escapeString($_POST['treasureClass']); $noDrop = $db->escapeString($_POST['noDrop']); $prob = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $prob[$i] = isset($_POST["prob$i"]) ? $db->escapeString($_POST["prob$i"]) : 0; } // Prepare the SQL UPDATE statement $query = " UPDATE treasureclassex SET NoDrop = $noDrop, Prob1 = {$prob[1]}, Prob2 = {$prob[2]}, Prob3 = {$prob[3]}, Prob4 = {$prob[4]}, Prob5 = {$prob[5]}, Prob6 = {$prob[6]}, Prob7 = {$prob[7]}, Prob8 = {$prob[8]}, Prob9 = {$prob[9]}, Prob10 = {$prob[10]} WHERE `Treasure Class` = '$treasureClass' "; // Execute the update statement $result = $db->exec($query); if ($result) { echo "Successfully updated!"; } else { echo "Failed to update! Error: " . $db->lastErrorMsg(); } $tsvFilePath = $_SESSION['path'] . "/TreasureClassEx.txt"; // Open the file for writing $fileHandle = fopen($tsvFilePath, 'w'); // Query to select all rows from the treasureclassex table $query = "SELECT * FROM treasureclassex"; // Execute the query $result = $db->query($query); // Write the column headers to the file $columnNames = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $result->numColumns(); $i++) { $columnNames[] = $result->columnName($i); } fwrite($fileHandle, implode("\t", $columnNames) . "\n"); // Write the rows to the file while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { fwrite($fileHandle, implode("\t", $row) . "\n"); } // Close the file fclose($fileHandle); echo "Successfully updated and written to TSV file!";