2021-05-06 02:36:04 -06:00

116 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

ini_set('post_max_size', '2M');
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '2M');
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
$path = getcwd() . "/";
$range = range(1, 2.5, mt_rand(3, 8) / 100);
$item = $_FILES['tmp_name'];
$tmpdir = pathinfo($path . $item)['filename'];
// undelee and create directory if doing same item over again
$cmd = "convert ";
// Generate glow frames for item
foreach ($range as $r) {
$tmpfile = $path . "$tmpdir/$r-$item";
exec("glow -a $r -s 40 $item $tmpfile");
// Generate build command to process glow frames for item
// into frame1 glowing up
foreach ($range as $r) {
$tmpfile = "$tmpdir/$r-$item";
$cmd .= "$tmpfile ";
$cmd .= " +append $tmpdir/frame1.png";
$cmd = "convert ";
// Generate build command to process glow frames for item
// into frame1 glowing up
foreach (array_reverse($range) as $r) {
$tmpfile = "$tmpdir/$r-$item";
$cmd .= "$tmpfile ";
$cmd .= "+append $tmpdir/frame2.png";
$cmd = '';
$cmd = "convert $tmpdir/frame1.png $tmpdir/frame2.png +append $tmpdir/frame_final.png";
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<h1>Diablo 2 Animated Item Creator</h1>
<p>Upload an item graphic in png/bmp/jpg/pcx format. Tool will generate a large file containing all the frames in a row which can be loaded into SixDice, and split at whatever size you need, to generate a DC6 with frames.</p>
<form action="/GlowItems.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file" class="file">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload">
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