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synced 2024-12-02 13:36:03 +00:00
98 lines
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require_once './config.php';
require_once './_pdo.php';
require_once './src/D2Functions.php';
ini_set('max_input_time', '-1');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
define('DB_FILE', $_SESSION['modname'] . ".db");
try {
PDO_Connect("sqlite:" . DB_FILE);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Connection error: " . $e->getMessage();
$cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd'];
$tableName = $_REQUEST['tableName'];
if ($cmd == "getTable") {
$query = "SELECT ROWID,* FROM $tableName";
$rows = PDO_Execute($query);
// Start the table with Bootstrap classes
$tableMarkup = '';
// Iterate over the rows
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$string = str_replace('\n', " ", $row['String']);
$tableMarkup .= "<tr class='row-{$row['rowid']}'>";
$tableMarkup .= "<td>{$row['rowid']}</td>";
// Display the Key column as a text input with Bootstrap form-control class
$tableMarkup .= "<td><input type='text' value='{$row['Key']}' class='form-control'><span style='visibility: hidden;'>{$row['Key']}</span></td>";
// Display the String column as a textarea with Bootstrap form-control class
$tableMarkup .= "<td><textarea class='form-control'>{$string}</textarea></td>";
// Add the Update and Delete links within a single td element
$tableMarkup .= "<td><div>";
// Add the Update link with Bootstrap btn and btn-primary classes
$tableMarkup .= "<a href='#' class='update-link btn btn-primary' data-rowid='{$row['rowid']}'>Update</a>";
// Add the Delete link with Bootstrap btn and btn-danger classes
$tableMarkup .= "<a style='float:right' href='#' class='delete-link btn btn-danger' data-rowid='{$row['rowid']}'>Delete</a>";
$tableMarkup .= "</div></td>";
$tableMarkup .= "</tr>";
// Return the table markup
echo $tableMarkup;
if ($cmd == "update") {
$query = "UPDATE $tableName SET Key = ?, String = ? WHERE ROWID = ?";
PDO_Execute($query, [$_REQUEST['key'], $_REQUEST['string'], $_REQUEST['rowid']]);
echo $_REQUEST['key'] . " updated";
if ($cmd == "delete") {
$query = "DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE ROWID = ?";
PDO_Execute($query, [$_REQUEST['rowid']]);
echo $_REQUEST['rowid'] . " deleted";
if ($cmd == "add") {
$tableName = $_POST['tableName'];
$key = $_POST['Key'];
$string = $_POST['String'];
// Create your insert statement using the provided values
$query = "INSERT INTO $tableName (Key, String) VALUES (?, ?)";
$params = array($key, $string);
// Execute the insert statement
$result = PDO_Execute($query, $params);
// Retrieve the last inserted rowid from the table
$query = "SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS rowid";
$result = PDO_FetchOne($query);
echo $result;