Ancient Axe 9gi Ancient Sword 9wd Arbalest 8lx Archon Staff 6ws Ashwood Bow am6 Ataghan 7sm Axe axe Balanced Axe bal Balanced Knife bkf Balista 8hx Balrog Blade 7gs Balrog Spear 7s7 Barbed Club 9sp Bardiche bar Bastard Sword bsw Battle Axe btx Battle Cestus 7cs Battle Dart 9tk Battle Hammer 9wh Battle Scythe 9s8 Battle Staff bst Battle Sword 9bs Bearded Axe 9ba Bec-de-Corbin 9h9 Berserker Axe 7wa Bill 9vo Blade bld Blade Bow 6hb Blade Talons btl Bone Knife 7dg Bone Wand bwn Brandistock brn Broad Axe bax Broad Sword bsd Burnt Wand 9wn Caduceus 7ws Cedar Bow 8lb Cedar Staff 8cs Ceremonial Bow am7 Ceremonial Javelin ama Ceremonial Pike am9 Ceremonial Spear am8 Cestus ces Champion Axe 7ga Champion Sword 7b7 Choking Gas Potion gpm Chu-Ko-Nu 8rx Cinquedeas 9kr Clasped Orb ob4 Claws clw Claymore clm Cleaver 9ax Cloudy Sphere ob8 Club clb Colossal Sword 7fb Colossus Blade 7gd Colossus Crossbow 6hx Colossus Voulge 7vo Composite Bow cbw Conquest Sword 7bs Crossbow mxb Crowbill 9mp Crusader Bow 6l7 Cryptic Axe 7pa Cryptic Sword 7ls Crystal Sword crs Crystalline Globe ob7 Cudgel 9cl Cutlass 9sm Dacian Falx 9cm Dagger dgr Decapitator 7bt Demon Crossbow 6rx Demon Heart obd Devil Star 7mt Diamond Bow 6s7 Dimensional Blade 9cr Dimensional Shard obf Dirk dir Divine Scepter 9ws Double Axe 2ax Double Bow 8cb Dragon Stone ob5 Eagle Orb ob1 Edge Bow 8sb Elder Staff 6cs Eldritch Orb obc Elegant Blade 7sb Espadon 92h Ettin Axe 72a Executioner Sword 9gd Exploding Potion opm Falcata 7ss Falchion flc Fanged Knife 7kr Fascia 9xf Feral Axe 7la Feral Claws 7lw Flail fla Flamberge flb Flanged Mace 9ma Flying Axe 7ta Flying Knife 7tk Francisca 9ta Fulminating Potion opl Fuscina 9tr Ghost Glaive 7gl Ghost Spear 7st Ghost Wand 7yw Giant Axe gix Giant Sword gis Giant Thresher 7wc Gidbinn g33 Gladius 9ss Glaive glv Glorious Axe 7gi Glowing Orb ob6 Gnarled Staff cst Gorgon Crossbow 6mx Gothic Axe 9ga Gothic Bow 8lw Gothic Staff 8bs Gothic Sword 9b9 Grand Matron Bow amc Grand Scepter gsc Grave Wand 9gw Great Axe gax Great Bow 6cb Great Maul gma Great Pilum 9pi Great Poleaxe 7h7 Great Sword gsd Greater Claws 9lw Greater Talons 9tw Grim Scythe 9wc Grim Wand gwn Halberd hal Hand Axe hax Hand Scythe 9cs Harpoon 9ts Hatchet 9ha Hatchet Hands axf Heavenly Stone obb Heavy Crossbow hxb Hellforge Hammer hfh Highland Blade 7cm Holy Water Sprinkler 9qs Horadric Malus hdm Horadric Staff hst Hunter's Bow hbw Hurlbat 9b8 Hydra Bow 6lw Hydra Edge 7fc Hyperion Javelin 7ja Hyperion Spear 7sr Jagged Star 9mt Javelin jav Jo Staff 8ss Katar ktr KhalimFlail qf1 Knout 9fl Kriss kri Lance 9p9 Large Axe lax Legend Spike 7bl Legend Sword 72h Legendary Mallet 7wh Lich Wand 7bw Light Crossbow lxb Lochaber Axe 9b7 Long Battle Bow lbb Long Bow lbw Long Siege Bow 8l8 Long Staff lst Long Sword lsd Long War Bow lwb Mace mac Maiden Javelin am5 Maiden Pike am4 Maiden Spear am3 Mancatcher 7br Martel de Fer 9gm Matriarchal Bow amb Matriarchal Pike ame Matriarchal Spear amd MatriarchalJavelin amf Maul mau Mighty Scepter 7sc Military Axe 9la Military Pick mpi Mithral Point 7di Morning Star mst Mythical Sword 7wd Naga 9wa Ogre Axe 7o7 Ogre Maul 7m7 Oil Potion ops Partizan 9pa Pellet Bow 6lx Petrified Wand 9yw Phase Blade 7cr Pike pik Pilum pil Poignard 9dg Poleaxe pax Polished Wand 7wn Quarterstaff 8ls Quhab 9ar Rancid Gas Potion gps Razor Bow 8hb Reflex Bow am2 Reinforced Mace 7ma Repeating Crossbow rxb Rondel 9di Rune Bow 8sw Rune Scepter 9sc Rune Staff 8ws Rune Sword 9ls Runic Talons 7tw Saber sbr Sacred Globe ob2 Scepter scp Scimitar scm Scissors Katar skr Scissors Quhab 9qr Scissors Suwayyah 7qr Scourge 7fl Scythe scy Seraph Rod 7qs Shadow Bow 6lb Shamshir 9sb Shillelah 6bs Short Battle Bow sbb Short Bow sbw Short Siege Bow 8s8 Short Spear ssp Short Staff sst Short Sword ssd Short War Bow swb Siege Crossbow 8mx Silver Edged Axe 7ba Simbilan 9s9 Small Crescent 7ax Smoked Sphere ob3 Sparkling Ball ob9 Spear spr Spetum spt Spiculum 9gl Spider Bow 6sb Spiked Club spc Staff of the Kings msf Stag Bow am1 Stalagmite 6ls Stilleto 9bl Strangling Gas Potion gpl Stygian Pike 7tr Stygian Pilum 7pi SuperKhalimFlail qf2 Suwayyah 7ar Swirling Crystal oba Tabar 9bt Thresher 7s8 Throwing Axe tax Throwing Knife tkf Throwing Spear tsp Thunder Maul 7gm Tomahawk 7ha Tomb Wand 9bw Trident tri Truncheon 7cl Tulwar 9fc Tusk Sword 9gs Twin Axe 92a Two-Handed Sword 2hs Tyrant Club 7sp Unearthed Wand 7gw Vortex Orb obe Voulge vou Walking Stick 6ss Wand wnd War Axe wax War Club 9m9 War Dart 9bk War Fist 7xf War Fork 9br War Hammer whm War Javelin 9ja War Pike 7p7 War Scepter wsp War Scythe wsc War Spear 9sr War Spike 7mp War Staff wst War Sword wsd Ward Bow 6sw Winged Axe 7b8 Winged Harpoon 7ts Winged Knife 7bk Wirt's Leg leg Wrist Blade wrb Wrist Spike 9wb Wrist Sword 7wb Yari 9st Yew Wand ywn Zweihander 9fb decoy dagger d33