1; //+105
// WORD StrBonus; //+106
// WORD DexBonus; //+108
// WORD RegStr; //+10A
// WORD RegDex; //+10C
// BYTE Absorbs; //+10E
// BYTE InvWidth; //+10F
// BYTE InvHeight; //+110
// BYTE Block; //+111
// BYTE Durability; //+112
// BYTE NoDurability; //+113
// BYTE Missile; //+114
// BYTE Component; //+115
// BYTE RArm; //+116
// BYTE LArm; //+117
// BYTE Torso; //+118
// BYTE Legs; //+119
// BYTE RSpad; //+11A
// BYTE LSpad; //+11B
// BYTE TwoHanded; //+11C
// BYTE Usable; //+11D
// WORD Type; //+11E
// WORD Type2; //+120
// BYTE SubType; //+122
// BYTE NotUsed2; //+123
// WORD DropSound; //+124
// WORD UseSound; //+126
// BYTE DropSfxFrame; //+128
// BYTE Unique; //+129
// BYTE Quest; //+12A
// BYTE QuestDiffCheck; //+12B
// BYTE Transparent; //+12C
// BYTE TransTbl; //+12D
// BYTE NotUsed3; //+12E
// BYTE LightRadius; //+12F
// BYTE Belt; //+130
// BYTE AutoBelt; //+131
// BYTE Stackable; //+132
// BYTE Spawnable; //+133
// BYTE SpellIcon; //+134
// BYTE DurWarning; //+135
// BYTE QntWaning; //+136
// BYTE HasInv; //+137
// BYTE GemSockets; //+138
// BYTE TransmoGrify; //+139
// BYTE TMogMin; //+13A
// BYTE TMogMax; //+13B
// BYTE HitClass; //+13C
// BYTE OneOrTwoHanded; //+13D
// BYTE GemApplyType; //+13E
// BYTE LevelReq; //+13F
// BYTE MagicLvl; //+140
// BYTE Transform; //+141
// BYTE InvTrans; //+142
// BYTE CompactSave; //+143
// BYTE SkipName; //+144
// BYTE NotUsed4; //+145
// BYTE VendorMin[17]; //+146
// BYTE VendorMax[17]; //+157
// BYTE VendorMagicMin[17]; //+168
// BYTE VendorMagicMax[17]; //+179
// BYTE VendorMagicLvl[17]; //+18A
// BYTE NotUsed5; //+19B
// DWORD NightmareUpgrade; //+19C
// DWORD HellUpgrade; //+1A0
// BYTE PermStoreItem; //+1A4
// BYTE Multibuy; //+1A5
// WORD zeros; //+1A6
//struct RunesBIN //size: 0x120=288 (1.10 ok)
// char Name[0x40]; //+00
// char RuneName[0x40]; //+40
// BYTE Complete; //+80
// BYTE Server; //+81
// WORD RuneNameID; //+82
// WORD zero; //+84 (=0x0000)
// WORD Itypes[6]; //+86
// WORD Etypes[3]; //+92
// int Runes[6]; //+98
// DWORD t1code1; //+B0
// DWORD t1param1; //+B4
// DWORD t1min1; //+B8
// DWORD t1max1; //+BC
// DWORD t1code2; //+C0
// DWORD t1param2; //+C4
// DWORD t1min2; //+C8
// DWORD t1max2; //+CC
// DWORD t1code3; //+D0
// DWORD t1param3; //+D4
// DWORD t1min3; //+D8
// DWORD t1max3; //+DC
// DWORD t1code4; //+E0
// DWORD t1param4; //+E4
// DWORD t1min4; //+E8
// DWORD t1max4; //+EC
// DWORD t1code5; //+F0
// DWORD t1param5; //+F4
// DWORD t1min5; //+F8
// DWORD t1max5; //+FC
// DWORD t1code6; //+100
// DWORD t1param6; //+104
// DWORD t1min6; //+108
// DWORD t1max6; //+10C
// DWORD t1code7; //+110
// DWORD t1param7; //+114
// DWORD t1min7; //+118
// DWORD t1max7; //+11C
///*struct ItemStatsBIN //size: 0x234=564
// BYTE uk1[0x80]; //+00
// DWORD code; //+80 // ou 0x90
// BYTE uk2[0xB3]; //+84
// BYTE itemStat137; //+137
//struct CharStatsBIN //size= 0xC4=196
// WCHAR nameU[0x10]; //+00
// char name[0x10]; //+20
// BYTE baseSTR; //+30
// BYTE baseDEX; //+31
// BYTE baseENE; //+32
// BYTE baseVIT; //+33
// BYTE baseStamina; //+34
// BYTE hpadd; //+35
// BYTE percentStr; //+36
// BYTE percentInt; //+37
// BYTE percentDex; //+38
// BYTE percentVit; //+39
// BYTE manaRegen; //+3A
// BYTE __3B; //+3B
// DWORD toHitFactor; //+3C
// BYTE walkVelocity; //+40
// BYTE runVelocity; //+41
// BYTE runDrain; //+42
// BYTE lifePerLevel; //+43
// BYTE staminaPerLevel; //+44
// BYTE manaPerLevel; //+45
// BYTE lifePerVitality; //+46
// BYTE staminaPerVitality; //+47
// BYTE manaPerMagic; //+48
// BYTE blockFactor; //+49
// WORD __4A_startSkill; //+4A
// DWORD baseWClass; //+4C
// BYTE StatPerLevel; //+50
// BYTE __51; //+51
// WORD StrAllSkills; //+52
// WORD StrSkillTab1; //+54
// WORD StrSkillTab2; //+56
// WORD StrSkillTab3; //+58
// WORD StrClassOnly; //+5A
// DWORD item1;
// BYTE item1Loc;
// BYTE item1Count;
// WORD item1Unknown;
// DWORD item2;
// BYTE item2Loc;
// BYTE item2Count;
// WORD item2Unknown;
// DWORD item3;
// BYTE item3Loc;
// BYTE item3Count;
// WORD item3Unknown;
// DWORD item4;
// BYTE item4Loc;
// BYTE item4Count;
// WORD item4Unknown;
// DWORD item5;
// BYTE item5Loc;
// BYTE item5Count;
// WORD item5Unknown;
// DWORD item6;
// BYTE item6Loc;
// BYTE item6Count;
// WORD item6Unknown;
// DWORD item7;
// BYTE item7Loc;
// BYTE item7Count;
// WORD item7Unknown;
// DWORD item8;
// BYTE item8Loc;
// BYTE item8Count;
// WORD item8Unknown;
// DWORD item9;
// BYTE item9Loc;
// BYTE item9Count;
// WORD item9Unknown;
// DWORD item10;
// BYTE item10Loc;
// BYTE item10Count;
// WORD item10Unknown;
// BYTE unknown2[0x18];
//struct D2CharStats
// wchar_t Class_t[0x10]; //+00
// char Class[0x10]; //+20
// BYTE Str; //+30
// BYTE Dex; //+31
// BYTE Int; //+32
// BYTE Vit; //+33
// BYTE Stamina; //+34
// BYTE HpAdd; //+35
// BYTE PercentStr; //+36
// BYTE PercentInt; //+37
// BYTE PercentDex; //+38
// BYTE PercentVit; //+39
// BYTE ManaRegen; //+3A
// BYTE NotUsed1; //+3B
// DWORD ToHitFactor; //+3C
// BYTE WalkVelocity; //+40
// BYTE RunVelocity; //+41
// BYTE RunDrain; //+42
// BYTE LifePerLevel; //+43
// BYTE StamianPerLevel; //+44
// BYTE ManaPerLevel; //+45
// BYTE LifePerVitality; //+46
// BYTE StaminaPerVitality; //+47
// BYTE ManaPerMagic; //+48
// BYTE BlockFactor; //+49
// BYTE NotUsed2[2]; //+4A
// DWORD BaseWClass; //+4C
// BYTE StatPerLevel; //+50
// BYTE NotUsed3; //+51
// WORD StrAllSkills; //+52
// WORD StrSkillTab1; //+54
// WORD StrSkillTab2; //+56
// WORD StrSkillTab3; //+58
// WORD StrClassOnly; //+5A
// DWORD Item1; //+5C
// BYTE Item1Loc; //+60
// BYTE Item1Count; //+61
// BYTE NotUsed4[2]; //+62
// DWORD Item2; //+64
// BYTE Item2Loc; //+68
// BYTE Item2Count; //+69
// BYTE NotUsed5[2]; //+6A
// DWORD Item3; //+6C
// BYTE Item3Loc; //+70
// BYTE Item3Count; //+71
// BYTE NotUsed6[2]; //+72
// DWORD Item4; //+74
// BYTE Item4Loc; //+78
// BYTE Item4Count; //+79
// BYTE NotUsed7[2]; //+7A
// DWORD Item5; //+7C
// BYTE Item5Loc; //+80
// BYTE Item5Count; //+81
// BYTE NotUsed8[2]; //+82
// DWORD Item6; //+84
// BYTE Item6Loc; //+88
// BYTE Item6Count; //+89
// BYTE NotUsed9[2]; //+8A
// DWORD Item7; //+8C
// BYTE Item7Loc; //+90
// BYTE Item7Count; //+91
// BYTE NotUsed10[2]; //+92
// DWORD Item8; //+94
// BYTE Item8Loc; //+98
// BYTE Item8Count; //+99
// BYTE NotUsed11[2]; //+9A
// DWORD Item9; //+9C
// BYTE Item9Loc; //+A0
// BYTE Item9Count; //+A1
// BYTE NotUsed12[2]; //+A2
// DWORD Item10; //+A4
// BYTE Item10Loc; //+A8
// BYTE Item10Count; //+A9
// BYTE NotUsed13[2]; //+AA
// WORD StartSkill; //+AC
// WORD Skill1; //+AE
// WORD Skill2; //+B0
// WORD Skill3; //+B2
// WORD Skill4; //+B4
// WORD Skill5; //+B6
// WORD Skill6; //+B8
// WORD Skill7; //+BA
// WORD Skill8; //+BC
// WORD Skill9; //+BE
// WORD Skill10; //+C0
// BYTE NotUSed14[2]; //+C2
//struct UniqueItemsBIN //size=0x14C (332)
// WORD uniqueId; //+00
// BYTE uk1[0x20]; //+02
// WORD uniqueNameId; //+22
// BYTE uk2[0x08]; //+24
// union {
// BYTE flag; //+2C
// struct {
// BYTE ukf : 2;
// BYTE carry1 : 1;
// BYTE ladder : 1;
// };
// };
// BYTE uk3[0x11F]; //+2D
//struct SetsBIN //size=0x128 (source : fct of dll)
// WORD setNum; //+00
// WORD setNameIndex; //+02
// BYTE uk3[0x124]; //+04
//struct SetItemsBIN //size=0x1B8 (source : fct of dll)
// WORD setNum; //+00
// char index[0x20]; //+02
// BYTE uk1; //+04
// WORD setNameId; //+24
// BYTE uk2[0x6]; //+26
// WORD setId; //+2C
// BYTE uk3[0x18A]; //+2E
//struct SkillDescBIN //size=0x120=288 (source : fct of dll)
// BYTE uk1[0x08]; //+00
// WORD strNameID; //+08
// WORD strShortID; //+0A
// WORD strLongID; //+0C
// WORD strAltID; //+0E
// BYTE uk2[0x110]; //+10
//struct SkillsBIN //size=0x23C (572)
// WORD skillID; //+00
// BYTE uk1[0x0A]; //+02
// BYTE charclass; //+0C
// BYTE uk2[0x08]; //+10
// WORD itypea1; //+18
// WORD itypea2; //+1A
// WORD itypea3; //+1C
// WORD itypeb1; //+1E
// WORD itypeb2; //+20
// WORD itypeb3; //+22
// WORD etypea1; //+24
// WORD etypea2; //+26
// WORD etypeb1; //+28
// WORD etypeb2; //+2A
// BYTE uk3[0x100]; //+2C
// WORD maxlvl; //+12C
// BYTE uk4[0x42]; //+12E
// int skpoints; //+170
// WORD reqlevel; //+174
// BYTE uk5[0x1E]; //+176
// DWORD skilldesc; //+194 (DWORD ?)
// BYTE uk6[0xA4]; //+198
//struct D2SkillsTXT
// WORD SkillID; //+000
// BYTE Mask1; //+002
// BYTE Mask2; //+003
// BYTE Unknown[8]; //+004
// BYTE CharClass; //+00C
// BYTE unknown_1[0x17D]; //+00D
// WORD Mana; //+18A
// short LvlMana; //+18C
// BYTE Attackrank; //+18E
// BYTE LineOfSight; //+18F
// DWORD Delay; //+190
// WORD SkillDesc; //+194
// BYTE unknown_2[0xA6]; //+196
//struct D2SkillsTXT
// WORD SkillID; //+000
// BYTE Mask1; //+002
// BYTE Mask2; //+003
// BYTE Unknown[8]; //+004
// BYTE CharClass; //+00C
// BYTE Unknown2[3]; //+00D
// BYTE anim; //+010
// BYTE monanim; //+011
// BYTE seqtrans; //+012
// BYTE seqnum; //+013
// BYTE Unknown7; //+014
// BYTE SelectProc; //+015
// BYTE seqinput; //+016
// BYTE Unknown3; //+017
// WORD itypea1; //+018
// WORD itypea2; //+01A
// WORD itypea3; //+01C
// WORD itypeb1; //+01E
// WORD itypeb2; //+020
// WORD itypeb3; //+022
// WORD etypea1; //+024
// WORD etypea2; //+026
// WORD etypeb1; //+028
// WORD etypeb2; //+02A
// WORD srvstfunc; //+02C
// WORD srvdofunc; //+02E
// WORD srvprgfunc1; //+030
// WORD srvprgfunc2; //+032
// WORD srvprgfunc3; //+034
// WORD Unknown8; //+036
// DWORD prgcalc1; //+038
// DWORD prgcalc2; //+03C
// DWORD prgcalc3; //+040
// WORD prgdam; //+044
// WORD srvmissile; //+046
// WORD srvmissilea; //+048
// WORD srvmissileb; //+04A
// WORD srvmissilec; //+04C
// WORD srvoverlay; //+04E
// DWORD aurafilter; //+050
// WORD aurastat1; //+054
// WORD aurastat2; //+056
// WORD aurastat3; //+058
// WORD aurastat4; //+05A
// WORD aurastat5; //+05C
// WORD aurastat6; //+05E
// DWORD auralencalc; //+060
// DWORD aurarangecalc; //+064
// DWORD aurastatcalc1; //+068
// DWORD aurastatcalc2; //+06C
// DWORD aurastatcalc3; //+070
// DWORD aurastatcalc4; //+074
// DWORD aurastatcalc5; //+078
// DWORD aurastatcalc6; //+07C
// WORD aurastate; //+080
// WORD auratargetstate; //+082
// WORD auraevent1; //+084
// WORD auraevent2; //+086
// WORD auraevent3; //+088
// WORD auraeventfunc1; //+08A
// WORD auraeventfunc2; //+08C
// WORD auraeventfunc3; //+08E
// WORD auratgtevent; //+090
// WORD auratgteventfunc; //+092
// WORD passivestate; //+094
// WORD passiveitype; //+096
// WORD passivestat1; //+098
// WORD passivestat2; //+09A
// WORD passivestat3; //+09C
// WORD passivestat4; //+09E
// WORD passivestat5; //+0A0
// DWORD passivecalc1; //+0A4
// DWORD passivecalc2; //+0A8
// DWORD passivecalc3; //+0AC
// DWORD passivecalc4; //+0B0
// DWORD passivecalc5; //+0B4
// WORD passiveevent; //+0B8
// WORD passiveeventfunc; //+0BA
// WORD summon; //+0BC
// BYTE pettype; //+0BE
// BYTE summode; //+0BF
// DWORD petmax; //+0C0
// WORD sumskill1; //+0C4
// WORD sumskill2; //+0C6
// WORD sumskill3; //+0C8
// WORD sumskill4; //+0CA
// WORD sumskill5; //+0CC
// DWORD sumskcalc1; //+0D0
// DWORD sumskcalc2; //+0D4
// DWORD sumskcalc3; //+0D8
// DWORD sumskcalc4; //+0DC
// DWORD sumskcalc5; //+0E0
// WORD sumumod; //+0E4
// WORD sumoverlay; //+0E6
// WORD cltmissile; //+0E8
// WORD cltmissilea; //+0EA
// WORD cltmissileb; //+0EC
// WORD cltmissilec; //+0EE
// WORD cltmissiled; //+0F0
// WORD cltstfunc; //+0F2
// WORD cltdofunc; //+0F4
// WORD cltprgfunc1; //+0F6
// WORD cltprgfunc2; //+0F8
// WORD cltprgfunc3; //+0FA
// WORD stsound; //+0FC
// WORD stsoundclass; //+0FE
// WORD dosound; //+100
// WORD dosounda; //+102
// WORD dosoundb; //+104
// WORD castoverlay; //+106
// WORD tgtoverlay; //+108
// WORD tgtsound; //+10A
// WORD prgoverlay; //+10C
// WORD prgsound; //+10E
// WORD cltoverlaya; //+110
// WORD cltoverlayb; //+112
// DWORD cltcalc1; //+114
// DWORD cltcalc2; //+118
// DWORD cltcalc3; //+11C
// WORD ItemTarget; //+120
// WORD ItemCastSound; //+122
// WORD ItemCastOverlay; //+124
// WORD Unknown4; //+126
// DWORD perdelay; //+128
// WORD maxlvl; //+12C
// WORD ResultFlags; //+12E
// DWORD HitFlags; //+130
// DWORD HitClass; //+134
// DWORD calc1; //+138
// DWORD calc2; //+13C
// DWORD calc3; //+140
// DWORD calc4; //+144
// DWORD Param1; //+148
// DWORD Param2; //+14C
// DWORD Param3; //+150
// DWORD Param4; //+154
// DWORD Param5; //+158
// DWORD Param6; //+15C
// DWORD Param7; //+160
// DWORD Param8; //+164
// WORD weapsel; //+168
// WORD ItemEffect; //+16A
// BYTE ItemCltEffect; //+16C
// BYTE ItemTgtDo; //+16D
// BYTE ItemCheckStart; //+16E
// BYTE ItemCltCheckStart; //+16F
// DWORD skpoints; //+170
// WORD reqlevel; //+174
// WORD reqstr; //+176
// WORD reqdex; //+178
// WORD reqint; //+17A
// WORD reqvit; //+17C
// WORD reqskill1; //+17E
// WORD reqskill2; //+180
// WORD reqskill3; //+182
// WORD startmana; //+184
// WORD minmana; //+186
// WORD manashift; //+188
// WORD Mana; //+18A
// short LvlMana; //+18C
// BYTE Attackrank; //+18E
// BYTE LineOfSight; //+18F
// DWORD Delay; //+190
// WORD SkillDesc; //+194
// WORD Unknown5; //+196
// DWORD ToHit; //+198
// DWORD LevToHit; //+19C
// DWORD ToHitCalc; //+1A0
// BYTE HitShift; //+1A4
// WORD SrcDam; //+1A5
// BYTE Unknown6; //+1A7
// DWORD MinDam; //+1A8
// DWORD MaxDam; //+1AC
// DWORD MinLevDam1; //+1B0
// DWORD MinLevDam2; //+1B4
// DWORD MinLevDam3; //+1B8
// DWORD MinLevDam4; //+1BC
// DWORD MinLevDam5; //+1C0
// DWORD MaxLevDam1; //+1C4
// DWORD MaxLevDam2; //+1C8
// DWORD MaxLevDam3; //+1CC
// DWORD MaxLevDam4; //+1D0
// DWORD MaxLevDam5; //+1D4
// DWORD DmgSymPerCalc; //+1D8
// DWORD EType; //+1DC
// DWORD Emin; //+1E0
// DWORD Emax; //+1E4
// DWORD EMinLev1; //+1E8
// DWORD EMinLev2; //+1EC
// DWORD EMinLev3; //+1F0
// DWORD EMinLev4; //+1F4
// DWORD EMinLev5; //+1F8
// DWORD EMaxLev1; //+1FC
// DWORD EMaxLev2; //+200
// DWORD EMaxLev3; //+204
// DWORD EMaxLev4; //+208
// DWORD EMaxLev5; //+20C
// DWORD EDmgSymPerCalc; //+210
// DWORD ELen; //+214
// DWORD ELevLen1; //+218
// DWORD ELevLen2; //+21C
// DWORD ELevLen3; //+220
// DWORD ELenSymPerCalc; //+224
// WORD restrict; //+228
// WORD state1; //+22A
// WORD state2; //+22C
// WORD state3; //+22E
// WORD aitype; //+230
// WORD aibonus; //+232
// DWORD CostMult; //+234
// DWORD CostAdd; //+238
//Yohann: thx
//Kingpin: /*
//Kingpin: those columns should be there also
//struct DifficultyLevelsBIN
// DWORD resistPenalty; //+00
// BYTE uk1[1]; //+04
//struct SuperUniqueBIN
//struct MonStatsBIN //size=0x1A8 (424)
// BYTE uk1[0x6]; //+00
// WORD monsterNameID; //+06
// BYTE uk2[0x168]; //+08
// WORD skill[8]; //+170
// BYTE skillArg[8]; //+180
// BYTE uk3[0x20]; //+188
//}; //+1A8
//struct ItemTypesBIN //size=0xE4 (228) (source : fct of dll)
// DWORD code; //+00
// BYTE uk1[0x11]; //+04
// BYTE rare; //+15
// BYTE uk2[0x09]; //+16
// BYTE staffmods; //+1F
// BYTE uk3[0xC4]; //+20
//}; //+E4
//struct AffixBIN //size=0x90 (144) (source : fct of dll) magicsuffix + magicprefix + automagic
// char name[0x20]; //+00
// WORD nameCode; //+20
// WORD version; //+22
// DWORD mod1code; //+24
// DWORD mod1param; //+28
// DWORD mod1min; //+2C
// DWORD mod1max; //+30
// DWORD mod2code; //+34
// DWORD mod2param; //+38
// DWORD mod2min; //+3C
// DWORD mod2max; //+40
// DWORD mod3code; //+44
// DWORD mod3param; //+48
// DWORD mod3min; //+4C
// DWORD mod3max; //+50
// BYTE spawnable; //+54
// BYTE uk1[0x1]; //+55
// WORD transformcolor; //+56
// DWORD level; //+58
// DWORD group; //+5C
// DWORD maxlevel; //+60
// BYTE rare; //+64
// BYTE levelreq; //+65
// BYTE classspecific; //+66
// BYTE classf; //+67
// BYTE classlevelreq; //+68
// BYTE uk2[0x1]; //+69
// WORD itype1; //+6A
// WORD itype2; //+6C
// WORD itype3; //+6E
// WORD itype4; //+70
// WORD itype5; //+72
// WORD itype6; //+74
// WORD itype7; //+76
// WORD etype1; //+78
// WORD etype2; //+7A
// WORD etype3; //+7C
// WORD etype4; //+7E
// WORD etype5; //+80
// BYTE frequency; //+82
// BYTE uk3[0x1]; //+83
// DWORD divide; //+84
// DWORD multiply; //+88
// DWORD add; //+8C
//struct PropertiesBIN // size=0x2E (46) (source total : fct of dll)
// WORD modcode; //+00
// BYTE set1; //+02
// BYTE set2; //+03
// BYTE set3; //+04
// BYTE set4; //+05
// BYTE set5; //+06
// BYTE set6; //+07
// BYTE set7; //+08
// BYTE uk1[0x1]; //+09
// WORD val1; //+0A
// WORD val2; //+0C
// WORD val3; //+0E
// WORD val4; //+10
// WORD val5; //+12
// WORD val6; //+14
// WORD val7; //+16
// BYTE func1; //+18
// BYTE func2; //+19
// BYTE func3; //+1A
// BYTE func4; //+1B
// BYTE func5; //+1C
// BYTE func6; //+1D
// BYTE func7; //+1E
// BYTE uk2[0x1]; //+1F
// WORD stat1; //+20
// WORD stat2; //+22
// WORD stat3; //+24
// WORD stat4; //+26
// WORD stat5; //+28
// WORD stat6; //+2A
// WORD stat7; //+2C
//struct ItemStatCostBIN // size=0x144 (324) (source total : fct of dll) maxline = 0x1FF = 511
// DWORD statID; //+00
// union //+04
// {
// DWORD flags;
// struct
// {
// DWORD sendOther : 1; //0x00000001
// DWORD signedf : 1; //0x00000002
// DWORD damagerelated : 1; //0x00000004
// DWORD itemspecific : 1; //0x00000008
// DWORD direct : 1; //0x00000010
// DWORD fuk1 : 4; //0x000001E0
// DWORD updateanimrate : 1; //0x00000200
// DWORD fmin : 1; //0x00000400
// DWORD fcallback : 1; //0x00000800
// DWORD saved : 1; //0x00001000
// DWORD cvssigned : 1; //0x00002000
// DWORD fuk2 : 18; //0xFFFFC000
// };
// };
// BYTE sendBits; //+08
// BYTE sendParamBits; //+09
// BYTE csvbits; //+0A
// BYTE csvparam; //+0B
// DWORD divide; //+0C
// DWORD multiply; //+10
// DWORD add; //+14
// BYTE valshift; //+18
// BYTE saveBits; //+19
// BYTE saveBits109; //+1A //are only for conversion
// BYTE uk2[0x1]; //+1B
// DWORD saveAdd; //+1C
// DWORD saveAdd109; //+20 //are only for conversion
// DWORD saveParamBits; //+24
// BYTE uk3[0x4]; //+28
// DWORD minaccr; //+2C
// BYTE encode; //+30
// BYTE uk4[0x1]; //+31
// WORD maxstat; //+32
// WORD descpriority; //+34
// BYTE descfunc; //+36
// BYTE descval; //+37
// WORD descstrpos; //+38
// WORD descstrneg; //+3A
// WORD descstr2; //+3C
// WORD dgrp; //+3E
// BYTE dgrpfunc; //+40
// BYTE dgrpval; //+41
// WORD dgrpstrpos; //+42
// WORD dgrpstrneg; //+44
// WORD dgrpstr2; //+46
// WORD itemevent1; //+48
// WORD itemevent2; //+4A
// WORD itemeventfunc1; //+4C
// WORD itemeventfunc2; //+4E
// BYTE keepzero; //+50
// BYTE uk5[0x3]; //+51
// BYTE op; //+54
// BYTE opParam; //+55
// WORD opStat1; //+58
// WORD opStat2; //+5A
// WORD opStat3; //+5C
// BYTE uk6[0xE2]; //+5E
// DWORD stuff; //+140
//struct InventoryBIN // size=0xF0 (240) (source total : fct of dll)
// DWORD invLeft; //+00
// DWORD invRight; //+04
// DWORD invTop; //+08
// DWORD invBottom; //+0C
// BYTE gridX; //+10
// BYTE gridY; //+11
// BYTE uk1[2]; //+12
// DWORD gridLeft; //+14
// DWORD gridRight; //+18
// DWORD gridTop; //+1C
// DWORD gridBottom; //+20
// BYTE gridBoxWidth; //+24
// BYTE gridBoxHeight; //+25
// BYTE uk2[2]; //+26
// DWORD rArmLeft; //+28
// DWORD rArmRight; //+2C
// DWORD rArmTop; //+30
// DWORD rArmBottom; //+34
// BYTE rArmWidth; //+38
// BYTE rArmHeight; //+39
// BYTE uk3[2]; //+3A
// DWORD torsoLeft; //+3C
// DWORD torsoRight; //+40
// DWORD torsoTop; //+44
// DWORD torsoBottom; //+48
// BYTE torsoWidth; //+4C
// BYTE torsoHeight; //+4D
// BYTE uk4[2]; //+4E
// DWORD lArmLeft; //+50
// DWORD lArmRight; //+54
// DWORD lArmTop; //+58
// DWORD lArmBottom; //+5C
// BYTE lArmWidth; //+60
// BYTE lArmHeight; //+61
// BYTE uk5[2]; //+62
// DWORD headLeft; //+64
// DWORD headRight; //+68
// DWORD headTop; //+6C
// DWORD headBottom; //+70
// BYTE headWidth; //+74
// BYTE headHeight; //+75
// BYTE uk6[2]; //+76
// DWORD neckLeft; //+78
// DWORD neckRight; //+7C
// DWORD neckTop; //+80
// DWORD neckBottom; //+84
// BYTE neckWidth; //+88
// BYTE neckHeight; //+89
// BYTE uk7[2]; //+8A
// DWORD rHandLeft; //+8C
// DWORD rHandRight; //+90
// DWORD rHandTop; //+94
// DWORD rHandBottom; //+98
// BYTE rHandWidth; //+9C
// BYTE rHandHeight; //+9D
// BYTE uk8[2]; //+9E
// DWORD lHandLeft; //+A0
// DWORD lHandRight; //+A4
// DWORD lHandTop; //+A8
// DWORD lHandBottom; //+AC
// BYTE lHandWidth; //+B0
// BYTE lHandHeight; //+B1
// BYTE uk9[2]; //+B2
// DWORD beltLeft; //+B4
// DWORD beltRight; //+B8
// DWORD beltTop; //+BC
// DWORD beltBottom; //+C0
// BYTE beltWidth; //+C4
// BYTE beltHeight; //+C5
// BYTE uk10[2]; //+C6
// DWORD feetLeft; //+C8
// DWORD feetRight; //+CC
// DWORD feetTop; //+D0
// DWORD feetBottom; //+D4
// BYTE feetWidth; //+D8
// BYTE feetHeight; //+D9
// BYTE uk11[2]; //+DA
// DWORD glovesLeft; //+DC
// DWORD glovesRight; //+E0
// DWORD glovesTop; //+E4
// DWORD glovesBottom; //+E8
// BYTE glovesWidth; //+EC
// BYTE glovesHeight; //+ED
// BYTE uk12[2]; //+EE
//struct DataTables//01EE6A20 * 01FDA2D0 //second comments=1.11
// BYTE uk1[0xA78]; //+000
// MonStatsBIN* monStats; //+A78 //1.11 and 1.10
// BYTE uk2[0x4]; //+A7C
// DWORD nbMonStats; //+A80 //1.11 and 1.10
// BYTE uk3[0x108]; //+A84
// SkillDescBIN* skilldesc; //+B8C
// BYTE uk4[0x4]; //+B90
// DWORD nbSkilldesc; //+B94
// SkillsBIN* skills; //+B98
// BYTE uk5[0x4]; //+B9C
// DWORD nbSkills; //+BA0
// int* nbSkillsPerPlayer; //+BA4
// int maxSkillsPerPlayer; //+BA8
// WORD* playerSkills; //+BAC
// BYTE uk6[0x14]; //+BB0
// CharStatsBIN* charStats; //+BC4
// DWORD nbCharStats; //+BC8
// ItemStatCostBIN* itemStatCost; //+BCC
// BYTE uk7[4]; //+BD0
// DWORD nbItemStatCosts; //+BD4
// WORD* statsDescPriority; //+BD8
// DWORD nbStatsDescPriority;//+BDC
// BYTE uk8[0x18]; //+BE0
// ItemTypesBIN* itemTypes; //+BF8
// DWORD nbItemTypes; //+BFC
// BYTE uk9[0x0C]; //+C00
// SetsBIN* sets; //+C0C //1.11 and 1.10
// DWORD nbSets; //+C10 //1.11 and 1.10
// BYTE uk9b[0x4]; //+C14
// SetItemsBIN* setItems; //+C18 //1.11 and 1.10
// DWORD nbSetItems; //+C1C //1.11 and 1.10
// BYTE uk10[0x4]; //+C20
// UniqueItemsBIN* uniqueItems; //+C24 //1.11 and 1.10
// DWORD nbUniqueItems; //+C28 //1.11 and 1.10
// BYTE uk11[0x2C]; //+C2C
// LevelsBIN* levels; //+C58
// DWORD nbLevels; //+C5C
// BYTE uk12[0x64]; //+C60
// CubeMainBIN* cubemain; //+CC4 //14C0 by 148 for 1.11
// DWORD nbCubemain; //+CC8 //14C4 for 1.11
// DWORD nbInventory; //+CCC
// InventoryBIN* inventory; //+CD0
// BYTE uk13[0x04]; //+CD4
// DWORD nbItems; //+CD8
// ItemsBIN* items; //+CDC
// ItemsBIN* itemsBis; //+CE0
// BYTE uk14[0x1F8]; //+CDC
// DWORD nbRunes; //+EDC
// RunesBIN* runes; //+EE0
///* NEXT NOT TESTED IN 1.10 (1.09b)
//struct AffixTxt
// BYTE mName[0x21]; // +00
// WORD mVersion; // +22
// DWORD mMod1code; // +24
// DWORD mMod1param; // +28
// DWORD mMod1min; // +2c
// DWORD mMod1max; // +30
// DWORD mMod2code; // +34
// DWORD mMod2param; // +38
// DWORD mMod2min; // +3c
// DWORD mMod2max; // +40
// DWORD mMod3code; // +44
// DWORD mMod3param; // +48
// DWORD mMod3min; // +4c
// DWORD mMod3max; // +50
// WORD mSpawnable; // +54
// WORD mTransformcolor; // +56
// DWORD mLevel; // +58
// DWORD mGroup; // +5c
// DWORD mMaxlevel; // +60
// BYTE mRare; // +64
// BYTE mLevelreq; // +65
// BYTE mClassspecific; // +66
// BYTE mClass; // +67
// BYTE classlevelreq; // +68
// BYTE itype1; // +69
// BYTE itype2; // +6a
// BYTE itype3; // +6b
// BYTE itype4; // +6c
// BYTE itype5; // +6d
// BYTE itype6; // +6e
// BYTE itype7; // +6f
// BYTE etype1; // +70
// BYTE etype2; // +71
// BYTE etype3; // +72
// BYTE etype4; // +73
// BYTE etype5; // +74
// DWORD frequency; // +75
// DWORD mDivide; // +79
// DWORD mMultiply; // +7D
// DWORD mAdd; // +81
//struct AffixTxtTable
// DWORD mNbAffix; // +00 = total affixes
// AffixTxt* mStartTable; // +04 = beginnig ptr
// AffixTxt* mSuffixTable; // +08 = suffix.txt ptr
// AffixTxt* mPrefixTable; // +0c = prefix.txt ptr
// AffixTxt* mAutomagicTable; // +10 = automagic.txt ptr
//struct SkillsBIN;
//struct SkillData;
//struct ObjectsBIN;
//#pragma pack(push, 1)
//struct CBPlayerData;
//struct CBItemData;
//struct NetClient;
//struct Game;
//struct Unit;
//struct ActMap;
//struct ActData;
//struct Level;
//struct RoomEx;
//struct Room;
//struct UnitAny;
//struct CellContext;
//struct DT1SubBlock
// WORD xPos; //0x00
// WORD yPos; //0x02
// WORD _1; //0x04
// BYTE gridX; //0x06
// BYTE gridY; //0x07
// WORD wTileFormat; //0x08
// DWORD dwSubLength; //0x0A
// WORD _2; //0x0E
// DWORD* pDataOffset; //0x10
//struct TileContext // *.dt1
// DWORD dwDirection; //0x00
// WORD wRoofIndex; //0x04
// BYTE bSound; //0x06
// BYTE bAnimated; //0x07
// DWORD dwSizeY; //0x08
// DWORD dwSizeX; //0x0C
// DWORD dwZeros1; //0x10
// DWORD dwOrientation; //0x14
// DWORD dwMainIndex; //0x18
// DWORD dwSubIndex; //0x1C
// DWORD dwFrame; //0x20
// BYTE _1a; //0x24 DT1's unknown_a ...
// BYTE _1c; //0x25
// BYTE _1b; //0x26
// BYTE _1d; //0x27
// BYTE bFlags[25]; //0x28 For each tile <not sure>
// BYTE _2; //0x39
// WORD sCacheIndex; //0x40
// DWORD _18; //0x44
// DWORD dwDataPtr; //0x48 pointer to sub-block headers
// DWORD dwSize; //0x4C length of the sub-blocks
// DWORD dwSubBlocks; //0x50
// DT1SubBlock* pBlocks; //0x54
// char* szTileName; //0x58
// DWORD **ptBlock; //0x5C <not sure - maybe its a struct>
//struct GFXSettings // size 0x18
// DWORD bPerspectiveEnable; // 0
// DWORD bPerspectiveCapable; // 1
// DWORD bLowQuality; //2
// DWORD dwGammaValue; //3
// DWORD bVSync; //4
// DWORD bBlendedShadows; // 5
//struct GFXHelpers
// void(__fastcall *FillYBufferTable)(void *ppvBits, int nWidth, int nHeight, int aZero);
// void(__fastcall *DrawVisTile)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
// void(__fastcall *f3)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
// void(__fastcall *DrawGroundTile)(TileContext* tc, int xPos, int yPos, int* pLight);
// void(__fastcall *DrawWallTile)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
// void(__fastcall *DrawBlendedVisTile)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
// void(__fastcall *DrawRoofTile)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5);
//struct D2RGB
// BYTE r;
// BYTE g;
// BYTE b;
//struct fnRendererCallbacks
// BOOL(__fastcall *InitWindow)(HINSTANCE); // 0
// BOOL(__fastcall *InitPerspective)(GFXSettings* pgfxSettings, GFXHelpers* pfnHelpers); // 1
// BOOL(__fastcall *Release)(); // 2
// BOOL(__fastcall *Init)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution); // 3
// BOOL(__fastcall *Shutdown)(); // 4
// BOOL(__fastcall *EndCutscene)(HANDLE hWnd, int nResolution, int); // 5
// BOOL(__fastcall *BeginScene)(BOOL bClear, BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 6
// BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene1)(); // 7
// BOOL(__fastcall *EndScene2)(); // 8
// BOOL(__fastcall *ResizeWin)(HANDLE HWND, int bResolution); // 9
// BOOL(__fastcall *GetBackBuffer)(D2RGB* pBuffer); // 10
// BOOL(__fastcall *ActivateWindow)(int Unk, int Contrast); // 11
// BOOL(__fastcall *SetOption)(int nOption, int nValue); // 12
// BOOL(__fastcall *BeginCutscene)(); // 13
// BOOL(__fastcall *PlayCutscene)(const char* szFile, int nResolution, void *pfframe); // 14
// BOOL(__fastcall *CheckCutscene)(); // 15
// BOOL(__fastcall *DecodeSmacker)(const char *szsmacker, BYTE *pbuffer, int nVersion); // 16
// BOOL(__fastcall *PlaySmacker)(void *pcontext); // 17
// BOOL(__fastcall *CloseSmacker)(void *pcontext); // 18
// int(__fastcall *GetRenderStats)(); // 19
// void(__fastcall *GetScreenSize)(int *pwidth, int *pheight); // 20
// void(__fastcall *SetScaleFactor)(int nFactor); // 21
// BOOL(__fastcall *SetGamma)(int nGamma); // 22
// BOOL(__fastcall *CheckGamma)(); // 23
// BOOL(__fastcall *SetPerspectiveScale)(); // 24
// BOOL(__fastcall *AdjustPerspective)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nBais, int *pxadjust, int *pyadjust); // 25
// BOOL(__fastcall *ScalePerspectivepos)(int nXpos, int nYpos, int nAngle, int *pxpos, int *pypos, BOOL bOrder); // 26
// BOOL(__fastcall *SetDefperspectivefactor)(); // 27
// void(__fastcall *SetPalette)(BYTE* pPalette); // 28
// BOOL(__fastcall *SetPalettetable)(BYTE** pPalette); // 29
// BOOL(__fastcall *SetGlobalLight)(BYTE nRed, BYTE nGreen, BYTE nBlue); // 30
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawGroundTile)(TileContext* pTile, DWORD** pLight, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nWorldXpos, int nWorldYpos, BYTE nAlpha, int nScreenPanels, BOOL bOne); // 31
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawPerspectiveImage)(CellContext* pData, unsigned int nXpos, unsigned int nYpos, BYTE dwGamma, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode, int nScreenMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 32
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImage)(CellContext* pData, unsigned int nXpos, unsigned int nYpos, BYTE dwGamma, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode, BYTE* pPalette); // 33
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawColouredImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, BYTE dwGamma, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode, int nColor); // 34
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVerticalCropImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, int nSkipLines, int nDrawLines, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode); // 35
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawShadows)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 36
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawImageFast)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, BYTE nPaletteIndex); // 37
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawClippedImage)(CellContext* pData, int nXpos, int nYpos, void* pCropRect, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode); // 38
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawWallTile)(TileContext* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels); // 39
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRoofTile)(TileContext* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, DWORD** pLight, int nScreenPanels, BYTE nAlpha); // 40
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawVisTile)(TileContext* pTile, int nXpos, int nYpos, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode, int nScreenPanels); // 41
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nColor); // 42
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawRectEx)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nColor); // 43
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRect)(RECT *Prect, BYTE nColor); // 44
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSquare)(POINT *pos, int nSize, BYTE nColor); // 45
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectEx)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, BYTE nColor, D2C_DrawModes nDrawMode); // 46
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawSolidRectAlpha)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, BYTE nColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 47
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLine)(int nXStart, int nYStart, int nXEnd, int nYEnd, BYTE nColor, BYTE nAlpha); // 48
// BOOL(__fastcall *ClearScreen)(BOOL bPartial); // 49
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawString)(int nXpos, int nYpos, const char *msg, ...); // 50
// BOOL(__fastcall *DrawLight)(DWORD *plight, DWORD *pplayerlight, int nXpos, int nYpos); // 51
// BOOL(__fastcall *DebugFillBackBuffer)(int xPos, int yPos); // 52
// BOOL(__fastcall *ClearCaches)(); // 53
////struct Room//size=0x80
//// //ptRoom +48 0 = spawn new units (monster, objects e.tc), 1 = don't spawn any new units
//// DWORD seed1; //+00
//// DWORD seed2; //+04
//// BYTE uk8[0x1C]; //+08
//// Room* ptNearRooms; //+24
//// DWORD nbNearRooms; //+28
//// Unit* unit; //+2C
//// BYTE uk5[0x44]; //+30
//// Room* ptNextRoom; //+74
//// union
//// {
//// BYTE flags; //+78
//// struct
//// {
//// BYTE isGenerated:1;
//// BYTE isGenerated2:1;//???
//// };
//// };
//* *
//* *
//#pragma pack(1)
//struct sWinMessage
// DWORD msg;
// DWORD type;
// DWORD key;
// WORD x;
// WORD y;
// DWORD uk3;
// DWORD uk4;
// DWORD managed;
// DWORD unmanaged;
//#pragma pack()
//struct sDrawImageInfo//size = 0x48 (until 1.10)
// void* reserved;
// void* image;
// DWORD frame;
// DWORD zero[0xF];
//struct sDrawImageInfo//size = 0x48
// DWORD uk1;
// DWORD uk2;
// void* image;
// DWORD uk3;
// DWORD uk4;
// void* reserved;
// DWORD uk5[0xB];
// DWORD frame;
//struct saveBitField
// BYTE* data;
// DWORD maxBits;
// DWORD currentByte;
// DWORD currentBit;
// DWORD overflaw;
//struct BINField
// char* fieldName;
// int type;
// DWORD strLength;
// DWORD offset;
// void* lookup;
//struct ItemGenerationData //size=0x84
// Unit* ptMonster; //+00
// BYTE uk1[0x04]; //+04
// Game* ptGame; //+08
// DWORD ilvl; //+0C
// BYTE uk2[0x04]; //+10
// DWORD nTxtFileNo; //+14
// DWORD unknow1; //+18
// DWORD x; //+1C
// DWORD y; //+20
// Room* ptRoom; //+24
// WORD unknow2; //+28
// WORD gameUnknown2; //+2A
// BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+2C
// DWORD quality; //+30
// BYTE uk4[0x34]; //+34
// int prefixID[3]; //+68 (-1: no prefix; 0:random prefix)
// int suffixID[3]; //+74 (-1: no suffix; 0:random suffix)
// union { //+80
// DWORD flags;
// struct {
// DWORD fuk1:5; //0x0000001F
// DWORD unknow3:1; //0x00000020
// };
// };
//struct AIParam {
// void* control; //+0x00
// void* u_0x04; //+0x04
// Unit* target; //+0x08
// void* u_0x0C; //+0x0C
// void* u_0x10; //+0x10
// DWORD distanceToTarget; //+0x14
// BOOL engagedInCombat; //+0x18
// MonStatsBIN* ptMonStatsBIN; //+0x1C
// void* ptMonStats2BIN; //+0x20
///* Data Structure to Update Client */
//struct DataPacket
// BYTE mType; // +00 Packet Type
// BYTE mFunc; // +02 Function to Call
// BYTE mSize; // +04 Size of the Packet
// DWORD mReserved; // +06 Used with items
// BYTE mUnitType; // +0A Always '0'
// DWORD mPlayerID; // +0C The Player ID (ptUnit + 08h)
// DWORD mItemID; // +10 The Item ID
// DWORD mMod1_ID; // +14 The Stat/Mod ID
// DWORD mParam1; // +18 3 Paramters
// DWORD mParam2; // +1C
// DWORD mParam3; // +20
///* Skill Structure. */
//struct SkillData
//{ //Offset from Code. (size = 0x3C or 0x40)
// SkillsBIN* ptSkillBin; //+00
// SkillData* ptNextSkill; //+04
// DWORD mode; //+08
// DWORD uk1[3]; //+0C
// DWORD targetInfo; //+18
// DWORD targetType; //+1c
// DWORD targetUNID; //+20
// DWORD uk2; //+24
// DWORD slvl; //+28
// DWORD slvlBonus; //+2c
// DWORD uk3; //+30
// int state; //+34 (-1 if index exist)
// DWORD param1; //+38 (nb current charge)
// DWORD param2; //+3C
//struct Skills
//{ //Offset from Code.
// DWORD gameRelated; //+00
// SkillData* ptFirstSkill; //+04
// SkillData* ptLeftSkill; //+08
// SkillData* ptRightSkill; //+0c
// SkillData* ptCurrentSkill; //+10
///* Unit Data Structure. */
//struct Position
// DWORD x;
// DWORD y;
///*struct Room//size=0x80
////ptRoom +48 0 = spawn new units (monster, objects e.tc), 1 = don't spawn any new units
// DWORD seed1; //+00
// DWORD seed2; //+04
// BYTE uk8[0x1C]; //+08
// Room* ptNearRooms; //+24
// DWORD nbNearRooms; //+28
// Unit* unit; //+2C
// BYTE uk5[0x44]; //+30
// Room* ptNextRoom; //+74
// union
// {
// BYTE flags; //+78
// struct
// {
// BYTE isGenerated:1;
// BYTE isGenerated2:1;//???
// };
// };
//struct RoomEx //size=5C
// DWORD __00[2]; //0x00
// RoomEx** roomExNear; //0x08
// DWORD __0C[5]; //0x0C
// struct {
// INT32 roomNumber; //0x00
// void* __04; //0x04
// PINT32 subNumber; //0x08
// } *pType2Info; //0x20
// RoomEx* ptNextRoomEx; //0x24
// UINT32 roomFlags; //0x28
// UINT32 roomsNearCount; //0x2C
// Room* ptRoom; //0x30
// INT32 posX; //0x34
// INT32 posY; //0x38
// INT32 sizeX; //0x3C
// INT32 sizeY; //0x40
// DWORD __44; //0x44
// UINT32 presetType; //0x48
// void* ptWarpTiles; //0x4C
// DWORD __50[2]; //0x50
// Level* ptLevel; //0x58
//struct Room //size=0x80
// Room** ptNearRooms; //0x00
// DWORD __04[3]; //0x04
// RoomEx* ptRoomEx; //0x10
// DWORD __14[3]; //0x14
// void* coll; //0x20
// INT32 nbNearRooms; //0x24
// DWORD __28[9]; //0x28
// DWORD startX; //0x4C
// DWORD startY; //0x50
// DWORD sizeX; //0x54
// DWORD sizeY; //0x58
// DWORD __5C[6]; //0x5C
// Unit* ptFirstUnit; //0x74
// DWORD __78; //0x78
// Room* ptNextRoom; //0x7C
//struct items_line {
// char flippy_file[32]; //0x00
// char inv_file[32]; //0x20
// char unique_inv_file[32]; //0x40
// char setinv_file[32]; //0x60
// union {
// uint32_t number_code; //0x80
// char string_code[4]; //0x80
// };
// uint32_t norm_code; //0x84
// uint32_t uber_code; //0x88
// uint32_t ultra_code; //0x8C
// uint32_t alternate_gfx; //0x90
// void* spell; //0x94
// uint16_t state; //0x98
// uint16_t cstate1; //0x9A
// uint16_t cstate2; //0x9C
// uint16_t stat1; //0x9E
// uint16_t stat2; //0xA0
// uint16_t stat3; //0xA2
// uint32_t calc1; //0xA4
// uint32_t calc2; //0xA8
// uint32_t calc3; //0xAC
// uint32_t len; //0xB0
// uint16_t spell_desc; //0xB4
// uint16_t spell_desc_str; //0xB6
// uint32_t spell_desc_calc; //0xB8
// uint32_t better_gem; //0xBC
// uint32_t weapon_class; //0xC0
// uint32_t two_handed_weapon_class; //0xC4
// uint32_t transmog_type; //0xC8
// uint32_t min_ac; //0xCC
// uint32_t max_ac; //0xD0
// uint32_t gamble_cost; //0xD4
// uint32_t speed; //0xD8
// uint32_t bit_field1; //0xDC
// uint32_t cost; //0xE0
// uint32_t min_stack; //0xE4
// uint32_t max_stack; //0xE8
// uint32_t spawn_stack; //0xEC
// uint32_t gem_offset; //0xF0
// uint16_t name_str; //0xF4
// uint16_t version; //0xF6
// uint16_t auto_prefix; //0xF8
// uint16_t missile_type; //0xFA
// uint8_t rarity; //0xFC
// uint8_t level; //0xFD
// uint8_t min_damage; //0xFE
// uint8_t max_damage; //0xFF
// uint8_t min_misdamage; //0x100
// uint8_t max_misdamage; //0x101
// uint8_t two_hand_min_damage; //0x102
// uint8_t two_hand_max_damage; //0x103
// uint16_t range_adder; //0x104
// uint16_t str_bonus; //0x106
// uint16_t dex_bonus; //0x108
// uint16_t req_str; //0x10A
// uint16_t req_dex; //0x10C
// uint8_t absorbs; //0x10E
// uint8_t inv_width; //0x10F
// uint8_t inv_height; //0x110
// uint8_t block; //0x111
// uint8_t durability; //0x112
// uint8_t no_durability; //0x11
// uint8_t missile; //0x114
// uint8_t component; //0x115
// uint8_t right_arm; //0x116
// uint8_t left_arm; //0x117
// uint8_t torso; //0x118
// uint8_t legs; //0x119
// uint8_t right_spad; //0x11A
// uint8_t left_spad; //0x11B
// uint8_t two_handed; //0x11C
// uint8_t useable; //0x11D
// uint16_t type; //0x11E
// uint16_t type2; //0x120
// uint16_t subtype; //0x122
// uint16_t drop_sound; //0x124
// uint16_t use_sound; //0x126
// uint8_t drop_sfx_frame; //0x128
// uint8_t unique; //0x129
// uint8_t quest; //0x12A
// uint8_t quest_diff_check; //0x12B
// uint8_t transparent; //0x12C
// uint8_t trans_tbl; //0x12D
// uint8_t pad0_x12_e; //0x12E
// uint8_t light_radius; //0x12F
// uint8_t belt; //0x130
// uint8_t auto_belt; //0x131
// uint8_t stackable; //0x132
// uint8_t spawnable; //0x133
// uint8_t spell_icon; //0x134
// uint8_t dur_warning; //0x135
// uint8_t quantity_warning; //0x136
// uint8_t has_inv; //0x137
// uint8_t gem_sockets; //0x138
// uint8_t transmogrify; //0x139
// uint8_t transmog_min; //0x13A
// uint8_t transmog_max; //0x13B
// uint8_t hit_class; //0x13C
// uint8_t one_or_two_handed; //0x13D
// uint8_t gem_apply_type; //0x13E
// uint8_t level_req; //0x13F
// uint8_t magic_lvl; //0x140
// uint8_t transform; //0x141
// uint8_t inv_trans; //0x142
// uint8_t compact_save; //0x143
// uint8_t skip_name; //0x144
// uint8_t nameable; //0x145
// uint8_t akara_min; //0x146
// uint8_t gheed_min; //0x147
// uint8_t charsi_min; //0x148
// uint8_t fara_min; //0x149
// uint8_t lysander_min; //0x14A
// uint8_t drognan_min; //0x14B
// uint8_t hralti_min; //0x14C
// uint8_t alkor_min; //0x14D
// uint8_t ormus_min; //0x14E
// uint8_t elzix_min; //0x14F
// uint8_t asheara_min; //0x150
// uint8_t cain_min; //0x151
// uint8_t halbu_min; //0x152
// uint8_t jamella_min; //0x153
// uint8_t malah_min; //0x154
// uint8_t larzuk_min; //0x155
// uint8_t drehya_min; //0x156
// uint8_t akara_max; //0x157
// uint8_t gheed_max; //0x158
// uint8_t charsi_max; //0x159
// uint8_t fara_max; //0x15A
// uint8_t lysander_max; //0x15B
// uint8_t drognan_max; //0x15C
// uint8_t hralti_max; //0x15D
// uint8_t alkor_max; //0x15E
// uint8_t ormus_max; //0x15F
// uint8_t elzix_max; //0x160
// uint8_t asheara_max; //0x161
// uint8_t cain_max; //0x162
// uint8_t halbu_max; //0x163
// uint8_t jamella_max; //0x164
// uint8_t malah_max; //0x165
// uint8_t larzuk_max; //0x166
// uint8_t drehya_max; //0x167
// uint8_t akara_magic_min; //0x168
// uint8_t gheed_magic_min; //0x169
// uint8_t charsi_magic_min; //0x16A
// uint8_t fara_magic_min; //0x16B
// uint8_t lysander_magic_min; //0x16C
// uint8_t drognan_magic_min; //0x16D
// uint8_t hralti_magic_min; //0x16E
// uint8_t alkor_magic_min; //0x16F
// uint8_t ormus_magic_min; //0x170
// uint8_t elzix_magic_min; //0x171
// uint8_t asheara_magic_min; //0x172
// uint8_t cain_magic_min; //0x173
// uint8_t halbu_magic_min; //0x174
// uint8_t jamella_magic_min; //0x175
// uint8_t malah_magic_min; //0x176
// uint8_t larzuk_magic_min; //0x177
// uint8_t drehya_magic_min; //0x178
// uint8_t akara_magic_max; //0x179
// uint8_t gheed_magic_max; //0x17A
// uint8_t charsi_magic_max; //0x17B
// uint8_t fara_magic_max; //0x17C
// uint8_t lysander_magic_max; //0x17D
// uint8_t drognan_magic_max; //0x17E
// uint8_t hralti_magic_max; //0x17F
// uint8_t alkor_magic_max; //0x180
// uint8_t ormus_magic_max; //0x181
// uint8_t elzix_magic_max; //0x182
// uint8_t asheara_magic_max; //0x183
// uint8_t cain_magic_max; //0x184
// uint8_t halbu_magic_max; //0x185
// uint8_t jamella_magic_max; //0x186
// uint8_t malah_magic_max; //0x187
// uint8_t larzuk_magic_max; //0x188
// uint8_t drehya_magic_max; //0x189
// uint8_t akara_magic_lvl; //0x18A
// uint8_t gheed_magic_lvl; //0x18B
// uint8_t charsi_magic_lvl; //0x18C
// uint8_t fara_magic_lvl; //0x18D
// uint8_t lysander_magic_lvl; //0x18E
// uint8_t drognan_magic_lvl; //0x18F
// uint8_t hralti_magic_lvl; //0x190
// uint8_t alkor_magic_lvl; //0x191
// uint8_t ormus_magic_lvl; //0x192
// uint8_t elzix_magic_lvl; //0x193
// uint8_t asheara_magic_lvl; //0x194
// uint8_t cain_magic_lvl; //0x195
// uint8_t halbu_magic_lvl; //0x196
// uint8_t jamella_magic_lvl; //0x197
// uint8_t malah_magic_lvl; //0x198
// uint8_t larzuk_magic_lvl; //0x199
// uint8_t drehya_magic_lvl; //0x19A
// uint8_t pad0_x19_b; //0x19B
// uint32_t nightmare_upgrade; //0x19C
// uint32_t hell_upgrade; //0x1A0
// uint8_t perm_store_item; //0x1A4
// uint8_t multi_buy; //0x1A5
// uint16_t pad0_x1_a6; //0x1A6
//struct item_types_line {
// char code[4]; //0x00
// int16_t equiv1; //0x04
// int16_t equiv2; //0x06
// int8_t repair; //0x08
// int8_t body; //0x09
// int8_t body_loc1; //0x0A
// int8_t body_loc2; //0x0B
// int16_t shoots; //0x0C
// int16_t quiver; //0x0E
// int8_t throwable; //0x10
// int8_t reload; //0x11
// int8_t re_equip; //0x12
// int8_t auto_stack; //0x13
// int8_t magic; //0x14
// int8_t rare; //0x15
// int8_t normal; //0x16
// int8_t charm; //0x17
// int8_t gem; //0x18
// int8_t beltable; //0x19
// int8_t max_sock1; //0x1A
// int8_t max_sock25; //0x1B
// int8_t max_sock40; //0x1C
// int8_t treasure_class; //0x1D
// int8_t rarity; //0x1E
// int8_t staff_mods; //0x1F
// int8_t cost_formula; //0x20
// int8_t item_class; //0x21
// int8_t store_page; //0x22
// int8_t var_inv_gfx; //0x23
// char inv_gfx1[32]; //0x24
// char inv_gfx2[32]; //0x44
// char inv_gfx3[32]; //0x64
// char inv_gfx4[32]; //0x84
// char inv_gfx5[32]; //0xA4
// char inv_gfx6[32]; //0xC4
//enum unit_type_t : DWORD {
// UNIT_TYPE_VIS_TILE = 5 //unused?
//enum player_class_t : DWORD {
//struct unit3 {
// unit_type_t type;
// union {
// player_class_t player_class;
// DWORD data_record_index;
// };
// void* memory_pool;
// DWORD guid;
// DWORD mode;
// union {
// DWORD* player_data;
// DWORD* monster_data;
// DWORD* object_data;
// //missile_data* missile_data;
// DWORD* item_data;
// };
// BYTE act;
// BYTE act_padding[0x03];
// DWORD* drlg_act;
// struct {
// DWORD low_seed;
// DWORD high_seed;
// } seed;
// DWORD init_seed;
// DWORD* path;
// DWORD* skill_sequence;
// DWORD skill_sequence_frame_count;
// DWORD skill_sequence_frame;
// DWORD anim_speed;
// DWORD skill_sequence_mode;
// DWORD current_frame;
// DWORD frame_count;
// WORD anim_speed_w;
// BYTE action_frame;
// BYTE pad1;
// DWORD* anim_data;
// DWORD* gfxdata;
// DWORD* gfxdata_copy;
// DWORD* statslistex;
// DWORD* inventory;
// union {
// struct {
// DWORD interact_guid;
// DWORD interact_type;
// BYTE interacting;
// } interaction;
// struct {
// void* light_map;
// DWORD start_light_radius;
// WORD p12_shift_index;
// } lightning;
// };
// WORD update_type;
// unit3* update_unit;
// DWORD* quest_record;
// DWORD sparky_chest;
// void* timer_args;
// union {
// DWORD* game;
// DWORD sound_sync;
// };
// char pad2[0x0C];
// void* event;
// unit_type_t owner_type;
// DWORD owner_guid;
// char pad3[8];
// char* hover_text;
// void* skills;
// void* combat;
// DWORD hit_class;
// char pad4[4];
// DWORD drop_code;
// char pad5[8];
// union {
// struct {
// DWORD unit_flags;
// DWORD unit_flags_ex;
// } flags;
// unsigned long long flags64;
// };
// char pad6[4];
// DWORD node_index;
// DWORD get_tick_count;
// union {
// DWORD get_tick_count2;
// void* particle_stream;
// };
// void* timer;
// unit3* change_next_unit; //?
// unit3* prev_unit;
// unit3* prev_unit_in_room;
// void* msg_first;
// void* msg_last;
// bool is_hireling() const {
// if (type != unit_type_t::UNIT_TYPE_MONSTER)
// return false;
// return (flags.unit_flags & 0x00000200) == 0x00000200;
// }
// bool is_pet() const {
// if (type != unit_type_t::UNIT_TYPE_MONSTER)
// return false;
// return (flags.unit_flags & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000;
// }
//struct room3//size=0x80
// //ptRoom +48 0 = spawn new units (monster, objects e.tc), 1 = don't spawn any new units
// DWORD seed1; //+00
// DWORD seed2; //+04
// BYTE uk8[0x1C]; //+08
// room3* pt_near_rooms; //+24
// DWORD nb_near_rooms; //+28
// unit3* unit; //+2C
// BYTE uk5[0x44]; //+30
// room3* pt_next_room; //+74
// union {
// BYTE flags; //+78
// struct {
// BYTE is_generated : 1;
// BYTE is_generated2 : 1;//???
// };
// };
//struct Level //size=0x234
// DWORD type; //+000
// DWORD flags; //+004
// DWORD __004_010[2]; //+008
// RoomEx* ptFirstRoomEx; //+010
// DWORD __014_01C[2]; //+014
// INT32 posX; //+01C
// INT32 posY; //+020
// INT32 sizeX; //+024
// INT32 sizeY; //+028
// DWORD __0C2_1AC[96]; //+02C
// Level* ptNextLevel; //+1AC
// DWORD __1B0; //+1B0
// ActData* ptActData; //+1B4
// DWORD __1B8_1C0[2]; //+1B8
// DWORD levelType; //+1C0
// DWORD seed1; //+1C4
// DWORD seed2; //+1C8
// DWORD uk_1CC; //+1CC
// UINT32 levelNo; //+1D0
// DWORD __1D4_234[96]; //+1D4
//struct ActData //size=0x488
// DWORD seed1; //+000
// DWORD seed2; //+004
// DWORD nbRooms; //+008
// DWORD __00C_0094[34]; //+00C
// DWORD nTalRashaTombLevel; //094
// DWORD __098; //+098
// Game* ptGame; //+09C
// DWORD __0A0_450[237]; //+0A0
// BYTE difficulty; //+450
// BYTE __451_46C[27]; //+451
// ActMap* ptActMap; //+46C
// DWORD __470_484[5]; //+470
// DWORD nBossMummyTombLevel;//+484
//struct ActMap //size=0x60
// DWORD isNotManaged; //+00
// DWORD __04; //+04
// DWORD townLevel; //+08
// DWORD seed; //+0C
// Room* ptFirstRoom; //+10
// DWORD actNumber; //+14
// DWORD __18_48[12]; //+18
// ActData* ptActData; //+48
// DWORD __50_5C[4]; //+4C
// void* ptMemoryPool; //+5C
////ptGame : 04E4007C
//struct Game
//{ //Offset from Code.
// BYTE uk1[0x18]; //+00
// DWORD _ptLock; //+18 Unknown
// DWORD memoryPool; //+1C Memory Pool (??)
// BYTE uk2[0x4D]; //+20
// BYTE difficultyLevel; //+6D (Difficulty 0,1 or 2)
// WORD unknown1; //+6E Cube puts 4 here
// DWORD isLODGame; //+70 (D2=0 LOD =1) (DWORD ?)
// BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+71
// WORD unknown2; //+78
// BYTE uk4[0x0E]; //+7A
// NetClient* ptClient; //+88
// BYTE __8C[0x1C]; //+8C
// DWORD gameFrame; //+A8
// BYTE __AC[0x10]; //+AC
// ActMap* mapAct[5]; //+BC
// BYTE ukD0[0x1024]; //+D0
// DWORD* game10F4; //+10F4
// BYTE uk6[0x28]; //+10F8
// Unit* units[0xA00]; //+1120
// Unit* roomtitles[0x200]; //+1B20
////WORD ptGame+28 game ID ?
//struct Path //(8 dword)
//{ //Offset from Code. Size: 20
// WORD uk1; //+00
// WORD mapx; //+02
// WORD uk2; //+04
// WORD mapy; //+06
// DWORD uk3; //+08
// DWORD x; //+0C
// DWORD y; //+10
// DWORD uk6; //+14
// DWORD uk7; //+18
// Room* ptRoom; //+1C
//struct Inventory
//{ //Offset from Code. Size: 30 to 40
// DWORD tag; //+00 = 0x01020304
// BYTE uk1[0x04]; //+04 =? 0
// Unit* ptChar; //+08
// Unit* ptItem; //+0C
// BYTE uk2[0x10]; //+10
// Unit* inventory1; //+20
// BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+24
// DWORD currentUsedSocket; //+28 //Kingpin : a variable to know how many sockets that have added to item
// DWORD Inventory2C; //+2C //one value
// DWORD Inventory30; //+30
// void* ptCorpse; //+34
// BYTE uk5[0x04]; //+38
// DWORD nextCorpseId; //+3C //max = 15
// BYTE uk6[0x04]; //+40
//struct D2Stat
// WORD index;
// WORD id;
// int value;
//struct Stats //sizeof(Stats)=0x64
// DWORD nUnitId; //+00
// Unit* ptUnit; //+04
// DWORD nUnitType; //+08
// DWORD nItemNum; //+0C
// union
// {
// DWORD flags; //+10
// struct
// {
// DWORD fuk1:13; //0x00001FFF
// DWORD isDisabled:1; //0x00002000
// DWORD fuk2:17; //0x7FFFC000
// DWORD dontUseBaseValue:1;//0x80000000
// };
// };
// DWORD id; //+14
// DWORD uk18; //+18
// BYTE uk2[0x08]; //+1C
// D2Stat* ptBaseStatsTable; //+24
// WORD nbBaseStats; //+28
// WORD sizeOfBaseStatsTable; //+2A ??
// Stats* ptStats; //+2C
// BYTE uk3[0x04]; //+30
// Stats* ptItemStats; //+34
// BYTE uk4[0x04]; //+38
// Stats* ptAffixStats; //+3C
// Stats* ptNextStats2; //+40
// union
// {
// Unit* ptChar; //+44
// Unit* ptItem;
// };
// D2Stat* ptStatsTable; //+48
// WORD nbStats; //+4C
// WORD sizeOfStatsTable; //+4E ??
// BYTE uk5[0x8]; //+50
// BYTE* unknow0; //+58 (sizeof(*unknow0)=0x30 (calculated)
// DWORD unknow1; //+5C (=0)
// DWORD unknow2; //+60 (=0)
//struct AIControl
// DWORD specialState; // +00 SpecialState - stuff like terror, confusion goes here
// void* aiFunction; // +04 fpAiFunction(); - the primary ai function to call (void * __fastcall)(pGame,pUnit,pAiTickArgs);
// DWORD aiFlags; // +08 AiFlags
// DWORD ownerGUID; // +0C OwnerGUID - the global unique identifier of the boss or minion owner
// DWORD ownerType; // +10 eOwnerType - the unit type of the boss or minion owner
// DWORD args[3]; // +14 dwArgs[3] - three dwords holding custom data used by ai func to store counters (etc)
// void* cmdCurrent; // +20 pCmdCurrents
// void* cmdLast; // +24 pCmdLast
// Game* ptGame; // +28 pGame
// DWORD ownerGUID2; // +2C OwnerGUID - the same as +008
// DWORD ownerType2; // +30 eOwnerType - the same as +00C
// void* minionList; // +34 pMinionList - list of all minions, for boss units (SetBoss in MonStats, Unique, SuperUnique etc)
// DWORD trapNo; // +3C eTrapNo - used by shadows for summoning traps (so they stick to one type usually)
//struct MonsterData // sizeof(MonsterData)=0x60
//{ //Offset from Code.
// MonStatsBIN* ptMonStats; //+000 - pMonStats - record in monstats.txt
// BYTE components[0x10]; //+004 - Components[16] - bytes holding the component Ids for each component; Order: HD, TR, LG, RA, LA, RH, LH, SH, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8
// WORD seed; //+014 - NameSeed
// union
// {
// BYTE flags; //+016 - TypeFlags
// struct
// {
// BYTE isOther:1; // MONTYPE_OTHER(set for some champs, uniques)
// BYTE isChampion:1; // MONTYPE_CHAMPION
// BYTE isUnique:1; // MONTYPE_UNIQUE
// BYTE isMinion:1; // MONTYPE_MINION
// BYTE isPossessed:1; // MONTYPE_POSSESSED
// BYTE isGhostly:1; // MONTYPE_GHOSTLY
// BYTE isMultishot:1; // MONTYPE_MULTISHOT
// };
// };
// BYTE lastMode; //+017 - eLastMode
// DWORD duriel; //+018 - dwDuriel - set only for duriel
// BYTE monUModList[10]; //+01C - MonUModList[9] - nine bytes holding the Ids for each MonUMod assigned to the unit
// DWORD superUniqueID; //+026
// AIControl* ptAiGeneral; //+02A
// BYTE uk2[0x32]; //+02E
//struct ObjectData2
// ObjectsBIN* ptObjectsBIN;
// BYTE levelID;
//Kingpin: struct MonsterData
// BYTE uk1[0x13]; // +00
// DWORD Flags; // +14
// DWORD uk2; // +18
// DWORD MinionOwnerID; // +1C
// BYTE uk3[0x5]; // +20
// WORD SuperUniqueID; // +26 Superunique ID of monster
// D2Game* ptGame; // +28 ptGame
//struct ItemData//size=0x74
//{ //Offset from Code.
// DWORD quality; //+00
// DWORD seedLow; //+04
// DWORD seedHi; //+08
// DWORD playerID; //+0C #10734 / #10735 (PCInventory->ptPlayer->0C)
// DWORD seedStarting; //+10
// DWORD flags1; //+14
// union {
// DWORD flags2; //+18
// struct {
// DWORD fuk1:1; //0x00000001
// DWORD isIndentified:1; //0x00000002
// DWORD fuk2:2; //0x0000000C
// DWORD isUnindentified:1; //0x00000010
// DWORD fuk3:3; //0x000000E0
// DWORD isBroken:1; //0x00000100
// DWORD fuk4:2; //0x00000600
// DWORD isSocketed:1; //0x00000800
// DWORD fuk5:10; //0x003FF000
// DWORD isEtheral:1; //0x00400000
// DWORD fuk6:3; //0x03800000
// DWORD isRuneword:1; //0x04000000
// DWORD fuk7:1; //0x08000000
// DWORD isPersonalized:1; //0x10000000
// DWORD fuk8:3; //0xE0000000
// };
// };
//ITEMFLAG_NEWITEM = 0x00000001,
//ITEMFLAG_TAGETING = 0x00000004,
//ITEMFLAG_QUANTITY = 0x00000020,
//ITEMFLAG_Durability = 0x00000100,
//ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN2 = 0x00000400,
//ITEMFLAG_SOCKETED = 0x00000800,
//ITEMFLAG_NEWITEM2 = 0x00002000,
//ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN3 = 0x00004000,
//ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN4 = 0x00080000,
//ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN5 = 0x00800000,
//ITEMFLAG_RUNEWORD = 0x04000000
// DWORD guid1; //+1C Global Unique ID 1
// DWORD guid2; //+20 Global Unique ID 2
// DWORD guid3; //+24 Global Unique ID 3
// DWORD uniqueID; //+28
// BYTE ilvl; //+2C
// BYTE uk1[0x03]; //+2D
// WORD version; //+30
// WORD rarePrefix; //+32
// WORD rareSuffix; //+34
// WORD autoPref; //+36
// WORD prefix[3]; //+38
// WORD suffix[3]; //+3E
// BYTE equipLoc; //+44
// /* location if equipped
// * 00 = noequip/inBelt
// * 01 = head
// * 02 = neck
// * 03 = tors
// * 04 = rarm
// * 05 = larm
// * 06 = lrin
// * 07 = rrin
// * 08 = belt
// * 09 = feet
// * 0A = glov
// * 0B = ralt
// * 0C = lalt
// BYTE page; //+45
// /* page dans laquel se trouve l'item
// * FF = mouse/equip/onEarth
// * 00 = inventory
// * 01 = cube
// * 04 = stash
// */
// BYTE uk4[0x01]; //+46
// BYTE ItemData3; //+47 //D2Common10854 D2Common10853
// BYTE pEarLevel; //+48
// BYTE varGfx; //+49
// char IName[0x12]; //+4A //inscribed/ear name
// Inventory* ptInventory; //+5C
// Unit* ptPrevItem; //+60
// Unit* ptNextItem; //+64
// BYTE uk8[0x01]; //+68
// BYTE ItemData2; //+69
// BYTE uk9[0x0A]; //+6A
//struct NetClient
// DWORD clientID; //+00
// BYTE uk1[0x06]; //+04
// union { //+0A
// WORD flag;
// struct {
// WORD f1:1;
// WORD f2:1;
// WORD isHardCoreGame:1;
// };
// };
// BYTE uk2; //+0C
// char name[0x10]; //+0D
// BYTE uk3[0x15F]; //+1D
// BYTE* savefile; //+17C
// DWORD finalSize; //+180
// DWORD counter; //+184
// DWORD currentSize; //+188
// BYTE uk4[0x1C]; //+18C
// Game* ptGame; //+1A8
// //+1A8 is ptGame
// //+4A8 ptNextClient
//Kingpin: ptPclient
//+16C is either act or unit type
//+170 Active UniqueID for player
//+174 Active ptPlayer on Client
//+1a8 ptGame
//+1b4 Current or next ptRoom
//struct PlayerData
// char name[0x10]; //+00 (size min 0x08 max 0x11)
// BYTE uk1[0x8C]; //+10
// NetClient* ptNetClient; //+9C
//struct PlayerData
// char name[0x10]; //+00 Player Name
// void* ptQuest[3]; //+10 Quest Pointers for each difficulty
// BYTE uk1[0x18]; //+1C //before : 0x14
// void* ptArenaUnit; //+34 ptArena for the Unit
// BYTE uk2[0x4]; //+38 //before : 0x7
// WORD MPSourcePortalUniqueID; //+3C Source Portal Unique_ID
// BYTE uk3[0x2]; //+3E
// WORD MPDestPortalUniqueID; //+40 Destination Portal Unique_ID
// BYTE uk4[0x06]; //+42
// BYTE ptObjectUnID; //+48 Object UniqueID for TownPortals
// BYTE uk5[0x53]; //+49
// NetClient* ptNetClient; //+9C ptClient
//#define F1_IS_SPAWNED 0x10 //or F_IS_IDENTIFIED ?
//#define F2_IS_LOD 0x2000000
//struct Unit
//{ //Offset from Code. Size: 0xF4+4
// DWORD nUnitType; //+00
// union {
// DWORD nPlayerClass;
// DWORD nTxtFileNo;
// }; //+04
// DWORD nUnitId; //+08
// DWORD nItemNum; //+0C
// DWORD mode; //+10
// union {
// MonsterData* ptMonsterData;
// DWORD* ptObjectData;
// ItemData* ptItemData;
// PlayerData* ptPlayerData;
// }; //+14
// BYTE act; //+18
// BYTE uk12[3]; //+19
// void* ptAct; //+1C
// DWORD SeedLow; //+20
// DWORD SeedHi; //+24
// DWORD SeedStarting; //+28
// Path* path; //+2C
// BYTE uk1[0x08]; //+30
// Path* ptPos; //+38
// DWORD animSpeed; //+3C
// BYTE uk2[0x04]; //+40
// DWORD curFrame; //+44
// DWORD remainingFrame; //+48
// WORD animSpeedW; //+4C
// BYTE actionFlag; //+4E
// BYTE uk3[0x1]; //+4F
// void* ptAnimData; //+50
// BYTE uk4[0x08]; //+54
// Stats* ptStats; //+5C
// Inventory* ptInventory; //+60
// BYTE uk5[0x1C]; //+64
// Game* ptGame; //+80
// BYTE uk6[0x24]; //+84
// Skills* ptSkills; //+A8
// void* ptCombatData; //+AC
// BYTE uk7[0x08]; //+B0
// DWORD itemCode; //+B8 for an item being dropped by this unit
// BYTE uk8[0x08]; //+BC
// DWORD flags1; //+C4
// union {
// DWORD flags2; //+C8 //flags
// struct {
// DWORD ukf1 : 25;
// DWORD isLod : 1;
// };
// };
// BYTE uk9[0x04]; //+CC
// DWORD clientId; //+D0
// BYTE uk10[0x0C]; //+D4
// Unit* ptFirstMonster; //+E0
// Unit* Unit1; //+E4
// Unit* ptNextUnitInRoom; //+E8
// BYTE uk11[0x08]; //+EC
// union {
// CBPlayerData* ptCBPlayerData;
// CBItemData* ptCBItemData;
// void* ptCBData;
// }; //+F4
//struct D2Game
// DWORD unknown[19];
// WORD difficulty;
//struct ItemMod
// DWORD mID; // +00 Mod ID, get it from properties.txt
// DWORD mParam; // +04 First Property
// DWORD mMinimum; // +04 Second Property, Min Value
// DWORD mMaximum; // +04 Third Property, Max Value
//struct AIStruct
// DWORD mSpawn; // +00
// void* mAIFunc; // +04
// DWORD mUnknown1[8]; // +08
// D2Game* mGame; // +28
// DWORD mMinionOwner; // +2C
// DWORD mOwnerType; // +30
//struct LocInfo
//{ //Offset from Code
// Unit* noneLoc; //+00
// Unit* headLoc; //+04
// Unit* neckLoc; //+08
// Unit* torsoLoc; //+0c
// Unit* rightArmLoc; //+10
// Unit* leftArmLoc; //+14
// Unit* rightRingLoc; //+18
// Unit* leftRingLoc; //+1c
// Unit* beltLoc; //+20
// Unit* feetLoc; //+24
// Unit* glovesLoc; //+28
//struct ItemData
//{ // Offset from Code
// DWORD quality; // +00.
// DWORD lowSeed; // +04.
// DWORD highSeed; // +08.
// DWORD unknown1; // +0c.
// DWORD startLowSeed; // +10.
// DWORD cmdFlags; // +14.
// DWORD flags; // +18.
// DWORD unknown2[2]; // +1C
// DWORD originID; // +24.
// DWORD iLvl; // +28.
// WORD version; // +2C.
// WORD prefix; // +2E.
// WORD suffix; // +30.
// WORD autoPrefix; // +32.
// WORD prefix1; // +34.
// WORD prefix2; // +36.
// WORD prefix3; // +38.
// WORD suffix1; // +3A.
// WORD suffix2; // +3C.
// WORD suffix3; // +3E.
// BYTE bodyLoc; // +40. // 0=inv/stash 4=gaucheS 5=droiteS
// BYTE inPage; // +41. // FF=equip 00=inv 04=stash
// BYTE unknown3[3]; // +42
// BYTE picture[8]; // +45
// DWORD ilvl; // +4C
//struct PresetUnit
//{ //Offset from Code
// DWORD unitType; //+00
// DWORD txtFileNo; //+04
// DWORD unknown1[1]; //Unkonwn Data at +08
// DWORD xPos; //+0c
// DWORD yPos; //+10
// DWORD unknown2[2]; //Unknown data at +14
// PresetUnit* pNext; //+1c
//struct MissileData
//+04 flags
//+08 0 on start
//+0c -1 on start
//+20 nDirection
//+28 range?
//+2c range?
//+30 level
//+34 number of pierces (byte)
//+35 (byte)
//+36 (byte)
//+37 (byte)
//+38 range-activate
//struct Combat
// DWORD mHeader; // +00 : Always 0x32
// DWORD mDisplayFlag; // +04 : Affect critical hit etc ...
// DWORD mPhysicalDmg; // +08 : Values are << 8
// DWORD mUnknown1; // +0C
// DWORD mFireDmg; // +10 : Values are << 8
// DWORD mUnknown2; // +14
// DWORD mBurnLeng; // +18
// DWORD mLtngDmg; // +1C : values are << 8
// DWORD mMagDmg; // +20 : values are << 8
// DWORD mColdDmg; // +24 : values are << 8
// DWORD mPoisDmg; // +28 : ??
// DWORD mPoisLeng; // +2C
// DWORD mColdLeng; // +30
// DWORD mFreezeLeng; // +34
// DWORD mLifeSteal; // +38
// DWORD mManaSteal; // +3C
// DWORD mUnknwon3; // +40
// DWORD mStunLeng; // +44
// DWORD mUnknown4; // +48
// DWORD mTotalDamage; // +4C
// DWORD mUnknown5[6]; // +50
// DWORD mOverlay; // +68
// DWORD mUnknwon6; // +6C
//struct Node
//{ //Offset from Code.
// DWORD flag; //+00 //Yoh : null->flag
// Unit* ptItem; //+04 //Yoh : ItemData=>Unit
// DWORD unID; //+08
// DWORD page; //+0c //Yoh plutot etat : inventory/stash=1; inv-belt=2; equip=3
// Node* nextNode; //+10
//struct MonsterData // size110 : 60
// AIStruct* AIPtr;
// void* unkonwPtr1;
// void* uniqueInfo;
// void* spawnInfo;
// void* unknownPtr2;
// DWORD unkown[8];
// void* lvlPtr;
// MonStatTxt* monstatPtr;
//struct Unit
//{ //Offset from Code.
// DWORD nUnitType; //+00
// union
// {
// DWORD nTxtFileNo;
// DWORD nPlayerClass;
// }; //+04
// DWORD nUnitId; //+08
// DWORD eMode; //+0c
// DWORD* unknow1; //+10
// DWORD nAct; //+14
// DWORD pActRelated; //+18
// DWORD unknown2[4]; //Unknown Data at +1C
// D2Seed nSeed; //+2C
// DWORD startSeed; //+34
// Path* pPos; //+38
// DWORD unknown3[6]; //Unknown Data at +3C
// DWORD animSpeed; //+54
// DWORD unknown32[2]; //+58
// BYTE COFString[12]; //+60
// Stats* ptStats; //+6C
// union
// {
// PlayerData* pPlayerData;
// MonsterData* pMonsterData;
// ItemData* pItemData;
// MissileData* pMissile;
// ObjectData* pObjectData;
// }; //+70
// DWORD unknown5[2]; //+74
// BYTE unknown6[2]; //+7C
// BYTE rndDmg[2]; //+7e
// DWORD unknown7; //+80
// Inventory* ptInventory; //+84
// DWORD unknown8[4]; //+88
// DWORD startNull; //+98
// DWORD unknown9[2]; //+9c
// D2Game* ptGame; //+a4
// DWORD unknown10[4]; //+a8
// DWORD nOwnerType; //+b8
// DWORD nOwnerId; //+bc
// DWORD unknown11[3]; //+c0
// D2Info* ptInfo; //+cc
// Combat* ptCombat; //+d0
// DWORD unknown12[5]; //+d4
// DWORD flags; //+e8
// DWORD LODflag; //+ec
// DWORD unknown13[7]; //+f0
// Unit* pNext; //+10c
// DWORD unknown14[2]; //+110 //YOH
// union
// {
// ItemData* ptItemData;
// void* ptData;
// }; //+118 //YOH
//struct DrlgRoom2;
//struct DrlgLevel;
//struct DrlgMisc;
//struct DrlgAct;
//struct UnitAny;
//struct AutomapLayer;
//struct AutomapCell;
//struct D2Seed {
// DWORD d1,d2;
//struct PresetUnit {
// DWORD nUnitType; //+00
// DWORD nTxtFileNo; //+04
// DWORD _1[1];
// DWORD xPos; //+0c
// DWORD yPos; //+10
// DWORD _2[2];
// PresetUnit *pNext; //+1c
//struct RoomTile {
// DrlgRoom2 *pRoom2; //+00
// DWORD *nNum; //+04
// DWORD _1[3];
// RoomTile *pNext; //+14
//struct DrlgRoom1 {
// DWORD xpos1; //+00
// DWORD ypos1; //+04
// DWORD xsize1; //+08
// DWORD ysize1; //+0c
// DWORD xpos2; //+10
// DWORD ypos2; //+14
// DWORD xsize2; //+18
// DWORD ysize2; //+1c
// DWORD _1[1];
// DrlgRoom1 **paRoomsNear; //+24
// DWORD nRoomsNear; //+28;
// UnitAny *pUnitFirst; //+2c
// DWORD _2[2];
// DrlgRoom2 *pRoom2; //+38
// D2Seed seed; //+3c
// DWORD _3[14];
// DrlgRoom1 *pNext; // +7c
//struct DrlgRoom2 {
// DrlgLevel *pDrlgLevel; //+00
// DWORD xPos; //+04
// DWORD yPos; //+08
// DWORD xPos1; // +0c
// DWORD yPos1; // +10
// DWORD _1[2];
// DWORD nPresetType; //+1c
// DWORD *nPresetType2No; //+20
// DWORD _2[39];
// DrlgRoom2 **paRoomsNear; //+c0
// DWORD nRoomsNear; //+c4
// RoomTile *pRoomTiles; //+c8
// PresetUnit *pPresetUnits; //+cc
// DWORD _3[1];
// D2Seed seed; //+d4
// DWORD _3b[2];
// DrlgRoom1 *pRoom1; //+e4
// DrlgRoom2 *pNext; //+e8
//struct DrlgLevel {
// DrlgMisc *pDrlgMisc; //+00
// DWORD nLevelNo; //+04
// DWORD _1[10];
// DrlgRoom2 *pRoom2First; //+30
////struct DrlgLevel { //sizeof(DrlgLevel) = 0x230
//// // +00 dwseed_l
//// // +04 dwseed_h
//// DWORD _1[5];
//// DWORD nLevelNo; //+14
//// DWORD _1a[120];
//// // +138 rand_step(4)
//// // +1B0 rand_step(1)
//// // +1EC LevelType
//// D2Seed seed; //+1f8
//// //+1FC dwseed
//// DWORD _2[1]; // +200 RoomCounter
//// DrlgRoom2* pRoom2First; //+204
//// DrlgMisc* pDrlgMisc; //+208
//// //+20C LevelFlag?
//// //+21C DrlgType
//// DWORD _3[8];
//// DrlgLevel* pLevelNext; //+22c
//struct DrlgMisc {
// DrlgLevel *pLevelFirst; //+00
// DWORD _1[2];
// DrlgAct *pDrlgAct; //+0c
// DWORD _2[250];
// DWORD nStaffTombLvl; // +3f8
// DWORD nBossTombLvl; //+3fc
//struct DrlgMisc_109 {
// DrlgLevel *pLevelFirst; //+00
// DWORD _1[2];
// DrlgAct *pDrlgAct; //+0c
// DWORD _2[249];
// DWORD nStaffTombLvl; //+3f4
// DWORD nBossTombLvl; //+3f8
//struct DrlgAct {
// DWORD _1;
// DrlgRoom1 *pRoom1; //+04
// DrlgMisc *pDrlgMisc; //+08
//struct DrlgAct_109 {
// DWORD _1[2];
// DrlgMisc *pDrlgMisc; //+08
//struct AutomapCell {
// DWORD fSaved; //+00
// WORD nCellNo; //+04
// WORD xPixel; //+06
// WORD yPixel; //+08
// WORD _1[1];
// AutomapCell *pLess; //+0c
// AutomapCell *pMore; //+10
//struct AutomapLayer {
// DWORD nLayerNo;
// DWORD fSaved;
// AutomapCell *pFloors; //+08
// AutomapCell *pWalls; //+0c
// AutomapCell *pObjects; //+10
// AutomapCell *pExtras; //+14
//struct AutomapCellNode {
// DWORD _1[4];
// AutomapCell *pAutomapCell; // +10
// DWORD _2;
// AutomapCellNode *pNext; // +18
//struct ObjectTxt {
// char szName[0x40]; // +00
// wchar_t wszName[0x40]; // +40
// BYTE _1[4]; // +c0
// BYTE nSelectable0; //+c4
// BYTE _2[0x87];
// BYTE nOrientation; //+14c
// BYTE _2b[0x19];
// BYTE nSubClass; // +166
// BYTE _3[0x11];
// BYTE nParm0; //+178
// BYTE _4[0x39];
// BYTE nPopulateFn; //+1b2
// BYTE nOperateFn; //+1b3
// BYTE _5[8];
// DWORD nAutoMap; // +1bb
//struct ObjectTxt_109 {
// BYTE _1[0xc4];
// BYTE nSelectable0; //+c4
// BYTE _2[0x87];
// BYTE nOrientation; //+14c
// BYTE _2b[0x2a];
// BYTE nSubClass; //+177
// BYTE _3[0x10];
// BYTE nParm0; //+188
// BYTE _4[0x39];
// BYTE nPopulateFn; //+1c2
// BYTE nOperateFn; //+1c3
// BYTE _5[8];
// DWORD nAutoMap; //+1cc
//struct ObjgroupTxt {
// DWORD nId[8]; //+00
// BYTE nDensity[8]; //+20
// BYTE nProb[8]; //+28
//struct LevelTxt {
// BYTE nLevelNo;
// BYTE nflag0;
// BYTE nPal;
// BYTE nAct;
// BYTE _0[0xb]; //+04
// WORD nMonLv[3];//+0F
// WORD nMonLvEx[3];//+15 Area Level
// BYTE _1[0xd8];
// char cszName[40]; //+f5
// char cszName2[40]; //+11d
// char szLvlDesc[41]; //+145
// wchar_t szName[40]; //+16e
// wchar_t szName2[40]; //+16e
// BYTE nObjGrp[8]; // unk
// BYTE nObjPrb[8]; // unk
// BYTE _1b[0x79];
//struct LevelTxt_109 {
// BYTE _1[0x18d];
// BYTE nObjGrp[8]; //+18d
// BYTE nObjPrb[8]; //+195
// BYTE _1b[0x79];
// wchar_t szName[40]; //+216
//struct ItemTxt {
// wchar_t szName2[0x40]; //+00
// union {
// DWORD dwCode; // +80
// char szCode[4];
// };
// BYTE _2[0x70]; // +84
// WORD nLocaleTxtNo; // +f4
// BYTE _2a[0x28]; // +f6
// BYTE nType; // +11e
// BYTE _3[0x0d];
// BYTE fQuest; // +12a
//struct ItemTxt_109 {
// char szName[0x40]; //+00
// wchar_t szName2[0x40]; //+40
// BYTE _1[0x84];
// union {
// DWORD dwCode; //+144
// char szCode[4];
// };
// BYTE _2[0x6b];
// BYTE nType; //+1b3
// BYTE _3[4];
// BYTE fQuest; //+1b8
//struct MonsterTxt {
// BYTE _1[0x6];
// WORD nLocaleTxtNo; // +06
// WORD flag; // +08
// WORD _1a;
// union {
// DWORD flag1; // +0c
// struct {
// BYTE flag1a; // +0c
// BYTE flag1b; // +0d
// BYTE flag1c[2]; // +0e
// };
// };
// BYTE _2[0x22]; // +10
// WORD velocity; // +32
// BYTE _2a[0x52]; // +34
// WORD tcs[3][4]; //+86
// BYTE _2b[0x52]; // +9e
// wchar_t szDescriptor[0x3c]; //+f0
// BYTE _3[0x1a0];
//struct MonsterTxt_109 {
// BYTE _1[0xf0];
// wchar_t szDescriptor[0x3c]; //+f0
// BYTE _2[0x1a0];
// DWORD tcs[3][4]; //+308
//struct SuperuniqueTxt {
// WORD nIndex; //+00
// WORD nLocaleTxtNo; //+02
// DWORD _1[9]; //+04
// BYTE _1a[4]; //+28
// WORD tcs[4]; //+2c
//struct SuperuniqueTxt_109 {
// BYTE _1[0xd8];
// DWORD tcs[3]; //+d8
////struct PlayerData {
//// wchar_t szName[1]; //+00
////struct MonsterData {
//// BYTE _1[0x16];
//// struct {
//// BYTE fUnk:1;
//// BYTE fNormal:1;
//// BYTE fChamp:1;
//// BYTE fBoss:1;
//// BYTE fMinion:1;
//// }; //+16
//// BYTE _1aa;
//// wchar_t szName[1]; //+18
//// BYTE _1a[2]; // +1a
//// BYTE anEnchants[9]; // +1c
//// BYTE _2a; // +25
//// WORD uniqueno; // +26
//// BYTE _2[50*4-14];
//// struct {
//// DWORD _3[1];
//// WORD uniqueno; //+04
//// WORD _4[1];
//// DWORD anEnchants[9]; //+08
//// } *pEnchants; //+cc
//struct MonsterData_109 {
// struct {
// WORD fBoss:1;
// WORD fMinion:1;
// WORD fChamp:1;
// }; //+00
// wchar_t szName[1]; //+02
// DWORD _2[50];
// struct {
// DWORD _3[1];
// WORD uniqueno; //+04
// WORD _4[1];
// DWORD anEnchants[9]; //+08
// } *pEnchants; //+cc
////struct ItemData {
//// DWORD nQuality;
//// BYTE _1[0x14]; // +04
//// DWORD nFlag; // +18
//// BYTE _2[0x10]; // +1c
//// DWORD nItemLevel; // +2c
//// BYTE _3[0x14]; // +30
//// BYTE nLocation1; // +44 // location on body = xpos of item (only if on body) (spread)
//// BYTE nLocation2; // +45 // 0 = inventory, 4=stash (spread)
//struct ItemData_109 {
// DWORD nQuality;
//struct UnitInventory {
// DWORD nFlag; // +00
// DWORD _1[2];
// DWORD nItem; // +0c
//struct ObjectPath {
// DWORD xpos1; //+00
// DWORD ypos1; //+04
// DWORD xpos2; //+08
// DWORD ypos2; //+0c
// WORD targetx; //+10
// WORD targety; //+12
// DWORD _1[2];
// DrlgRoom1 *pRoom1; //+1c
// DWORD _2[14];
// UnitAny *pTargetUnit; //+58
//struct ObjectData1 {
// ObjectTxt *pTxtFile; //+00 ??
// union {
// BYTE nShrineNo;
// struct {
// BYTE _1:7;
// BYTE fChestLocked:1;
// };
// }; //+04
//struct ItemPath {
// void * ptRoom; // 0x00
// DWORD _1[2]; // 0x04
// DWORD xpos; // 0x0C
// DWORD ypos; // 0x10
// DWORD _2[5]; // 0x14
// BYTE * ptUnk; // 0x28
// DWORD _3[5]; // 0x2C
//struct Info;
//struct StatsList;
//struct GameEvent;
//struct UnitAny {
// DWORD nUnitType; //+00
// DWORD nTxtFileNo; //+04
// DWORD _1;
// DWORD nUnitId; // +0C
// DWORD eMode; // +10
// union {
// PlayerData *pPlayerData; //+14
// MonsterData *pMonsterData; //+14
// ObjectData1 *pObjectData; //+14
// ItemData *pItemData; //+14
// };
// DWORD _2;
// UnitAny *pNext; //+1c
// WORD _2a0;
// WORD unkNo;
// DWORD _2a[2];
// union {
// ObjectPath *pPos;
// ItemPath *pItemPath;
// };
// //struct {
// // DWORD xpos1; //+00
// // DWORD ypos1; //+04
// // DWORD xpos2; //+08
// // DWORD ypos2; //+0c
// // WORD targetx; //+10
// // WORD targety; //+12
// // DWORD _1[2];
// // DrlgRoom1 *pRoom1; //+1c
// // DWORD _2[14];
// // UnitAny *pTargetUnit; //+58
// //} *pPos; // +2c
// DWORD _2b[11];
// StatsList * ptStatsList; // 0x5C
// UnitInventory *pInventory; //+60
// DWORD _4b[12];
// DWORD nOwnerType; // +94
// DWORD nOwnerId; // +98
// BYTE _4c[42];
// BYTE fFlags0:1; //+0c6, new added
// BYTE _4d;
// DWORD _5[10];
// DWORD fFlags; //+e8
// DWORD fFlags2; //+ec
// DWORD _6[7];
//struct UnitAny_109 {
// DWORD nUnitType; //+00
// DWORD nTxtFileNo; //+04
// DWORD nUnitId; //+08
// DWORD eMode; //+0c
// DWORD _1[10];
// struct {
// DWORD xpos1; //+00
// DWORD ypos1; //+04
// DWORD xpos2; //+08
// DWORD ypos2; //+0c
// WORD targetx; //+10
// WORD targety; //+12
// DWORD _1[2];
// DrlgRoom1 *pRoom1; //+1c
// DWORD _2[14];
// UnitAny *pTargetUnit; //+58
// } *pPos; //+38
// DWORD _2[13];
// union {
// PlayerData *pPlayerData; //+70
// MonsterData *pMonsterData; //+70
// ObjectData1 *pObjectData; //+70
// ItemData *pItemData; //+70
// };
// DWORD _4a[4];
// UnitInventory *pInventory; //+84
// DWORD _4b[12];
// DWORD nOwnerType; //+b8
// DWORD nOwnerId; //+bc
// DWORD _5[10];
// DWORD fFlags; //+e8
// DWORD fFlags2; //+ec
// DWORD _6[7];
// UnitAny *pNext; //+10c
//struct GfxCell {
// DWORD flags; //+00 ??
// DWORD width; //+04
// DWORD height; //+08
// DWORD xoffs; //+0c
// DWORD yoffs; //+10
// DWORD _2[1]; //0x14
// DWORD lpParent; //+18
// DWORD length; //+1c
// BYTE cols[1]; //+20
//struct CellFile {
// DWORD dwVersion; //+00
// struct {
// WORD dwFlags;
// BYTE mylastcol;
// BYTE mytabno:1;
// }; //+04
// DWORD eFormat; //+08
// DWORD termination; //+0c
// DWORD numdirs; //+10
// DWORD numcells; //+14
// GfxCell *cells[1]; //+18
////struct CellContext {
//// GfxCell *hCell; //+00
//// CellFile *pCellFile; //+04
//// DWORD nCellNo; //+08
//// DWORD direction; //+0c ??
//// DWORD _1[14];
//struct CellContext
// GfxCell* pCellInit; //+00
// CellFile* pCellFile; //+04
// DWORD nCellNo; //+08 // nFrame
// DWORD nDirection; //+0C
// int nMaxDirections; //+10
// int nMaxFrames; //+14
// DWORD fFlags; //+18
// BYTE fState; //+1C
// union
// {
// BYTE nComponent; //+1D
// BYTE fItemFlags; //+1D
// };
// BYTE bUnk1E; //+1E - padding no doubt
// BYTE bUnk1F; //+1F
// int nUnitType; //+20
// int nUnitIndex; //+24
// int nMode; //+28
// int nOverlay; //+2C
// union
// {
// // [token][component][type][mode][hitclass]
// struct
// {
// DWORD dwToken; //+30
// DWORD dwComponent; //+34
// DWORD dwArmorType; //+38 - lit, med , hvy
// DWORD dwMode; //+3C
// DWORD dwHitClass; //+40
// };
// DWORD dwName[5]; //+30
// };
// const char* pName; //+44
//struct TreasureClassItem {
// DWORD _1[2];
// DWORD thingno; //+08
// struct {
// DWORD _3:2;
// DWORD tcflag:1;
// }; //+0c
// DWORD _2[3];
//struct TreasureClass {
// DWORD _1a;
// DWORD numitems; //+04
// DWORD _1[8];
// TreasureClassItem *items; //+28
//struct TreasureClass_109 {
// DWORD numitems; //+00
// DWORD _1[8];
// TreasureClassItem *items; //+24
//struct D2EditBox2 {
// DWORD _1;
// DWORD _2[6];
// void (__fastcall *func)(D2EditBox2*); // +1c
// DWORD _3[0x0F];
// wchar_t* text; // +5c
//struct D2EditBox {
// DWORD _1;
// DWORD _2[6];
// void (__fastcall *func)(D2EditBox*); // +1c
// DWORD _3[0x0D];
// DWORD dwSelectStart; // +54
// DWORD dwSelectEnd; // +58
// wchar_t text[0x100]; // +5c
// DWORD dwCursorPos; // 0x25C
//struct GameStructInfo
// DWORD _1[6];
// WORD _1a;
// char szGameName[0x18];
// char szGameServerIp[0x56];
// char szAccountName[0x30];
// char szCharName[0x18];
// char szRealmName[0x18];
// BYTE _2[0x102];//+E8
// //BYTE nGameMode; //+1EA
// struct
// {
// BYTE nCharStat:2;
// BYTE nHardcore:2;
// BYTE _unk1:1;
// BYTE nExpansion:1;
// BYTE nLadder:2;
// };//+1EA
// BYTE nReadyAct; //+1EB quest info
// BYTE _3[0x3B];
// char szServerVersion[24];//227 battle net gameversion
// char szGamePassword[0x18];//+23F
//struct D2MSG { // 0x20 bytes long
// HWND hwnd; // 0x00
// DWORD message; // 0x04
// WPARAM wParam; // 0x08
// union {
// DWORD lParam;
// struct {
// WORD xpos;
// WORD ypos;
// };
// };
// DWORD _1; // 0x10
// HWND hwnd2; // 0x14
// DWORD _2[2]; // 0x18
//struct FontInfo_t {
// DWORD hFontHandle;
// DWORD hMemHandle1;
// DWORD hMemHandle2;
// DWORD hMemHandle3;
// DWORD nLastTick;
//// Add to check skills by marsgod
//struct SkillInfo {
// WORD Id; // 0x00
// BYTE bUnks[0x32]; // 0x02
// DWORD dwUnk; // 0x34
//struct Skill { // 0x40 bytes long
// SkillInfo * pSkillInfo; // 0x00
// Skill * pNextSkill; // 0x04
// DWORD dwUnk1; // 0x08
// DWORD dwUnk2[0x7]; // 0x0C
// DWORD SkillLevel; // 0x28
// DWORD dwUnk3[2]; // 0x2C
// DWORD Flags; // 0x34
// DWORD dwUnk5[2]; // 0x38
//struct Info
// BYTE * ptGame_1C; // 0x00
// Skill * ptFirstSkill; // 0x04
// Skill * ptlSkill; // 0x08
// Skill * ptrSkill; // 0x0C
// Skill * ptCurrentSkill; // 0x10
////struct Stats {
//// WORD Param;
//// WORD StatID;
//// DWORD Value;
//struct StatsInfo {
// Stats *pStats; // pointer to an array of Stats structs.
// WORD nUsed; // how many Stats in array
// WORD nSize; // size allocated in Stats
//struct StatsList {
// DWORD _1[0x9]; // 0x00
// StatsInfo sStats; // 0x24
// StatsList *pPrevLink; // 0x2C
// StatsList *pNextLink; // 0x30
// StatsList *pPrev; // 0x34
// DWORD _4; // 0x38
// StatsList *pNext; // 0x3C
// StatsList *pSetList; // +40
// DWORD _5;
// StatsInfo sStats1; // +48
// StatsInfo sStats2; // +50 unused ???
// DWORD *ptStateFlags; //+58 - get with 10487(ptUnit,id) return ptUnit->ptStatsList->ptStateFlags[id/32]&(1<<(id%31))
//// end of file --------------------------------------------------------------
//#pragma pack(pop)
//struct monster_data;
//struct object_data;
//struct item_data;
//struct player_data;
//struct path_t;
//struct stats;
//struct inventory;
//struct game;
//struct skills;
//struct cb_player_data;
//struct cb_item_data;
//struct objects_bin;
//struct unit;
//struct client_packet_buffer {
// char data[1976];
// int32_t data_size;
//struct packet_wrapper_sc {
// char data[516];
// int32_t data_size;
// int32_t receive_time;
// packet_wrapper_sc* next;
//struct client_unit_list {
// unit* unit_list[5][128]; //0x1120
////struct unit {
//// uint32_t unit_type; //+00
//// uint32_t txt_file_no; //+04
//// uint32_t unit_id; //+08
//// uint32_t eMode; //+0c
//// uint32_t _1[10];
//// struct {
//// uint32_t xpos1; //+00
//// uint32_t ypos1; //+04
//// uint32_t xpos2; //+08
//// uint32_t ypos2; //+0c
//// uint16_t targetx; //+10
//// uint16_t targety; //+12
//// uint32_t _1[2];
//// uint32_t* pRoom1; //+1c
//// uint32_t _2[14];
//// unit* pTargetUnit; //+58
//// } *pPos; //+38
//// uint32_t _2[13];
//// union {
//// player_data* player_data; //+70
//// monster_data* monster_data; //+70
//// object_data* object_data; //+70
//// item_data* item_data; //+70
//// };
//// uint32_t _4a[4];
//// inventory* inventory; //+84
//// uint32_t _4b[12];
//// uint32_t nOwnerType; //+b8
//// uint32_t nOwnerId; //+bc
//// uint32_t _5[10];
//// uint32_t fFlags; //+e8
//// uint32_t fFlags2; //+ec
//// uint32_t _6[7];
//// unit* pNext; //+10c
//// unit* pt_first_monster; //+E0
//// unit* unit1; //+E4
//// unit* unit2; //+E8
////enum class unit_type_t : int32_t {
//// UNIT_TYPE_ITEM = 4,
//// UNIT_TYPE_VIS_TILE = 5 //unused?
////enum player_class_t : int32_t {
//struct unit {
// unit_type_t type;
// union {
// player_class_t player_class;
// int32_t data_record_index;
// };
// void* memory_pool;
// uint32_t guid;
// uint32_t mode;
// union {
// player_data* player_data;
// monster_data* monster_data;
// object_data* object_data;
// //missile_data* missile_data;
// item_data* item_data;
// };
// int8_t act;
// int8_t act_padding[0x03];
// void* drlg_act; // drlg_act*
// struct {
// uint32_t low_seed;
// uint32_t high_seed;
// } seed;
// uint32_t init_seed;
// void* path; //path*
// void* skill_sequence; //skill_sequence*
// uint32_t skill_sequence_frame_count;
// uint32_t skill_sequence_frame;
// uint32_t anim_speed;
// uint32_t skill_sequence_mode;
// uint32_t current_frame;
// uint32_t frame_count;
// uint16_t anim_speed_w;
// uint8_t action_frame;
// uint8_t pad1;
// void* anim_data; // anim_data*
// void* gfxdata; // unit_gfxdata*
// void* gfxdata_copy; // unit_gfxdata*
// void* statslistex; //statslistex*
// inventory* inventory;
// union {
// struct {
// uint32_t interact_guid;
// uint32_t interact_type;
// uint8_t interacting;
// } interaction;
// struct {
// void* light_map;
// uint32_t start_light_radius;
// uint16_t p12_shift_index;
// } lightning;
// };
// uint16_t update_type;
// unit* update_unit;
// void* quest_record; //quest_record*
// uint32_t sparky_chest;
// void* timer_args;
// union {
// game* game;
// uint32_t sound_sync;
// };
// char pad2[0x0C];
// void* event;
// unit_type_t owner_type;
// uint32_t owner_guid;
// char pad3[8];
// char* hover_text;
// void* skills;
// void* combat;
// uint32_t hit_class;
// char pad4[4];
// uint32_t drop_code;
// char pad5[8];
// union {
// struct {
// uint32_t unit_flags;
// uint32_t unit_flags_ex;
// } flags;
// uint64_t flags64;
// };
// char pad6[4];
// uint32_t node_index;
// uint32_t get_tick_count;
// union {
// uint32_t get_tick_count2;
// void* particle_stream;
// };
// void* timer;
// unit* change_next_unit; //?
// unit* prev_unit;
// unit* prev_unit_in_room;
// void* msg_first;
// void* msg_last;
// bool is_hireling() const {
// if (type != unit_type_t::UNIT_TYPE_MONSTER)
// return false;
// return (flags.unit_flags & 0x00000200) == 0x00000200;
// }
// bool is_pet() const {
// if (type != unit_type_t::UNIT_TYPE_MONSTER)
// return false;
// return (flags.unit_flags & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000;
// }
////struct unit { //Offset from Code. Size: 0xF4+4
//// uint32_t unit_type; //+00
//// union {
//// uint32_t player_class;
//// uint32_t txt_file_no;
//// }; //+04
//// uint32_t unit_id; //+08
//// uint32_t item_num; //+0C
//// uint32_t current_anim; //+10
//// union {
//// monster_data* monster_data;
//// object_data* object_data;
//// item_data* item_data;
//// player_data* player_data;
//// }; //+14
//// uint8_t act; //+18
//// uint8_t uk12[3]; //+19
//// void* pt_act; //+1C
//// uint32_t seed_low; //+20
//// uint32_t seed_hi; //+24
//// uint32_t seed_starting; //+28
//// path_t* path; //+2C
//// uint8_t uk1[0x08]; //+30
//// path_t* pt_pos; //+38
//// uint32_t anim_speed; //+3C
//// uint8_t uk2[0x04]; //+40
//// uint32_t cur_frame; //+44
//// uint32_t remaining_frame; //+48
//// uint16_t anim_speed_w; //+4C
//// uint8_t action_flag; //+4E
//// uint8_t uk3[0x1]; //+4F
//// void* pt_anim_data; //+50
//// uint8_t uk4[0x08]; //+54
//// stats* stats; //+5C
//// uint8_t pad1[0x24];
//// inventory* inventory; //+84 //+60
//// uint8_t uk5[0x1C]; //+64
//// game* game; //+80
//// uint8_t uk6[0x24]; //+84
//// skills* skills; //+A8
//// void* pt_combat_data; //+AC
//// uint8_t uk7[0x08]; //+B0
//// uint32_t item_code; //+B8 for an item being dropped by this unit
//// uint8_t uk8[0x08]; //+BC
//// uint32_t flags1; //+C4
//// union {
//// uint32_t flags2; //+C8 //flags
//// struct {
//// uint32_t ukf1 : 25;
//// uint32_t is_lod : 1;
//// };
//// };
//// uint8_t uk9[0x04]; //+CC
//// uint32_t client_id; //+D0
//// uint8_t uk10[0x0C]; //+D4
//// unit* pt_first_monster; //+E0
//// unit* unit1; //+E4
//// unit* unit2; //+E8
//// uint8_t uk11[0x08]; //+EC
//// union {
//// cb_player_data* pt_cb_player_data;
//// cb_item_data* pt_cb_item_data;
//// void* pt_cb_data;
//// }; //+F4
//struct monster_data // sizeof(MonsterData)=0x60
//{ //Offset from Code.
// uint8_t uk[0x16]; //+00
// union {
// uint16_t flags; //+16
// struct {
// uint16_t fuk1 : 1;
// uint16_t is_super_unique : 1;
// uint16_t is_champion : 1;
// uint16_t is_unique : 1;
// uint16_t fuk2 : 13;
// };
// };
// uint8_t uk1[0x0E]; //+18
// uint16_t super_unique_id; //+26
// void* unknow1; //+28
// uint8_t uk2[0x38]; //+28
//struct object_data {
// objects_bin* pt_objects_bin;
// uint8_t level_id;
//struct item_data
//{ // Offset from Code
// uint32_t quality; // +00.
// uint32_t lowSeed; // +04.
// uint32_t highSeed; // +08.
// uint32_t unknown1; // +0c.
// uint32_t startLowSeed; // +10.
// uint32_t cmdFlags; // +14.
// uint32_t flags; // +18.
// uint32_t unknown2[2]; // +1C
// uint32_t originID; // +24.
// uint32_t iLvl; // +28.
// uint16_t version; // +2C.
// uint16_t prefix; // +2E.
// uint16_t suffix; // +30.
// uint16_t autoPrefix; // +32.
// uint16_t prefix1; // +34.
// uint16_t prefix2; // +36.
// uint16_t prefix3; // +38.
// uint16_t suffix1; // +3A.
// uint16_t suffix2; // +3C.
// uint16_t suffix3; // +3E.
// uint8_t bodyLoc; // +40. // 0=inv/stash 4=gaucheS 5=droiteS
// uint8_t page; // +41. // FF=equip 00=inv 04=stash
// uint8_t unknown3[3]; // +42
// uint8_t picture[8]; // +45
// uint32_t ilvl; // +4C
////struct item_data//size=0x74
////{ //Offset from Code.
//// uint32_t quality; //+00
//// uint32_t seed_low; //+04
//// uint32_t seed_hi; //+08
//// uint32_t player_id; //+0C #10734 / #10735 (PCInventory->ptPlayer->0C)
//// uint32_t seed_starting; //+10
//// uint32_t flags1; //+14
//// union {
//// uint32_t flags2; //+18
//// struct {
//// uint32_t fuk1 : 1; //0x00000001
//// uint32_t is_indentified : 1; //0x00000002
//// uint32_t fuk2 : 2; //0x0000000C
//// uint32_t is_unindentified : 1; //0x00000010
//// uint32_t fuk3 : 3; //0x000000E0
//// uint32_t is_broken : 1; //0x00000100
//// uint32_t fuk4 : 2; //0x00000600
//// uint32_t is_socketed : 1; //0x00000800
//// uint32_t fuk5 : 10; //0x003FF000
//// uint32_t is_etheral : 1; //0x00400000
//// uint32_t fuk6 : 3; //0x03800000
//// uint32_t is_runeword : 1; //0x04000000
//// uint32_t fuk7 : 1; //0x08000000
//// uint32_t is_personalized : 1; //0x10000000
//// uint32_t fuk8 : 3; //0xE0000000
//// };
//// };
//// /*
////ITEMFLAG_NEWITEM = 0x00000001,
////ITEMFLAG_TAGETING = 0x00000004,
////ITEMFLAG_QUANTITY = 0x00000020,
////ITEMFLAG_Durability = 0x00000100,
////ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN2 = 0x00000400,
////ITEMFLAG_SOCKETED = 0x00000800,
////ITEMFLAG_NON_SELLABLE = 0x00001000,
////ITEMFLAG_NEWITEM2 = 0x00002000,
////ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN3 = 0x00004000,
////ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN4 = 0x00080000,
////ITEMFLAG_UNKNOWN5 = 0x00800000,
////ITEMFLAG_FROMPLAYER = 0x01000000,
////ITEMFLAG_RUNEuint16_t = 0x04000000
//// uint32_t guid1; //+1C Global Unique ID 1
//// uint32_t guid2; //+20 Global Unique ID 2
//// uint32_t guid3; //+24 Global Unique ID 3
//// uint32_t unique_id; //+28
//// uint8_t ilvl; //+2C
//// uint8_t uk1[0x03]; //+2D
//// uint16_t version; //+30
//// uint16_t rare_prefix; //+32
//// uint16_t rare_suffix; //+34
//// uint16_t auto_pref; //+36
//// uint16_t prefix[3]; //+38
//// uint16_t suffix[3]; //+3E
//// uint8_t equip_loc; //+44
//// /* emplacement si équipé
//// * 00 = noequip/inBelt
//// * 01 = head
//// * 02 = neck
//// * 03 = tors
//// * 04 = rarm
//// * 05 = larm
//// * 06 = lrin
//// * 07 = rrin
//// * 08 = belt
//// * 09 = feet
//// * 0A = glov
//// * 0B = ralt
//// * 0C = lalt
//// uint8_t page; //+45
//// /* page dans laquel se trouve l'item
//// * FF = mouse/equip/onEarth
//// * 00 = inventory
//// * 01 = cube
//// * 04 = stash
//// */
//// uint8_t uk4[0x01]; //+46
//// uint8_t item_data3; //+47 //D2Common10854 D2Common10853
//// uint8_t p_ear_level; //+48
//// uint8_t var_gfx; //+49
//// char i_name[0x12]; //+4A //inscribed/ear name
//// inventory* inventory; //+5C
//// unit* pt_prev_item; //+60
//// unit* pt_next_item; //+64
//// uint8_t uk8[0x01]; //+68
//// uint8_t item_data2; //+69
//// uint8_t uk9[0x0A]; //+6A
//struct net_client {
// uint32_t client_id; //+00
// uint8_t uk1[0x06]; //+04
// union { //+0A
// uint16_t flag;
// struct {
// uint16_t f1 : 1;
// uint16_t f2 : 1;
// uint16_t is_hard_core_game : 1;
// };
// };
// uint8_t uk2; //+0C
// char name[0x10]; //+0D
// uint8_t uk3[0x15F]; //+1D
// uint8_t* savefile; //+17C
// uint32_t final_size; //+180
// uint32_t counter; //+184
// uint32_t current_size; //+188
// uint8_t uk4[0x1C]; //+18C
// game* game; //+1A8
// //+1A8 is ptGame
// //+4A8 ptNextClient
//Kingpin: ptPclient
//+16C is either act or unit type
//+170 Active UniqueID for player
//+174 Active ptPlayer on Client
//+1a8 ptGame
//+1b4 Current or next ptRoom
//struct player_data {
// char name[0x10]; //+00 Player Name
// void* pt_quest[3]; //+10 Quest Pointers for each difficulty
// uint8_t uk1[0x18]; //+1C //before : 0x14
// void* pt_arena_unit; //+34 ptArena for the Unit
// uint8_t uk2[0x4]; //+38 //before : 0x7
// uint16_t mp_source_portal_unique_id; //+3C Source Portal Unique_ID
// uint8_t uk3[0x2]; //+3E
// uint16_t mp_dest_portal_unique_id; //+40 Destination Portal Unique_ID
// uint8_t uk4[0x06]; //+42
// uint8_t pt_object_un_id; //+48 Object UniqueID for TownPortals
// uint8_t uk5[0x94B];//uk5[0x53]; //+49
// net_client* net_client; //+9C ptClient
//struct position {
// uint32_t x;
// uint32_t y;
//struct room//size=0x80
// //ptRoom +48 0 = spawn new units (monster, objects e.tc), 1 = don't spawn any new units
// uint32_t seed1; //+00
// uint32_t seed2; //+04
// uint8_t uk8[0x1C]; //+08
// room* pt_near_rooms; //+24
// uint32_t nb_near_rooms; //+28
// unit* unit; //+2C
// uint8_t uk5[0x44]; //+30
// room* pt_next_room; //+74
// union {
// uint8_t flags; //+78
// struct {
// uint8_t is_generated : 1;
// uint8_t is_generated2 : 1;//???
// };
// };
//struct act_map//ptGame+BC size=0x60
// uint32_t is_not_managed;
// uint32_t uk4;
// uint32_t uk8;//size = 0x488
// room* pt_first_room;
//struct game {
// char pad_0000[24]; //0x0000
// void* critical_section; //0x0018
// void* memory_pool; //0x001C
// char pad_0020[74]; //0x0020
// int8_t game_type; //0x006A
// char pad_006_b[2]; //0x006B
// int8_t difficulty_level; //0x006D
// char pad_006_e[2]; //0x006E
// int32_t expansion; //0x0070
// int32_t game_type2; //0x0074
// int32_t item_format; //0x0078
// int32_t init_seed; //0x007C
// int32_t object_seed; //0x0080
// int32_t init_seed2; //0x0084
// void* last_client; //0x0088 structure of last player that entered the game
// int32_t clients_count; //0x008C
// int32_t unit_counts[6]; //0x0090
// int32_t game_frame; //0x00A8
// char pad_00_ac[12]; //0x00AC
// void* timer_queue; //0x00B8
// void* drlg_act[5]; //0x00BC
// int32_t lo_seed; //0x00D0
// int32_t hi_seed; //0x00D4
// char pad_00d8[20]; //0x00D8
// int32_t monster_seed; //0x00EC
// char pad_244[244];
// unit* unit_list[5][128];//0x330
// //void* monster_region[1024]; //0x00F0
// //void* object_controller; //0x10F0
// //void* quest_controller; //0x10F4
// //void* unit_nodes[10]; //0x10F8
// //unit* unit_list[5][128]; //0x1120
// //void* tile_list; //0x1B20
// //int32_t unique_flags[128]; //0x1B24
// //void* npc_control; //0x1D24
// //void* arena_control; //0x1D28
// //void* party_control; //0x1D2C
// //int8_t boss_flags[64]; //0x1D30
// //int32_t monster_mode_data[17]; //0x1D70
// //int32_t monster_mode_data_count; //0x1DB4
// //char pad_1db8[12]; //0x1DB8
// //int32_t sync_timer; //0x1DC4
// //char pad_1dc8[32]; //0x1DC8
// //int32_t uber_baal; //0x1DE8
// //int32_t uber_diablo; //0x1DEC
// //int32_t uber_mephisto; //0x1DF0
//}; //Size: 0x1DF4
////static_assert(sizeof(game) == 0x1DF4);
//struct path_t //(8 dword)
//{ //Offset from Code. Size: 20
// uint16_t uk1; //+00
// uint16_t mapx; //+02
// uint16_t uk2; //+04
// uint16_t mapy; //+06
// uint32_t uk3; //+08
// uint32_t x; //+0C
// uint32_t y; //+10
// uint32_t uk6; //+14
// uint32_t uk7; //+18
// room* pt_room; //+1C
//struct inventory { //Offset from Code. Size: 30 à 40
// uint32_t tag; //+00 = 0x01020304
// uint8_t uk1[0x04]; //+04 =? 0
// unit* pt_char; //+08
// unit* pt_first_item; //+0C
// unit* pt_last_item; //+10
// void* inv_info_ptr; //+14
// uint32_t inv_info; //+18
// uint32_t weapon_guid; //+1C
// unit* inv_owner_item; //+20
// uint8_t owner_guid; //+24
// uint32_t current_used_socket; //+28 //Kingpin : a variable to know how many sockets that have added to item
// uint32_t inventory2_c; //+2C //one value
// uint32_t inventory30; //+30
// void* pt_corpse; //+34
// uint8_t uk5[0x04]; //+38
// uint32_t next_corpse_id; //+3C //max = 15
// uint8_t uk6[0x04]; //+40
////struct items_line {
//// char szflippyfile[32]; //0x00
//// char szinvfile[32]; //0x20
//// char szuniqueinvfile[32]; //0x40
//// char szsetinvfile[32]; //0x60
//// union {
//// uint32_t dwcode; //0x80
//// char szcode[4]; //0x80
//// };
//// uint32_t dwnormcode; //0x84
//// uint32_t dwubercode; //0x88
//// uint32_t dwultracode; //0x8C
//// uint32_t dwalternategfx; //0x90
//// uint32_t dwpSpell; //0x94
//// uint16_t wstate; //0x98
//// uint16_t wcstate1; //0x9A
//// uint16_t wcstate2; //0x9C
//// uint16_t wstat1; //0x9E
//// uint16_t wstat2; //0xA0
//// uint16_t wstat3; //0xA2
//// uint32_t dwcalc1; //0xA4
//// uint32_t dwcalc2; //0xA8
//// uint32_t dwcalc3; //0xAC
//// uint32_t dwLen; //0xB0
//// uint16_t bSpellDesc; //0xB4
//// uint16_t wSpellDescStr; //0xB6
//// uint32_t dwSpellDescCalc; //0xB8
//// uint32_t dwBetterGem; //0xBC
//// uint32_t dwwclass; //0xC0
//// uint32_t dw2handedwclass; //0xC4
//// uint32_t dwTMogType; //0xC8
//// uint32_t dwminac; //0xCC
//// uint32_t dwmaxac; //0xD0
//// uint32_t dwgamblecost; //0xD4
//// uint32_t dwspeed; //0xD8
//// uint32_t dwbitfield1; //0xDC
//// uint32_t dwcost; //0xE0
//// uint32_t dwminstack; //0xE4
//// uint32_t dwmaxstack; //0xE8
//// uint32_t dwspawnstack; //0xEC
//// uint32_t dwgemoffset; //0xF0
//// uint16_t wnamestr; //0xF4
//// uint16_t wversion; //0xF6
//// uint16_t wautoprefix; //0xF8
//// uint16_t wmissiletype; //0xFA
//// uint8_t brarity; //0xFC
//// uint8_t blevel; //0xFD
//// uint8_t bmindam; //0xFE
//// uint8_t bmaxdam; //0xFF
//// uint8_t bminmisdam; //0x100
//// uint8_t bmaxmisdam; //0x101
//// uint8_t b2handmindam; //0x102
//// uint8_t b2handmaxdam; //0x103
//// uint16_t brangeadder; //0x104
//// uint16_t wstrbonus; //0x106
//// uint16_t wdexbonus; //0x108
//// uint16_t wreqstr; //0x10A
//// uint16_t wreqdex; //0x10C
//// uint8_t babsorbs; //0x10E
//// uint8_t binvwidth; //0x10F
//// uint8_t binvheight; //0x110
//// uint8_t bblock; //0x111
//// uint8_t bdurability; //0x112
//// uint8_t bnodurability; //0x113
//// uint8_t bmissile; //0x114
//// uint8_t bcomponent; //0x115
//// uint8_t brArm; //0x116
//// uint8_t blArm; //0x117
//// uint8_t btorso; //0x118
//// uint8_t blegs; //0x119
//// uint8_t brspad; //0x11A
//// uint8_t blspad; //0x11B
//// uint8_t b2handed; //0x11C
//// uint8_t buseable; //0x11D
//// uint16_t wtype; //0x11E
//// uint16_t wtype2; //0x120
//// uint16_t bsubtype; //0x122
//// uint16_t wdropsound; //0x124
//// uint16_t wusesound; //0x126
//// uint8_t bdropsfxframe; //0x128
//// uint8_t bunique; //0x129
//// uint8_t bquest; //0x12A
//// uint8_t bquestdiffcheck; //0x12B
//// uint8_t btransparent; //0x12C
//// uint8_t btranstbl; //0x12D
//// uint8_t pad0x12E; //0x12E
//// uint8_t blightradius; //0x12F
//// uint8_t bbelt; //0x130
//// uint8_t bautobelt; //0x131
//// uint8_t bstackable; //0x132
//// uint8_t bspawnable; //0x133
//// uint8_t bspellicon; //0x134
//// uint8_t bdurwarning; //0x135
//// uint8_t bqntwarning; //0x136
//// uint8_t bhasinv; //0x137
//// uint8_t bgemsockets; //0x138
//// uint8_t bTransmogrify; //0x139
//// uint8_t bTMogMin; //0x13A
//// uint8_t bTMogMax; //0x13B
//// uint8_t bhitclass; //0x13C
//// uint8_t b1or2handed; //0x13D
//// uint8_t bgemapplytype; //0x13E
//// uint8_t blevelreq; //0x13F
//// uint8_t bmagiclvl; //0x140
//// uint8_t bTransform; //0x141
//// uint8_t bInvTrans; //0x142
//// uint8_t bcompactsave; //0x143
//// uint8_t bSkipName; //0x144
//// uint8_t bNameable; //0x145
//// uint8_t bAkaraMin; //0x146
//// uint8_t bGheedMin; //0x147
//// uint8_t bCharsiMin; //0x148
//// uint8_t bFaraMin; //0x149
//// uint8_t bLysanderMin; //0x14A
//// uint8_t bDrognanMin; //0x14B
//// uint8_t bHraltiMin; //0x14C
//// uint8_t bAlkorMin; //0x14D
//// uint8_t bOrmusMin; //0x14E
//// uint8_t bElzixMin; //0x14F
//// uint8_t bAshearaMin; //0x150
//// uint8_t bCainMin; //0x151
//// uint8_t bHalbuMin; //0x152
//// uint8_t bJamellaMin; //0x153
//// uint8_t bMalahMin; //0x154
//// uint8_t bLarzukMin; //0x155
//// uint8_t bDrehyaMin; //0x156
//// uint8_t bAkaraMax; //0x157
//// uint8_t bGheedMax; //0x158
//// uint8_t bCharsiMax; //0x159
//// uint8_t bFaraMax; //0x15A
//// uint8_t bLysanderMax; //0x15B
//// uint8_t bDrognanMax; //0x15C
//// uint8_t bHraltiMax; //0x15D
//// uint8_t bAlkorMax; //0x15E
//// uint8_t bOrmusMax; //0x15F
//// uint8_t bElzixMax; //0x160
//// uint8_t bAshearaMax; //0x161
//// uint8_t bCainMax; //0x162
//// uint8_t bHalbuMax; //0x163
//// uint8_t bJamellaMax; //0x164
//// uint8_t bMalahMax; //0x165
//// uint8_t bLarzukMax; //0x166
//// uint8_t bDrehyaMax; //0x167
//// uint8_t bAkaraMagicMin; //0x168
//// uint8_t bGheedMagicMin; //0x169
//// uint8_t bCharsiMagicMin; //0x16A
//// uint8_t bFaraMagicMin; //0x16B
//// uint8_t bLysanderMagicMin; //0x16C
//// uint8_t bDrognanMagicMin; //0x16D
//// uint8_t bHraltiMagicMin; //0x16E
//// uint8_t bAlkorMagicMin; //0x16F
//// uint8_t bOrmusMagicMin; //0x170
//// uint8_t bElzixMagicMin; //0x171
//// uint8_t bAshearaMagicMin; //0x172
//// uint8_t bCainMagicMin; //0x173
//// uint8_t bHalbuMagicMin; //0x174
//// uint8_t bJamellaMagicMin; //0x175
//// uint8_t bMalahMagicMin; //0x176
//// uint8_t bLarzukMagicMin; //0x177
//// uint8_t bDrehyaMagicMin; //0x178
//// uint8_t bAkaraMagicMax; //0x179
//// uint8_t bGheedMagicMax; //0x17A
//// uint8_t bCharsiMagicMax; //0x17B
//// uint8_t bFaraMagicMax; //0x17C
//// uint8_t bLysanderMagicMax; //0x17D
//// uint8_t bDrognanMagicMax; //0x17E
//// uint8_t bHraltiMagicMax; //0x17F
//// uint8_t bAlkorMagicMax; //0x180
//// uint8_t bOrmusMagicMax; //0x181
//// uint8_t bElzixMagicMax; //0x182
//// uint8_t bAshearaMagicMax; //0x183
//// uint8_t bCainMagicMax; //0x184
//// uint8_t bHalbuMagicMax; //0x185
//// uint8_t bJamellaMagicMax; //0x186
//// uint8_t bMalahMagicMax; //0x187
//// uint8_t bLarzukMagicMax; //0x188
//// uint8_t bDrehyaMagicMax; //0x189
//// uint8_t bAkaraMagicLvl; //0x18A
//// uint8_t bGheedMagicLvl; //0x18B
//// uint8_t bCharsiMagicLvl; //0x18C
//// uint8_t bFaraMagicLvl; //0x18D
//// uint8_t bLysanderMagicLvl; //0x18E
//// uint8_t bDrognanMagicLvl; //0x18F
//// uint8_t bHraltiMagicLvl; //0x190
//// uint8_t bAlkorMagicLvl; //0x191
//// uint8_t bOrmusMagicLvl; //0x192
//// uint8_t bElzixMagicLvl; //0x193
//// uint8_t bAshearaMagicLvl; //0x194
//// uint8_t bCainMagicLvl; //0x195
//// uint8_t bHalbuMagicLvl; //0x196
//// uint8_t bJamellaMagicLvl; //0x197
//// uint8_t bMalahMagicLvl; //0x198
//// uint8_t bLarzukMagicLvl; //0x199
//// uint8_t bDrehyaMagicLvl; //0x19A
//// uint8_t pad0x19B; //0x19B
//// uint32_t dwNightmareUpgrade; //0x19C
//// uint32_t dwHellUpgrade; //0x1A0
//// uint8_t bPermStoreItem; //0x1A4
//// uint8_t bmultibuy; //0x1A5
//// uint16_t pad0x1A6; //0x1A6
//#pragma pack(push, 1)
//namespace d2_protocol {
// enum message_types_t {
// };
// struct packet_header {
// uint16_t d2_packet_type;
// uint8_t message_type;
// packet_header() : d2_packet_type(0xBB), message_type(0) {}
// };
// struct item_move_cs : packet_header {
// uint32_t item_guid;
// uint8_t target_page;
// uint8_t source_page;
// item_move_cs() : item_guid(0), target_page(0), source_page(0) {
// message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_MOVE;
// }
// };
// struct to_belt_cs : packet_header {
// uint32_t item_guid;
// to_belt_cs() : item_guid(0) {
// message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_MOVE;
// }
// };
// struct item_move_sc : packet_header {
// uint32_t item_guid;
// uint32_t tx;
// uint32_t ty;
// uint8_t target_page;
// uint8_t source_page;
// item_move_sc() : item_guid(0), tx(0), ty(0), target_page(0), source_page(0) {
// message_type = MESSAGE_TYPE_ITEM_MOVE;
// }
// };
//#pragma pack(pop, 1)