AI *aip1 *aip2 *aip3 *aip4 *aip5 *aip6 *aip7 *aip8 *eol None 0 Idle 0 Skeleton approach? stall time attack? att1/att2? 0 Zombie approach? aware dist att1/att2? 0 Bighead hurt% circle? fire while healthy? fire while hurt? 0 BloodHawk charge? wander? attack? run vel charge vel 0 Fallen cmd:attack? attack? att1/att2? 0 Brute circle? attack? att1/att2? 0 SandRaider hurt% circle? attack? approach? charge time charge color att1/att2? 0 Wraith approach? stall time attack? 0 CorruptRogue approach? stall time attack? run vel run? 0 Baboon hurt% circle? attack? att1/att2? regen bonus 0 Goatman approach? stall time attack? 0 FallenShaman rez?/cmd? shoot? melee?/circle? rez dist shoot dist 0 QuillRat activate dist shoot? walk dist 0 SandMaggot lay? spit? #of eggs melee? min down/up time 0 ClawViper charge? charge dist attack? att1/att2? stall time charge color 0 SandLeaper leap? attack? approach? circle? 0 PantherWoman approach? attack? pack dist stall time regroup from melee 0 Swarm approach? stall time attack? 0 Scarab attack? att1/att2? stall time jab? cmd? 0 Mummy awakedist approach? attack? att1/att2? stall time 0 GreaterMummy melee/breathe? raise? heal? shoot? raise range 0 Vulture attack? stall time wounded% circle? move? 0 Mosquito min suck loop suck loop rng attack? suck or att? max ambient loop 0 WillOWisp cast? melee? approach? 0 Arach attack? circle in melee? engage? run dist hurt% 0 ThornHulk attack? att1/att2? melee circle? frenzy? frenzy speed consec. A2 0 Vampire melee? cast? active dist upgrade cast? spell flags 0 BatDemon hurt% disengage on hit? attack? att1/ltng? regen roosted 0 Fetish attack? stall time attack loop weak% 0 NpcOutOfTown 0 Npc 0 HellMeteor attack? stall time range 0 Andariel spray in melee? stall? fire or engage? spray from dist? 0 CorruptArcher approach? shoot? stall time run? always run dist use skill 2 use skill 3 walk tow dist 0 CorruptLancer approach? attack? stall time run? always run dist 0 SkeletonBow shoot? stall time approach? walk steps tgt dist 0 MaggotLarva attack? att recovery approach? idle stall time circle? 0 PinHead attack? att stall time approach? idle stall time smite? 0 MaggotEgg stall hatch? 0 Towner 0 Vendor 0 FoulCrowNest spawn interval num to spawn 0 Duriel holy freeze level smite? jab? att2? charge? 0 Sarcophagus spawn interval num to spawn 0 ElementalBeast approach? activation dist idle stall 0 FlyingScimitar approach? attack? stall time circle? 0 ZakarumZealot attack? att2? hurt% run? 0 ZakarumPriest attack? blizzard? ltng? cast? spell timer heal range 0 Mephisto 0 Diablo 0 FrogDemon attack melee? shoot melee? circle melee? circle ranged? shoot? shoot dist stall time emerge dist 0 Summoner cast? weaken? pref element? nova timer firewall timer walk away? nova dist missile dist 0 NpcStationary 0 Izual attack? engage? nova at range? nova in melee? post nova doldrums num swings 0 Tentacle attack? submerge? submerge secs emerge secs stall time active dist 0 TentacleHead shoot? submerge? submerge secs emerge secs stall time active dist 0 Navi 0 BloodRaven 0 GoodNpcRanged 0 Hireable 0 TownRogue 0 GargoyleTrap shoot dist shoot? fire recovery stall time 0 SkeletonMage shoot? approach dist approach? too close dist walk away? fire dist circle? stall time 0 FetishShaman heal? heal capability heal range circle? heal search range 0 SandMaggotQueen max spawn delay 0 NecroPet 0 VileMother max spawn max at once spawn? attack? approach? circle? stall time 0 VileDog attack? melee stall approach? 0 FingerMage attack/circle? cast? healthy% hurt% cast range max run tries out of range melee stall 0 Regurgitator attack? eat in melee? approach? look for food? look in melee? smell dist 0 DoomKnight attack? melee stall approach? regular stall 0 AbyssKnight bone armor hp% bonearmor? attack? melee stall no fire dist fire recovery approach? active dist 0 OblivionKnight flee range engage range curse timer curse? shoot? bonespirit? approach? approach dist 0 QuillMother attack? approach? melee stall regular stall 0 EvilHole num to spawn spawn delay 0 Trap-Missile distance num to shoot delay 0 Trap-RightArrow min dist max dist delay delay2 0 Trap-LeftArrow min dist max dist delay delay2 0 Trap-Poison range num times delay 0 JarJar 0 InvisoSpawner num to spawn activation dist delay 0 MosquitoNest num to spawn activation dist delay 0 BoneWall 0 HighPriest engage? heal at range? heal/hydra timer hydra at range? ltng at range? disengage? ltng engaged? range 0 Hydra 0 Trap-Melee 0 7TIllusion 0 Megademon inferno ranged? inferno melee? swing melee? approach? circle melee? inferno timer 0 Griswold 0 DarkWanderer 0 Trap-Nova range num times delay 0 ArcaneTower num sk1 sk1 stall sk1 long delay num sk2 sk2 stall sk2 long delay 0 DesertTurret short delay num shots long delay range spread 0 PantherJavelin approach? throw? group dist walk away? stall time throw dist 0 FetishBlowgun stay in range run away? 0 Spirit 0 Smith 0 TrappedSoul 0 Buffy 0 AssassinSentry 0 BladeCreeper 0 InvisoPet 0 DeathSentry 0 ShadowWarrior max target dist max boss dist attack chance skill decrement summoning skill/min to use skill/max to use skill 0 ShadowMaster approach dist/melee bonus/progressive bonus random pick/ignore range/boss leash attack chance summoning skill 0 Raven 0 DruidWolf 0 Totem 0 Vines 0 CycleOfLife 0 DruidBear 0 SiegeTower stall time 0 ReanimatedHorde attack? melee stall charge range charge? follow? walk forward? ranged stall reanimate 0 SiegeBeast call imp dist attack? stamp in melee? melee stall stomp ranged? charge? charge vel 0 Minion attack? melee stall approach? ranged stall att1/att2? 0 SuicideMinion blow up delay stall time approach? 0 Succubus attack? approach? curse? curse range melee stall ranged stall curse level 0 SuccubusWitch attack? approach? walk away? comfort dist shoot? stall amp dam tgt hp% weaken my hp% 0 Overseer rally spell timer heal? whip? comfort dist comfort zone attack? att1/att2? 0 MinionSpawner num to spawn stall time spawn delay activation range max in area 0 Imp refer to source 0 Catapult attack? 0 FrozenHorror attack? approach? arctic blast? stall time 0 BloodLord attack? approach? frenzy/att1? stall time 0 CatapultSpotter attack? delay range random range shots per skill 0 NpcBarb 0 Nihlathak 0 GenericSpawner 0 DeathMauler attack? approach? shoot range shoot? 0 Wussie 0 AncientStatue 0 Ancient 0 BaalThrone 0 BaalCrab 0 BaalTaunt 0 PutridDefiler 0 BaalToStairs 0 BaalTentacle 0 BaalCrabClone 0 BaalMinion 0 ClawViperEx charge? charge dist attack? shoot? stall time charge color shoot dist shoot timer 0 ShadowMasterNoInit approach dist/melee bonus/progressive bonus random pick/ignore range attack chance summoning skill 0