code *done set1 val1 func1 stat1 set2 val2 func2 stat2 set3 val3 func3 stat3 set4 val4 func4 stat4 set5 val5 func5 stat5 set6 val6 func6 stat6 set7 val7 func7 stat7 *desc *param *min *max *notes *eol ac 1 1 armorclass none 0 ac-miss 1 1 armorclass_vs_missile none 0 ac-hth 1 1 armorclass_vs_hth none 0 red-dmg 1 1 normal_damage_reduction none 0 red-dmg% 1 1 damageresist none 0 ac% 1 2 item_armor_percent none 0 red-mag 1 1 magic_damage_reduction none 0 str 1 1 strength none 0 dex 1 1 dexterity none 0 vit 1 1 vitality none 0 enr 1 1 energy none 0 mana 1 1 maxmana none 0 mana% 1 1 item_maxmana_percent none 0 hp 1 1 maxhp none 0 hp% 1 1 item_maxhp_percent none 0 att 1 1 tohit none 0 block 1 1 toblock none 0 cold-min 1 1 coldmindam none 0 cold-max 1 1 coldmaxdam none 0 cold-len 1 1 coldlength none 0 fire-min 1 1 firemindam none 0 fire-max 1 1 firemaxdam none 0 ltng-min 1 1 lightmindam none 0 ltng-max 1 1 lightmaxdam none 0 pois-min 1 1 poisonmindam none 0 pois-max 1 1 poisonmaxdam none 0 pois-len 1 1 poisonlength none 0 dmg-min 1 5 none 0 dmg-max 1 6 none 0 dmg% 1 7 none 0 dmg-to-mana 1 1 item_damagetomana none 0 res-fire 1 1 fireresist none 0 res-fire-max 1 1 maxfireresist none 0 res-ltng 1 1 lightresist none 0 res-ltng-max 1 1 maxlightresist none 0 res-cold 1 1 coldresist none 0 res-cold-max 1 1 maxcoldresist none 0 res-mag 1 1 magicresist none 0 res-mag-max 1 1 maxmagicresist none 0 res-pois 1 1 poisonresist none 0 res-pois-max 1 1 maxpoisonresist none 0 res-all 1 1 fireresist 3 lightresist 3 coldresist 3 poisonresist none 0 res-all-max 1 1 maxfireresist 3 maxlightresist 3 maxcoldresist 3 maxpoisonresist none 0 abs-fire% 1 1 item_absorbfire_percent none 0 abs-fire 1 1 item_absorbfire none 0 abs-ltng% 1 1 item_absorblight_percent none 0 abs-ltng 1 1 item_absorblight none 0 abs-mag% 1 1 item_absorbmagic_percent none 0 abs-mag 1 1 item_absorbmagic none 0 abs-cold% 1 1 item_absorbcold_percent none 0 abs-cold 1 1 item_absorbcold none 0 dur 1 1 maxdurability none 0 dur% 1 13 item_maxdurability_percent none 0 regen 1 1 hpregen none 0 thorns 1 1 item_attackertakesdamage none 0 swing1 1 8 item_fasterattackrate none 0 swing2 1 8 item_fasterattackrate none 0 swing3 1 8 item_fasterattackrate none 0 gold% 1 1 item_goldbonus none 0 mag% 1 1 item_magicbonus none 0 knock 1 1 item_knockback none 0 regen-stam 1 1 staminarecoverybonus none 0 regen-mana 1 1 manarecoverybonus none 0 stam 1 1 maxstamina none 0 time 1 1 item_timeduration none 0 manasteal 1 1 manadrainmindam none 0 lifesteal 1 1 lifedrainmindam none 0 ama 1 0 21 item_addclassskills none 0 pal 1 3 21 item_addclassskills none 0 nec 1 2 21 item_addclassskills none 0 sor 1 1 21 item_addclassskills none 0 bar 1 4 21 item_addclassskills none 0 herb 1 1 item_doubleherbduration none 0 light 1 1 item_lightradius none 0 color 1 1 1 item_lightcolor none 0 ease 1 1 item_req_percent none 0 move1 1 8 item_fastermovevelocity none 0 move2 1 8 item_fastermovevelocity none 0 move3 1 8 item_fastermovevelocity none 0 balance1 1 8 item_fastergethitrate none 0 balance2 1 8 item_fastergethitrate none 0 balance3 1 8 item_fastergethitrate none 0 block1 1 8 item_fasterblockrate none 0 block2 1 8 item_fasterblockrate none 0 block3 1 8 item_fasterblockrate none 0 cast1 1 8 item_fastercastrate none 0 cast2 1 8 item_fastercastrate none 0 cast3 1 8 item_fastercastrate none 0 res-pois-len 1 1 item_poisonlengthresist none 0 dmg 1 1 item_normaldamage none 0 howl 1 1 item_howl none 0 stupidity 1 1 item_stupidity none 0 ignore-ac 1 1 item_ignoretargetac none 0 reduce-ac 1 1 item_fractionaltargetac none 0 noheal 1 1 item_preventheal none 0 half-freeze 1 1 item_halffreezeduration none 0 att% 1 1 item_tohit_percent none 0 dmg-ac 1 1 item_damagetargetac none 0 dmg-demon 1 1 item_demondamage_percent none 0 dmg-undead 1 1 item_undeaddamage_percent none 0 att-demon 1 1 item_demon_tohit none 0 att-undead 1 1 item_undead_tohit none 0 throw 1 1 item_throwable none 0 fireskill 1 1 21 item_elemskill none 0 allskills 1 1 item_allskills none 0 light-thorns 1 1 item_attackertakeslightdamage none 0 freeze 1 1 item_freeze chance in 128 length in frames none 0 openwounds 1 1 item_openwounds none 0 crush 1 1 item_crushingblow none 0 kick 1 1 item_kickdamage none 0 mana-kill 1 1 item_manaafterkill none 0 demon-heal 1 1 item_healafterdemonkill none 0 bloody 1 1 item_extrablood none 0 deadly 1 1 item_deadlystrike none 0 slow 1 1 item_slow none 0 nofreeze 1 1 item_cannotbefrozen none 0 stamdrain 1 1 item_staminadrainpct none 0 reanimate 1 24 item_reanimate none 0 pierce 1 1 item_pierce none 0 magicarrow 1 1 item_magicarrow none 0 explosivearrow 1 1 item_explosivearrow none 0 Expansion dru 1 5 21 item_addclassskills All Druid Skills none 0 ass 1 6 21 item_addclassskills All Assassin Skills none 0 skill 1 22 item_singleskill none 0 skilltab 1 10 item_addskill_tab none 0 aura 1 22 item_aura none 0 att-skill 1 11 item_skillonattack Proc Skill on Swing Skill # % Chance Level none 0 hit-skill 1 11 item_skillonhit Proc Skill on Hit Skill # % Chance Level none 0 gethit-skill 1 11 item_skillongethit Proc Skill on Get Hit Skill # % Chance Level none 0 gembonus Increase chance of finding Gems none 0 regen-dur none 0 fire-fx none 0 ltng-fx none 0 sock 1 14 item_numsockets none 0 dmg-fire 1 15 firemindam 16 firemaxdam Fire Damage Min Max none 0 dmg-ltng 1 15 lightmindam 16 lightmaxdam Lightning Damage Min Max none 0 dmg-mag 1 15 magicmindam 16 magicmaxdam Magic Damge Min Max none 0 dmg-cold 1 15 coldmindam 16 coldmaxdam 17 coldlength Cold Damage Length (Frames) Min Max none 0 dmg-pois 1 15 poisonmindam 16 poisonmaxdam 17 poisonlength Poison Damage Length (Frames) Min Max none 0 dmg-throw 1 15 item_throw_mindamage 16 item_throw_maxdamage Throwing Damage Min Max none 0 dmg-norm 1 15 mindamage 16 maxdamage Normal Damage Modifier Min Max none 0 ac/lvl 1 17 item_armor_perlevel AC per Player Level ac/lvl (8ths) none 0 ac%/lvl 1 17 item_armorpercent_perlevel AC% per Player Level ac%/lvl (8ths) none 0 hp/lvl 1 17 item_hp_perlevel HP per Player Level hp/lvl (8ths) none 0 mana/lvl 1 17 item_mana_perlevel Mana per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg/lvl 1 17 item_maxdamage_perlevel Max Damage per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg%/lvl 1 17 item_maxdamage_percent_perlevel Max Damage % per Player Level (8ths) none 0 str/lvl 1 17 item_strength_perlevel Strength per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dex/lvl 1 17 item_dexterity_perlevel Dexterity per Player Level (8ths) none 0 enr/lvl 1 17 item_energy_perlevel Energy per Player Level (8ths) none 0 vit/lvl 1 17 item_vitality_perlevel Vitality per Player Level (8ths) none 0 att/lvl 1 17 item_tohit_perlevel Attack per Player Level att/lvl (1) none 0 att%/lvl 1 17 item_tohitpercent_perlevel Attack% per Player Level att%/lvl (8ths) none 0 dmg-cold/lvl 1 17 item_cold_damagemax_perlevel Max Cold Damage per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg-fire/lvl 1 17 item_fire_damagemax_perlevel Max Fire Damage per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg-ltng/lvl 1 17 item_ltng_damagemax_perlevel Max Lightning Dmg per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg-pois/lvl 1 17 item_pois_damagemax_perlevel Max Poison Dmg per Player Level (8ths) none 0 res-cold/lvl 1 17 item_resist_cold_perlevel Resist Cold% per Player Level (8ths) none 0 res-fire/lvl 1 17 item_resist_fire_perlevel Resist Fire% per Player Level (8ths) none 0 res-ltng/lvl 1 17 item_resist_ltng_perlevel Resist Lightning% per Player Level (8ths) none 0 res-pois/lvl 1 17 item_resist_pois_perlevel Resist Poison% per Player Level (8ths) none 0 abs-cold/lvl 1 17 item_absorb_cold_perlevel Absorb Cold Dmg per Player Level (8ths) none 0 abs-fire/lvl 1 17 item_absorb_fire_perlevel Absorb Fire Dmg per Player Level (8ths) none 0 abs-ltng/lvl 1 17 item_absorb_ltng_perlevel Absorb Lightning Dmg per Player Lvl (8ths) none 0 abs-pois/lvl 1 17 item_absorb_pois_perlevel Absorb Poison Dmg per Player Lvl (8ths) none 0 thorns/lvl 1 17 item_thorns_perlevel Damage to Attacker per Player Lvl (8ths) none 0 gold%/lvl 1 17 item_find_gold_perlevel +% Gold Dropped per Player Lvl (8ths) none 0 mag%/lvl 1 17 item_find_magic_perlevel +% Magical per Player Lvl (8ths) none 0 regen-stam/lvl 1 17 item_regenstamina_perlevel +% Stamina Regeneration per Player Lvl (8ths) none 0 stam/lvl 1 17 item_stamina_perlevel Stamina per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg-dem/lvl 1 17 item_damage_demon_perlevel Damage to Demons % per Player Level (8ths) none 0 dmg-und/lvl 1 17 item_damage_undead_perlevel Damage to Undead % per Player Level (8ths) none 0 att-dem/lvl 1 17 item_tohit_demon_perlevel Attack Demons + per Player Level att/lvl (1) none 0 att-und/lvl 1 17 item_tohit_undead_perlevel Attack Undead + per Player Level att/lvl (1) none 0 crush/lvl 1 17 item_crushingblow_perlevel +% Chance of Crushing Blow per Player Level (8ths) none 0 wounds/lvl 1 17 item_openwounds_perlevel +% Chance of Open Wounds per Player Level (8ths) none 0 kick/lvl 1 17 item_kick_damage_perlevel Kick Damage per Player Level (8ths) none 0 deadly/lvl 1 17 item_deadlystrike_perlevel +% Chance of Deadly Strike per Player Level (8ths) none 0 gems%/lvl +% Chance of finding Gems per Player Level (8ths) none 0 rep-dur 1 17 item_replenish_durability regenerates durability speed (see note) regenerates 1 durability point per 100/lvl seconds 0 rep-quant 1 17 item_replenish_quantity regenerates quantity speed (see note) regenerates 1 quantity per 100/lvl seconds 0 stack 1 1 item_extra_stack Increased stack size min count max count none 0 item% +% Chance of finding item item type min chance max chance random chance from min to max is assigned to item 0 dmg-slash Slashing Damage min max random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 dmg-slash% Slashing Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 dmg-crush Crush Damage min max random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 dmg-crush% Crush Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 dmg-thrust Thrust Damage min max random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 dmg-thrust% Thrust Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 abs-slash Absorb Slashing Damage min amt max amt random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 abs-crush Absorb Crushing Damage min amt max amt random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 abs-thrust Absorb Thrusting Damage min amt max amt random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 abs-slash% Absorb Slashing Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 abs-crush% Absorb Crushing Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 abs-thrust% Absorb Thrusting Damage % min % max % random amount from min to max is assigned to item 0 ac/time 1 18 item_armor_bytime "AC / time increment (0=day, 1=dusk, 2=night, 3=dawn)" center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 ac%/time 1 18 item_armorpercent_bytime AC% / time increment (8 periods) center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 hp/time 1 18 item_hp_bytime HP / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 mana/time 1 18 item_mana_bytime Mana / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg/time 1 18 item_maxdamage_bytime Max Damage / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg%/time 1 18 item_maxdamage_percent_bytime Max Damage % / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 str/time 1 18 item_strength_bytime Strength / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dex/time 1 18 item_dexterity_bytime Dexterity / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 enr/time 1 18 item_energy_bytime Energy / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 vit/time 1 18 item_vitality_bytime Vitality / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 att/time 1 18 item_tohit_bytime To hit / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 att%/time 1 18 item_tohitpercent_bytime To Hit % / time increment center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg-cold/time 1 18 item_cold_damagemax_bytime Cold Damage Max / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg-fire/time 1 18 item_fire_damagemax_bytime Fire Damage Max / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg-ltng/time 1 18 item_ltng_damagemax_bytime Lightning Damage Max / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg-pois/time 1 18 item_pois_damagemax_bytime Poison Damage Max / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 res-cold/time 1 18 item_resist_cold_bytime Resist Cold / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 res-fire/time 1 18 item_resist_fire_bytime Resist Fire / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 res-ltng/time 1 18 item_resist_ltng_bytime Resist Lightning / time inc center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 res-pois/time 1 18 item_resist_pois_bytime Resist Poison / time inc center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 abs-cold/time 1 18 item_absorb_cold_bytime Absorb Cold / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 abs-fire/time 1 18 item_absorb_fire_bytime Absorb Fire / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 abs-ltng/time 1 18 item_absorb_ltng_bytime Absorb Lightning / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 abs-pois/time 1 18 item_absorb_pois_bytime Absorb Poison / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 gold%/time 1 18 item_find_gold_bytime Find Gold Amt % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 mag%/time 1 18 item_find_magic_bytime Find Magic % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 regen-stam/time 1 18 item_regenstamina_bytime % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 stam/time 1 18 item_stamina_bytime Stamina / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg-dem/time 1 18 item_damage_demon_bytime Damage to Demons % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 dmg-und/time 1 18 item_damage_undead_bytime Damage to Undead % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 att-dem/time 1 18 item_tohit_demon_bytime To Hit Demons % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 att-und/time 1 18 item_tohit_undead_bytime To Hit Undead % / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 crush/time 1 18 item_crushingblow_bytime % chance of Crushing Blow / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 wounds/time 1 18 item_openwounds_bytime +% chance of Open Wounds / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 kick/time 1 18 item_kick_damage_bytime Kick Damage / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 deadly/time 1 18 item_deadlystrike_bytime +% chance of Deadly Strike / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 gems%/time +% chance of finding Gems / time inc. center period min max "max at center period, min at opposite period, linear progression" 0 pierce-fire 1 1 passive_fire_pierce Negates % of Enemy Cold Resistance min max none 0 pierce-ltng 1 1 passive_ltng_pierce Negates % of Enemy Fire Resistance min max none 0 pierce-cold 1 1 passive_cold_pierce Negates % of Enemy Lightning Resistance min max none 0 pierce-pois 1 1 passive_pois_pierce Negates % of Enemy Poison Resistance min max none 0 dmg-mon Damage vs. specific Monster Type monster min max none 0 dmg%-mon Damage % vs. specific Monster Type monster min max none 0 att-mon To Hit vs. specific Monster Type monster min max none 0 att%-mon To Hit % vs. specific Monster Type monster min max none 0 ac-mon AC vs. specific Monster Type monster min max none 0 ac%-mon AC% vs. specific Monster Type monster min max none 0 indestruct 1 20 Indestructible none 0 charged 1 19 item_charged_skill Charged Skill skill charges level none 0 extra-fire 1 1 passive_fire_mastery 0 extra-ltng 1 1 passive_ltng_mastery 0 extra-cold 1 1 passive_cold_mastery 0 extra-pois 1 1 passive_pois_mastery 0 dmg-elem 1 15 firemindam 16 firemaxdam 15 lightmindam 16 lightmaxdam 15 coldmindam 16 coldmaxdam 17 coldlength 0 dmg-elem-min 1 1 firemindam 3 lightmindam 3 coldmindam 0 dmg-elem-max 1 1 firemaxdam 3 lightmaxdam 3 coldmaxdam 17 coldlength 0 all-stats 1 1 strength 3 energy 3 dexterity 3 vitality 0 addxp 1 1 item_addexperience additional xp gain 0 heal-kill 1 1 item_healafterkill life gained after each kill 0 cheap 1 1 item_reducedprices reduces vendor prices min max none 0 rip 1 1 item_restinpeace slain monsters' corpses can't be used 1 1 none 0 att-mon% 1 24 attack_vs_montype attack% vs. monster type mon type min max 0 dmg-mon% 1 24 damage_vs_montype damage% vs. monster type mon type min max 0 kill-skill 1 11 item_skillonkill Proc Skill on killing something Skill # % Chance Level 0 death-skill 1 11 item_skillondeath Proc Skill on getting killed Skill # % Chance Level 0 levelup-skill 1 11 item_skillonlevelup Proc Skill on level up Skill # % Chance Level 0 skill-rand 1 12 item_singleskill Bonus to random skill Level min Skill # max Skill # 0 fade 1 17 fade only use on monprop fade type 0 levelreq 1 1 item_levelreq 0 ethereal 1 23 0 oskill 1 22 item_nonclassskill Skill min level max level none 0 state 1 24 state state 1 1 0