if ($cmd === "sortBy") {
$sql = "SELECT `index`, `$sort` FROM uniqueitems WHERE enabled='1' ORDER BY ? ASC";
$res = PDO_FetchAll($sql, [$sort]);
// Sort the results if the sorting is based on 'index'
if ($sort === 'index') {
// Generate HTML options based on the sorted results
$html = '';
foreach ($res as $r) {
if ($sort === 'index') {
$html .= "";
} else {
$html .= "";
// Output the generated HTML
echo $html;
//@cmd = viewOnly
if ($cmd == "viewOnly") {
$table = 'misc';
$sql = "SELECT uniqueitems.`index`, uniqueitems.`code`, misc.`type`
FROM uniqueitems
LEFT JOIN misc ON uniqueitems.`code` = misc.`code`
WHERE `type` IS NOT NULL AND uniqueitems.`code`='$view'";
if ($view == 'armo') {
$table = 'armor';
$sql = "SELECT uniqueitems.`index`, uniqueitems.`code`, $table.`code`
FROM uniqueitems
LEFT JOIN $table ON uniqueitems.`code` = $table.`code`
WHERE `type` IS NOT NULL AND uniqueitems.`code`= $table.`code` AND $table.`code` != '' ORDER BY `index`";
if ($view == 'weap') {
$table = 'weapons';
$sql = "SELECT uniqueitems.`index`, uniqueitems.`code`, $table.`code`
FROM uniqueitems
LEFT JOIN $table ON uniqueitems.`code` = $table.`code`
WHERE `type` IS NOT NULL AND uniqueitems.`code`= $table.`code` AND $table.`code` != '' ORDER BY `index`";
if ($view == "char") { // charm
$sql .= " OR uniqueitems.`code`='cm1' OR uniqueitems.`code`='cm2' OR uniqueitems.`code`='cm3'";
$res = PDO_FetchAll($sql);
$html = '';
foreach ($res as $r) {
if ($sort == 'index') {
$html .= "";
} else {
$html .= "";
echo $html;
// @cmd = search
if ($cmd == 'search') {
$search = $_GET['search'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM uniqueitems WHERE `index` LIKE '%$search%' OR code LIKE '%$search%' AND enabled=1 ORDER BY `index`";
$res = PDO_FetchAll($sql);
$html = '';
foreach ($res as $r) {
if ($sort == 'index') {
$html .= "";
} else {
$html .= "";
echo $html;
// @cmd = getString
// @arg = property, par, min, max
if ($cmd == 'getString') {
$prop = $_GET['prop'];
// stat2,stat3,stat4,stat5,stat6,stat7
if (!empty($prop)) {
$sql = "SELECT stat1 FROM properties WHERE code = ?";
$stat = array_filter(PDO_FetchRow($sql, [$prop]));
$s = array_filter($idata->getIscStrings($prop));
// now combine isc strings with par, min, max
$params = array_merge($_GET, $s);
$return = $idesc->getDesc($params);
/* This goes into D2ItemDesc->getDesc();
$s1 = $params['string1'];
$s2 = $params['string2'];
$prop = $params['prop'];
$par = $params['par'];
$min = (int) $params['min'];
@return string
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($return, JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE);
function saveFile() {
$bin = '..\bin\sqlite3.exe ';
$dbfile = '../' . $_SESSION['modname'] . ".db";
$outputFile = TXT_PATH . 'uniqueitems.txt';
// Prepare the command
$command = escapeshellarg($bin) . " " . escapeshellarg($dbfile) . ' ".mode tabs" ".header on" "SELECT * FROM uniqueitems;" > ' . escapeshellarg($outputFile);
$output = exec($command);
return $output;
if ($cmd == 'delete') {
$sql = "DELETE FROM uniqueitems WHERE `index` = \"{$_GET['index']}\";";
$res = PDO_Execute($sql);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($res, JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE);
if ($cmd == "save") {
// if ladder or carry1 is 0, set empty field.
$_GET['ladder'] = $_GET['ladder'] ?? '';
$_GET['carry1'] = $_GET['carry1'] ?? '';
$index = $_GET['index'];
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uniqueitems WHERE `index` = ?";
$indexExists = PDO_FetchOne($sql, [$index]);
$columns = array_keys($_GET);
// Build the INSERT query
$insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO uniqueitems (';
foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
$column = str_replace("_", " ", $k);
$insertQuery .= "`$column`, ";
$insertQuery = rtrim($insertQuery, ", ");
$insertQuery .= ") VALUES (";
foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
$insertQuery .= "\"$v\", ";
$insertQuery = rtrim($insertQuery, ", ");
$insertQuery .= ")";
// Build the UPDATE query
$updateQuery = 'UPDATE uniqueitems SET ';
foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
$column = str_replace("_", " ", $k);
$updateQuery .= "`$column` = \"$v\", ";
$updateQuery = rtrim($updateQuery, ", ");
$updateQuery .= " WHERE `index`=\"$index\"";
if ($indexExists) {
$res = PDO_Execute($updateQuery);
} else {
$res = PDO_Execute($insertQuery);
$output = saveFile();
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($output, JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE);