This file is part of D2IM. D2IM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. D2IM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with D2IM. If not, see . */ class D2Files { public $files = [ "Aiparms" => "Aiparms.txt", "Arena" => "Arena.txt", "Armor" => "Armor.txt", "ArmType" => "ArmType.txt", "automagic" => "automagic.txt", "AutoMap" => "AutoMap.txt", "belts" => "belts.txt", "bodylocs" => "bodylocs.txt", "Books" => "Books.txt", "CharStats" => "CharStats.txt", "CharTemplate" => "CharTemplate.txt", "colors" => "colors.txt", "CompCode" => "CompCode.txt", "Composit" => "Composit.txt", "CubeMain" => "CubeMain.txt", "CubeMod" => "CubeMod.txt", "cubetype" => "cubetype.txt", "DifficultyLevels" => "DifficultyLevels.txt", "ElemTypes" => "ElemTypes.txt", "Events" => "Events.txt", "Experience" => "Experience.txt", "gamble" => "gamble.txt", "Gems" => "Gems.txt", "hiredesc" => "hiredesc.txt", "Hireling" => "Hireling.txt", "HitClass" => "HitClass.txt", "Inventory" => "Inventory.txt", "ItemRatio" => "ItemRatio.txt", "ItemStatCost" => "ItemStatCost.txt", "ItemTypes" => "ItemTypes.txt", "Levels" => "Levels.txt", "lowqualityitems" => "lowqualityitems.txt", "LvlMaze" => "LvlMaze.txt", "LvlPrest" => "LvlPrest.txt", "LvlSub" => "LvlSub.txt", "LvlTypes" => "LvlTypes.txt", "LvlWarp" => "LvlWarp.txt", "MagicPrefix" => "MagicPrefix.txt", "MagicSuffix" => "MagicSuffix.txt", "Misc" => "Misc.txt", "MissCalc" => "MissCalc.txt", "Missiles" => "Missiles.txt", "MonAi" => "MonAi.txt", "MonEquip" => "MonEquip.txt", "MonItemPercent" => "MonItemPercent.txt", "MonLvl" => "MonLvl.txt", "MonMode" => "MonMode.txt", "MonName" => "MonName.txt", "MonPlace" => "MonPlace.txt", "MonPreset" => "MonPreset.txt", "MonProp" => "MonProp.txt", "MonSeq" => "MonSeq.txt", "MonSounds" => "MonSounds.txt", "MonStats2" => "MonStats2.txt", "MonStats" => "MonStats.txt", "MonType" => "MonType.txt", "MonUMod" => "MonUMod.txt", "Npc" => "Npc.txt", "Objects" => "Objects.txt", "objgroup" => "objgroup.txt", "ObjMode" => "ObjMode.txt", "ObjType" => "ObjType.txt", "Overlay" => "Overlay.txt", "PetType" => "PetType.txt", "PlayerClass" => "PlayerClass.txt", "PlrMode" => "PlrMode.txt", "PlrType" => "PlrType.txt", "Properties" => "Properties.txt", "qualityitems" => "qualityitems.txt", "RarePrefix" => "RarePrefix.txt", "RareSuffix" => "RareSuffix.txt", "Runes" => "Runes.txt", "SetItems" => "SetItems.txt", "Sets" => "Sets.txt", "Shrines" => "Shrines.txt", "SkillCalc" => "SkillCalc.txt", "SkillDesc" => "SkillDesc.txt", "Skills" => "Skills.txt", "SoundEnviron" => "SoundEnviron.txt", "Sounds" => "Sounds.txt", "States" => "States.txt", "StorePage" => "StorePage.txt", "SuperUniques" => "SuperUniques.txt", "TreasureClassEx" => "TreasureClassEx.txt", "TreasureClass" => "TreasureClass.txt", "UniqueAppellation" => "UniqueAppellation.txt", "UniqueItems" => "UniqueItems.txt", "UniquePrefix" => "UniquePrefix.txt", "UniqueSuffix" => "UniqueSuffix.txt", "UniqueTitle" => "UniqueTitle.txt", "WeaponClass" => "WeaponClass.txt", "Weapons" => "Weapons.txt" ]; public function __construct() { } public function getFiles(){ return $this->files; } public function getFile($name){ return $this->files[$name]; } }