diff --git a/ModString.txt b/ModString.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2ee161b..0000000 --- a/ModString.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5393 +0,0 @@ -WarrivAct1IntroGossip1 45}Greetings, stranger. I'm not surprised }to see your kind here. Many }adventurers have traveled this way }since the recent troubles began.} }No doubt you've heard about the }tragedy that befell the town of }Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the }Lord of Terror, walks the world again.} }I don't know if I believe that, but a Dark }Wanderer did travel this route a few }weeks ago. He was headed east to the }mountain pass guarded by the Rogue }Monastery.} }Maybe it's nothing, but evil seems to }have trailed in his wake. You see, }shortly after the Wanderer went }through, the Monastery's Gates to the }pass were closed and strange }creatures began ravaging the }countryside.} }Until it's safer outside the camp and the }gates are re-opened, I'll remain here }with my caravan. I hope to leave for }Lut Gholein before the shadow that fell }over Tristram consumes us all. If }you're still alive then, I'll take you }along.} }You should talk to Akara, too. She }seems to be the leader of this camp. }Maybe she can tell you more.} -WarrivAct1IntroPalGossip1 45}Well met, noble Dharma Yoddha. It's been a }while since I've seen any of your kind in }the west. It would be an honor to aid }you in any way that I can.} }No doubt you've heard about the }tragedy that befell the town of }Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the }Lord of Terror, walks the world again.} }I don't know if I believe that, but a Dark }Wanderer did travel this route a few }weeks ago. He was headed east to the }mountain pass guarded by the Rogue }Monastery.} }Maybe it's nothing, but evil seems to }have trailed in his wake. You see, }shortly after the Wanderer went }through, the Monastery's Gates to the }pass were closed and strange }creatures began ravaging the }countryside.} }Until it's safer outside the camp and the }gates are re-opened, I'll remain here }with my caravan. I hope to leave for }Lut Gholein before the shadow that fell }over Tristram consumes us all. If }you're still alive then, I'll take you }along.} }You should talk to Akara, too. She }seems to be the leader of this camp. }Maybe she can tell you more.} -WarrivGossip1 51}I've been leading my trade caravan }across the eastern deserts for more }than twenty years now. I've been }attacked by bandits and outlaws more }times than I can remember. But never }when a Dharma Yoddha accompanied me. } }Indeed, your Order has saved me from }losing a small fortune over the years. I }just hope you can discover what's }going on around here and get the }Gates to the East opened up!} -WarrivGossip2 85}Cain seems to have great wisdom }regarding the supernatural. I hope I }never live to be that wise...} -WarrivGossip3 58}Akara is the Rogues' High Priestess. She }sells the few magic items in her }possession and can even heal your }wounds. She is very wise and will help }you if she can.} -WarrivGossip4 66}The fiery Shikari commands the Rogue }archers in battle. I've only spoken to }her a few times, though. I get the }feeling that she doesn't like outsiders }very much.} -WarrivGossip5 88}Charsi seems to be a very sweet girl. }She's the smith around here and can }help you by trading weapons and }armor.} -WarrivGossip6 55}Gheed is a wandering merchant of }questionable character who is traveling }along with my caravan to the East. He }will buy and sell most anything.} }He's greedy, but his wares are beyond }reproach. I would suggest keeping both }eyes open when you deal with him.} -WarrivGossip7 71}To the east are lands of great }mystery... and the Jewel City of the }Desert, Lut Gholein.} -WarrivGossip8 68}I'll gladly take you eastward, if you can }drive the Evil from the Monastery. }Then, the Rogues may re-open the pass }through the mountains.} -WarrivGossip9 70}It's easy to become lost in the }wilderness on the way to the Citadel. }After you have come to the Cairn }Stones, you must remember that the }path continues through the caves.} -AkaraIntroGossip1 35}I am Akara, High Priestess of the }Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. I }welcome you, traveler, to our camp, }but I'm afraid I can offer you but poor }shelter within these rickety walls.} }You see, our ancient Sisterhood has }fallen under a strange curse. The }mighty Citadel from which we have }guarded the gates to the East for }generations, has been corrupted by the }evil Raakshusess, Andariel.} }I still can't believe it... but she turned }many of our sister Rogues against us }and drove us from our ancestral home. }Now the last defenders of the }Sisterhood are either dead or scattered }throughout the wilderness.} }I implore you, stranger. Please help us. }Find a way to lift this terrible curse and }we will pledge our loyalty to you for all }time.} -AkaraIntroSorGossip1 34}Greetings, young Sahira. It is good }to see more of your kind at work in the }world these dark days. In my opinion, }the world needs more women to fight }against the great shadow. But I am }forgetting my manners... } }I am Akara, High Priestess of the }Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. I }welcome you, traveler, to our camp, }but I'm afraid I can offer you but poor }shelter within these rickety walls.} }You see, our ancient Sisterhood has }fallen under a strange curse. The }mighty Citadel from which we have }guarded the gates to the East for }generations, has been corrupted by the }evil Raakshusess, Andariel.} }I still can't believe it... but she turned }many of our sister Rogues against us }and drove us from our ancestral home. }Now the last defenders of the }Sisterhood are either dead or scattered }throughout the wilderness.} }I implore you, stranger: please help us. }Find a way to lift this terrible curse and }we will pledge our loyalty to you for all }time.} -AkaraGossip1 42}The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has }a long and distinguished history. Over }the generations our Order has become }a deadly fighting force as well as a }bastion for women who sought to forge }their own destiny.} }Yet beware, young one, the lure of }power and knowledge can lead to }disaster. I have seen ambition foul the }bravest of hearts and recklessness dull }hard-won wisdom.} }You would do well to tread lightly upon }the dark path you have chosen to }explore.} -AkaraGossip2 49}I understand that Cain is the last }descendant of the ancient Horadrim }and that his knowledge of their lore is }vast. He could prove to be very useful }in discerning the nature of our current }crisis.} -AkaraGossip3 49}Shikari has always been fiercely loyal, }but I fear her anger and frustration }over these recent events will lead her }into harm's way. She is highly }protective of the few Rogues remaining }under her command and will not send }them into combat unless there is dire }need.} -AkaraGossip4 46}Charsi is young and innocent. However, }I believe her Vira blood thrills to }the prospect of adventure and danger. }She takes great pride in her work and }finds comfort in the fact that her }weapons and armor are helping to end }this evil plague.} -AkaraGossip5 48}Though he has only been our guest for }a short time, I sense that Warriv has }faced many harrowing trials. Though }he knows, as I do, that a terrible evil }has blanketed the land, his only real }concern is to reach the eastern trading }ports with his caravan.} -AkaraGossip6 53}To be honest, I have done my best to }stay clear of Gheed. He wears }dishonesty about himself like a cloak }and seeks only to better his situation }by preying on the misfortunes of }others.} -AkaraGossip7 55}The wilderness is overrun with Evil and }the minions of Hell have taken our }rightful home. We must purge all Evil }from the Monastery and restore order }to the world.} -AkaraGossip8 53}I often dream of the day we reclaim our }own. The Sightless Eye sees through }the mist of time a great glory ahead, }but how far ahead the Eye cannot }discern.} -AkaraGossip9 67}Our mental discipline is matched only by }our skill in archery... I only hope these }are enough to withstand this awful }trial.} -AkaraGossip10 59}Beware that you do not suffer the fate }of the corrupted Rogues. To lose one's }life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul }is even worse.} -AkaraGossip11 41}Even though the corrupted ones were }once of our Order, you need not shy }from slaying them, for they stand }between you and Andariel.} }Perhaps, when the Raakshus Queen is }dead, our Sisters will return to life, but }more likely they will be forever bound }to their unholy pact.} -KashyaIntroGossip1 56}Welcome, outlander, to our glorious }hovel. I know you're here to challenge }the evil that's driven us from our }ancestral home.} }But, know this. Akara may be our }spiritual leader, but I command the }Rogues in battle. It will take more than }just killing a few beasts in the }wilderness to earn my trust.} -KashyaIntroAmaGossip1 55}Well, well, I never expected to see an }Yodhini in these lands. You're very }brave to have come here. Many of my }fellow Sisters have fallen under some }dark spell, and if you're not careful you }may fall prey to it as well.} -KashyaGossip1 60}When I was very young, Akara told me }tales of the Yodhinis' fearlessness in }battle and of their skills with spears }and bows. I like to think we Rogues }have much in common with you }Yodhinis.} -KashyaGossip2 64}Some of my Rogues told me of Deckard }Cain. They said that he is a man of }great wisdom. Personally, I don't know }how wise he could possibly be if he }never learned how to wage battle }himself.} -KashyaGossip3 57}Akara has been like a mother to me for }as long as I can remember. She is wise }and good, but I don't think she has the }steel to retake our Monastery by force.} -KashyaGossip4 89}I don't trust many outlanders, but }Warriv seems fine. He never says much }to me, though.} -KashyaGossip5 66}Before our exile, Charsi, our blacksmith, }could fashion any implement of war.} }Here in the camp, she merely makes do. }Her best tools remain within the }Monastery.} -KashyaGossip6 58}Gheed is a pig. I've been tempted to }throw him out of the camp many times, }but Charsi seems to think that he's }good company. I don't trust the man, }but if she's comforted by him, then I'll }desist.} -KashyaGossip7 76}If we could only find out how Andariel }has managed to corrupt our Sisters, }then, perhaps, we could drive out the }evil clouding their minds.} -KashyaGossip8 68}In this camp, those of us who have }remained true to our Order are forced }to live among common traders and }farm animals.} }Welcome to our circle of suffering.} -KashyaGossip9 67}Perhaps Tristram deserved its fate... }for letting Evil loose upon the land. I }only hope we don't suffer the same.} -KashyaGossip10 71}Some evenings we gather at the bonfire }to retell epic tales... and try to forget }about the terrible events that led to }losing the Monastery.} -CharsiIntroGossip1 47}Hi there. I'm Charsi, the blacksmith here }in camp. It's good to see some strong }adventurers around here.} }Many of our Sisters fought bravely }against Diablo when he first attacked }the town of Tristram. They came back }to us true veterans, bearing some }really powerful items. Seems like their }victory was short-lived, though... Most }of them are now corrupted by Andariel.} -CharsiIntroBarGossip1 54}Wow. You're a Vira, huh? It's }really great to meet you. I've seen a }few of your kind around here lately. I'm }a little jealous... I wish I could go off }adventuring with you.} }Oh, by the way... I'm Charsi, the }blacksmith here in camp.} -CharsiGossip1 57}You know, I've been with the Sisters for }as long as I can remember. But Akara }told me that my real parents were }Viras from the northern tribes }and that they were killed when I was }very young.} }Sometimes I wonder what my life would }have been like if I had been raised as a }Vira.} }I don't know. I love being a blacksmith... }but sometimes I just want to get out }and explore the world, you know?} -CharsiGossip2 86}I don't really know anything about Cain. }He seems to have a lot of secrets... }That makes me nervous.} -CharsiGossip3 51}Oh, Shikari's fantastic. Sure, she's a }little hard on outsiders, but who can }blame her? All she wants is to protect }our Order. But now that our Sisters }have turned against us... I think this }whole mess has hardened her heart.} -CharsiGossip4 64}Akara, our priestess and seer, is most }upset by the corruption of our Sisters. }I fear that she blames herself.} -CharsiGossip5 80}Warriv's all right, I guess. He seems too }serious most of the time. I haven't }really talked to him all that much.} -CharsiGossip6 60}Oh, I like Gheed. He's very funny. He }has all sorts of interesting stories from }the places he's been. I wish I could see }the sights he has.} -CharsiGossip7 84}I don't know why some of my Sisters }chose to follow Andariel. Those who }strayed were among our finest }warriors.} -GheedIntroGossip1 48}Good day to you partner! I'm Gheed and }I can already tell that I'll be your best }friend in this forsaken camp.} }A spare weapon, some gold, a small }gem is all I want in exchange for the }equipment you'll need on whatever }quests you might undertake.} }Now, now, now... Don't be shy, all of my }items are guaranteed for life and come }with a two-day warranty!} -GheedIntroNecGossip1 46}A Aghora! I hoped I'd never have }to lay my eyes on one of your kind }again. ... The recent troubles in this }area have brought out all kinds, I see. }Nevertheless, your money's good...} }A spare weapon, some gold, a small }gem is all I want in exchange for the }equipment you'll need on whatever }quests you might undertake!} }Now, now, now... Don't be shy, all of my }items are guaranteed for life and come }with a two-day warranty!} -GheedGossip1 74}Don't think you can fool me, }Aghora. I've seen what your kind }can do. If you're involved in any of the }evil out there, I don't even want to }know. Trade quickly and be about your }business!} -GheedGossip2 57}That old coot, Cain, is as crazy as a wet }Quill Rat. I hear he survived whatever }happened in Tristram. Personally, I }wouldn't trust a thing he has to say.} -GheedGossip3 55}Akara and Shikari are Sisters in the }Order of the Sightless Eye, but they are }worlds apart. Akara is a slow river of }magic, and Shikari, a viper of war. }They're both deeply devoted to their }religious order, yet the corruption of }their Sisters pains them both to no }end.} -GheedGossip4 52}Charsi is a fine girl..., but she has no }business savvy! I know she means well, }but the prices she charges for weapons }and armor will never earn her a profit.} }As long as I keep filling her mind with }stories of adventure, she'll never catch }on to the fact that I'm raking in gold }hand over fist!} -GheedGossip5 55}Warriv was kind enough to let me travel }with his caravan, but don't let him drag }you into a search for a new Eastern }trade route.} }I'm making a fortune right here... from }the Rogues, of course! You, on the }other hand, always get my best prices!} -GheedGossip6 61}Andariel's Raakshusic forces have taken up }residence in the forests as well as the }Monastery. Uh-uh. I won't be venturing }out of the camp. So, if you need }anything, I'll be right here.} -GheedGossip7 58}When - or if - I get to Lut Gholein, I'm }going to find the largest bowl of }Narlant weed and smoke 'til all earthly }sense has left my body.} -CainGossip1 43}Long ago, the Soulstones were given to }the Horadrim by the Archangel Tyrael. }They were used to bind the three Prime }Evils. I now know that even these holy }artifacts were no match for Diablo's }power.} }I hope that his two brothers are more }securely held... but I fear the worst.} -CainGossip2 54}It takes time to master your skills... and }use will hone your technique. But take }care to choose your new skills wisely.} -CainGossip3 52}You may recover some mysterious }things from the Raakshus you kill. Some }of great use to you... some of great }peril! Bring them to me and I'll reveal }their secrets.} -CainGossip4 46}Have I told you about the Horadrim? }They were an ancient confederation of }mage-clans who sought to bind the }three Prime Evils for eternity. The }Horadrim are now nearly forgotten... }and it appears that the bonds they }wove are unravelling!} }As the last of the Horadrim, I pray that }I can help you remedy their failure.} -CainGossip5 43}Long ago, Diablo and his brothers were }cast out of Hell by the Lesser Evils. It }seems that Hell's balance has shifted, }as Andariel is now aligned with the }Lord of Terror. Her presence here in }the mortal realm does not bode well for }us.} -RogueSignpostGossip1 90}Turn back! I can tell that you need more }experience to fight safely in the next }wilderness.} -RogueSignpostGossip2 46}Halt! You should complete Akara's quest }before venturing further. Search for }the Den in the wilderness closer to }camp.} -RogueSignpostGossip3 116}Beware! The evil is strong ahead.} -RogueSignpostGossip4 92}Beware! Beyond lies mortal danger for }the likes of you!} -RogueSignpostGossip5 88}Take care! The Corrupted Rogues in the }wilderness ahead are not to be trifled }with.} -A1Q1InitAkara 43}There is a place of great evil in the }wilderness. Shikari's Rogue scouts }have informed me that a cave nearby is }filled with shadowy creatures and }horrors from beyond the grave.} }I fear that these creatures are massing }for an attack against our encampment. }If you are sincere about helping us, }find the dark labyrinth and destroy the }foul beasts.} }May the Great Eye watch over you.} -A1Q1AfterInitAkara 46}I should add that many Rogue scouts }have died in that horrible place. We }cannot afford to lose any more. If you }choose to enter that Den of Evil, you }must do so alone.} -A1Q1AfterInitKashya 87}The Raakshus in that cave have claimed }many of my finest archers. I wonder }how you will fare!} -A1Q1AfterInitCharsiMain 95}The beasts from the cave have begun to }roam throughout the countryside. }You'd better be careful out there.} -A1Q1AfterInitCharsiAlt 95}You seem like a noble warrior. I hope }you can help us.} -A1Q1AfterInitGheed 67}You're a brave soul! I'd sooner thrust }my sacred scepter into the foulest, }carbuncular trull than set one boot }into that cave.} -A1Q1AfterInitWarriv 122}One who seeks that cave, seeks death.} -A1Q1EarlyReturnAkara 85}Your task is not complete until you have }killed all the Raakshus in that cave.} -A1Q1EarlyReturnKashya 111}You'd better come through on this. Your }reputation depends on it.} -A1Q1EarlyReturnCharsi 148}You haven't cleared the cave, yet? Do }you need anything?} -A1Q1EarlyReturnGheed 73}Raakshus still befouling that cave, huh? I }think you might need a new weapon.} -A1Q1EarlyReturnWarriv 124}One who hesitates... does so with good }reason.} -A1Q1SuccessfulAkara 65}You have cleansed the Den of Evil. }You've earned my trust and may yet }restore my faith in humanity.} }Your reward is training in the skill of }your choice.} -A1Q1SuccessfulKashya 74}Hmm. I'm surprised you survived that }test, outlander. Go see Akara. She may }reward you.} -A1Q1SuccessfulCharsi 94}You are truly brave and skillful... Akara }was worried about you.} -A1Q1SuccessfulGheed 87}The only good Raakshus is a dead one, I }say.} }By the way, did you happen to find }anything in that cave you'd like to sell?} -A1Q1SuccessfulWarriv 120}...That which does not kill you makes }you stronger.} -A1Q2InitKashya 56}My Rogue scouts have just reported an }abomination in the Monastery }graveyard!} }Apparently, Andariel is not content to }take only our living. Blood Raven, one }of our finest captains in the battle }against Diablo at Tristram, was also }one of the first to be corrupted by }Andariel.} }Now, you'll find her in the Monastery }graveyard raising our dead as }zombies!} }We cannot abide this defilement! If you }are truly our ally, you will help us }destroy her.} -A1Q2AfterInitKashya 80}Death has done nothing to weaken }Blood Raven's combat skills. If }anything, she's more deadly than ever.} -A1Q2AfterInitCharsi 99}Blood Raven was the leader of a Rogue }band that once fought Diablo at }Tristram.} -A1Q2AfterInitGheed 94}I'm sorry... The undead are bad for }trade. I have a strict no-return policy.} -A1Q2AfterInitAkara 51}Blood Raven fought valiantly against }Diablo in the catacombs beneath }Tristram... She was never quite the }same afterwards. It is now obvious she }brought an evil influence back with her.} -A1Q2AfterInitWarriv 140}Hmmm...} }How can one kill what is already dead?} -A1Q2EarlyReturnKashya 99}Each moment you delay adds another }undead Sister to Blood Raven's army.} -A1Q2EarlyReturnAkara 70}If you fail to destroy Blood Raven, I fear }that our Order will perish forever.} -A1Q2EarlyReturnCharsi 68}Akara felt something was wrong even }before Andariel descended upon us. }She feared that Blood Raven had }stumbled upon some evil force beneath }Tristram.} }I wish we had acted then...} -A1Q2EarlyReturnGheed 77}I wonder if that old gossip, Melra, is }among the undead? Oh, she had dirt on }everybody.} -A1Q2EarlyReturnWarriv 86}When the dead return to prey upon the }living, it is a terror beyond }understanding.} -A1Q2SuccessfulKashya 55}I can hardly believe that you've defeated }Blood Raven!} }Though she was once my closest friend, }I pray that her tortured spirit remains }banished forever.} }You have earned my respect, stranger... }and the allegiance of the Rogues. I }have placed several of my best }warriors at your disposal.} -A1Q2SuccessfulAkara 122}Andariel must be made to pay for her }sacrilege!} -A1Q2SuccessfulCharsi 77}Shikari wishes to reward you for your }defeat of Blood Raven. I thank you, }too, even though Blood Raven was once }my friend.} -A1Q2SuccessfulGheed 148}Some of those gals weren't so nice the }first time around.} -A1Q2SuccessfulWarriv 104}You've done well, stranger. I hope all }your efforts are worth it.} -A1Q4InitAkara 50}It is clear that we are facing an Evil }difficult to comprehend, let alone }combat.} }There is only one Horadrim sage, }schooled in the most arcane history }and lore, who could advise us... His }name is Deckard Cain.} }You must go to Tristram and find him, }my friend. I pray that he still lives.} -A1Q4AfterInitScrollKashya 90}The bark of Inifuss holds mystical }runes.} }Akara can translate them... into our }revenge!} -A1Q4AfterInitScrollAkara 42}Tristram is too far to journey by foot... }Cain would likely be dead, when you }arrived. However, there is a magical }portal that will take you there }instantly.} }To open it, one must stand within the }circle of Cairn Stones and touch them }in a certain order. The proper order }can be found in the runes written on }the bark of the Tree of Inifuss.} }You must find the sacred Tree of Inifuss }and bring back its bark. I will translate }the runes to unlock the Stones' mystic }pattern.} -A1Q4AfterInitScrollCharsi 117}If you bring back the bark of Inifuss, }Akara will tell you how to get to }Tristram.} -A1Q4AfterInitScrollWarriv 68}Months ago, I came across a few }survivors from Tristram. They said }that Cain had gone half-mad and could }no longer distinguish fact from }fantasy.} -A1Q4AfterInitScrollGheed 98}I would sooner micturate in a tankard }of my own ale than journey to }Tristram!} -A1Q4InstructionsCharsi 150}Without the bark of Inifuss you can't }find Cain.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnSAkara 76}How will you find Cain without going to }Tristram? Finding the Tree of Inifuss is }the first step on your journey.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnSKashya 96}The Tree of Inifuss is hard to find, but }you'll know it when you see it.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnSGheed 99}Barking up the wrong tree, huh? You'll }find it, just keep looking.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnSWarriv 70}He who seeks that which cannot be }found must look inside himself for }further guidance... or look harder!} -A1Q4SuccessfulScrollKashya 82}With this scroll you may open a portal }back to Tristram. Only Akara can }decipher its logic.} -A1Q4SuccessfulScrollCharsi 168}Get this to Akara.} }Only she can understand it.} -A1Q4SuccessfulScrollGheed 72}Look, friend... I trade a lot of strange }items, but I'm not going to start }dealing in bark. Okay?} -A1Q4SuccessfulScrollWarriv 86}This looks like gibberish to me. Akara }may know what to make of it.} -A1Q4InstructionsAkara 64}Ah, very good. I have translated the }runes on this scroll. You must find the }Cairn Stones and touch them in the }order that I have written.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnKashya 103}Deckard Cain has crucial knowledge }about the Evils we face. You must find }him!} -A1Q4EarlyReturnCharsi 92}I have heard that Tristram is now in }ruins! Without Cain I fear for the ruin }of all of us.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnGheed 68}I'm told that Tristram now resembles a }mead hall... after a Vira wedding! }I will wait here for your most glorious }return.} -A1Q4EarlyReturnWarriv 82}It is too dangerous to travel to }Tristram. I won't be leaving here until }the way is clear!} -A1Q4EarlyReturnAkara 64}If he still lives, Deckard Cain may be in }grave peril! You must hurry to Tristram }before all is lost!} -A1Q4QuestSuccessfulAkara 82}You have risked your life to rescue }Cain. For that we thank you.} }We must seek his counsel immediately.} -A1Q4QuestSuccessfulKashya 78}Again, you amaze me, outlander.} }The Sisterhood is grateful to you for }delivering Cain to us. I believe Akara }has something to tell you.} -A1Q4QuestSuccessfulGheed 53}Ah, Cain is here... another customer. I }haven't been this pleased since a }love-starved maiden let down a bit }more than her hair.} -A1Q4QuestSuccessfulCharsi 102}Akara wishes to reward you for your }bravery in returning Deckard Cain.} -A1Q4QuestSuccessfulWarriv 80}Only a brave adventurer could return }with Deckard Cain. Akara has a reward }for your valor.} -A1Q4QuestSuccessfulCain 74}As a token of my gratitude, I will }identify items for you at no charge.} -A1Q4RescuedByHeroCain 82}...I thank you, friend, for coming to my }aid.} -A1Q4RescuedByRoguesCain 75}Oh... Blessings on the Rogues! They }finally rescued me from that cursed }place!} -A1Q4TragedyOfTristramCain 33}Regrettably, I could do nothing to }prevent the disaster which devastated }Tristram. It would appear that our }greatest fears have come to pass. }Diablo, the Lord of Terror, has once }again been set loose upon the world!} }As you know, some time ago Diablo was }slain beneath Tristram. And when our }hero emerged triumphant from the }labyrinth beneath town, we held a }grand celebration that lasted several }days.} }Yet, as the weeks passed, our hero }became increasingly aloof. He kept his }distance from the rest of the townsfolk }and seemed to lapse into a dark, }brooding depression. I thought that }perhaps his ordeal had been so }disturbing that he simply could not put }it out of his mind.} }The hero seemed more tormented every }passing day. I remember he awoke }many times -- screaming in the night -- }always something about 'the East'.} }One day, he simply left. And shortly }thereafter Tristram was attacked by }legions of foul Raakshus. Many were }slain, and the Raakshus left me to die in }that cursed cage.} }I believe now that Tristram's hero was }that Dark Wanderer who passed this }way before the Monastery fell.} }I fear even worse, my friend... I fear }that Diablo has taken possession of the }hero who sought to slay him. If true, }Diablo will become more powerful than }ever before.} }You must stop him or all will be lost.} -A1Q5InitQuestTome 36}...And so it came to pass that the }Countess, who once bathed in the }rejuvenating blood of a hundred }virgins, was buried alive... And her }castle in which so many cruel deeds }took place fell rapidly into ruin. Rising }over the buried dungeons in that }god-forsaken wilderness, a solitary }tower, like some monument to Evil, is }all that remains.} }The Countess' fortune was believed to }be divided among the clergy, although }some say that more remains unfound, }still buried alongside the rotting skulls }that bear mute witness to the }inhumanity of the human creature.} -A1Q5AfterInitGheed 110}The only wealth you're likely to find }there is a wealth of vermin.} -A1Q5AfterInitCharsi 70}That old tower is as rotten on the inside }as it appears on the outside. I heard }that several Sisters came to a }gruesome end when a stairwell }collapsed on them.} -A1Q5AfterInitAkara 67}The dangers there are not solely }architectural. Once inside that }wretched place, many succumb to a }vile miasma.} -A1Q5AfterInitCain 60}That tower marks a place of danger. }There is an epic poem about it... How }much sorrow one can stand was tested }there.} -A1Q5AfterInitWarriv 81}Rumors of treasure are no different }from rumors of any other kind. They }hold false promise to those who should }know better.} -A1Q5AfterInitKashya 78}The tome speaks of treasure. Yet, all we }have found are death, delirium, and }disappointment.} -A1Q5EarlyReturnKashya 151}Have you suddenly lost your taste for }wealth?} -A1Q5EarlyReturnCain 94}Quickly in and quickly out is all the }advice I can give you.} -A1Q5EarlyReturnWarriv 118}Better an empty pocket than a full }grave.} -A1Q5EarlyReturnCharsi 170}You're not ready to give up, are you?} -A1Q5EarlyReturnAkara 140}There is no more I can tell you about }that ancient tower.} -A1Q5EarlyReturnGheed 79}Guess what! I've named a boil on my }ass after you. It, too, bothers me every }time I sit down.} -A1Q5SuccessfulKashya 79}Your rewards are well-earned. To us, }the tower was nothing more than a }headstone looming over a long }forgotten grave.} -A1Q5SuccessfulWarriv 62}Remember. Wealth is as insubstantial }as a cloud and passes as quickly. }Ignore Gheed. All that twitters is not }bold.} -A1Q5SuccessfulGheed 68}Warriv's advice is like corpse gas; it }befouls the air for a moment and then }it disappears.} -A1Q5SuccessfulAkara 58}I thought the stories of treasure in the }tower were nothing but lies. I am glad }you found something of value in that }death-trap. Would that our Sisters had }been so fortunate.} -A1Q5SuccessfulCharsi 126}Those riches will serve you well on the }long road ahead.} -A1Q5SuccessfulCain 69}Well done, my friend. Courage and }opportunity together have created in }you a kind of alchemy.} -A1Q3InitCharsi 66}When I fled the Monastery, I left behind }the Horadric Malus, my enchanted }smithing hammer. If you can retrieve it }for me, I'll use its magic to strengthen }your equipment.} -A1Q3AfterInitCain 51}The Malus was forged and enchanted by }the ancient Horadric Mages during the }Sin Wars. When their union dissolved, }the Malus was entrusted to the }Sisterhood guarding the pass into the }East.} -A1Q3AfterInitAkara 59}The retrieval of the Horadric Malus is }not without risk. Our Monastery is }filled with voracious hellspawn. You'd }best be careful, my friend.} -A1Q3AfterInitKashya 61}Charsi is wasting her time and talents }using an inferior hammer! Had she the }Horadric Malus, she could make the }steel sing and craft you a suit of armor }as impenetrable as the Great Eye.} -A1Q3AfterInitCharsi 87}The Monastery can confuse even those }who know it well. Stay alert in there.} -A1Q3AfterInitGheed 74}Charsi talks of nothing anymore, but }this Horadric Malus. Between you and }her my ears need a rest.} }Just find it and bring it back quickly.} -A1Q3AfterInitGheedAlt 74}I have offered my nomadic phallus, but }to no avail.} -A1Q3AfterInitWarriv 68}Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, }or a draughtsman pen and paper, so }Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with }which to ply her trade.} -A1Q3EarlyReturnCain 57}The Malus has eluded you so far. Well, }search thoroughly in the Barracks... }That is where the Rogues kept their }forge.} -A1Q3EarlyReturnAkara 98}If you can't carry out this quest, how }will you face the greater evils ahead?} -A1Q3EarlyReturnKashya 71}To do battle with Andariel requires }more than thick skin and a strong will. }You'll want armor and weaponry forged }with the hammer's enchantments.} -A1Q3EarlyReturnCharsi 89}The Malus is a Horadric artifact of }great power. Please bring it back.} -A1Q3EarlyReturnGheed 90}I have heard that you bear us no Malus.} -A1Q3EarlyReturnWarriv 120}What better opportunity to show your }mettle?} -A1Q3SuccessfulCain 59}The magical effects imbued by the }Malus are impossible to predict, but }are always to the good.} -A1Q3SuccessfulAkara 57}Well done, my friend. But remember, the }return of the Horadric Malus is but one }step in reclaiming the Monastery.} -A1Q3SuccessfulKashya 74}Now that the Horadric Malus is back in }our possession, we shall use it to }deliver a great blow against the Evil }which torments this land.} -A1Q3SuccessfulCharsi 72}Oh! Thanks so much for returning the }Horadric Malus! I will now imbue one of }your items with magical powers.} -A1Q3SuccessfulGheed 120}I guess it's too late to take back some }of the names I called you.} -A1Q3SuccessfulWarriv 118}I am glad the hammer has returned and }you with it.} -A1Q6InitCain 34}It is certain that we face the Raakshus }queen, Andariel, who has corrupted the }Rogue Sisterhood and defiled their }ancestral Monastery. This does not }bode well for us, my friend.} }Ancient Horadric texts record that }Andariel and the other Lesser Evils }once overthrew the three Prime Evils -- }Diablo, Mephisto and Baal -- banishing }them from Hell to our world. Here, they }caused mankind untold anguish and }suffering before they were finally }bound within the Soulstones.} }Andariel's presence here could mean }that the forces of Hell are once again }aligned behind Diablo and his Brothers. }If this is true, then I fear for us all.} }You must kill her before the Monastery }becomes a permanent outpost of Hell }and the way east lost forever.} -A1Q6AfterInitCain 45}Diablo is heading east for some foul }purpose. And the only passage east is }through the Monastery gate. }Obviously, Diablo summoned Andariel }to block any pursuit.} }For her part Andariel hopes to win }Diablo's favor... the lesser Raakshus are }always vying for positions of power }within the unholy hierarchy!} -A1Q6AfterInitAkara 63}Andariel has desecrated all we hold }dear. She must not be permitted to }serve Diablo.} }Destroy her! Her corruption of our }Order must be undone!} -A1Q6AfterInitCharsi 132}Send Andariel back to the Hell she came }from!} -A1Q6AfterInitGheed 71}You're going after Andariel?} }... One of my wagon wheels is in need of }repair. I'll be under the wagon, if I'm }needed.} -A1Q6AfterInitWarriv 72}The mapmakers tell us the shortest }distance between two points is a }straight line.} }Our way east is a line that runs through }Andariel's stronghold, the Monastery.} -A1Q6AfterInitKashya 81}I can imagine a thousand different ways }to kill Andariel. You need only choose }one.} -A1Q6EarlyReturnCain 48}It is clear that Andariel is acting on }behalf of Diablo to prevent anyone }from following him eastward. Her }defeat would allow you to continue the }pursuit.} }Ancient lore has it that while Andariel }was spawned in the Burning Hells, she }is not fond of fire.} -A1Q6EarlyReturnAkara 57}You have done much to help us, but I }sense that this has only fueled }Andariel's fury. She will not stop until }we are all dead.} }You must kill Andariel before her army }can gain the upper hand.} -A1Q6EarlyReturnGheed 72}Have you stumbled upon that Raakshus }Queen, yet? I hear she's quite the }beauty... as far as Maidens of Anguish }go, that is.} -A1Q6EarlyReturnCharsi 108}If you are the hero that you seem to be, }now is the time to prove it.} -A1Q6EarlyReturnWarriv 90}May I remind you that my caravan can }only go east, if the Monastery is }cleansed?} -A1Q6EarlyReturn2Kashya 126}Deckard Cain has important information }about Andariel.} -A1Q6SuccessfulAkara 64}Finally, we may rejoice!} }We owe you a debt we can never repay. }I only hope that in time we will be able }to rebuild our Order.} }All our thanks go with you, my friend.} -A1Q6SuccessfulCharsi 86}You'll probably go east now... It was }good to know you. I hope you'll come }back if you ever need anything.} -A1Q6SuccessfulKashya 44}Andariel's death brings about renewed }life for us all. We mourn the loss of our }dear Sisters, but at least now we can }get on with our lives.} }I... may have misjudged you, outlander. }You are a true hero and testament to }the noble spirit which has inspired our }Order for generations.} }Fare well... my friend.} -A1Q6SuccessfulGheed 100}I'm going to party like it's 999!} -A1Q6SuccessfulWarriv 82}The caravan is prepared. We may now }journey eastward to Lut Gholein.} -A1Q6SuccessfulCain 38}This is a great victory indeed, but many }more battles await. I will accompany }you on your journey, lending what }assistance I can... } }Remember... Diablo is still out there, }seeking something in the desert. I'm }afraid that this nightmare will not end }until you find what it is that he seeks.} -PalaceGuardGossip1 600}Halt.} -PalaceGuardGossip2 290}You may not pass.} -PalaceGuardGossip3 255}Welcome to the palace.} -PalaceGuardGossip4 255}You may enter the palace.} -PalaceGuardGossip5 290}Stay out of trouble.} -GriezIntroGossip1 58}I'll bet you wonder how this town }manages to stay safe with all the }trouble going on out in the desert. }Well, I can tell you that it's got nothing }to do with the local town guards... }they're all in the palace for some }reason.} }Jerhyn hired me and my mercenaries to }help keep the peace around here. We're }not cheap, but we're the best this }wasteland has to offer.} -GriezGossip1 85}We do a good job in town, but beyond }the city gates, you'll find all manner of }Raakshus.} -GriezGossip2 52}The local guards were all relocated to }the palace after the troubles began. No }one really knows why. Actually, all of }the town's brothel girls have been }hiding out in the palace's cellar lately, }so I assume that the guards have been }assigned to 'protect them' with their }lives.} -GriezGossip3 75}I might spare you a few of my men. }Why, enough gold can muster an army.} -GriezGossip4 61}Jerhyn's got a nice little trading post }going here. Despite his youth, he is a }clever businessman. As you can see by }that palace, he's done quite well for }himself.} -GriezGossip5 99}We're keeping the town safe and tight, }but I've got a hunch there's something }Jerhyn's not telling us.} -GriezGossip6 44}Ah, Elzix is quite a character. I had a }few run-ins with his band of outlaws in }my younger years. Now, he's as settled }as the dunes out there. The Desert Rain }Inn is his pride and joy these days.} -GriezGossip7 53}Atma seems to be a fine woman. But I'm }sure the loss of her family has made }her lonely. Perhaps I should go over }and console her when I get off duty }tonight...} -GriezGossip8 72}Geglash is an imposing warrior, but he's }never been able to back down from a }fight. One of these days, his pride will }be the death of him.} -GriezGossip9 67}Meshif has sailed all around the }southern seas and visited many }strange lands. It must be driving him }mad, having to stay anchored here.} -GriezGossip10 70}I haven't talked much to Fara. She }keeps to herself most of the time. I get }the feeling that she doesn't like us }mercenary types much.} -GriezGossip11 73}I'd stay clear of Lysander, if I were you. }He's always mixing his damned potions }and chemicals. I wouldn't be surprised }if he winds up blowing himself to }smithereens!} -GriezGossip12 85}Drognan's a mystery to me. Then again, }I never did trust mages much.} -ElzixIntroGossip1 61}Hmm... You look like a sturdy }adventurer.} }You know, I used to be quite the }scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest }group of bandits who ever terrorized }these sands!} }Nowadays, I run this here Inn and }pretty much stay out of trouble.} }My days of adventuring are behind me.} -ElzixIntroNecGossip1 48}Ah... You must be one of the new }heroes who've come to rid our city of }evil. Under any other circumstances, I'd }be surprised to see one of your kind in }the city. But lately... Oh, never mind all }that...} }You know, I used to be quite the }scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest }group of bandits who ever terrorized }these sands!} }Nowadays, I run this here Inn and }pretty much stay out of trouble.} }My days of adventuring are behind me.} -ElzixGossip1 52}You know, I've lost a number of body }parts over the years. An eye here, a leg }there...} }Say, do you know any spells that'd grow }them back for me? Hmm... On second }thought, I'll leave well enough alone.} -ElzixGossip2 90}What tales Drognan can tell... You }would do well to listen carefully to that }wizened wizard.} -ElzixGossip3 80}There are many ancient tombs in the }desert. Most of them are already }plundered, but I imagine that some }have remained hidden.} -ElzixGossip4 67}I miss the brothels that used to do }business here.} }You know, all of the ladies fled to the }palace as soon as the trouble in the }desert started. You'd think that they }could at least come out once in a while }now that Greiz and his men have things }relatively under control.} -ElzixGossip5 71}Atma... Now, there's a fine woman. }Lately, though, she's only thinking }about revenge. She has reason }enough...} -ElzixGossip6 71}We've all fared well under Jerhyn's }leadership. The town has remained }safe throughout this whole mess; and }yet the lad still seems very upset about }something.} -ElzixGossip7 88}Geglash is a fool who would fight his }own shadow if he could. Fighting's all }he ever thinks about!} -ElzixGossip8 74}Meshif is a wise Captain, I think. Wise }enough to know silver from tin and }truth from dung, that's for sure.} -ElzixGossip9 65}Fara is a good woman. She seems very }sad, but seldom speaks of her past. }She's good to the poor and helps }people when she can. That makes her }all right in my book.} -ElzixGossip10 70}That Lysander's a grumpy old cuss. }You'd better not disturb him while he's }working on his potions, or... BOOM! }You could get blasted to the moon.} -WarrivAct2IntroGossip1 62}Now that Andariel is dead, I can return }and outfit the Rogues properly. Once }I've made some trades here, I'll be free }to head back to their Monastery. Let }me know if you want to travel along.} -WarrivAct2Gossip1 106}Caravans take people where they want }to go - until they get there.} -WarrivAct2Gossip2 80}By ship is the only way eastward from }here. I believe Captain Meshif has a }small trading vessel moored at the }docks.} -WarrivAct2Gossip3 70}There used to be a lot of brothels }here... I guess the troubles scared all }the women away, or maybe they're }'safe' in Jerhyn's palace.} -WarrivAct2Gossip4 53}That old desert fox, Elzix, is as crafty }as they come. Years back, he made off }with a small fortune of my caravan's }wares. I certainly never expected to see }him so... domesticated.} -WarrivAct2Gossip5 57}Jerhyn has his father's strength and }wits. He's young, but he rules this }place with wisdom and care. I think }he'll grow into a fine Sultan... Provided }we all survive this crisis.} -AtmaIntroGossip1 59}You'll forgive me if I seem upset. I've }suffered a loss recently, but that's not }your problem.} }It's a relief to see some proper warriors }come through here. My name is Atma. I }run the tavern here in Lut Gholein.} -AtmaGossip1 86}Evil has laid siege to Lut Gholein and }you may be our last hope...} -AtmaGossip2 56}This public house used to be quite lively, }until this plague of evil. Luckily, I've }managed to save away a tidy nest egg. }Unfortunately, I couldn't save }everything I cared for...} -AtmaGossip3 57}In addition to my public house, there }used to be several brothels doing }business here. When the troubles first }started in the desert, the harem guilds }sought sanctuary within the palace.} }Of course, Jerhyn was glad to oblige. I'll }bet they're finding many ways to repay }him for his protection.} -AtmaGossip4 70}Geglash may seem like a sot, but he's a }brave man. All this trouble has driven }him to drinking more than his usual.} -AtmaGossip5 64}Elzix and I have reached an }understanding over the years. He }sends travelers to me for drink and }entertainment, and I send them back to }him for a soft bed. The travelers often }trade their wares for lodging.} -AtmaGossip6 89}Meshif seldom patronizes my }establishment. I think he prefers to }stay out there on his leaky ship.} -AtmaGossip7 71}Oh, Lysander is cranky, but he's a good }old man. He used to give me medicines }when... my son was ill.} -AtmaGossip8 78}Drognan is a very private person. He's }always studying ancient scrolls and }such. He may be a mystery to me }forever.} -GeglashIntroGossip1 57}Bah! I don't know why you people keep }pestering me.} }Greiz seems to have this place locked }down nice and tight. Not that I couldn't }have done the same! I've proven my }valor in combat plenty of times.} -GeglashIntroBarGossip1 43}Hey, you're a Vira, aren't ya? }Ferocious as the wild beasts of the }north, that's what they say. I suppose }you've come to help save this city. You }needn't bother.} }Greiz seems to have this place locked }down nice and tight. Not that I couldn't }have done the same! I've proven my }valor in combat plenty of times.} -GeglashGossip1 46}Hey, I heard that you Viras can }wield multiple weapons at once. I never }learned to fight two-handed. Carrying a }sword and a wineskin at the same time }is all I can ever handle.} -GeglashGossip2 53}Sure, I hear lots of what goes on. Did }you hear about the harem guilds? They }were the only ones allowed to hide out }in the palace when the raids started!} }Ah... It figures.} -GeglashGossip3 64}I've killed plenty of those Raakshus out in }the desert. It doesn't seem to slow }them down any, though... they just }keep coming back for more.} -GeglashGossip4 55}Have you found those big sand maggots }yet? Arrows and all that don't work so }well against them. Best thing is to hack }'em with a sword or such.} -GeglashGossip5 58}There are some ancient tombs out there }in the desert. You have to go pretty far }to find them, though. Rumor has it that }they're crawling with walking corpses }now.} }As if the Saber Cats and Claw Vipers }weren't bad enough.} -GeglashGossip6 67}Yeah. Meshif's okay, I guess. But I'll be }damned if I ever get on his ship. I don't }even like to drink water.} -GeglashGossip7 52}Jerhyn's been acting strange lately. I }can't imagine why he recalled the town }guards into the palace. If there is }something wrong in there, I hope he }doesn't expect me to handle it.} -GeglashGossip8 57}I've seen Fara defend herself against a }few drunken ruffians. She's got moves }I've never even seen before. Wherever }she's from, she sure learned how to }fight there.} -GeglashGossip9 83}I've got no time for old alchemists. }Lysander would be completely useless }in a real fight.} -MeshifIntroGossip1 63}Greetings. I'm Meshif, captain of this }ship here. I make port runs around the }Twin Seas and occasionally out to }Kingsport in Westmarch.} }I haven't sailed anywhere lately, }though... Jerhyn has ordered me to }stay docked here in case of emergency.} -MeshifIntroAmaGossip1 54}Greetings, Yodhini. I haven't seen one }of your kind in many years.... It's good }to know that warriors of your caliber }are protecting this city.} }I'm Meshif, captain of this ship here. I }make port runs around the Twin Seas }and occasionally out to Kingsport in }Westmarch.} }I haven't sailed anywhere lately, }though... Jerhyn has ordered me to }stay docked here in case of emergency.} -MeshifGossip1 62}I was wondering if you've heard any }news from Kurast? I know you }Yodhinis travel extensively. Have you }been there recently?} }Hmm... Well, I hope the port opens }soon. I need to get home to Kurast and }find out what's been happening there.} -MeshifGossip2 72}There's something Jerhyn's not telling }me, I just don't know what. To my eye, }things here in town don't look that bad, }especially since Warriv's caravan route }opened up.} -MeshifGossip3 65}I've been all around the seas in these }parts. It's dangerous sailing west this }time of year, though. Until the season }changes, the caravan through the }desert is the main trade route to }Westmarch.} -MeshifGossip4 75}My ship is the only way East from here. }Still, Lord Jerhyn tells me that I may }not leave until the current crisis is }over.} -MeshifGossip5 65}Oh, I've known Elzix for years. He }always offers me a free room at his Inn }when I dock here, but I prefer the }comforts of my own cabin.} -MeshifGossip6 61}Warriv is a good friend. We've shared }many tales, he and I. If we had it all to }do over again, I believe we'd both be }explorers of some renown.} -MeshifGossip7 69}Greiz seems to be a dependable fellow. I }hope he can handle it if those things in }the desert decide to attack this town.} -MeshifGossip8 130}Atma serves a fine ale in her }establishment.} -MeshifGossip9 70}Hah! That braggart Geglash says he }fears neither man nor beast. Yet, when }I offer to take him out to sea, he }quakes with fear.} -MeshifGossip10 130}The lady Fara has a proud, noble air }about her.} -JerhynActIntroGossip1 41}Greetings, honored traveler. I am }Jerhyn, Lord of Lut Gholein, and I bid }you welcome to my fair port-city. I'm }glad to know that once again caravans }are free to travel through the Western }Pass.} }For some time now, we have been under }siege by an evil power that I cannot }identify. Strange... It all began when a }Dark Wanderer came this way, looking }for the Tomb of Tal Rasha. No one }knows exactly where Tal Rasha, Keeper }of Baal, is entombed, but it is certain }to be far out in the desert.} }Now, my people whisper tales of the }dead rising from their tombs and }horrible creatures lurking amongst the }moonlit dunes. Even I have witnessed }things which I cannot explain. I've }ordered the port closed and all trade }ships moored until I am sure that my }city is safe.} }Atma, the tavernkeeper, has an }important mission for you. Go see her }immediately. You'll find her on the }other side of town.} }Now, I must return to the palace. I }apologize, but I can't invite you in. }Things are... rather a mess right now.} -JerhynActIntroMoreGossip1 51}For trade in magic and the like, see }Drognan or Lysander. Drognan is the }wisest man I know - without equal in }magic and ancient lore. Poor Lysander }is nearly deaf, but he's a reliable potion }chemist.} }For travel back west, see Warriv, whom }you already know.} }Our own Fara is a fine and honest }armorer, and she can heal wounds as }well.} }Elzix is the Innkeeper and may also }have some items to trade.} }Greiz, the mercenary captain I hired to }secure the gates of Lut Gholein, keeps }order in town, as well.} }There are others here, too. I'm sure }you'll meet most of them. Just look }around...} -JerhynIntroGossip1 117}Things are getting worse by the hour. I }know everything looks fine, but trust }me, it isn't!} -JerhynGossip1 117}Things are getting worse by the hour. I }know everything looks fine, but trust }me, it isn't!} -JerhynGossip2 63}To any who aid me in the defense of Lut }Gholein, I pledge my support. Passage }East, wealth, honor - all are due to }those who help my city.} -JerhynGossip3 71}You seem very capable, but no offense }is intended when I say that I must }choose my confidants carefully. It }wouldn't do to have rumors sending }everyone into a panic.} -JerhynGossip4 87}Even though he was once a bandit, I }permitted Elzix to take over the Desert }Rain Inn. He has been quite civilized }ever since.} -JerhynGossip5 76}When you arrived, Warriv's caravan had }been long overdue. With all of the evil }that's arisen in the land, I'm surprised }he got through at all.} -JerhynGossip6 77}Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear }that he is growing impatient with me }about impounding his ship. I dare not }tell him what's really happening in this }city.} -JerhynGossip7 98}The woman, Atma, may have some }useful gossip for you. She can always }be found near her public house.} -FaraIntroGossip1 81}I know much about the ancient }religions. I was trained as a Dharma Yoddha of }Zakarum in the Eastern Kurast temple }many years ago.} -FaraIntroPalGossip1 103}Welcome, brother Dharma Yoddha.} }I am Fara. I was once a devout }champion of Zakarum.} -FaraGossip1 67}Perhaps, in time, you will play a part in }reclaiming our Order's honor and }spirit. You are an inspiration to me, }brother Dharma Yoddha.} -FaraGossip2 60}The shrines in the desert are leftover }artifacts from the great Sin War that }ravaged these lands almost a thousand }years ago. They still function, but most }travelers believe them only to be }remnants of the distant past.} -FaraGossip3 54}I've no love for brothels, as they can }lead honorable men to do dishonorable }things. Since the local harems took up }hiding in the palace, however, there }seems to be a rise in foul tempers.} -FaraGossip4 66}When the Three Evils were bound ages }ago, Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, was }moved to Kurast and bound by the }holiest of magics.} -FaraGossip5 79}Warriv may not remember me, but I }helped him out when I was a young }Dharma Yoddha. There's no need for me to }remind him. The rewards for honor will }not come in this life.} -FaraGossip6 68}Greiz is a fine warrior and leader, but in }his heart, he will always be a }mercenary for hire. I cannot be loyal to }those who have no loyalty to }themselves.} -FaraGossip7 90}Atma is a good, loving woman. But I }fear she will succumb to her despair }and hatred.} -FaraGossip8 95}Geglash is too confident in his abilities. }A warrior's true strength is in his }heart.} -FaraGossip9 94}Meshif is an honest man as far as I can }tell. He has never pestered me about }my past.} -LysanderIntroGossip1 61}How do I know I can trust you? Hmm?} }You may be as shifty as that pack rat, }Elzix, who runs the Inn. But, if you }need a potion, though, I suppose I can }make you one... for a price, of course.} -LysanderGossip1 109}Potions are delicate mixtures. They're }just as liable to go off in your face as }anything.} -LysanderGossip2 65}Ah... The sweetest desert flower - that's }Atma. Even my strongest brew can't }bring back her family, though.} -LysanderGossip3 86}There are some ancient enchanted }fountains in the desert that can heal }your wounds - if you drink enough from }them.} -LysanderGossip4 71}Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you }know. I'm no longer forced to overhear }the tedious gossip of others.} -LysanderGossip5 54}I never patronized the brothels, mind }you. But since those ladies took up }hiding in the palace, there certainly has }been less scenery to feast my eyes on.} -LysanderGossip6 95}Oh... I have great faith in Greiz. He }seems to have things well in hand.} -LysanderGossip7 90}I've traded my potions to Warriv many }times. Yes. They seem to fetch a good }price in the western lands.} -LysanderGossip8 71}I've sold many sea-sickness potions to }Meshif over the years. It seems that }many of his passengers don't take well }to the rocking of his ship on the open }seas.} -LysanderGossip9 58}Oh... Young Jerhyn used to purchase }minor love potions from me, hoping to }win the favors of the harem girls.} }But now that the girls have taken up }residence in the palace, he doesn't }come around here anymore. Well, }well... I've always said, 'alchemy is no }substitute for experience'.} -LysanderGossip10 57}Drognan? Oh.. He's a good friend of }mine. I help him find exotic spell }components and alchemical books from }time to time. I think he used to be a }sorcerer of great renown, but he }doesn't like to talk about his past.} -DrognanIntroGossip1 61}I've heard that you are responsible for }banishing Andariel back to the Burning }Hells. I'm impressed, stranger. That }couldn't have been easy.} }My name is Drognan and I know what }you're up against, my friend.} }You ought to look over my inventory of }items for trade.} -DrognanIntroSorGossip1 50}Welcome, young Sahira, to Lut }Gholein. I hope your skills are a match }for the horrors that lie beyond the }city's walls. A mage of your limited }experience may find the evil too great }to withstand alone.} }My name is Drognan and I know what }you're up against, my friend.} }You ought to look over my inventory of }items for trade.} -DrognanGossip1 74}Many of the Mage Clans feel that }women shouldn't practice magic }openly. But since you've made it this }far, I must say that you have proven }your right to do so.} -DrognanGossip2 57}The Horadrim were a powerful Order, }although maybe too prideful. Tal Rasha }was one of their Order. And that }should tell you something.} }Any man who believes himself strong }enough to contain one of the Prime }Evils is in for a rude awakening, I }should think.} -DrognanGossip3 78}I have heard of your friend, Cain. He is }the last of the Horadrim. You would do }well to heed whatever advice he has to }give you.} -DrognanGossip4 53}Not long ago, one of my Vizjerei }comrades, who I believed had died in }Tristram, came to this city. He seemed }quite insane, so I dismissed much of }what he said.} }However, he was able to talk his way }into Jerhyn's palace. No one has seen }him since. I fear that fool may have }found something in the palace that led }to his doom.} -DrognanGossip5 68}I've been practicing magic for more }years than you could know. I'm older }than I look, though not so old that I }can't conjure up a few sparks.} -DrognanGossip6 67}Elzix is a sly one, I'll give him that. Of }course, he never tries to cheat me. He }knows what my magic skills can do.} -DrognanGossip7 86}Raakshus have spread throughout the }desert wasteland and threaten to }engulf our quiet port-city.} -DrognanGossip8 88}Meshif and his vessel should remain }here, lest we risk taking Raakshusic }stowaways to other lands.} -DrognanGossip9 58}When the recent troubles began, Lord }Jerhyn came seeking my council. I }advised him to close the port and put }the town under strict watch.} }Lately, though, he's been occupied }within the palace. I doubt his whores }could divert him from his civic duties }for this long, though.} -DrognanGossip10 68}Lysander is harmless enough. We keep }each other company with our mutual }interests, yet I don't think he could }handle the enormity of our present }situation.} -CainAct2Gossip1 48}Greetings, my friend. Have you spoken }to Jerhyn yet? He's quite a remarkable }leader for being such a young man. }Then again, the old blood has always }run strong in this land.} -CainAct2Gossip2 71}There is something about Fara that }troubles me. Her manner is strange for }a lonely desert-maid.} -CainAct2Gossip3 70}Elzix is quite a scoundrel, but I like him }all the same.} -CainAct2Gossip4 59}I talked at length with Warriv as we }crossed the desert from Khanduras. He }has many fascinating tales of the }dangers in the desert. His experience }may be useful to you.} -CainAct2Gossip5 57}Meshif is an interesting man. Part of }him longs for the freedom of the open }seas... Yet his heart belongs in his }homeland.} -TyraelGossip1 42}I thank you, mortal, for my freedom. }But I did expect you earlier.} }I am the Archangel Tyrael. I came here }to prevent Diablo from freeing his }brother, Baal. But I have failed. Now, }Terror and Destruction roam free }throughout your world.} }Even now, they head towards the }Eastern capital of Kurast - to the very }heart of the Zakarum Temple. There }they hope to find their eldest brother, }Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred who was }imprisoned there ages ago.} }If the three Prime Evils unite, they will }be invincible. Though it is unclear as to }what their aims are, it is certain that }they must be stopped at all costs.} }I am broken and the energies that tie }me to this world are diminishing }rapidly.} }You must take up this quest and }prevent the Three Brothers from }reuniting. You must cross the sea and }search for Diablo and Baal in Kurast.} }Now hurry, mortal... Time is running }out for all of us!} -Desert2GuardGossip1 50}Hey, hero! You're asking for trouble, if }you leave town now.} -A2Q1InitAtma 50}I don't expect this of you, but if you }want to help me, I would be grateful.} }In the sewers below our city, there lurks }a horrid creature that hungers for }human flesh. The creature has killed }many, including my son and my }husband.} }If you destroy it, I will reward you. }Please be careful though, that beast }has taken enough from us already.} }The sewer entrance is through the trap }door just up the street.} -A2Q1AfterInitGreiz 52}I've personally found some of that }devil's victims washed up out of the }sewer. Often, they are missing limbs or }a head, and their bodies have always }been skinned.} }At first the creature raided the town at }night... That's how Atma lost her }family. Now we've got him barricaded }in the sewers.} }You're safe up here on the surface, but }every now and again some fool wants }to be a hero and heads down to the }waste tunnels with a pig-sticker.} -A2Q1AfterInitElzix 68}I hear that the creature kills his victims }in order to hack off their limbs! I guess }that makes me a less likely candidate, }eh?} -A2Q1AfterInitWarrivAct2 84}I've heard tales of walking corpses out }in the desert at night, though I've never }actually seen one.} -A2Q1AfterInitGeglash 77}Hey... Don't touch my drink or I'll bore a }hole into your skull with my thumb.} -A2Q1AfterInitFara 54}I believe that the creature you refer to }is one of the ancient Horadric }mummies from the tombs that lie }buried beneath the desert sands. It is }unusual for one of his kind to be so far }away from his resting place. I sense in }this entity a restless and malevolent }spirit.} -A2Q1AfterInitAtma 62}The creature makes its lair in the }tunnels beneath this city. He butchered }my husband and son... I simply cannot }bear to talk about it...} -A2Q1AfterInitMeshif 63}There are two entrances to the sewers, }I believe. One of them is right near }here, down by the water beneath the }docks. I can see it from my ship, and }you can bet I keep an eye on it every }night.} -A2Q1AfterInitDrognan 53}Fara and I have been talking about the }creature recently. From my studies, I }have deduced that it is Radament the }Fallen, an ancient Horadric mummy }that has for some reason left his tomb }to prey on mortals.} }I'm doing some more research now. If }you check back later, I may have some }more insight as to his nature.} -A2Q1AfterInitLysander 94}I hear that beast is after body parts. }Does he eat them? Oooh... Ghastly!} -A2Q1AfterInitCain 48}The Horadrim used to mummify their }highest mages, and infuse them with }spells that would allow them to protect }their tombs, even after death.} }I have no idea why one of them would }be acting so malevolently. Perhaps }Drognan or Fara would know more }about this.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 90}Death is not afraid of the living, but the }living abhor death.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnMeshif 55}I noticed a rotting, human arm floating }in the harbor this morning. I suspected }foul play, so I told Greiz. He didn't }seem too concerned since there haven't }been any folk reported missing lately.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnAtma 83}I am starting to have second thoughts }about my request... I couldn't bear the }thought of you losing your life on my }behalf.} }Please be careful.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnGreiz 69}We've been meaning to send an }organized group down there to kill that }thing, but it would be dangerous. We }just can't afford the chance of losing }any men with all the trouble that's }going on in the desert.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnGeglash 65}Ah-hah! Back for a small shot of }courage... Believe me, it doesn't help }for long.} }Drinks, barkeep!} -A2Q1EarlyReturnElzix 69}If you're going to fight that thing, use }some common sense. Be knowledgeable }about what harms the undead. Poison, }for instance, will have little effect.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnLysander 64}Huh? Peppermint? Oh, Radament! Yes, }yes. Ooh, a foul creature...} }Some of my exploding potions should do }quite nicely against him. They usually }work well against the undead.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnDrognan 49}I've just been reading something }interesting about this sort of undead. }Apparently, certain Horadric funereal }priests altered the bodies of their dead }mages with magical and surgical }techniques -- often replacing body }parts with those of animals.} }This was thought to augment their }powers, and raise their status in the }afterlife.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnFara 68}Drognan told me something interesting }earlier today. It might explain why }Radament is so restless, and it might }have something to do with why he is }stealing human body parts.} -A2Q1EarlyReturnCain 41}The Horadric mummies were created to }protect the tombs, but Radament is far }from his burial chamber. Given the }aberrations that have been witnessed }lately, it comes as no surprise that }even the ancient guardian spells have }begun to unravel. Be wary of this as }you venture farther into the desert.} -A2Q1SuccessfulGreiz 76}You've killed Radament, eh? That's quite }a nice piece of work! If you ever need a }job as a mercenary, I'd be happy to }sign ya' up.} -A2Q1SuccessfulDrognan 52}From what you tell me, it would seem }that Radament was bent on the task of }reviving his own mummified corpse }with the flesh of the living.} }This is very unusual indeed. It takes an }incredible magic power to alter the }singular purpose of an undead mind.} }Perhaps there is a power at work here }which is beyond my ken.} -A2Q1SuccessfulLysander 61}Uh... Little of what I am able to hear is }of any value. Radament's death, }however, is news worth hearing. I'm }sure Atma will be glad to hear of this.} -A2Q1SuccessfulMeshif 62}Good job mate! At night out on my ship, }I was often awakened by that fiend's }awful moaning. I bet I rest easier now.} -A2Q1SuccessfulGeglash 41}Whoah oh... 'Radament the Fallen', is it?} }I've fallen off many a barstool and no }one calls me 'Geglash the Fallen'. They }might go so far as to say, 'Geglash, }you've fallen!'} -A2Q1SuccessfulElzix 70}We ran into one of those old tomb }guardians when I ran with my bandits. }I know they aren't easy foes to face, so }you sure have my respect. Have you }told Atma yet?} -A2Q1SuccessfulWarrivAct2 142}Atma's been telling everyone what }you've done for her.} -A2Q1SuccessfulFara 102}As you have helped Atma and all of us, }so shall I help you.} -A2Q1SuccessfulCain 57}If you haven't already, tell Atma that }Radament is dead. It may help to ease }the weight of her mourning.} -A2Q1SuccessfulAtma 50}They say that the taste of vengeance is }bittersweet, but I find it to my liking. } }In addition to my undying gratitude, I }have spoken on your behalf with the }rest of the townspeople. The }merchants have agreed to show their }gratitude by offering their wares and }services at lower rates.} }Oh... Jerhyn wants to see you, too. }You'll find him in front of the palace.} -A2Q2EarlyReturnScrollCain 37}Ahh... The lost Horadric Scroll! What a }fortunate turn of events...} }As the last living Horadrim, I alone have }knowledge of its meaning. Now, to read }the Horadric runes it bears. Hmmm...} }The Horadric Mages, after binding Baal }within Tal Rasha, magically sealed off }his Burial Chamber from the mortal }realm. Those same Mages also crafted }fearsome Horadric Staves and imbued }them with the special power to open }the Chamber's hidden door.} }After nearly losing one to the thievery }of a rogue sorcerer, they divided all }the Horadric Staves into two parts - }wooden shaft and metal headpiece - }hiding them separately to safeguard }them.} }The Horadrim foresaw our current }plight and designed the hiding places }to reveal themselves to worthy heroes }like you.} }Collect both parts of a Horadric Staff }and unite them using a Horadric Cube. }Then, you may enter Tal Rasha's Burial }Chamber.} -A2Q2EarlyReturnCapCain 50}The Viper Amulet you bear is actually }the headpiece of a Horadric Staff!} }Yes... You have an uncanny knack for }finding rare and valuable artifacts. Of }course, you'll have to use a Horadric }Cube to combine the headpiece with the }shaft.} -A2Q2EarlyReturnStaveCain 56}The Staff of Kings! You astound me, my }friend. You have discovered the shaft }portion of a Horadric Staff.} }I trust you know how to use a Horadric }Cube to unite the shaft with its }headpiece.} -A2Q2EarlyReturnCubeCain 40}You have quite a treasure there in that }Horadric Cube. According to Horadric }lore, the Cube can restore a Horadric }Staff.} }To do it - use the Cube as you would a }scroll. When the Cube opens, place }both pieces of the Staff into it and use }the Cube's transmute power.} }You'll be pleased to know that the Cube }has other alchemical uses as well...} }Six gems plus one sword transmute into }a socketed long sword.} }You may also transmute two quivers of }crossbow bolts into one quiver of }arrows, while two quivers of arrows }yield one quiver of bolts.} }I must leave it to you to discover other }formulae.} -A2Q2SuccessfulStaffCain 46}Excellent! You have a Horadric Staff.} }Carry it with you into Tal Rasha's Tomb. }Find within the Tomb the chamber }whose floor is inset with the Circle of }Seven Symbols.} }Place the Staff into the receptacle you }find there. That will open the secret }passage into Tal Rasha's Burial }Chamber.} }But, be prepared for a fight - you'll }likely have to kill Tal Rasha to destroy }Baal.} -A2Q3AfterInitJerhyn 110}My astrologers failed to predict this }eclipse. You should seek Drognan's }advice.} -A2Q3AfterInitGreiz 71}This midday darkness reeks of foul }magic! My men and I are trying to keep }the peace, but this kind of thing really }scares people.} -A2Q3AfterInitElzix 65}Two men arrived late last night bearing }a story about evil magic. They said }they saw a gathering of giant snake }creatures performing some arcane }ritual. They sound like the Serpent Men }of the desert.} -A2Q3AfterInitWarrivAct2 72}The sun has grown disgusted with the }terrible deeds it must shine upon each }day. Damnation is upon us all.} -A2Q3AfterInitAtma 121}Drognan, the wizard, will have some }idea as to what is happening.} -A2Q3AfterInitGeglash 100}This whole place is one big ale fog.} -A2Q3AfterInitFara 70}This unnatural nightfall is no doubt }caused by evil sorcery. Drognan might }know what we are dealing with.} -A2Q3AfterInitLysander 65}Claw Vipers! This outer darkness }mirrors the inner blackness of their }souls. It is they who have eclipsed the }sun, I'll wager. They are a venomous }band.} -A2Q3AfterInitDrognan 77}I've been researching this lengthy }eclipse and I believe it to be the work }of Claw Vipers.} }Find their temple beneath the desert }sands and you may find the source of }this curse.} -A2Q3AfterInitMeshif 76}This permanent darkness is very }unsettling. Hmmm... It would make }navigation by stars easier for me, }though.} -A2Q3AfterInitCain 62}Drognan may have some advice on this }matter. Hmm... I think I'll speak with }him myself.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnJerhyn 130}This eclipse is a definite manifestation }of evil.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnGreiz 73}Don't worry! My men and I have an iron }grip on this town. If those cursed Claw }Vipers are plotting anything against }us, we'll be prepared for 'em.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 73}The calculated coldness of the reptilian }brain makes the Claw Vipers uncanny }adversaries.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnGeglash 49}It's strange when the morning after the }night before... is still the same night.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnMeshif 105}I've had about enough of this darkness. }I don't even know what day it is }anymore.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnFara 77}The Claw Vipers practice evil magic. }They have also been known to kidnap }travelers and sacrifice them to their }dark gods.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnLysander 82}Well... I don't know much about the }habits of Claw Vipers, to be honest. }Drognan will probably know something }about the nature of the magic at work.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnDrognan 51}I've discovered a reference to a similar }eclipse several hundred years ago. It }says that some desert-dwelling snake }Raakshus had erected an evil altar, }which caused the sun to go black.} }Perhaps we are dealing with something }similar here. Look for an altar in the }Claw Viper temple.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnElzix 94}I usually charge for rooms by the night.} }But I may have to soon change that.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnCain 57}The source of this spell is probably a }magical altar. It will not be enough to }kill the Claw Vipers. To reverse the }spell you must destroy the altar.} -A2Q3EarlyReturnAtma 80}I was going to go to bed, but then I }realized that I have no idea what time }it is. It could be the crack of dawn, for }all I know.} -A2Q3SuccessfulJerhyn 96}The sun again shines on Lut Gholein! I'm }beginning to like you, traveler.} -A2Q3SuccessfulGreiz 219}I'm glad that's over with!} -A2Q3SuccessfulElzix 74}Ahh... It takes but one eye to revel in }the beauty of our restored sun.} -A2Q3SuccessfulGeglash 60}So, this is daylight... It's over-rated.} -A2Q3SuccessfulWarrivAct2 80}With renewed daylight, one may gather }the wits that were scattered about like }restrictive undergarments in the }darkness.} -A2Q3SuccessfulMeshif 130}So... Did you plunder any booty?} -A2Q3SuccessfulAtma 132}You have done well to restore light to }our world.} -A2Q3SuccessfulFara 87}Drognan seems to have taken you into }his confidence. This is good, for you }will benefit from his wisdom.} -A2Q3SuccessfulLysander 69}Ahhh... Claw Vipers are fond of magical }artifacts. Did you happen to find one in }their temple?} -A2Q3SuccessfulDrognan 69}You did well in destroying the Claw }Vipers. We are all glad to see the sun }returned to its former glory.} -A2Q3SuccessfulCain 48}I've been speaking with Lord Jerhyn, and }I sense that he is becoming more and }more agitated by something. You }should try to talk to him again.} }If he still won't take you into his }confidence, seek to prove yourself a bit }more. I gather that his respect for you }is growing.} -A2Q4InitDrognan 41}I've been researching the old records, }trying to find the location of Tal }Rasha's Tomb. Though I haven't found }the Tomb, itself, I may have a good }lead for you.} }The great Vizjerei Summoner, Horazon, }built his Arcane Sanctuary somewhere }around here. He was a powerful }spellcaster and kept Raakshus as slaves }within the Sanctuary. He kept a close }eye on great events, too -- such as the }imprisonment of Baal within Tal }Rasha's Tomb.} }If you could find Horazon's Sanctuary, }I'm sure that it would hold some clue }as to the Tomb's location. Though I }doubt Horazon is still alive, you must }proceed with caution. There's no telling }what could be waiting inside.} }When I spoke of this with Lord Jerhyn, }he asked that I send you to him. }Perhaps he knows of a secret entrance }or the like.} -A2Q4AfterInitFara 46}Ah, the ancient mage Horazon! He }believed that he could bend Evil forces }to his will. What he didn't know was }that Evil uses man, not the reverse.} }The Vizjerei still revere him as a symbol }of man's ability to triumph over other }worldly forces. The Church of Light, }however, cites him as an example of }man's folly.} -A2Q4AfterInitGreiz 89}The only thing in Jerhyn's cellar are the }harem girls that have been hiding there }since the troubles began.} -A2Q4AfterInitElzix 62}An 'Arcane Sanctuary' under the }palace? I'd heard that there were some }underground cellar levels that Jerhyn }used as chambers for his treasure and }such, but no Arcane Sanctuary.} -A2Q4AfterInitJerhyn 44}When the troubles began here, I allowed }the terrified Harem guilds to join me }within the safety of the palace. All was }fine, until one night...} }Screams echoed up the stairwells from }the harem. My guards arrived to find }the poor girls being slaughtered by a }merciless band of hell-spawned }Raakshus. My brave guardsmen tried to }push the Raakshus back into the }mysterious rift from which they came.} }Ever since, my men have fought a losing }battle. Raakshus have continued to pour }through the rift into the palace. }Ultimately, I hired Greiz and his }mercenaries to help protect the rest of }my fair city.} }Drognan believes that the Arcane }Sanctuary lies buried underneath this }palace, since Lut Gholein occupies the }site of an ancient Vizjerei fortress.} }My palace is open to you now... Take }care.} -A2Q4AfterInitCain 45}I very much doubt that Horazon still }lives in his Sanctuary. He possessed }great power and influence over }Raakshus, but even that may not have }been enough in the end. One of his }notoriety cannot easily remove himself }from the vengeful reach of Hell.} -A2Q4AfterInitGeglash 60}Look, look... I'm just about as tough and }arrogant as they come, but you'd never }catch me trying to tame a Raakshus for a }pet. That's just asking for a lot of }trouble.} -A2Q4AfterInitAtma 75}Arcane Sanctuary? That place sounds }awful! Even if you find a way into it, }what makes you think you'll be able to }leave again?} -A2Q4AfterInitWarrivAct2 73}A careful caravan gives wide berth to }sleeping bandits. If Horazon is gone, }let him remain so.} -A2Q4AfterInitLysander 49}Horazon found it necessary to lock }himself up for all time, just to protect }himself from those angry Raakshus. }Such is the fate of one who practices }the summoning arts... that, or eternal }damnation. There's old summoners and }bold summoners, but no old, bold }summoners.} -A2Q4AfterInitDrognan 42}Nearly a thousand years ago, Horazon }rose to the fore of the Vizjerei mage }clan. Horazon used the knowledge of }the Vizjerei to summon and control }Raakshus from Hell.} }Though a powerful Summoner, Horazon }feared that the Lords of Hell would }punish him for enslaving their }brethren. Thus, the Summoner created }for himself an Arcane Sanctuary.} }He believed that his Sanctuary would }not only protect him from Hell's }vengeance, but also allow him to }continue his studies free from the }ravages of time and disease.} }Horazon had crafted many wondrous }scrying devices through which he }observed the events of the world }outside. It is certain that he took }careful study of Tal Rasha's }imprisonment and recorded the }location of his forgotten Tomb.} }The Arcane Sanctuary was believed to }have been constructed here in Lut }Gholein. An entrance may be hidden }somewhere in the palace, as that }building is very old, and was once a }Vizjerei fortress.} -A2Q4AfterInitMeshif 57}Ahh... The legend of Horazon is an old }one, especially around these parts. You }wouldn't believe the feats and strange }events that are attributed to him.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnElzix 63}I understand that you've been talking to }Jerhyn. Well, if so, then you're the first }in a long while... since the trouble }began, actually.} }Do us a favor and try to find out what's }got Jerhyn so edgy all the time. OK?} -A2Q4EarlyReturnJerhyn 48}There was an eastern mage... a Vizjerei, }I believe... who visited me almost a }year ago. He was very interested in the }history of this site, and he seemed }particularly fascinated with the palace }architecture.} }I gave him a tour. When he found the }ancient seals over a passageway in the }cellar, he became very agitated. He }asked for some time alone to study }them, and I granted it.} }Shortly after, he left with no further }word and I never saw him again. Odd... }Don't you think?} -A2Q4EarlyReturnGreiz 61}What's got you so occupied in the }palace? Don't tell me you're finding the }Harems more compelling than killing }Raakshus? That would be out of }character for one such as yourself.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnDrognan 63}I am certain that you will find the }information you need when you find }Horazon's Journal. I suggest you find it }quickly, for Diablo may be getting }closer to freeing his brother as we }speak.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnLysander 68}Huh? The horizon is always out of }reach, you should know that. Oh, }Horazon! Oh, I see. Uh.} }Yes. Well. He was insane. Brilliant, yes, }but... total lunatic.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnFara 57}Even a sanctuary such as Horazon's }can be breached by the tentacles of }Evil. Such a haven could have become a }chamber of unspeakable horrors. Be }wary of what you may unleash!} -A2Q4EarlyReturnGeglash 49}All my years of brawling, of pummeling }both the unsuspecting and the }deserving, have yielded two insights. }You can either fight or you can run. All }other strategies are variations of }these.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnMeshif 77}So... Now that you're such a pal of }Jerhyn, why don't you ask him if I can }set sail one of these days? I'm running }out of patience.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnAtma 87}So you've been in the palace, have you? }Tell me, why does Jerhyn keep that }place locked up so tight?} -A2Q4EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 87}Fate is like a caged gorilla. It will pelt }you with dung if you mock it.} -A2Q4EarlyReturnCain 51}I've been thinking about the problems in }Jerhyn's palace. Perhaps this has }occurred to you as well...} }If those cellar passageways lead to the }Arcane Sanctuary, then that is where }the Raakshus came from. Horazon's }haven must have been breached!} -A2Q4SuccessfulNarrator 37}Seekers of the Tomb of Tal Rasha will }find it through the Portal. But know }that the glowing glyphs recorded here }in my Arcane Sanctuary are the signs }of the six False Tombs.} }The missing Seventh Sign marks the }Tomb of Tal Rasha... Of the Horadrim }he might be called the foremost.} }It was a shining - but brief - moment for }the Mage Clans when they set aside }their differences and worked together }against the common enemy.} }The Horadrim relentlessly pursued the }Three across the desolate Empires of }the East, and even into the uncharted }lands of the West, leaving the }Archangel Tyrael's hands unblemished.} }Presuming the Three to be vanquished, }the Horadrim's unstable fellowship }began to dissipate. Abandoning their }sacred charge to safeguard the three }Soulstones, the disparate Mage Clans }began to squabble amongst each other }over petty differences.} }Their conflicts not only dissolved their }brotherhood, but strengthened the }Evils which they had buried beneath the }cold earth.} -A2Q4SuccessfulGriez 59}Unbelievable! The Harem girls are dead! }The palace guards have been fighting }off Raakshus from the cellar. How could }that happen without my knowledge?} -A2Q4SuccessfulJerhyn 62}I thank you for your heroic aid! I'm also }glad that you found something you }were looking for. The journal should }help you find the True Tomb of Tal }Rasha. Hopefully, there is still time to }get there before Diablo.} }Go now. And good luck.} -A2Q4SuccessfulDrognan 55}You have found Horazon's Journal. }Excellent... But, I must caution you.} }The mark of the True Tomb of Tal }Rasha, is sought, if not already known, }by Diablo. I needn't elaborate on the }implications of that.} -A2Q4SuccessfulElzix 71}News of the tragedy in the palace is }spreading fast. How awful! And to }think, this whole time I thought Jerhyn }and his guards were in there playing }with the harem girls.} -A2Q4SuccessfulGeglash 60}Hah! I wish Jerhyn would've let me in the }palace. I would've saved those girls and }kicked Raakshus ass back to the fire-pits }o' Hell!} -A2Q4SuccessfulMeshif 52}So... Now we know Jerhyn's little secret. }Well... I guess I can see why he wanted }me to stay, though... I'm just glad it }didn't come to that. Now he tells me to }wait some more, in case you need to }get out of here.} }Well, for you I'll do it. Maybe they'll }mention me in the epic ballads, eh?} -A2Q4SuccessfulWarrivAct2 67}Well, the news going around town is }very unsettling. Apparently, we were in }more danger than anyone thought.} }Good work friend... you may have saved }all our skins.} -A2Q4SuccessfulFara 64}Faith is stronger than any armor. The }shield will protect the body, but Faith }will strengthen the courageous heart.} -A2Q4SuccessfulLysander 55}Horazon's urinal? Oh, journal! Yes, }well... Glad you found it. Such a shame }about those poor harem girls, huh? I }shall miss them deeply... I mean their }conversations, of course.} -A2Q4SuccessfulAtma 62}Oh, those poor women! Will the }slaughter never end? Thank you once }again for protecting our city.} -A2Q4SuccessfulCain 57}You must move quickly now, friend, for }Diablo is undoubtedly close to finding }what he seeks. Find the Tomb of Tal }Rasha before he frees the Lord of }Destruction.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnGreiz 89}That guy really talks like that? Sounds }like either Horazon has gone stir-crazy }or that's some impostor.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnJerhyn 57}The man you describe is probably not }Horazon.} }He sounds like the very mage who came }around here a while ago. He was very }curious about this palace and seemed }especially interested in the seal on the }passageway in the cellar. He left }shortly after that. I wonder how he got }down there? The seal was never }broken...} }That mage spoke a great deal to }Drognan. Why don't you ask him about }it?} -A2Q5EarlyReturnDrognan 47}Yes... The man you speak of sounds like }the mage who came here many months }ago. He claimed to have fought Diablo }in the passages beneath Tristram.} }No doubt the fool wandered into }Horazon's Sanctuary and lost whatever }was left of his ravaged mind. He is }beyond salvation. } }It is possible that the fool has been }possessed by the spirit of Horazon. If }that's true, then you'd better put an }end to his tortured existence.} }Once done, I believe the Raakshus who }were summoned and imprisoned within }the Sanctuary will cease to exist as }well.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnLysander 57}Ah, yes. I remember. There was a... }fellow around here many months ago }who asked almost as many questions }about Horazon as you.} }So... He discovered enough to assume }Horazon's place in the Arcane }Sanctuary, huh? What a fool!} -A2Q5EarlyReturnMeshif 72}Ah, yes. As a ship captain I am well }aware of the phenomenon of a false }Horazon.} }Sorry, just a little joke.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 99}There's nothing more dreadful than a }powerful being driven by a frayed }mind.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnAtma 105}You always seem to find the worst }trouble. I don't know how you handle it.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnGeglash 38}So! Horazon's crazy, eh? I'd be }surprised if he wasn't. All those }centuries without ale would drive }anyone to drink... but then you couldn't }drink. And that would drive you to }drink... Hah?... What was the question?} -A2Q5EarlyReturnFara 63}Hmmm... That doesn't sound like }Horazon. I'll agree that he may have }gone mad, but from what you tell me, I }don't think that's the case. Talk to }Drognan... he may know more than I.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnElzix 106}Ugh... Crazy mages give me the creeps.} }Just kill him and get on with your }business.} -A2Q5EarlyReturnCain 45}The appearance of the mage you }describe sounds like one I met back in }Tristram. Many Vizjerei came to fight }against Diablo, the Lord of Terror. }Perhaps, this is one of them.} }You know, fate seems to have frowned }upon all of the heroes who confronted }that terrible Evil. Take care or the }same may happen to you.} -A2Q5SuccessfulGreiz 76}So, Horazon's been dead for some time. }I take it you at least found what you }were looking for.} -A2Q5SuccessfulGeglash 60}The way I see it... Well, it's all pretty }blurry.} -A2Q5SuccessfulJerhyn 63}The Raakshusic force that was emanating }from the corrupted Sanctuary has }dissipated. I thank you greatly for your }help. Now, we can look to rebuilding }our lives.} }All will be for nothing, though, if you do }not stop the greater Evil which is }rapidly gaining ground.} -A2Q5SuccessfulDrognan 83}Larger forces are moving inexorably }towards us. You must now make haste }to the Tombs.} -A2Q5SuccessfulElzix 65}You make me long for the days of glory. }When I had both hands, both eyes and }more of a foot...} -A2Q5SuccessfulWarrivAct2 84}I guess you'll be heading to the Tombs }now? I hear that they're in the deepest }desert regions.} -A2Q5SuccessfulMeshif 100}Well! You've got what you're after. Now }get a move on before it's too late.} -A2Q5SuccessfulLysander 103}Huhhh... Such is always the fate of }those who meddle with evil.} -A2Q5SuccessfulAtma 89}You're more the hero than I could have }dreamed. Perhaps, there is hope for us }after all.} -A2Q5SuccessfulFara 74}I feel no pity for that would-be }Summoner. His terrible ambition for }Raakshusic power was his undoing. You }merely hastened the inevitable.} -A2Q5SuccessfulCain 48}I hope that this false Summoner found }peace in death. Unfortunately, it is }more likely that he will be dragged }down into Hell by the Raakshus he was }bound to.} }Let this be a lesson to you... Raakshusic }magic is a quick path, but its powers }are seductive and deadly.} -A2Q6InitJerhyn 45}I have heard of your many deeds of skill }and bravery. I feel I can trust you with }something I have been hesitant to }speak of...} }Drognan and I have concluded that the }Dark Wanderer who passed through }here recently was Diablo, himself! }Drognan believes that Diablo is }searching the desert for the secret }tomb where the great Horadric mage, }Tal Rasha, keeps Baal imprisoned.} }You must find Diablo and put an end to }the terrible evil that has fallen upon }our city. Drognan is wise and is sure to }have some helpful advice for you as to }how Tal Rasha's tomb may be found.} }It may take you quite some time to find }The Tomb. May you be ready when you }do.} -A2Q6AfterInitJerhyn 53}It is well-known that there are seven }great Horadric tombs hidden beneath }the sands in the furthest reaches of }the desert. One of them surely must be }Tal Rasha's prison. You must explore }each of the tombs to find Tal Rasha's }exact location.} }Of course, Diablo is searching for the }Tomb as well... No one can guess as to }what terrors he has unleashed in his }search.} -A2Q6AfterInitElzix 59}So... You're going to search for the }Seven Tombs, huh? Don't you know }that they're just desert legends passed }between merchants and travelers? No }one really believes that they exist.} -A2Q6AfterInitWarrivAct2 61}Be very careful, my friend. I think I've }seen enough recently not to doubt that }these Tombs exist. And if they do, }they're most certainly guarded by }terrible creatures.} -A2Q6AfterInitAtma 67}I've heard legends of the Tomb of Tal }Rasha, but I thought they were just old }tales meant to scare young children.} -A2Q6AfterInitGeglash 59}Ohh... I'd go with ya' to those tombs... }But... umm... I don't like all that living }dead stuff.} -A2Q6AfterInitMeshif 84}I'm sorry, I can't help you much here. }Now, if the tombs were across the }ocean, then I'd be the guy to talk to.} -A2Q6AfterInitFara 57}Legend has it that Tal Rasha lies }imprisoned within his tomb, forever }struggling to keep the Lord of }Destruction bound. His was a selfless }act, although perhaps foolhardy.} -A2Q6AfterInitLysander 56}When Tal Rasha chose to embody the }spirit of Baal, he knew his doom was to }wrestle eternally against the will of the }greater Evil. Look around you and ask }yourself, 'Has the battle been won or }lost?'} -A2Q6AfterInitDrognan 55}Tal Rasha's tomb is hidden deep in the }desert among six others. Tal Rasha's }symbol marks the True Tomb. If you }want to know what that symbol is, you }should be able to find it within the }legendary Arcane Sanctuary.} -A2Q6AfterInitCain 57}Diablo nears his goal. We have little }time to lose.} }Remember, my friend, that Andariel }gave herself willingly to Diablo's cause. }It would be prudent to assume that the }other Evils will attempt to aid their }master as well.} -A2Q6AfterInitGreiz 106}If you're going into the deep desert, why }not hire a few of my men to watch your }back?} -A2Q6SuccessfulJerhyn 47}You have done very well. Few could have }come this far, let alone discover the }True Tomb of Tal Rasha. Unfortunately, }I hear that Diablo and Baal have eluded }your grasp. This is most unfortunate...} }If you wish to travel East, I have }authorized Meshif to give you passage }by sea. I imagine he should be very }anxious to leave by now.} }Good luck on your quest, and thank you }again for saving my beloved city. You }will always be welcome in Lut Gholein, }my friend.} -A2Q6SuccessfulElzix 71}I heard that Diablo has managed to }best you, at least for the time being. I }hope you catch up with him soon, and }send him back to Hell for good!} -A2Q6SuccessfulLysander 70}I'm sorry things didn't turn out as you }had hoped. Go and remember us }fondly. You know, you bothered me far }less than most.} -A2Q6SuccessfulAtma 64}You have proven to be the greatest of }heroes, and I am honored to call you }friend. Thank you for bringing peace to }our lives again.} -A2Q6SuccessfulWarrivAct2 68}Never fear, my friend. You did the best }you could.} }I suspect that Diablo and Baal are now }heading east, towards Kurast. You'll }find them... I know you will.} -A2Q6SuccessfulFara 46}This is terrible news! Baal is in }possession of one of mankind's most }powerful mages, and the Lord of Terror }guides his path. They must be stopped, }for I am sure they mean to free their }elder brother Mephisto, the Lord of }Hatred, who lies imprisoned under the }corrupted city of Kurast.} }I fear you are walking into a great evil, }but your faith can save you. May you }walk in the light always.} -A2Q6SuccessfulGeglash 54}You're an inspiration! And such a hero }that it makes me look twice as bad...} }Ahh, you're OK... Hey! Just save some }glory for us little guys, huh?} -A2Q6SuccessfulDrognan 51}This is a serious setback... It is most }unfortunate that Tal Rasha has been }consumed by Baal's destructive }influence. There are many secrets }known to the Horadrim, which could be }used by Baal against us.} }You must travel east by sea to Kurast }and stop Diablo and Baal before they }free their eldest brother, Mephisto.} }Hahh... The lands of the eastern Empire }are not the same as they used to be. }There has been little word for some }time.} }Speed is of the essence. Go quickly, my }friend. May the fates smile on you.} -A2Q6SuccessfulMeshif 82}Jerhyn tells me I should take you east to }Kurast. I haven't been there for several }years, but rumor has it that things are }pretty grim.} -A2Q6SuccessfulGreiz 51}I've heard that your foe got away from }you this time. Well, look at it this way... }you've got the Raakshus on the run. If }you're going to be leaving, then... Well, }thanks for your help.} -A2Q6SuccessfulCain 39}The Archangel Tyrael was the one who }gave the Soulstones to the Horadrim }two hundred and sixty years ago.} }It is highly unusual for the forces of }Heaven to so directly interfere with }man's destiny, but Tyrael was said to }act of his own volition. We have never }been able to discern why.} }Perhaps, he goes against the consensus }of Heaven because he doubts our }ability to defend ourselves, or perhaps, }he sees more threat than his peers.} }Where the actions of Hell often seem }straightforwardly bent on destruction, }the motives of Heaven are }unfathomable.} }Now make haste... Both Diablo and Baal }must be stopped before they join with }their brother, Mephisto. If the three }Prime Evils unite once again, the world }as we know it will be no more.} -NatalyaIntroGossip1 48}Greetings, hero. I've heard of your }exploits and... I'm quite impressed. }Very few mortals are capable of }dealing with the Three and their }minions as you have.} }My name is Natalya. I am a hunter of }Evil, part of an ancient Order sworn to }hunt down corrupted sorcerers.} }If I could, I would gladly join your quest }to stop the Three. But I must wait here }for further news. I can't predict what }will happen, but the danger is greater }than we can know.} }Until I receive my orders, I'll assist you }with the information I have.} -NatalyaGossip1 74}Asheara...? Oh, she's is a tough-talking }mage, but I'd wager she's never faced }true Evil.} }Pampering drunken mercenaries is one }thing, but standing face to face with a }hell-spawned Raakshus is another.} -NatalyaGossip2 69}I've heard the name of Deckard Cain }many times. He's the last of the }Horadrim, and thus, I must honor him. }You must be powerful, indeed, if one }such as he accompanies you.} -NatalyaGossip3 100}Hratli is a master craftsman. My Order }could make use of one with his unique }skills.} -NatalyaGossip4 67}My Order has been keeping watch over }Ormus for many years, now. He seems }to champion the cause of good, but }who knows what shadow lurks within }his soul?} -CainAct3IntroGossip1 45}I've not set foot in glorious Kurast for }many years. But I never would have }imagined it could be so corrupted.} }Certainly, this must be Mephisto's work! }You'd best get going, my friend. Diablo }and Baal are still out there and you }must find them.} -CainAct3Gossip1 62}Seeing his homeland in such a state }must be horrifying to Meshif. I'm }surprised he's willing to remain here in }order to help you.} -CainAct3Gossip2 82}Asheara seems like a very tough }woman. I'd be careful around her if I }were you.} -CainAct3Gossip3 53}Drognan told me of Hratli when we were }in Lut Gholein. He said that he weaves }magic into his forge and produces }mystical weapons and armor.} }His skills could be quite useful to you. } -CainAct3Gossip4 44}Judging from his dress and strange }markings, I would guess that Ormus is }from the ancient Taan mage-clan. Yet }none of the others here seem to know }that he is a sorcerer.} }The Taan were once as powerful as the }Vizjerei clan, but their studies were }even more secretive. I wonder what }he's hiding.} -CainAct3Gossip5 49}Have you met, Natalya? She appears to }be a member of the Khral-Harzhek, a }secret order that has been around for }centuries... almost as long as the }Horadrim, itself.} }Her presence here makes me uneasy, }for they are traditionally sworn to hunt }down Magi who have betrayed the trust }of their order.} }I wonder why she is here.} -CainAct3Gossip6 73}Ormus would like you to think him mad. }Better to watch his actions than listen }to his words.} -HratliActIntroGossip1 33}Welcome to Kurast, traveler. Few come }willingly to this ancient city anymore. I }hope you brought your wits with you, }for sanity is in short supply here.} }My name is Hratli. I am a sorcerer }skilled in metal work. It'd be a pleasure }to help you... I don't have many }customers these days.} }As you can see, the populace has been }brutally decimated by the forces of }Mephisto. The canals run red with }blood and Raakshus roam the land.} }The wretched jungle-hell has already }reclaimed much of Kurast. The only }safety you'll find is here at the }dockside, where a magical warding }holds the jungle evils at bay... but I }don't know how long it will last.} }To make matters worse, the Children of }Zakarum are in league with the forces }of Mephisto. The Zakarum have }concentrated their power in the Temple }City of Travincal, located within Kurast }deep in the jungle wilderness.} }It's true... Their zeal is unmatched. But I }say the so-called 'Warriors of Light' are }nothing more than the twisted puppets }of a hidden hand.} -HratliActIntroSorGossip1 33}Welcome to Kurast, young Sahira. }Few come willingly to this ancient city }anymore. I hope you brought your wits }with you, for sanity is in short supply }here.} }My name is Hratli. I am a sorcerer }skilled in metal work. It'd be a pleasure }to help you... I don't have many }customers these days.} }Though my own magic is only useful for }making enchanted weapons, I'll bet }yours will put an end to this terrible }evil once and for all. May the spirits of }Skatsim watch over and protect you.} }As you can see, the populace has been }brutally decimated by the forces of }Mephisto. The canals run red with }blood and Raakshus roam the land.} }The wretched jungle-hell has already }reclaimed much of Kurast. The only }safety you'll find is here at the }dockside, where a magical warding }holds the jungle evils at bay... but I }don't know how long it will last.} }To make matters worse, the Children of }Zakarum are in league with the forces }of Mephisto. The Zakarum have }concentrated their power in the Temple }City of Travincal, located within Kurast }deep in the jungle wilderness.} }It's true... Their zeal is unmatched. But I }say the so-called 'Warriors of Light' are }nothing more than the twisted puppets }of a hidden hand.} -HratliGossip1 48}You're very brave to have come here. In }the old days, mages who didn't belong }to one of the great Mage Clans were }hunted down as renegades. But now, }the Mage Clans have little authority.} -HratliGossip2 53}Within the Temple City stands a tower }built long ago by the Horadrim to }imprison the... Well, you'll discover }more about it soon enough.} -HratliGossip3 60}If you are another follower of Zakarum, }I've told you people before I don't want }your Towering Spire or anything else }you have to sell!} -HratliGossip4 74}Some find my prices unreasonable. That }is because I am unreasonable.} -HratliGossip5 76}You'll find that the Zakarumites have }the persistence of zombies, but without }the charisma.} -HratliGossip6 60}Asheara leads the mercenary company }known as the Iron Wolves. You can hire }some of them, but many are occupied }securing the dockside.} -HratliGossip7 74}Alkor is a potion dealer given over to a }life steeped in ceaseless study and }dissipation.} -HratliGossip8 58}Ormus is a man of many mysteries. I }sense strong magic about him, but he's }never spoken of it to me.} -HratliGossip9 49}I trust you already know Meshif. But did }you know that he was born and raised }here?} }I suspect that like many of us his spirit }is near broken at the sight of Kurast's }decline. Only our brand of gallows }humor saves us from utter despair.} -HratliGossip10 55}This, Cain, whom you brought with you. }He has the bearing of great power, yet }I sense no magic about him. He is an }enigma to me.} -HratliGossip11 49}Natalya is a quiet one. She arrived here }about a week ago and has pretty much }kept to herself. She's inquired about }my weapons a few times, so I assume }that she's a warrior of some sort.} -MeshifAct3IntroGossip1 51}Well, I gave you my word, and brought }you here as promised.} }But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd }never returned to this accursed place. }This fetid jungle can't be the fair }Kurast I left behind.} }I don't know what all this evil is, my }friend, but it's obvious that you must }stop it. I only pray that you can before }the jungle consumes the last vestiges }of my beloved homeland.} -MeshifAct3IntroBarGossip1 47}Being a Vira, I'm sure you've seen }many strange sights in the northlands.} }But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd }never returned to this accursed place. }This fetid jungle can't be the fair }Kurast I left behind!} }I don't know what all this evil is, my }friend, but it's obvious that you must }stop it. I only pray that you can before }the jungle consumes the last vestiges }of my beloved homeland.} }If this evil isn't contained, it could }spread north to your homeland, too. }Then the whole world would fall under }the shadow of the Three.} -MeshifAct3Gossip1 63}It takes great courage and generosity }to defend a land and a people that are }not your own. Perhaps, when this curse }is lifted, my people can do something }for yours in return.} -MeshifAct3Gossip2 72}I shouldn't have boasted so much about }Kurast on the journey here. Oh... Much }has changed since I left.} -MeshifAct3Gossip3 99}The dockside is apparently the only }civilized area left in Kurast.} -MeshifAct3Gossip4 88}If you are planning to carry on your }wild ways here, you may need the }assistance of Asheara's Iron Wolf }mercenaries.} -MeshifAct3Gossip5 75}Your companion, Cain, must have }known that he would be in grave }danger here. You are great, indeed, to }elicit such loyalty.} -MeshifAct3Gossip6 81}Hratli seems to be the only one left here }with any common sense. Yet how }sensible is it to remain here?} -MeshifAct3Gossip7 80}I went to speak with old Alkor, but I }disturbed his studies. He doesn't seem }to like visitors.} -MeshifAct3Gossip8 73}Trying to get information out of Ormus }is like straining water from a rock. His }damned riddles are almost as }confusing as our current state of }affairs.} -MeshifAct3Gossip9 75}That woman, Natalya, seems to be }waiting for something important to }happen. She's a strange one, I think.} -MeshifAct3Gossip10 68}All through my childhood, Kurast was a }paradise. The once perfumed air now }reeks of putrefaction.} -AshearaIntroGossip1 54}Hello, there. You must be a great }adventurer to risk coming here.} }My name's Asheara, and I lead the }mercenary band of mages known as }the Iron Wolves. We've been hunting }down Raakshus in the jungle for months, }but no matter how many of them we }kill, they just keep comin'. Seems this }whole place has been overrun by evil.} }Rumor has it that you've come here to }help. If that's true, then I'll let you hire }some of my mercenaries.} }But be careful... If you piss them off, }they can be worse than those monsters }out in the jungle.} -AshearaIntroAmaGossip1 50}Hello, there. You must be an Yodhini. }I've heard about your people... nomadic }warriors without peer.} }My name's Asheara, and I lead the }mercenary band of mages known as }the Iron Wolves. We've been hunting }down Raakshus in the jungle for months, }but no matter how many of them we }kill, they just keep comin'. Seems this }whole place has been overrun by evil.} }Rumor has it that you've come here to }help. If that's true, then I'll let you hire }some of my mercenaries.} }But be careful... If you piss them off, }they can be worse than those monsters }out in the jungle.} -AshearaGossip1 66}Your skills are unique indeed. They are }neither sorcery, nor physical, but seem }to be a harmonious blend of the two. }The Iron Wolves could learn much from }your kind.} -AshearaGossip2 160}Why fight fair, when you can hire some }of us?} -AshearaGossip3 107}No one comes to Kurast anymore }without good reason. You must be }seeking fame and fortune.} -AshearaGossip4 137}The Iron Wolves and I have made a }good living around here lately.} -AshearaGossip5 110}The jungle can take you down fast. Try }to avoid getting trapped out there if }you can.} -AshearaGossip6 90}Hratli may be a bit too clever for his }own good. Still, I'd trust his work }anytime.} -AshearaGossip7 77}Hratli thinks he's so funny. The other }day he said, 'Asheara, I don't recognize }you without that big gash on your }face.'} -AshearaGossip8 97}Meshif says he used to live here. I'm }surprised he came back. I'll bet he }wishes he hadn't.} -AshearaGossip9 78}I invited Natalya to join the Iron Wolves }and she began lecturing me about the }'dangers of magic'. Who the hell does }she think she is, anyway?} -AlkorIntroGossip1 61}Damn it, I wish you people would just }leave me alone! I...} }Oh, you're new here, aren't you?} }I am Alkor, the Alchemist. I dabble in }potions and salves, and I can sell you }some if you really need them.} }But don't make a habit of coming here. I }don't like to be disturbed while I'm }studying!} -AlkorIntroNecGossip1 48}Damn it, I wish you people would just }leave me alone! I...} }Oh, you're a Aghora, aren't you? }I've heard that your kind use powerful }potions and such to wake the dead and }control spirits. I'd love to discuss what }components you use some time.} }I am Alkor, the Alchemist. I dabble in }potions and salves, myself, and I can }sell you some if you really need them.} }...Feel free to drop by anytime.} -AlkorGossip1 55}Even I can tell that the evil in the jungle }is growing. I hope you survive out }there, my pasty friend. I'd still like to }discuss what components are best }used in necromantic potions.} -AlkorGossip2 151}Care to take a gander at my Grimoire?} -AlkorGossip3 90}I've never claimed that you'd live forever }after trying one of my potions! Merely }that you might look as though you had.} -AlkorGossip4 105}I keep a library of tomes - heretical, }exegetical, hermeneutical and }pharmaceutical.} -AlkorGossip5 50}There was a very fat man here recently }asking after the Golden Bird of Ku }Y'Leh. Have you heard of it? He kept }muttering about ashes. I would imagine }one Golden Bird's ash-hole to be about }the same as another, wouldn't you?} -AlkorGossip6 150}I hope you don't object to my badgering }the witless.} -AlkorGossip7 115}You came here with Meshif? That old }'tour-guide to the stupid'!} }I'm surprised you made it here in one }piece.} -AlkorGossip8 98}Oh, Asheara's a good customer. She }buys a potion of manliness from me }every week.} -AlkorGossip9 82}Hratli's only good for making his silly }magic weapons. It's not like he's got }the stones to actually go out and use }them on anything.} -AlkorGossip10 88}Oh, Ormus has been talking in riddles }for years. I think he does it to cover up }the fact that he's got nothing }intelligent to say.} -AlkorGossip11 52}Yes, Natalya is a cute girl. However, I }think she could use a special potion.} }Let me see here, 'Radiant Beauty'... No. }'Ray of Sunshine'... No, that's not it.} }Ah, here it is: 'Relax Frosty Bitch'. This }should help her out.} -OrmusIntroGossip1 38}You now speak to Ormus.} }He was once a great mage, but now }lives like a rat in a sinking vessel. You }have questions for Ormus and doubt in }yourself. Ormus sees a strange }dichotomy in you... as he does in all }would-be heroes.} }Speak to him and he may grant you }wisdom in turn. Or turn from him and }seek wisdom in thyself.} -OrmusIntroPalGossip1 37}You now speak to Ormus, good Dharma Yoddha.} }He was once a great mage, but now }lives like a rat in a sinking vessel. You }have questions for Ormus and doubt in }yourself. Ormus sees a strange }dichotomy in you... as he does in all }would-be heroes.} }Speak to him and he may grant you }wisdom in turn. Or turn from him and }seek wisdom in thyself.} -OrmusGossip1 68}The Church which you serve is }corrupted by evil. Yet the holy }disciplines it taught you may yet save }us all.} }This is a strange time for heroes, }Ormus thinks.} -OrmusGossip2 65}Your salvation can only be reached }through Hatred. A strange fate, but a }true one.} -OrmusGossip3 52}How does one destroy Destruction? How }does one force Terror to flee in fear? }You have great tasks ahead of you, }Ormus thinks.} -OrmusGossip4 72}The Church of Light harbors the darkest }shadow of all. Tread lightly.} -OrmusGossip5 89}When speaking of the dead, it is best to }remain cryptic.} -OrmusGossip6 84}The Travincal can be breached by the }loss of one's wits, not by the use of }them.} -OrmusGossip7 95}Alkor is able to explain things much }more clearly than Ormus.} -OrmusGossip8 58}For one who spends so much time away }from home, Meshif has taken Kurast's }corruption the hardest.} -OrmusGossip9 91}Asheara is both proud and }self-conscious of her womanhood.} -OrmusGossip10 65}Deckard Cain... Ormus has no time for }the last son of the Horadrim. Pride led }that holy Order to failure.} -OrmusGossip11 63}Hratli suspects that Ormus is a mage. }He can suspect whatever he wants, }Ormus will not show him the true }magic.} -A3Q4Init1CainAct3 53}Back in Lut Gholein Meshif told me he }had a fondness for jade figurines. On }his trading voyages he collected an odd }assortment of such small statues.} }I would show him your figurine. } -A3Q4Init1Asheara 160}Only Deckard Cain can make sense of }this.} -A3Q4Init2MeshifAct3 73}Praise you! That jade figurine will }complete the set I was collecting.} }Here! I've had this statuette of a golden }bird for years, but I consider it a fair }exchange.} -A3Q4Init2Natalya 89}I'm having fun just watching you run }from place to place searching for a }Golden Bird. Some hero you are.} -A3Q4Init3CainAct3 47}I've read legends about a sage named }Ku Y'leh, who studied the mysteries of }life beyond death.} }If I remember correctly, his ashes were }ensconced within a golden statuette. It }was a very strange tale.} -A3Q4Init3Hratli 134}You will have to take Ku Y'leh's ashes to }Alkor.} -A3Q4Init3Asheara 96}Such a beautiful statuette... But, you'd }think it would've been better cared for. }There's a compartment here that's full }o' dust.} -A3Q4AfterInitAlkor 73}Ah, the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh. Thank }you, my friend. } }Busy yourself while I experiment with }the ashes within it. Then, return and }see what I have made for you.} -A3Q4AfterInitOrmus 51}Ku Y'leh, in searching for immortal }youth, found only an early death. His }apprentices, seeking to live forever, }burned his body in order to derive }benefit from his ashes.} -A3Q4AfterInitHratli 50}Ku Y'leh was a powerful sage who was }rumored to have brewed a potion of }immortality. In an ironic twist of fate, }he was murdered before his potent }elixir could take effect.} -A3Q4AfterInitNatalya 78}Don't tell me you believe in all of that }'life after death' nonsense. You should }be more concerned with avoiding death }than making plans for after it finds }you.} -A3Q4SuccessfulAlkor 120}From the ashes of Ku Y'leh I have mixed }for you a potion.} -A3Q4SuccessfulMeshifAct3 94}Immortality is definitely not for me.} }Can you imagine having to wake up }every night just to piss for the next }thousand years?} -A3Q4SuccessfulCainAct3 63}So, Meshif had the Golden Bird all }along. I wonder if he knows what he }gave up for that jade figurine.} -A3Q4SuccessfulOrmus 54}Ormus remembers the tale of Ku Y'leh. }That venerable sage forgot that there }is no life beyond death. There is only }life.} }Once prolonged unnaturally, it can }become a living hell.} -A3Q4SuccessfulNatalya 67}I must admit, your foolish quest made }little sense to me. But now I see the }value of your actions. I believe you do }possess great wisdom.} -A3Q2InitCain 33}Never forget that your ultimate purpose }here in Kurast is to destroy Mephisto. }The ancient Horadrim imprisoned the }Lord of Hatred inside the Guardian }Tower that is located within the Temple }City of Travincal.} }Know this, friend. The only way to gain }entry to Mephisto's prison is to destroy }the artifact known as the Compelling }Orb.} }Mephisto used this device to control the }Zakarum Priests and their followers. }The Orb can only be destroyed with an }ancient flail imbued with the spirit of }the one incorruptible priest.} }Soon after his imprisonment, Mephisto }worked his evil corruption on the }Zakarum priesthood. All were turned to }his dark ways, save one - Khalim, the }Que-Hegan of the High Council.} }Mephisto directed the other Council }priests to slay and dismember Khalim }and then scatter his remains across }the Kingdom. The Priest Sankekur }succeeded Khalim as Que-Hegan, }eventually becoming the embodiment of }Mephisto here on the mortal plane.} }The corrupted High Council fashioned }an Orb to control the rest of the }Zakarum faithful and used their powers }to hide the lair of their master from }mortals.} }Your task is to collect the scattered }relics of Khalim - his Heart, his Brain, }and his Eye. Then, using the Horadric }Cube, transmute Khalim's Flail with his }relics.} }Once this is accomplished, you must }destroy the Compelling Orb with }Khalim's Will to open the way into the }corrupt sanctum of Mephisto.} -A3Q2EarlyReturnHeartCain 61}You have found Khalim's Heart, and it }still bears the courage to face }Mephisto!} }Place it in the Horadric Cube along with }Khalim's other relics - the Eye, the }Brain, and the Flail.} -A3Q2EarlyReturnEyeCain 52}Ahh... Khalim's Eye! Only it can reveal }the true path to Mephisto.} }Place the Eye in the Horadric Cube }along with Khalim's other relics - the }Heart, the Brain, and the Flail.} -A3Q2EarlyReturnBrainCain 58}This is most fortunate! Khalim's Brain }knows Mephisto's weakness.} }Place it in the Horadric Cube along with }Khalim's other relics - the Eye, the }Heart, and the Flail.} -A3Q2EarlyReturnFlailCain 46}Once properly imbued, Khalim's Flail can }destroy the Compelling Orb and reveal }the way to Mephisto.} }Place it into the Horadric Cube along }with Khalim's relics - his Heart, his }Brain, and his Eye. Then, transmute }them to carry out Khalim's Will.} -A3Q2SuccessfulCain 54}Masterfully done, hero! You have }crafted Khalim's Will. Employ it to }destroy the Compelling Orb and open }the way to Mephisto. } }May the true Light guide your way.} -A3Q1InitAlkor 56}It pains me to waste time with you, so }I'll get right to the point.} }There is a very special book which you }must find for me. It was written long }ago by a sage known as Lam Esen, who }studied Skatsimi magic and the effects }of the Prime Evils on the mortal world. }The Black Book was lost when the }Children of Zakarum took over this }land.} }Now, you must reclaim it without delay! }Its knowledge may aid us in this dark }time ahead.} -A3Q1AfterInitAlkor 73}The Black Book contains powerful }secrets of Skatsim, the Old Religion, }long eclipsed by Zakarum.} }I should warn you. The Black Book is }much sought after by both good and }evil. Be wary.} -A3Q1AfterInitOrmus 62}The Children of Zakarum believe that }the Black Book is filled with }blasphemous heresy. In truth, the book }may contain the secrets to our ultimate }redemption.} -A3Q1AfterInitMeshifAct3 73}Oh. No one really believes that the Black }Book exists. It's just a symbol of }Zakarum's anti-Skatsim propaganda.} -A3Q1AfterInitAsheara 102}Many things can be found in the city of }Kurast. The book may be there.} -A3Q1AfterInitHratli 54}We have long sought the Black Book of }Lam Esen. Rumors of its whereabouts }spread as fast as jungle plagues. If you }find it, take it to Alkor.} -A3Q1AfterInitCainAct3 72}The Black Book is a powerful source of }information. The Zakarum will do }everything in their power to stop you }from obtaining it.} -A3Q1AfterInitNatalya 81}I've heard of the Black Book. My Order's }code is based on many of its passages. }If you find it, I will be greatly }impressed.} -A3Q1EarlyReturnAlkor 104}Did I neglect to mention that the book }contains useful information about the }Prime Evils?} -A3Q1EarlyReturnOrmus 55}Even if you find the sacred Book, you }must still traverse the jungle of }meaning within it. That journey could }prove to be far more perilous.} -A3Q1EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 56}Kurast was once the greatest city in the }world. Now it is hard to tell where the }jungle stops and the city begins. The }jungle grows rampant on the soil }enriched by the blood of my fellow }citizens.} -A3Q1EarlyReturnAsheara 68}I believe I can trust you now.} }When you first arrived, I suspected you }a spy for the Zakarum, the false }religion whose faithful are now under }the sway of a mysterious power. }They've made a mockery of the Old }Religion of Skatsim.} -A3Q1EarlyReturnHratli 62}Not getting much help?} }You know, people are like rugs. Hang }them out a window and shake 'em a }couple times. You'll be surprised how }much dirt comes out.} -A3Q1EarlyReturnCainAct3 81}I heard that there are ruined temples in }Kurast. Perhaps you will find the Black }Book in one of them.} -A3Q1EarlyReturnNatalya 105}I hope you find the Black Book soon. I }could use something to read while I }wait for my orders.} -A3Q1SuccessfulAlkor 83}You have found the Book! It should give }all of us here some insight into the }nature of the Prime Evils...} }Ah, but as for you...} -A3Q1SuccessfulOrmus 70}Why is the Black Book of Lam Esen like }a coffin? Simple. Each holds the shape }of our future.} -A3Q1SuccessfulMeshifAct3 75}Thank all that's holy. You've returned }with the Black Book! Maybe now you }can put an end to the Evil that has }destroyed my homeland.} -A3Q1SuccessfulAsheara 135}The Iron Wolves are very impressed by }your skills.} -A3Q1SuccessfulHratli 74}We have the Book. Now we must see if }we can bear its revelations.} -A3Q1SuccessfulCainAct3 86}You have found a source of information }powerful enough to turn the tide }against the Zakarum.} -A3Q1SuccessfulNatalya 89}So, you've returned with the Book. You }surprise me. You must be very }resourceful.} -A3Q3InitHratli 45}As I told you before, I placed an }enchantment upon the dockside in }order to keep the Raakshus at bay. But }lately, the enchantment seems to be }weakening.} }If memory serves me correctly, there is }a holy Skatsimi blade that could }revitalize the enchantment. The blade }is called the Gidbinn.} }Find it, and our sanctuary here will }remain safe.} -A3Q3AfterInitAlkor 66}Have you not heard of the Gidbinn? }Well, allow me to reduce your }ignorance on the subject.} }The Gidbinn is an enchanted dagger - a }religious artifact greatly valued by the }Old Religion, Skatsim.} -A3Q3AfterInitOrmus 64}Ormus is familiar with the Gidbinn. But }how would a powerful Skatsimi artifact }aid an unbeliever like you?} -A3Q3AfterInitMeshifAct3 66}The Gidbinn is one of the few remaining }relics of Skatsim, the Old Religion. It is }reputed to have great powers.} -A3Q3AfterInitAsheara 107}The Gidbinn will reinforce the }enchantments that protect the }dockside from the evil that infests }Kurast.} -A3Q3AfterInitHratli 54}As far as we know, the Gidbinn is in the }possession of the Children of Light. }They do not wish it to fall into the }hands of those who can restore its }powers.} }You may not believe it, but Ormus is the }one who can use the Gidbinn to protect }us.} -A3Q3AfterInitCainAct3 55}I've done some research on the Taan }mage-clan, and it seems that most of }their magical studies were focused on }Skatsimi rites.} }If anyone is qualified to use the powers }of the Gidbinn, it would be Ormus.} -A3Q3AfterInitNatalya 73}Don't let the Gidbinn's size fool you. }Though it is only a small dagger, it }holds tremendous power when in the }hands of a true Skatsimi mage.} -A3Q3EarlyReturnAlkor 70}Legend has it that the Skatsimi priests }placed great power within the small }blade. Power enough to repel this }terrible jungle-curse which encroaches }on our sanctuary.} -A3Q3EarlyReturnOrmus 83}If we are to have peace from the }shadow, you must find the weapon }which will destroy the Light.} -A3Q3EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 67}The jungle is like nothing you've ever }seen before. Imagine Paradise }festering like a wound... then bursting!} -A3Q3EarlyReturnAsheara 145}I'm certain that the Gidbinn is very }closely guarded.} -A3Q3EarlyReturnHratli 70}Once the Gidbinn is found, Ormus will }use it to strengthen the protective }barrier around the dockside.} -A3Q3EarlyReturnCainAct3 75}Since you haven't come across the }Gidbinn yet, the dagger must be deeper }in the jungle nearer Kurast.} -A3Q3EarlyReturnNatalya 97}You'd best get back out there and find }that blade. The jungle creeps further }into this camp by the hour.} -A3Q3SuccessfulAlkor 77}Hah! You have stolen the fabled blade }from right under Zakarum's nose! This }is a great day, indeed!} -A3Q3SuccessfulOrmus 41}You have done well, noble hero. Ormus }congratulates you. The old spirits of }Skatsim will watch over you for }returning their sacred blade.} }Now, after all these years, Ormus will }once again use his powers to protect }the innocent from the shadow. The }spell that protects the dockside shall }now be reinforced.} -A3Q3SuccessfulMeshifAct3 79}With any luck, the spirits of Skatsim will }grant us revenge upon the powers that }ravaged this land.} -A3Q3SuccessfulAsheara 99}Now that fewer of the Iron Wolves are }needed to guard the dockside, some of }them have volunteered to accompany }you free of charge.} -A3Q3SuccessfulHratli 80}The Gidbinn's magic can only be }channeled through Ormus.} }Take it to him. He has the necessary }knowledge about the ancient Skatsimi }magics.} -A3Q3SuccessfulCainAct3 62}Who could have foreseen that the Old }Religion would play such an effective }role in our war against the Three? }Again, your efforts amaze me, my }friend.} -A3Q3SuccessfulNatalya 67}You are truly amazing, stranger. There }are precious few items in the world }that would tempt me to go up against }the Children of Zakarum and their }midget minions.} -A3Q3RewardOrmus 101}This magic ring does me no good.} }Here... Wear it proudly!} -A3Q5InitOrmus 36}You have done well, my friend. Your }courage and valor are an inspiration to }us all.} }But now the time has come to face }those responsible for the evil that has }stifled our land. You must destroy the }High Council of Zakarum!} }Long ago, these elders were charged }with the stewardship of Mephisto, the }Lord of Hatred, who was imprisoned }within the Guardian Tower.} }Through the generations, these pious }men slowly fell more and more under }the sway of Mephisto's malevolent }power and the Council became an evil }mockery of its former glory. } }It is Mephisto's Hatred that has }corrupted Zakarum and turned its }devout followers into paranoid }fanatics. That is why you must travel }to the Temple City of Travincal and }slay the Council.} }Once they are gone, Mephisto's hold }over this land and its people will be }broken!} -A3Q5AfterInitAlkor 84}The Black Book contains some vague }prophecies regarding this undertaking. }I'm not so sure it will turn out well for }you.} -A3Q5AfterInitAlkorVA 90}I am but a potion dealer and an avid }reader of occult books. What do I know }of the Travincal?} -A3Q5AfterInitOrmus 54}You must know that the Guardian Tower }in the Temple City was built by the }Horadrim for one purpose - to hold }Mephisto. Once the Council is dead, }you may enter the Tower.} -A3Q5AfterInitOrmusVA 54}You must know that the Guardian Tower }in the Temple City was built by the }Horadrim for one purpose - to hold }Mephisto. Once the Council is dead, }you may enter the Tower.} -A3Q5AfterInitMeshifAct3 68}There is only one way to the Temple }City. You will have to cross many rivers }and streams, but you'll find it. A great }tower stands at its center.} -A3Q5AfterInitMeshifAct3VA 113}It has been said that Ormus speaks }most clearly when his ideas are utterly }mad.} -A3Q5AfterInitAsheara 89}The Children of Zakarum who guard the }Tower square can be killed, but their }numbers are vast. You must destroy }their Council.} -A3Q5AfterInitAshearaVA 105}There are many zealots among the }followers of Zakarum. It will be difficult }to get past them.} -A3Q5AfterInitHratli 104}Remember. You can always find }sanctuary here with us.} -A3Q5AfterInitHratliVA 75}This has been a trying time for all of us, }but I sense this nightmare is coming to }an end.} -A3Q5AfterInitCainAct3 63}Ormus tells me that the Council is }comprised of tremendously powerful }priests. It will be difficult to best them.} -A3Q5AfterInitCainAct3VA 93}The Temple City is well guarded. You'd }best keep your wits about you.} -A3Q5AfterInitNatalya 100}You are incredibly brave to venture into }the lion's den. I wish you luck.} -A3Q5AfterInitNatalyaVA 95}Beware the followers of Zakarum. Their }fanaticism is their greatest weapon.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnAlkor 111}Kill as many as you can. I have a }morbid love of excess.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnAlkorVA 91}If only we could have found the Black }Book. I feel as though a malevolent }hand has led us away from it.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnOrmus 49}If you die on this quest, I will }commemorate your sacrifice in an epic }poem. You will not need a potion to }achieve immortality. Ormus' words will }do that.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 110}Within the Temple City is a courtyard. }The Council resides there.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnMeshifAct3VA 107}I have heard rumors that the Prime }Evils are here seeking their Brother.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnAsheara 161}The Iron Wolves and I are at the ready }to aid you.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnAshearaVA 139}Things are getting wilder than Ladies }Night at the Slippery Fist.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnHratli 65}The followers of Zakarum demand }complete allegiance to their creed. }They have slaughtered many of their }own for minor grievances.} }They will not hesitate to kill you.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnHratliVA 75}After having served Mephisto all these }years, the Council must be twisted by }hatred and evil.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnCainAct3 81}Sankekur may be using a Compelling }Orb to control the minds of the }Children of Zakarum.} -A3Q5EarlyReturnNatalya 80}I respect your need to do this. Honor }demands that you see this through. Yet }your chances are so slim...} -A3Q5EarlyReturnNatalyaVA 80}I respect your need to do this. Honor }demands that you see this through. Yet }your chances are so slim...} -A3Q5SuccessfulAlkor 91}You've accomplished the impossible! By }killing the Council, the curse of }Zakarum will be lifted and our land will }be free!} }Oh. Thank you!} -A3Q5SuccessfulOrmus 40}Ormus is grateful to you, stranger. You }have broken the long, dark reign of }Zakarum and delivered the first }paralyzing blow against the Three.} }Yet still, the true test lies ahead. For he }whom the Council guarded still lives }within the Blackened Tower.} -A3Q5SuccessfulMeshifAct3 76}It seems the jungle is already dying }back. You've broken the curse, my }friend! May the Light bless you!} -A3Q5SuccessfulAsheara 125}The sun has set on the Religion of Light.} -A3Q5SuccessfulHratli 68}The followers of Zakarum lacked all }sense of moderation. The collapse of }their tainted religion gives me hope.} -A3Q5SuccessfulCainAct3 48}Ridding Kurast of the Council of }Zakarum was essential. Still, there is }more you must do. The Compelling Orb, }too, must be destroyed.} }Diablo and Baal must be close to finding }their brother, Mephisto, by now. You've }no time to waste.} -A3Q5SuccessfulNatalya 88}I can hardly believe you did it. Your }power blankets you like a shining aura.} -A3Q6InitOrmus 53}Diablo and Baal have surely found the }Temple City by now. They seek to free }their Brother, Mephisto, who was }imprisoned by the Horadrim in the }Temple's Guardian Tower.} }You must reach him before his Brothers }do and prevent them from releasing }Hatred upon the world.} -A3Q6AfterInitAlkor 90}The hidden ways of the Tower are long }forgotten. Though... it is rumored to }have been built as far below the }ground as above it.} -A3Q6AfterInitAlkorVA 114}We have seen Diablo, but remain unsure }of his Brothers' whereabouts.} -A3Q6AfterInitOrmus 52}Make haste! Though the Three are sure }to reunite, it is uncertain as to what }they have planned once they do.} }Be cautious, my friend. Though you are }mighty, no mortal can stand alone }against the power of the Prime Evils.} -A3Q6AfterInitOrmusVA 52}Make haste! Though the Three are sure }to reunite, it is uncertain as to what }they have planned once they do.} }Be cautious, my friend. Though you are }mighty, no mortal can stand alone }against the power of the Prime Evils.} -A3Q6AfterInitMeshifAct3 66}Be careful when you return to the }Tower. Though many of the followers }of Zakarum have fled, there's no telling }what horrors still lurk inside it.} -A3Q6AfterInitMeshifAct3VA 116}Move quickly, my friend, and end this }curse once and for all!} -A3Q6AfterInitAsheara 60}I sent a few of my Iron Wolves on a }scouting mission into the jungle near }the Temple City... They encountered }two cloaked men who attacked them }with horrifying powers.} }My men barely survived. I have to }assume that the two strangers are }Diablo and Baal.} }You'd better hurry. They're close to }finding their brother.} -A3Q6AfterInitAshearaVA 93}Many Iron Wolves have disappeared in }Travincal. The Evil is still strong there.} -A3Q6AfterInitHratli 43}Mephisto, along with Baal, was }originally captured in the desert near }Lut Gholein. But imprisoning two of the }Brothers together was far too }dangerous.} }The Horadrim built the Guardian Tower }to hold Mephisto. When Zakarum came }to power in this land, it took over the }Temple City without paying any heed to }what was locked within the Tower.} }And it became their doom.} -A3Q6AfterInitHratliVA 73}I hear there is a little family reunion }about to take place in Kurast. The }Three brothers draw close.} -A3Q6AfterInitCainAct3 116}You must reach Mephisto before his }brothers do.} -A3Q6AfterInitCainAct3VA 50}The ancient Horadrim always feared }that the Three would escape their }prisons and unite. I can't believe that I, }the last of their Order, have seen it }come to pass.} }You are the only one who can prevent }this, my friend. The final hour draws }near.} -A3Q6AfterInitNatalya 75}Now you rush to face Mephisto. Don't }give in to your hatred. That is his }greatest weapon against you.} -A3Q6AfterInitNatalyaVA 75}Now you rush to face Mephisto. Don't }give in to your hatred. That is his }greatest weapon against you.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnAlkor 68}Well, the good news is that events are }unfolding just as Lam Esen foretold. }The bad news is that the story ends in }our utter ruin!} -A3Q6EarlyReturnAlkorVA 80}I'm afraid both fear and a large dose of }elixir preclude me from answering.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnOrmus 59}I understand that the great Patriarch of }Zakarum, Sankekur, now embodies }Mephisto.} }You must overcome Hatred lest Terror }and Destruction claim us all!} -A3Q6EarlyReturnOrmusVA 77}I am loath to describe what will happen }if Diablo and Baal release Mephisto.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 110}I ought to return to the ship. We may }have to sail from here very quickly.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnMeshifAct3VA 110}I ought to return to the ship. We may }have to sail from here very quickly.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnAsheara 80}The sudden reduction in our ranks }makes us eager to destroy Diablo and }his brothers. Vengeance for the Iron }Wolves!} -A3Q6EarlyReturnAshearaVA 200}We will fight to the death.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnHratli 58}Why build a Tower to place the beast }below ground? At times I believe the }Horadrim lacked common sense.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnHratliVA 106}Shouldn't you be running frantically up }and down stairs about now?} -A3Q6EarlyReturnCainAct3 96}Search the Tower thoroughly. Mephisto }must not escape.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnCainAct3VA 96}Search the Tower thoroughly. Mephisto }must not escape.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnNatalya 55}Beware, my friend. Sankekur may be the }most powerful mortal in the world. He }controls thousands of fanatical }worshippers and embodies the Lord of }Hatred, himself. His death will be no }easy task.} -A3Q6EarlyReturnNatalyaVA 55}Beware, my friend. Sankekur may be the }most powerful mortal in the world. He }controls thousands of fanatical }worshippers and embodies the Lord of }Hatred himself. His death will be no }easy task.} -A3Q6SuccessfulAlkor 71}Your news is great indeed. You have }saved us all. I would smile, but I'm }afraid my face might collapse.} -A3Q6SuccessfulOrmus 48}You have defeated a Prime Evil in }combat. Ormus is impressed beyond }words. But staying here will not end }this conflict.} }You must enter the Infernal Gate and }stop Diablo once and for all.} -A3Q6SuccessfulMeshifAct3 70}Ahh... Now, Kurast can begin the task }of rekindling its former glory... I thank }you.} -A3Q6SuccessfulAsheara 65}Well done, my friend. You are a great }champion of Order. Please, consider }yourself an honorary Iron Wolf.} -A3Q6SuccessfulHratli 121}It looks like you're going to Hell before }me.} }Put in a good word.} -A3Q6SuccessfulCainAct3 42}Our faith in you was well deserved. But }Diablo has made his way to Hell; and it }is likely that Baal followed him there.} }Enter the Infernal Gate and kill the Lord }of Terror before all is lost. Only then }will our world be saved!} -A3Q6SuccessfulNatalya 55}Word is spreading fast that you killed }Mephisto. I'd be honored to fight }beside you in Hell, but I've just received }my mission orders.} }I'll be travelling to the Vira lands }of the North, but I can't tell you why. }With luck, our paths will cross again. }Farewell.} -TyraelActIntroGossip1 43}It is good to see you again, hero.} }Mephisto's defeat is a great victory for }the Light. I knew that you would }eventually find your way here. The }PanRaakshusium Fortress is the last }bastion of Heaven's power before the }Gates of the Burning Hells.} }This place has been hallowed by the }blood of thousands of champions of }the Light, many of whom were mortal, }like yourself. Now the final battle }against the Prime Evils draws near... }and you must face it alone. } }I have been forbidden to aid you }directly, save for a few bits of wisdom. }For this is the hour of mortal Man's }triumph...your triumph.} }May the Light protect you and the }powers of Heaven shine upon your }path...} -TyraelAct4Gossip1 62}Long ago, I swore an oath to watch }over the Horadrim and their }descendants.} }As Deckard Cain is the last of their }esteemed Order, I will not allow him to }perish here so far from the lands of his }birth.} }Be at ease, hero, I know that he is your }friend. He shall come to no harm.} -CainAct4IntroGossip1 41}Can you believe this place? Did you ever }dare to dream that you'd one day }stand upon the crossroads between }Heaven and Hell? This PanRaakshusium }Fortress is truly miraculous.} }However, your journey is not yet over. }Diablo still roams free in Hell, }marshalling his Raakshusic forces. Only }when he is beaten will our world finally }have peace.} }Hurry now... the sands of time slow for }no one! } -CainAct4Gossip1 48}I have read much about the enigmatic }Archangel Tyrael. He was revered in }Horadrim lore both for his compassion }for mortals and his unquenchable }spirit.} }It was rumored that he went against the }wishes of Heaven and gave the }Horadrim the original Soulstones in }order to trap Diablo and his Brothers.} -HellsAngelGossip1 72}Halt! Before venturing into Diablo's lair, }go to the Hellforge with Mephisto's }Soulstone.} }Place the stone on the Hellforge and }use the Hellforge Hammer to destroy }it.} -HellsAngelGossip2 66}Proceed, hero, into Terror's lair.} }Know that Diablo's innermost sanctum }is hidden by five seals.} }Only by opening each of these seals can }you clear your way to the final battle.} -A4Q1InitTyrael 42}There is a dark, tortured soul who was }trapped within this forsaken realm long }ago. He was called Izual by mortal }men, and in ages past he was my most }trusted Lieutenant.} }Yet, against my wishes he led an }ill-fated assault upon the fiery }Hellforge, itself.} }Despite his valor and strength, Izual }was captured by the Prime Evils and }twisted by their perverse power. They }forced him to betray his own kind and }give up Heaven's most guarded }secrets.} }He became a corrupt shadow of his }former self - a fallen angel trusted }neither by Heaven nor Hell.} }For his transgressions, Izual's spirit }was bound within the form of a terrible }creature which was summoned from }the Abyss. His maddened spirit has }resided within that tortured husk for }many ages now.} }It seems to me that he has suffered }long enough. I implore you, hero, find }Izual and release him from his cruel }imprisonment.} }Put an end to his guilt and suffering.} -A4Q1AfterInitTyrael 59}Though Izual no longer carries the }Angelic Runeblade, Azurewrath, he may }still possess great strength and power }within his new form.} }Also, he may not be able to tell friend }from foe while in his present state. If }you find him, he will almost certainly be }hostile.} }Proceed with the utmost caution.} -A4Q1AfterInitCain 54}Tyrael has asked you to confront Izual }the Fallen? He must have great faith in }your abilities!} }I trust you know what you're doing... Be }careful. You're our last hope.} -A4Q1EarlyReturnTyrael 75}You mustn't delay, mortal hero. Izual }must be put to rest, but Diablo still }lurks within this realm.} }Go now... Hurry!} -A4Q1EarlyReturnCain 83}Having trouble finding the Fallen Angel, }eh?} }You'd better hurry. It's beginning to feel }like some great evil is permeating the }air around here.} -A4Q1SuccessfulIzual 47}Tyrael was a fool to have trusted me!} }You see, it was I who told Diablo and his }Brothers about the Soulstones and how }to corrupt them. It was I who helped }the Prime Evils mastermind their own }exile to your world.} }The plan we set in motion so long ago }cannot be stopped by any mortal }agency. Hell, itself, is poised to spill }forth into your world like a tidal wave }of blood and nightmares.} }You and all your kind... are doomed.} -A4Q1SuccessfulTyrael 53}Thank you, hero, for putting Izual's }tortured spirit to rest. May the Light }protect you and the powers of Heaven }shine upon your path.} }But, if what you tell me is true, then I }fear that we have been played for fools }all along.} }Izual helped Diablo and his Brothers }trick me into using the Soulstones }against them... Now the Stones' powers }are corrupted.} }With the combined powers of the }Soulstones under their control, the }Prime Evils will be able to turn the }mortal world into a permanent outpost }of Hell!} -A4Q1SuccessfulCain 68}You're lucky to be alive, my friend! It is }imperative that you find and stop }Diablo!} }You should speak of this with Tyrael. He }will know what to make of this.} -A4Q3InitHasStoneCain 53}The time has come for you to destroy }Mephisto's Soulstone!} }Take the Stone to the Hellforge. Place it }upon the forge and strike it soundly }with the Hammer.} }Only by doing this can you prevent }Mephisto from manifesting in this }world ever again.} -A4Q3InitNoStoneCain 50}The time has come to destroy }Mephisto's Soulstone! } }Although I picked it up before entering }the Infernal Gate, I believe you should }carry out this crucial mission.} }Take the Stone to the Hellforge. Place }it upon the forge and strike it soundly }with the Hammer.} }Only by doing this can you prevent }Mephisto from manifesting in this }world ever again.} -A4Q3SuccessfulCain 70}Congratulations, hero!} }Surely, even Diablo, himself, sensed the }fury unleashed when you smashed his }Brother's Soulstone.} -A4Q2InitTyrael 48}The time has come to hunt down and }destroy Diablo, himself.} }But beware, the Lord of Terror is not to }be underestimated. He single-handedly }destroyed the town of Tristram and }corrupted the last noble hero who tried }to stop him.} }This time, you must defeat him for }good. Only by destroying the Soulstone }which he carries will his spirit be }banished forever.} }Good luck! Though this be our darkest }hour, it may yet be your greatest }moment.} -A4Q2AfterInitCain 54}You don't have time to dally about here!} }Diablo awaits you in Hell. Remember... }Diablo's greatest weapon against you is }Terror.} }Don't give in to your fears. Resist his }power and put an end to him for good!} -A4Q2AfterInitTyrael 48}The time has come to hunt down and }destroy Diablo, himself.} }But beware, the Lord of Terror is not to }be underestimated. He single-handedly }destroyed the town of Tristram and }corrupted the last noble hero who tried }to stop him.} }This time, you must defeat him for }good. Only by destroying the Soulstone }which he carries will his spirit be }banished forever.} }Good luck! Though this be our darkest }hour, it may yet be your greatest }moment.} -A4Q2SuccessfulTyrael 62}Praise be to the Light! You have }accomplished the impossible!} }Diablo and Mephisto have been }banished back into the Black Abyss }that spawned them and the corrupted }Soulstones are no more.} }You've done well, hero. For now, you }should rejoice.} -A4Q2SuccessfulCain 42}I knew there was great potential in you, }my friend. You've done a fantastic job.} }Though my ancestors often struggled }against the Three Evils and their }minions, I've always lived a shut-in, }scholarly life. I'm glad that my wisdom }aided you.} }Now, I wish to leave this place. Though }Heaven's Gates are a marvel to behold, }I hope I won't have to see them again }for many, many years.} -D2bnetHelp50 CHAT HELP -D2bnetHelp CHAT COMMANDS -D2bnetHelp2a To select a Character, left-click on the Character portrait to highlight it with an aura. To deselect any highlighted character, left-click on their portrait. -D2bnetHelpa The buttons located under the Chat Window on the left side of the screen have the following functions: -D2bnetHelp1 SEND displays your message to everyone in your chat Channel, regardless of what character portrait is currently selected. This button is activated as soon as you start typing in the Text Box. -D2bnetHelp2 WHISPER sends your message only to the character that you have selected. This button is activated as soon as you start typing in the Text Box and have another character selected. -D2bnetHelp3 SQUELCH filters out incoming messages from the character that you have selected. Characters that you have squelched are marked with a red X graphic. This button is activated as soon as you select another character. -D2bnetHelp4 UNSQUELCH allows you to again receive incoming messages from a character that has been squelched. -D2bnetHelp5 EMOTE lets you perform an action that the whole room can as represented through text. -D2bnetHelp5a For example, if Doomhammer wants to greet all the players in the chat Channel, he could type, and then click the EMOTE button. Everyone in the Channel will then receive the message, This button is activated as soon as you start typing in the Text Box. -D2bnetHelp6 ÿc5Gray Textÿc4 indicates when someone Joins or Leaves the chat Channel. -D2bnetHelp7 ÿc7Gold Textÿc4 indicates the name of the player speaking. -D2bnetHelp8 ÿc0White Textÿc4 indicates what you or others have said out loud to the entire chat Channel. -D2bnetHelp9 ÿc2Green Textÿc4 indicates what you have to a specific person, or any message that has been to you, in the chat Channel. -D2bnetHelp10 ÿc3Blue Textÿc4 represents actions that have been taken by people in the chat Channel or special messages sent directly from battle.net. -D2bnetHelp11 ÿc1Red Textÿc4 represents error messages sent directly from battle.net. -D2bnetHelp36 THE DIALOGUE WINDOW -D2bnetHelp36a This window on the right side of the screen is used to display and enter both game and profile information. Unlike the Chat Window, this area changes depending on what function you have activated. The buttons for these functions are discussed in detail in the following section: -D2bnetHelp37 CREATE -D2bnetHelp37a Lets you form a new game for other players to join. There are several choices listed below that you need to make when creating a new game, although many of them are optional. -D2bnetHelp38 Game Name is how you want your game to be displayed in the Join Game screen. It can be cryptic or descriptive, although certain words and names are restricted. -D2bnetHelp39 Password gives you the option to make your game Private. Other players who wish to join your game will need to know the password you have selected. -D2bnetHelp40 Game Description lets you say something about the game you are forming. This is a good way to advertise for the kind of player or character you want to join your game. -D2bnetHelp41 Maximum Number of Players sets a limit as to how many characters can be in your game at any one time. The default setting is 4. You can change the number of players, up to a maximum of 8, by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the box. -D2bnetHelp42 Character Difference sets a range above and below the level of your character that other characters joining your game must fall into. The default setting is set at 4 to determine who can join your game. -D2bnetHelp42a To set no level restrictions, click the check box next to this option. The displayed number 4 means that any character joining your game must be within 4 levels of your character. You can change the level difference by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the box. -D2bnetHelp43 Normal, Nightmare and Hell sets the difficulty levels at which you can play. The default setting is Normal. Characters must meet certain requirements to start games with the Nightmare and Hell difficulties. Until those requirements are met, these options will be non-selectable. -D2bnetHelp44 JOIN -D2bnetHelp44ab Lets you enter an existing game. Games that are listed in this screen are considered Public and can be can be joined any time they have space for a player within them. -D2bnetHelp44a Selecting a game from this list will display information on the game, including the characters and the elapsed time of the game. To join a Private game, you will be required to enter the name of the game and its assigned password. -D2bnetHelp45 CHANNEL -D2bnetHelp45b Lets you join an existing chat Channel or gives you the opportunity to create a Channel of your own. To enter an established Public Channel, select one from the Channels list and click the OK button. To enter a Private Channel, you will need to enter the name of the Channel that you wish to enter. -D2bnetHelp45a If you wish to start your own Channel, enter the name of the Channel that you wish to create in the Channel Name Field. If this channel does not exist, you will automatically create that Channel. -D2bnetHel46 LADDER -D2bnetHelp46a Allows you to view your character's ranking in the Diablo II Ladders for your Realm. -D2bnetHelp47 The STANDARD LADDER displays the top characters, ranked by experience. The default setting displays overall rankings, but you can view sorted lists after selecting the By Class option. -D2bnetHelp48 The HARDCORE LADDER displays the top Hardcore characters, ranked by experience. The default setting displays overall rankings, but you can view sorted lists after selecting By Class option. -D2bnetHelp49 QUIT closes the Battle.net chat interface and returns you to the Character Selection screen. Although you are still connected to Battle.net, you cannot chat or start games until you have selected a character. -D2bnetHelp12 ADVANCED COMMANDS -D2bnetHelp12c When using advanced commands, you must use battle.net account names; referencing Diablo II character names will not work. -D2bnetHelp12b To find the account name associated with a character, hold your mouse over that character or access the Character Profile by right clicking the character portrait. -D2bnetHelp12a You can access any of these advanced features by entering the following commands in the Text Box where you normally type messages: -D2bnetHelp13 /whisper , /w -D2bnetHelp13b /msg , /m -D2bnetHelp13a Sends a private message to another user on battle.net -D2bnetHelp14 /me, /emote -D2bnetHelp14a Allows you to perform an action in the chat room. -D2bnetHelp15 /squelch -D2bnetHelp15b /ignore -D2bnetHelp15a Allows you to ignore messages from the indicated user. -D2bnetHelp16 /unsquelch -D2bnetHelp16b /unignore -D2bnetHelp16a Allows you to again receive messages from this user. -D2bnetHelp17 /away -D2bnetHelp17a Lets other people who send you messages know that you are away from your keyboard and cannot respond. You may provide a reason for your absence, by typing it after the /away command. To turn off this auto message when you return to your keyboard, enter just /away by itself. -D2bnetHelp18 /dnd -D2bnetHelp18a Lets other people who send you messages know that you do not wish to be disturbed. You may provide a reason for your absence, by typing it after the /dnd command. To turn off this auto message when you return to your keyboard, enter just /dnd by itself. -D2bnetHelp19 /channel , /join -D2bnetHelp19a Takes you to the battle.net Channel of your choice. If you wanted to enter the technical support Channel, you would simply type /channel technical support. If you attempt to join a Channel that does not exist, you will automatically create that Channel. -D2bnetHelp20 /who -D2bnetHelp20a Provides you with a list of the battle.net account names of the players that are currently in the requested battle.net Channel. -D2bnetHelp21 /ban -D2bnetHelp21a Bans an account from entering a private Channel and can only be issued by the Channel operator. Use /unban to allow accounts banned from a private Channel back into that Channel. -D2bnetHelp22 ctrl+c, ctrl+x ctrl+v -D2bnetHelp22a Use these commands to copy, cut, and paste highlighted text. Use ctrl+a to select all text in the text field. Use ctrl+m to toggle music off/on. Use ctrl+n to paste the account name of a selected character. -D2bnetHelp23 /designate -D2bnetHelp23a Designates the player of your choice to become the next Channel operator, which will take effect after the current Channel operator leaves the Channel and can only be issued by the current Channel operator. -D2bnetHelp24 /kick -D2bnetHelp24a Kicks an account from a private Channel and can only be issued by the Channel operator. The kicked player, however, can immediately rejoin the channel. -D2bnetHelp25 /rejoin, resign -D2bnetHelp25a Causes a Channel operator to rejoin the Channel, appearing at the end/bottom of the list instead of the front/top of the list. Only the Channel operator can issue this command. -D2bnetHelp26 /whois , /where -D2bnetHelp26b /whereis -D2bnetHelp26a Searches for another player in all battle.net Public Chat channels and all Blizzard games, telling you their account name, account number and current location. -D2bnetHelp27 /whoami -D2bnetHelp27a Provides you with your current account number and location on battle.net. -D2bnetHelp28 /d2notify -D2bnetHelp28a Toggles battle.net Join/Leave notifications in the Chat Channel. -D2bnetHelp29 /help, /? -D2bnetHelp29a Accesses the general battle.net help text. -D2bnetHelp30 /time -D2bnetHelp30a Provides you with the current battle.net time and your current Local time. -D2bnetHelp31 /users -D2bnetHelp31a Provides the number of users, games, and channels that are currently active across all of battle.net. -D2bnetHelp32 /stats -D2bnetHelp32a Provides you with the Ladder statistics for other Blizzard games supported over battle.net. The program ID for each game is as follows; StarCraft < STAR>, Brood War , and Warcraft II: battle.net Edition . -D2bnetHelp33 Right-clicking on your own character allows you to edit your own profile. -D2bnetHelp34 Using the 'Tab' key in the battle.net chat room cycles through the last 10 commands you have issued. -D2bnetHelp35 If you need further help, please go to the TECHNICAL SUPPORT Channel on battle.net, consult the Diablo II manual or go to the Blizzard technical support page at http://www.blizzard.com/support/ -D2bnetHelp51 BATTLE.NET COMMANDS -D2bnetHelp52 /whisper -D2bnetHelp53 /me -D2bnetHelp54 /away -D2bnetHelp55 /squelch, /unsquelch -D2bnetHelp56 /ban, /unban, /kick -D2bnetHelp57 /channel -D2bnetHelp58 /whois, /where, /whoami -D2bnetHelp59 /d2notify -D2bnetHelp60 /designate, /rejoin -D2bnetHelp61 /time -D2bnetHelp62 /who, /users -D2bnetHelp63 /stats -Moo Moo Farm The Secret Cow Level -Chaos Sanctum The Chaos Sanctuary -The Pandemonium Fortress The Pandemonium Fortress -River of Flame River of Flame -Outer Steppes Outer Steppes -Plains of Despair Plains of Despair -City of the Damned City of the Damned -Durance of Hate Level 3 Durance of Hate Level 3 -Durance of Hate Level 2 Durance of Hate Level 2 -Durance of Hate Level 1 Durance of Hate Level 1 -Disused Reliquary Disused Reliquary -Ruined Fane Ruined Fane -Forgotten Temple Forgotten Temple -Forgotten Reliquary Forgotten Reliquary -Disused Fane Disused Fane -Ruined Temple Ruined Temple -Flayer Dungeon Level 3 Flayer Dungeon Level 3 -Flayer Dungeon Level 2 Flayer Dungeon Level 2 -Flayer Dungeon Level 1 Flayer Dungeon Level 1 -Swampy Pit Level 3 Swampy Pit Level 3 -Swampy Pit Level 2 Swampy Pit Level 2 -Swampy Pit Level 1 Swampy Pit Level 1 -Spider Cave Arachnid Lair -Spider Cavern Spider Cavern -Travincal Travincal -Kurast Causeway Kurast Causeway -Upper Kurast Upper Kurast -Kurast Bazaar Kurast Bazaar -Lower Kurast Lower Kurast -Flayer Jungle Flayer Jungle -Great Marsh Great Marsh -Spider Forest Spider Forest -Kurast Docktown Kurast Docks -Durance of Hate Durance of Hate -Flayer Dungeon Flayer Dungeon -Swampy Pit Swampy Pit -Arcane Sanctuary Arcane Sanctuary -Duriel's Lair Tal Rasha's Chamber -Tal Rasha's Tomb Tal Rasha's Tomb -Ancient Tunnels Ancient Tunnels -Maggot Lair Level 3 Maggot Lair Level 3 -Maggot Lair Level 2 Maggot Lair Level 2 -Maggot Lair Level 1 Maggot Lair Level 1 -Claw Viper Temple Level 2 Claw Viper Temple Level 2 -Halls of the Dead Level 3 Halls of the Dead Level 3 -Stony Tomb Level 2 Stony Tomb Level 2 -Claw Viper Temple Level 1 Claw Viper Temple Level 1 -Halls of the Dead Level 2 Halls of the Dead Level 2 -Halls of the Dead Level 1 Halls of the Dead Level 1 -Stony Tomb Level 1 Stony Tomb Level 1 -Palace Cellar Level 3 Palace Cellar Level 3 -Palace Cellar Level 2 Palace Cellar Level 2 -Palace Cellar Level 1 Palace Cellar Level 1 -Harem Level 2 Harem Level 2 -Harem Level 1 Harem Level 1 -Sewers Level 3 Sewers Level 3 -Sewers Level 2 Sewers Level 2 -Sewers Level 1 Sewers Level 1 -Canyon of the Magi Canyon of the Magi -Valley of Snakes Valley of Snakes -Lost City Lost City -Far Oasis Far Oasis -Dry Hills Dry Hills -Rocky Waste Rocky Waste -Lut Gholein Lut Gholein -Maggot Lair Maggot Lair -Claw Viper Temple Claw Viper Temple -Halls of the Dead Halls of the Dead -Stony Tomb Stony Tomb -Palace Cellar Palace Cellar -Harem Harem -Sewers Sewers -To The Moo Moo Farm To The Secret Cow Level -To Chaos Sanctum To The Chaos Sanctuary -To The River of Flame To The River of Flame -To The Outer Steppes To The Outer Steppes -To The Plains of Despair To The Plains of Despair -To The City of the Damned To The City of the Damned -To The Pandemonium Fortress To The Pandemonium Fortress -To The Durance of Hate Level 3 To The Durance of Hate Level 3 -To The Durance of Hate Level 2 To The Durance of Hate Level 2 -To The Durance of Hate Level 1 To The Durance of Hate Level 1 -To The Disused Reliquary To The Disused Reliquary -To The Ruined Fane To The Ruined Fane -To The Forgotten Temple To The Forgotten Temple -To The Forgotten Reliquary To The Forgotten Reliquary -To The Disused Fane To The Disused Fane -To The Ruined Temple To The Ruined Temple -To The Flayer Dungeon Level 1 To The Flayer Dungeon Level 1 -To The Flayer Dungeon Level 2 To The Flayer Dungeon Level 2 -To The Flayer Dungeon Level 3 To The Flayer Dungeon Level 3 -To The Swampy Pit Level 3 To The Swampy Pit Level 3 -To The Swampy Pit Level 2 To The Swampy Pit Level 2 -To The Swampy Pit Level 1 To The Swampy Pit Level 1 -To The Spider Cave To The Arachnid Lair -To The Spider Cavern To The Spider Cavern -To Travincal To Travincal -To The Kurast Causeway To The Kurast Causeway -To Upper Kurast To Upper Kurast -To The Kurast Bazaar To The Kurast Bazaar -To Lower Kurast To Lower Kurast -To The Flayer Jungle To The Flayer Jungle -To The Great Marsh To The Great Marsh -To The Spider Forest To The Spider Forest -To The Kurast Docktown To The Kurast Docks -To The Arcane Sanctuary To The Arcane Sanctuary -To Duriel's Lair To Tal Rasha's Chamber -To Tal Rasha's Tomb To Tal Rasha's Tomb -To The Ancient Tunnels To The Ancient Tunnels -To The Maggot Lair Level 3 To The Maggot Lair Level 3 -To The Maggot Lair Level 2 To The Maggot Lair Level 2 -To The Maggot Lair Level 1 To The Maggot Lair Level 1 -To The Claw Viper Temple Level 2 To The Claw Viper Temple Level 2 -To The Halls of the Dead Level 3 To The Halls of the Dead Level 3 -To The Stony Tomb Level 2 To The Stony Tomb Level 2 -To The Claw Viper Temple Level 1 To The Claw Viper Temple Level 1 -To The Halls of the Dead Level 2 To The Halls of the Dead Level 2 -To The Halls of the Dead Level 1 To The Halls of the Dead Level 1 -To The Stony Tomb Level 1 To The Stony Tomb Level 1 -To The Palace Cellar Level 3 To The Palace Cellar Level 3 -To The Palace Cellar Level 2 To The Palace Cellar Level 2 -To The Palace Cellar Level 1 To The Palace Cellar Level 1 -To The Harem Level 2 To The Harem Level 2 -To The Harem Level 1 To The Harem Level 1 -To The Sewers Level 3 To The Sewers Level 3 -To The Sewers Level 2 To The Sewers Level 2 -To The Sewers Level 1 To The Sewers Level 1 -To The Canyon of the Magi To The Canyon of the Magi -To The Valley of Snakes To The Valley of Snakes -To The Lost City To The Lost City -To The Far Oasis To The Far Oasis -To The Dry Hills To The Dry Hills -To The Rocky Waste To The Rocky Waste -To Lut Gholein To Lut Gholein -qstsa2q0 Act 2 Prologue -qstsa2q1 Radament's Lair -qstsa2q2 The Horadric Staff -qstsa2q3 Tainted Sun -qstsa2q4 Arcane Sanctuary -qstsa2q5 The Summoner -qstsa2q6 The Seven Tombs -qstsa3q0 Act 3 Prologue -qstsa3q1 Lam Esen's Tome -qstsa3q2 Khalim's Will -qstsa3q3 Blade of the Old Religion -qstsa3q4 The Golden Bird -qstsa3q5 The Blackened Temple -qstsa3q6 The Guardian -qstsa4q0 Act 4 Prologue -qstsa4q1 The Fallen Angel -qstsa4q2 Terror's End -qstsa4q3 Hell's Forge -qstsa2q01 Lut Gholein -qstsa2q11 Find Radament's Lair in the Lut Gholein sewers. -qstsa2q12 Kill Radament. -qstsa2q13 Return to Atma for a reward. -qstsa2q21 Show the scroll to Cain in Lut Gholein. -qstsa2q22 Search the Halls of the Dead under the Dry Hills for the Cube. Search the Maggot Lair under the Far Oasis for the Shaft. Search the Claw Viper Temple for the Headpiece. -qstsa2q23 Use the Horadric Cube to restore the Staff. -qstsa2q24 Take the Staff into Tal Rasha's Tomb. -qstsa2q25 Take the artifacts to Cain in Lut Gholein. -qstsa2q31 Look for the source of the darkness. -qstsa2q31a Ask Drognan about the strange darkness. -qstsa2q32 Destroy the Serpent Altar in the Claw Viper Temple beneath the Valley of Snakes. -qstsa2q33 Speak with the townsfolk in Lut Gholein. -qstsa2q41 Look for the Arcane Sanctuary within the Palace. -qstsa2q41a Talk to Drognan. -qstsa2q42 Find Horazon's Journal. -qstsa2q43 Continue the search for the Seventh Tomb. -qstsa2q51 Beware the Summoner. -qstsa2q52 Kill the Summoner. -qstsa2q53 Return to town for more information. -qstsa2q61 Find Tal Rasha's Tomb. -qstsa2q61a The Symbol of the True Tomb of Tal Rasha. -qstsa2q62 Kill Duriel. -qstsa2q63 Explore Tal Rasha'a Chamber. -qstsa2q63a Talk to Jerhyn. -qstsa2q64 Talk to Jerhyn. -qstsa2q65 Talk to Meshif. -qstsa3q01 Jungle Village -qstsa3q11 Search the six temples in the Bazaar, Upper Kurast, and the Causeway for Lam Esen's Tome. -qstsa3q12 Talk to Alkor. -qstsa3q21 Find Khalim's relics. Search for his Eye in the Spider Cavern. -qstsa3q22 Search for Khalim's Brain in the Flayer Dungeon. -qstsa3q23 Search for Khalim's Flail in Travincal. Beware the High Council. -qstsa3q24 Search for Khalim's Heart in the Sewers under the Kurast Bazaar. -qstsa3q25 Transmute Khalim's relics - the Flail, Eye, Heart, and Brain - with the Horadric Cube. -qstsa3q26 Use Khalim's Will to smash the Compelling Orb. -qstsa3q21a Ask Cain about Khalim's relics. -qstsa3q31 Look for the Gidbinn in the Flayer Jungle. -qstsa3q32 Pick up the Gidbinn. -qstsa3q33 Return the Gidbinn to Ormus. -qstsa3q34 Talk to Asheara. -qstsa3q35 Talk to Ormus. -qstsa3q41 Ask Cain about the Jade Figurine. -qstsa3q42 Show Meshif the Figurine. -qstsa3q43 Ask Cain about the Golden Bird. -qstsa3q44 Give the Golden Bird to Alkor. -qstsa3q45 Return to Alkor for reward. -qstsa3q51 Find the Blackened Temple within Travincal. -qstsa3q52 Kill the High Council. -qstsa3q53 Ask Cain for help. -qstsa3q61 Smash the Compelling Orb with Khalim's Will to open the way to Mephisto's Durance. -qstsa3q62 Search for Mephisto in his Durance. -qstsa3q63 Kill Mephisto. -qstsa3q31a Ask around the Docks about the Gidbinn. -qstsa3q51a Ask Ormus about the Blackened Temple. -qstsa3q61a Ormus has news about the Guardian. -qstsa4q11 Look for Izual in the Plains of Despair. -qstsa4q12 Destroy the Raakshus that holds Izual's soul. -qstsa4q13a Talk to Izual's Spirit. -qstsa4q13 See Tyrael for reward. -qstsa4q31 Take Mephisto's Soulstone to the Hellforge. -qstsa4q32 Destroy Mephisto's Soulstone at the Hellforge. -qstsa4q33 Use the Hellforge Hammer on the Forge. -qstsa4q34 Consult with Cain. -qstsa4q21 Find Diablo in his Sanctuary. -qstsa4q22 Kill Diablo. -qstsa4q23 Break the remaining %d seals. -qstsa4q24 Break the final seal. -asheara Asheara -hratli Hratli -alkor Alkor -ormus Ormus -nikita Natalya -tyrael Tyrael -Izual Izual -izual Izual -Jamella Jamella -halbu Halbu -Malachai Hadriel -merca201 Hazade -merca202 Alhizeer -merca203 Azrael -merca204 Ahsab -merca205 Chalan -merca206 Haseen -merca207 Razan -merca208 Emilio -merca209 Pratham -merca210 Fazel -merca211 Jemali -merca212 Kasim -merca213 Gulzar -merca214 Mizan -merca215 Leharas -merca216 Durga -merca217 Neeraj -merca218 Ilzan -merca219 Zanarhi -merca220 Waheed -merca221 Vikhyat -merca222 Jelani -merca223 Barani -merca224 Jabari -merca225 Devak -merca226 Raldin -merca227 Telash -merca228 Ajheed -merca229 Narphet -merca230 Khaleel -merca231 Phaet -merca232 Geshef -merca233 Vanji -merca234 Haphet -merca235 Thadar -merca236 Yatiraj -merca237 Rhadge -merca238 Yashied -merca239 Lharhad -merca240 Flux -merca241 Scorch -qf1 Khalim's Flail -qf2 Khalim's Will -KhalimFlail Khalim's Flail -SuperKhalimFlail Khalim's Will -qey Khalim's Eye -qbr Khalim's Brain -qhr Khalim's Heart -The Feature Creep Hephasto The Armorer -Hell Bovine Hell Bovine -Playersubtitles00 Impossible. -Playersubtitles01 I can't. -Playersubtitles02 Help Me! -Playersubtitles03 Help! -Playersubtitles04 Follow Me. -Playersubtitles05 Come on. -Playersubtitles06 This is for you. -Playersubtitles07 This is yours. -Playersubtitles09 Thank you. -Playersubtitles10 Thanks. -Playersubtitles11 Oops. -Playersubtitles12 Forgive me. -Playersubtitles13 Goodbye. -Playersubtitles14 Bye. -Playersubtitles15 Die! -Playersubtitles16 Time to Die! -Playersubtitles17 Not enough mana. -Playersubtitles18 I need mana. -Playersubtitles21 I can't use this yet. -Playersubtitles22 I am overburdened. -Playersubtitles23 I can't carry anymore. -Playersubtitles24 Not in Town. -Playersubtitles25 Not Here. -Playersubtitles26 I can't do that here. -Playersubtitles27 It's Locked. -Playersubtitles28 I need a key. -LeaveCampAma I shall purge this land of the shadow. -LeaveCampBar Beware foul Raakshus and beasts. -LeaveCampPal I will cleanse thiw widerness. -LeaveCampSor Evil beware! -LeaveCampNec My enemies beware. -EnterDOEAma I hear foul creatures about. -EnterDOEBar There are many foes here. -EnterDOEPal Evil Dwells within this cave. -EnterDOESor This place is trouble. -EnterDOENec I sense death within this place. -EnterBurialAma I sense great sorrow and misery. -EnterBurialBar I shall meet death head-on. -EnterBurialPal This holy place has been desecrated! -EnterBurialSor There is dark magic at work here. -EnterBurialNec Too many empty graves. -EnterMonasteryAma So, this is the site of Andariel's atrocities. -EnterMonasteryBar The Monastery reeks with evil and corruption. -EnterMonasteryPal Even the Light cannot pierce this gloom. -EnterMonasterySor Ah, the Monastery... Andariel's stronghold! -EnterMonasteryNec This place has the stench of Raakshus about it. -EnterForgottenTAma What's that smell? -EnterForgottenTBar The stench of poison... -EnterForgottenTPal This tower shall be cleansed of evil. -EnterForgottenTSor This place holds many secrets. -EnterForgottenTNec This place reeks of death. -EnterJailAma What nightmarish tortures took place here? -EnterJailBar No one should ever be caged. -EnterJailPal This is no place for a warrior to die. -EnterJailSor If there was magic here, it's long gone now. -EnterJailNec Ah, the slow torture of caged starvation. -Barracksremoved Removed -Barracksremoved Removed -Barracksremoved Removed -Barracksremoved Removed -Barracksremoved Removed -EnterCatacombsAma This place is eerie. -EnterCatacombsBar So cold and damp under the earth. -EnterCatacombsPal There is great evil here. -EnterCatacombsSor This place chills me to the bone. -EnterCatacombsNec I sense a Raakshusic presence here. -CompletingDOEAma Perhaps now the Sisters will trust me. -CompletingDOEBar The Rogues are safe for the moment. -CompletingDOEPal My duty here is done. -CompletingDOESor This cave has been purged of evil. -CompletingDOENec Is that enough to earn the Rogues' trust? -CompletingBurialAma Rest in peace, Sister. -CompletingBurialBar Good riddance, Blood Raven. -CompletingBurialPal Sisters, there was no other way. -CompletingBurialSor Rest now, Blood Raven. -CompletingBurialNec Blood Raven... rest well. -FindingInifusAma What a strange-looking tree... -FindingInifusBar This tree is one of a kind. -FindingInifusPal This tree bristles with magic! -FindingInifusSor This ancient tree has an aura of magic about it. -FindingInifusNec This tree shines with inner spirits. -FindingCairnAma These stones serve some magical purpose... -FindingCairnBar These magic stones are ancient. -FindingCairnPal Maybe Akara could dispel the mystery of these stones. -FindingCairnSor These stones radiate powerful magic. -FindingCairnNec I sense many spirits around the stones. -FindingTristramAma It's as if a great war were fought here. -FindingTristramBar The land here is dead and lifeless. -FindingTristramPal What a tragic end to Tristram! -FindingTristramSor Tristram was no match for Diablo's fury. -FindingTristramNec All that's left of proud Tristram are ghosts and ashes. -RescueCainAma Deckard Cain, go to the Rogues' camp without delay! -RescueCainBar Deckard Cain, you've got to get out of here! -RescueCainPal Deckard Cain, leave quickly! -RescueCainSor Deckard Cain, get to the Rogue camp! -RescueCainNec Deckard Cain, if you value your life, leave here immediately. -HoradricMalusAma The Sisters will be glad to have this back! -HoradricMalusBar I should take this to Charsi. -HoradricMalusPal This will help the Sisters turn the tide against evil. -HoradricMalusSor I hope the Sisters appreciate this thing... -HoradricMalusNec All this for a hammer? -CompletingForgottenTAma The Tower's trove... for the taking! -CompletingForgottenTBar This is reward enough! -CompletingForgottenTPal I've earned the right to this abandoned trove. -CompletingForgottenTSor I hope to find other such treasures! -CompletingForgottenTNec Treasure hunting... bah... Treasure finding... yes. -CompletingAndarielAma This Maiden shall inflict no more anguish. -CompletingAndarielBar Let the gate be opened! -CompletingAndarielPal My work here is finished. -CompletingAndarielSor The evil queen has fallen. -CompletingAndarielNec Back to the hell that spawned you, Andariel. -EnteringRadamentAma This place disgusts me. -EnteringRadamentBar Ugh... The tell-tale stench of a carnivore's lair. -EnteringRadamentPal The foul stench of evil assails me. -EnteringRadamentSor I sense strange magic here. -EnteringRadamentNec I sense a powerful undead being within this place. -CompletingRadamentAma Atma has been avenged. -CompletingRadamentBar I've just about had my fill of the walking dead. -CompletingRadamentPal I pray that Atma will rest easy now. -CompletingRadamentSor What a misguided monster. -CompletingRadamentNec What a waste of undead flesh. -BeginTaintedSunAma Great. An eclipse. This just keeps getting better and better. -BeginTaintedSunBar What is wrong with the sun? -BeginTaintedSunPal What Evil taints the light of the sun? -BeginTaintedSunSor Only powerful magic can conjure an eclipse. -BeginTaintedSunNec Only the darkest magics can turn the sun black. -EnteringClawViperAma I hope I know what I'm doing! -EnteringClawViperBar The sun has never shone here! -EnteringClawViperPal Light guide my way in this accursed place. -EnteringClawViperSor I sense strong magic within this place. -EnteringClawViperNec This place is as dark as a tomb. -CompletingTaintedSunAma Let there be light. -CompletingTaintedSunBar It is good to know that the sun shines once again. -CompletingTaintedSunPal The Light can never be extinguished by evil. -CompletingTaintedSunSor Who would have thought that such primitive beings could cause so much trouble! -CompletingTaintedSunNec What a pity. I was beginning to enjoy the darkness. -EnteringArcaneAma Am I the first to find this Arcane fortress? -EnteringArcaneBar One could get lost in here. -EnteringArcanePal This surely is the product of a twisted mind! -EnteringArcaneSor This place actually... distorts reality. Fascinating. -EnteringArcaneNec This is fantastic! I wish I had time to study this bizarre dimension. -FindingSummonerAma What a freak! -FindingSummonerBar Stand aside, old fool. I have no time for your babblings. -FindingSummonerPal Surely the evil here has driven you mad. -FindingSummonerSor Is this truly Horazon? -FindingSummonerNec This bumbling fool cannot be the mighty Horazon! -CompletingSummonerAma Good riddance, freak. -CompletingSummonerBar I hate staining my hands with the blood of foul sorcerers. -CompletingSummonerPal Rest in peace, tortured soul. -CompletingSummonerSor That couldn't have been Horazon. Poor wretch. -CompletingSummonerNec He was not Horazon. He was a deluded fool who got too close to true power! -FindingdecoyTombAma This has got to be the right place. -FindingdecoyTombBar This tomb is very ornate. This must be Tal Rasha's resting place. -FindingdecoyTombPal Is this the tomb I seek? -FindingdecoyTombSor This tomb has Horadric markings. I wonder if this is Tal Rasha's tomb? -FindingdecoyTombNec This could be Tal Rasha's tomb. However, I'm sensing very strange energies here. -FindingTrueTombAma Should I enter...? Diablo and Baal may have laid a trap... -FindingTrueTombBar Such a cold breeze... Tal Rasha must be kept here. -FindingTrueTombPal Here, at last, is a fitting testament in stone to Tal Rasha's sacrifice. -FindingTrueTombSor This must be the true Tomb of Tal Rasha! -FindingTrueTombNec I sense an incredible aura about this tomb. The Horadrim hid something powerful inside. -CompletingTombAma This is not good. Will this madness ever end? -CompletingTombBar I have failed. Diablo has freed his accursed brother. The world remains at their mercy. -CompletingTombPal I shall honor Tal Rasha's sacrifice by destroying all the Prime Evils. -CompletingTombSor Diablo and Baal have escaped me! Next time... vengeance! -CompletingTombNec I came too late. Now... Destruction is let loose upon the world once more. -nodarkwanderer Not in Game -FindingLamEsenAma I hope the secrets within this book can help us. -FindingLamEsenBar I hope this book is worth all the trouble. -FindingLamEsenPal The Black Book... It's heresy to the Zakarum High Council. -FindingLamEsenSor This tome has the weight of knowledge about it. -FindingLamEsenNec This ancient book radiates arcane power! -CompletingLamEsenAma All this trouble over a tattered book. -CompletingLamEsenBar May this book lift the shadow from Kurast. -CompletingLamEsenPal May the Black Book deliver us from evil! -CompletingLamEsenSor May the Black Book bring a black day to hell! -CompletingLamEsenNec Once the book has served its purpose, I shall delve into its secrets. -FindingBeneathCityAma Whoa.... What died down here? -FindingBeneathCityBar Cough... The stench down here is choking! -FindingBeneathCityPal The smell of death... or worse... surrounds me. -FindingBeneathCitySor It smells worse than rotting reagents down here. -FindingBeneathCityNec It's been years since I waded through sewers for fun. -FindingDrainLeverAma I hope this does something good... -FindingDrainLeverBar This will drain out some of the filth. -FindingDrainLeverPal This appears to control the ancient valves. -FindingDrainLeverSor This looks promising. -FindingDrainLeverNec This looks like what I've been searching for. -CompletingBeneathCityAma Eureka! -CompletingBeneathCityBar Good. Now I can get out of here and get some fresh air! -CompletingBeneathCityPal This trove will help lift the curse from Kurast! -CompletingBeneathCitySor I hope these items can aid me against the Raakshus. -CompletingBeneathCityNec Great. More junk. Just what I'd expect to find in a sewer... -CompletingBladeAma This dagger will separate the faithful from the fallen. -CompletingBladeBar This holy blade does not belong in the hands of the Zakarum. -CompletingBladePal This blade shall pierce the heart of evil! -CompletingBladeSor I must take this to Ormus. -CompletingBladeNec This is a powerful weapon. Perhaps Ormus can tell me more about it. -FindingJadeFigAma What would this bring from the right buyer? -FindingJadeFigAma What a strange little statue. -FindingJadeFigAma Perhaps I could trade this for something more valuable? -FindingJadeFigAma I don't sense any magic about this item. Very strange. -FindingJadeFigAma A worthless statue. Perhaps I can trade this for something better. -FindingTempleAma Such a dark temple for a Religion of Light... -FindingTempleBar The spirits of nature have fled this dreaded place. -FindingTemplePal This corrupted temple was once the shining heart of my religion... -FindingTempleSor I sense tremendous evil within this place. -FindingTempleNec This temple exudes darkness. -CompletingTempleAma Skatsim's reign is renewed! -CompletingTempleBar The dark powers here will no longer poison the land. -CompletingTemplePal The Temple shall shine anew with the Light. -CompletingTempleSor The Temple's power is annulled. -CompletingTempleNec The Temple's dark power is broken. -FindingGuardianTowerAma This must be where Mephisto is. -FindingGuardianTowerBar The final resting place of Hatred itself. -FindingGuardianTowerPal This must be where the Horadrim imprisoned Mephisto. -FindingGuardianTowerSor Ah... Mephisto's prison. -FindingGuardianTowerNec The Tower that holds Mephisto.... -CompletingGuardianTowerAma Success... But still there's something not right. -CompletingGuardianTowerBar Maybe now the world will have peace. -CompletingGuardianTowerPal The Lord of Hatred shall darken the world no longer. -CompletingGuardianTowerSor Mephisto shall no longer darken our souls with hatred. -CompletingGuardianTowerNec Good journey, Mephisto. Give my regards to the abyss. -FreezingIzualAma Wait... Don't I get three wishes? -FreezingIzualBar Even Fallen Angels deserve freedom. -FreezingIzualPal How can one who was once so holy fall so far from righteousness? -FreezingIzualSor He was corrupted to the core. I pity him. -FreezingIzualNec Bah! Izual was weak. He squandered his infernal power. -Eskillname0 -Eskillsd0 -Eskillld0 -Eskillan0 -EskillnameExp1 -EskillsExpd1 -EskilllExpd1 -EskillExpan1 -Eskillname2 -Eskillsd2 -Eskillld2 -Eskillan2 -Eskillname3 -Eskillsd3 -Eskillld3 -Eskillan3 -Eskillname4 -Eskillsd4 -Eskillld4 -Eskillan4 -Eskillname5 -Eskillsd5 -Eskillld5 -Eskillan5 -Eskillname6 -Eskillsd6 -Eskillld6 -Eskillan6 -Eskillname7 -Eskillsd7 -Eskillld7 -Eskillan7 -Eskillname8 -Eskillsd8 -Eskillld8 -Eskillan8 -Eskillname9 -Eskillsd9 -Eskillld9 -Eskillan9 -Eskillname10 -Eskillsd10 -Eskillld10 -Eskillan10 -Eskillname11 -Eskillsd11 -Eskillld11 -Eskillan11 -Eskillname12 -Eskillsd12 -Eskillld12 -Eskillan12 -Eskillname13 -Eskillsd13 -Eskillld13 -Eskillan13 -Eskillname14 -Eskillsd14 -Eskillld14 -Eskillan14 -Eskillname15 -Eskillsd15 -Eskillld15 -Eskillan15 -Eskillname16 -Eskillsd16 -Eskillld16 -Eskillan16 -Eskillname17 -Eskillsd17 -Eskillld17 -Eskillan17 -Eskillname18 -Eskillsd18 -Eskillld18 -Eskillan18 -Eskillname19 -Eskillsd19 -Eskillld19 -Eskillan19 -Eskillname20 -Eskillsd20 -Eskillld20 -Eskillan20 -Eskillname21 -Eskillsd21 -Eskillld21 -Eskillan21 -Eskillname22 -Eskillsd22 -Eskillld22 -Eskillan22 -Eskillname23 -Eskillsd23 -Eskillld23 -Eskillan23 -Eskillname24 -Eskillsd24 -Eskillld24 -Eskillan24 -Eskillname25 -Eskillsd25 -Eskillld25 -Eskillan25 -Eskillname26 -Eskillsd26 -Eskillld26 -Eskillan26 -Eskillname27 -Eskillsd27 -Eskillld27 -Eskillan27 -Eskillname28 -Eskillsd28 -Eskillld28 -Eskillan28 -Eskillname29 -Eskillsd29 -Eskillld29 -Eskillan29 -Eskillname30 -Eskillsd30 -Eskillld30 -Eskillan30 -Eskillname31 -Eskillsd31 -Eskillld31 -Eskillan31 -Eskillname32 -Eskillsd32 -Eskillld32 -Eskillan32 -Eskillname33 -Eskillsd33 -Eskillld33 -Eskillan33 -Eskillname34 -Eskillsd34 -Eskillld34 -Eskillan34 -Eskillname35 -Eskillsd35 -Eskillld35 -Eskillan35 -Eskillname36 -Eskillsd36 -Eskillld36 -Eskillan36 -Eskillname37 -Eskillsd37 -Eskillld37 -Eskillan37 -Eskillname38 -Eskillsd38 -Eskillld38 -Eskillan38 -Eskillname39 -Eskillsd39 -Eskillld39 -Eskillan39 -Eskillname40 -Eskillsd40 -Eskillld40 -Eskillan40 -Eskillname41 -Eskillsd41 -Eskillld41 -Eskillan41 -Eskillname42 -Eskillsd42 -Eskillld42 -Eskillan42 -Eskillname43 -Eskillsd43 -Eskillld43 -Eskillan43 -Eskillname44 -Eskillsd44 -Eskillld44 -Eskillan44 -Eskillname45 -Eskillsd45 -Eskillld45 -Eskillan45 -Eskillname46 -Eskillsd46 -Eskillld46 -Eskillan46 -Eskillname47 -Eskillsd47 -Eskillld47 -Eskillan47 -Eskillname48 -Eskillsd48 -Eskillld48 -Eskillan48 -Eskillname49 -Eskillsd49 -Eskillld49 -Eskillan49 -Eskillname50 -Eskillsd50 -Eskillld50 -Eskillan50 -Eskillname51 -Eskillsd51 -Eskillld51 -Eskillan51 -Eskillname52 -Eskillsd52 -Eskillld52 -Eskillan52 -Eskillname53 -Eskillsd53 -Eskillld53 -Eskillan53 -Eskillname54 -Eskillsd54 -Eskillld54 -Eskillan54 -Eskillname55 -Eskillsd55 -Eskillld55 -Eskillan55 -Eskillname56 -Eskillsd56 -Eskillld56 -Eskillan56 -Eskillname57 -Eskillsd57 -Eskillld57 -Eskillan57 -Eskillname58 -Eskillsd58 -Eskillld58 -Eskillan58 -Eskillname59 -Eskillsd59 -Eskillld59 -Eskillan59 -ESkillHawk -ESkillSpikes -ESkillStars -ESkillWolf -ESkillWolves -ESkillShoots -ESkillTimes -ESkillSpikes2 -ob1 -ob2 -ob3 -ob4 -ob5 -ne1 -ne2 -ne3 -ne4 -ne5 -dr1 -dr2 -dr3 -dr4 -dr5 -as1 -as2 -as3 -as4 -as5 -as6 -as7 -AmaOnly -SorOnly -NecOnly -PalOnly -BarOnly -DruOnly -AssOnly -WeaponDescH2H -Seige Tower -RotWalker -ReanimatedHorde -ProwlingDead -UnholyCorpse -DefiledWarrior -Seige Beast -CrushBiest -BloodBringer -GoreBearer -DeamonSteed -WailingSpirit -LifeSeeker -LifeStealer -DeathlyVisage -BoundSpirit -BanishedSoul -Deathexp -Minionexp -Slayerexp -IceBoar -FireBoar -HellSpawn -IceSpawn -GreaterHellSpawn -GreaterIceSpawn -FanaticMinion -BerserkSlayer -ConsumedFireBoar -ConsumedIceBoar -FrenziedHellSpawn -FrenziedIceSpawn -InsaneHellSpawn -InsaneIceSpawn -Succubusexp -VileTemptress -StygianHarlot -BlightWing -BloodWitch -Dominus -VileWitch -StygianFury -MageWing -HellWitch -OverSeer -Lasher -OverLord -BloodBoss -HellWhip -MinionSpawner -MinionSlayerSpawner -MinionIce/fireBoarSpawner -Minionice/hellSpawnSpawner -MinionGreaterIce/hellSpawnSpawner -Imp1 -Imp2 -Imp3 -Imp4 -Imp5 -CapsJoinMenu4 -CapsJoinMenu5 -Guild 1 -Guild 2 -Guild 3 -Guild 4 -Guild 5 -To Guild 5 -To Guild 4 -To Guild 3 -To Guild 2 -To Guild 1 -CapsBnet9 -CapsBnet10 -CapsBnet11 -CapsBnet12 -CapsBnet13 -CapsBnet14 -CapsBnet15 -CapsGuildName -CapsGuildTag -GuildText1 -GuildText2 -Ladder3 -Ladder7 -gmGuildTitle -gmGuildName -gmGuildTag -gmWWW -gmGuildCharter -gmGuildCurrentGolds -gmGuildNextLevel -gmGuildMaster -gmOfficer -gmName -gmClass -gmLevel -gmDonate -gmRemove -gmPal -gmSor -gmAma -gmNec -gmBar -gmChangeSym -gmChangeCharter -gmChangeWebLink -Guild Portal -createdguildsuccess -createdguildfailure -inviteguildsuccess -inviteguildfailure -inviteguildins -joinedguildsuccess -joinedguildfailure -quitguildsuccess -quitguildfailure -guildentererror -strGuildMasterKicked -strGuildPerk1 -strGuildPerk2 -strGuildPerk3 -strGuildPerk4 -strGuildPerk5 -strGuildPerk6 -strGuildGoldDonated -strGuildDonateGold -gmGuildCurrentGoldPopup -gmGuildNextLevelPopup -gmGuildDonateGoldPopup -Message Board -Trophy Case -Guild Vault -Steeg Stone -guildaccepticon -guildmsgtext -ScrollFormat %0 %1 -BookFormat %0 %1 -HiqualityFormat %0 %1 -LowqualityFormat %0 %1 -HerbFormat %0 %1 -MagicFormat %0 %1 %2 -GemmedNormalName %0 %1 -BodyPartsFormat %0 %1 -PlayerBodyPartFormat %0 %1 -RareFormat %0 %1 -SetItemFormat %0 %1 -ChampionFormat %0 %1 -Monster1Format %0 %1 -Monster2Format %0 %1 %2 -Low Quality Low Quality -Damaged Damaged -Cracked Cracked -Crude Crude -Hiquality Superior -Gemmed Gemmed -Resiliant Resilient -Sturdy Sturdy -Strong Strong -Glorious Glorious -Blessed Blessed -Saintly Saintly -Holy Holy -Devious Devious -Fortified Fortified -Urgent Urgent -Fleet Fleet -Muscular Muscular -Jagged Jagged -Deadly Deadly -Vicious Vicious -Brutal Brutal -Massive Massive -Savage Savage -Merciless Merciless -Vulpine Vulpine -Swift Swift -Artful Artful -Skillful Skillful -Adroit Adroit -Tireless Tireless -Rugged Rugged -Bronze Bronze -Iron Iron -Steel Steel -Silver Silver -Gold Gold -Platinum Platinum -Meteoric Meteoric -Sharp Sharp -Fine Fine -Warrior's Warrior's -Soldier's Soldier's -Knight's Knight's -Lord's Lord's -King's King's -Howling Howling -Fortuitous Fortuitous -Brilliant Brilliant -Omniscient Omniscient -Sage Sage -Shrewd Shrewd -Vivid Vivid -Glimmering Glimmering -Glowing Glowing -Bright Bright -Solar Solar -Lizard's Lizard's -Forceful Forceful -Snake's Snake's -Serpent's Serpent's -Drake's Drake's -Dragon's Dragon's -Wyrm's Wyrm's -Dazzling Dazzling -Facinating Fascinating -Prismatic Prismatic -Azure Azure -Lapis Lapis -Cobalt Cobalt -Indigo Indigo -Sapphire Sapphire -Cerulean Cerulean -Red Red -Crimson Crimson -Burgundy Burgundy -Garnet Garnet -Russet Russet -Ruby Ruby -Vermilion Vermilion -Orange Orange -Ocher Ocher -Tangerine Tangerine -Coral Coral -Crackling Crackling -Amber Amber -Forked Forked -Green Green -Beryl Beryl -Jade Jade -Viridian Viridian -Vital Vital -Emerald Emerald -Enduring Enduring -Fletcher's Fletcher's -Archer's Archer's -Monk's Monk's -Priest's Priest's -Summoner's Summoner's -Necromancer's Aghora's -Angel's Angel's -Arch-Angel's Arch-Angel's -Slayer's Slayer's -Berserker's Berserker's -Kicking Kicking -Triumphant Triumphant -Mighty Mighty -Energizing Energizing -Strengthening Strengthening -Empowering Empowering -Brisk Brisk -Tough Tough -Hardy Hardy -Robust Robust -of Health of Health -of Protection of Protection -of Absorption of Absorption -of Warding of Warding -of the Sentinel of the Sentinel -of Guarding of Guarding -of Negation of Negation -of Piercing of Piercing -of Bashing of Bashing -of Puncturing of Puncturing -of Thorns of Thorns -of Spikes of Spikes -of Readiness of Readiness -of Alacrity of Alacrity -of Swiftness of Swiftness -of Quickness of Quickness -of Blocking of Blocking -of Deflecting of Deflecting -of the Apprentice of the Apprentice -of the Magus of the Magus -of Frost of Frost -of the Glacier of the Glacier -of Warmth of Thawing -of Flame of Flame -of Fire of Fire -of Burning of Burning -of Shock of Shock -of Lightning of Lightning -of Thunder of Thunder -of Craftsmanship of Craftmanship -of Quality of Quality -of Maiming of Maiming -of Slaying of Slaying -of Gore of Gore -of Carnage of Carnage -of Slaughter of Slaughter -of Worth of Worth -of Measure of Measure -of Excellence of Excellence -of Performance of Performance -of Blight of Blight -of Venom of Venom -of Pestilence of Pestilence -of Dexterity of Dexterity -of Skill of Skill -of Accuracy of Accuracy -of Precision of Precision -of Perfection of Perfection -of Balance of Balance -of Stability of Stability -of the Horse of the Horse -of Regeneration of Regeneration -of Regrowth of Regrowth -of Vileness of Vileness -of Greed of Greed -of Wealth of Wealth -of Chance of Chance -of Fortune of Fortune -of Energy of Energy -of the Mind of the Mind -of Brilliance of Brilliance -of Sorcery of Sorcery -of Wizardry of Wizardry -of the Bear of the Bear -of Light of Light -of Radiance of Radiance -of the Sun of the Sun -of Life of Life -of the Jackal of the Jackal -of the Fox of the Fox -of the Wolf of the Wolf -of the Tiger of the Tiger -of the Mammoth of the Mammoth -of the Colosuss of the Colossus -of the Leech of the Leech -of the Locust of the Locust -of the Bat of the Bat -of the Vampire of the Vampire -of Defiance of Defiance -of Remedy of Remedy -of Amelioration of Amelioration -of Ice of Ice -of Simplicity of Simplicity -of Ease of Ease -of the Mule of the Mule -of Strength of Strength -of Might of Might -of the Ox of the Ox -of the Giant of the Giant -of the Titan of the Titan -of Pacing of Pacing -of Haste of Haste -of Speed of Speed -cap Cap -skp Skull Cap -hlm Helm -fhl Full Helm -ghm Great Helm -crn Crown -msk Mask -qui Quilted Armor -lea Leather Armor -hla Hard Leather Armor -stu Studded Leather -rng Ring Mail -scl Scale Mail -chn Chain Mail -brs Breast Plate -spl Splint Mail -plt Plate Mail -fld Field Plate -gth Gothic Plate -ful Full Plate Mail -aar Ancient Armor -ltp Light Plate -buc Buckler -sml Small Shield -lrg Large Shield -kit Kite Shield -tow Tower Shield -gts Gothic Shield -lgl Leather Gloves -vgl Heavy Gloves -mgl Chain Gloves -tgl Light Gauntlets -hgl Gauntlets -lbt Boots -vbt Heavy Boots -mbt Chain Boots -tbt Light Plated Boots -hbt Greaves -lbl Sash -vbl Light Belt -mbl Belt -tbl Heavy Belt -hbl Plated Belt -bhm Bone Helm -bsh Bone Shield -spk Spiked Shield -hax Hand Axe -axe Axe -2ax Double Axe -mpi Military Pick -wax War Axe -lax Large Axe -bax Broad Axe -btx Battle Axe -gax Great Axe -gix Giant Axe -wnd Wand -ywn Yew Wand -bwn Bone Wand -gwn Grim Wand -clb Club -scp Scepter -gsc Grand Scepter -wsp War Scepter -spc Spiked Club -mac Mace -mst Morning Star -fla Flail -whm War Hammer -mau Maul -gma Great Maul -ssd Short Sword -scm Scimitar -sbr Sabre -flc Falchion -crs Crystal Sword -bsd Broad Sword -lsd Long Sword -wsd War Sword -2hs Two-Handed Sword -clm Claymore -gis Giant Sword -bsw Bastard Sword -flb Flamberge -gsd Great Sword -dgr Dagger -dir Dirk -kri Kris -bld Blade -tkf Throwing Knife -tax Throwing Axe -bkf Balanced Knife -bal Balanced Axe -jav Javelin -pil Pilum -ssp Short Spear -glv Glaive -tsp Throwing Spear -spr Spear -tri Trident -brn Brandistock -spt Spetum -pik Pike -bar Bardiche -vou Voulge -scy Scythe -pax Poleaxe -hal Halberd -wsc War Scythe -sst Short Staff -lst Long Staff -cst Gnarled Staff -bst Battle Staff -wst War Staff -sbw Short Bow -hbw Hunter's Bow -lbw Long Bow -cbw Composite Bow -sbb Short Battle Bow -lbb Long Battle Bow -swb Short War Bow -lwb Long War Bow -lxb Light Crossbow -mxb Crossbow -hxb Heavy Crossbow -rxb Repeating Crossbow -xpk Barbed Shield -xsh Grim Shield -xh9 Grim Helm -zhb War Belt -ztb Battle Belt -zmb Mesh Belt -zvb Sharkskin Belt -zlb Raakshushide Sash -xhb War Boots -xtb Battle Boots -xmb Mesh Boots -xvb Sharkskin Boots -xlb Raakshushide Boots -xhg War Gaunlets -xtg Battle Gauntlets -xmg Heavy Bracers -xvg Sharkskin Gloves -xlg Raakshushide Gloves -xts Ancient Shield -xow Pavise -xit Dragon Shield -xrg Scutum -xml Round Shield -xuc Defender -xtp Mage Plate -xar Ornate Plate -xul Chaos Armor -xth Embossed Plate -xld Sharktooth Armor -xlt Templar Coat -xpl Russet Armor -xrs Cuirass -xhn Mesh Armor -xcl Tigulated Mail -xng Linked Mail -xtu Trellised Armor -xla Raakshushide Armor -xea Serpentskin Armor -xui Ghost Armor -xsk Death Mask -xrn Grand Crown -xhm Winged helm -xhl Basinet -xlm Casque -xkp Sallet -xap War Hat -8rx Chu-Ko-Nu -8hx Ballista -8mx Siege Crossbow -8lx Arbalest -8lw Gothic Bow -8sw Rune Bow -8l8 Large Siege Bow -8s8 Short Siege Bow -8cb Double Bow -8lb Cedar Bow -8hb Razor Bow -8sb Edge Bow -8ws Rune Staff -8bs Gothic Staff -8cs Cedar Staff -8ls Quarterstaff -8ss Jo Staff -9wc Grim Scythe -9h9 Bec-de-Corbin -9pa Partizan -9s8 Battle Scythe -9vo Bill -9b7 Lochaber Axe -9p9 Lance -9st Yari -9br War Fork -9tr Fuscina -9sr War Spear -9ts Harpoon -9gl Spiculum -9s9 Simbilan -9pi Great Pilum -9ja War Javelin -9b8 Hurlbat -9bk War Dart -9ta Francisca -9tk Battle Dart -9bl Stilleto -9kr Cinquedeas -9di Rondel -9dg Poignard -9gd Executioner Sword -9fb Zweihander -9gs Tusk Sword -9cm Dacian Falx -92h Espandon -9wd Ancient Sword -9ls Rune Sword -9bs Battle Sword -9cr Dimensional Blade -9fc Tulwar -9sb Shamshir -9sm Cutlass -9ss Gladius -9gm Martel de Fer -9m9 War Club -9wh Battle Hammer -9fl Knout -9mt Jagged Star -9ma Flanged Mace -9sp Barbed Club -9ws Divine Scepter -9qs Holy Water Sprinkler -9sc Rune Scepter -9cl Cudgel -9gw Grave Wand -9bw Tomb Wand -9yw Petrified Wand -9wn Burnt Wand -9gi Ancient Axe -9ga Gothic Axe -9bt Tabar -9ba Bearded Axe -9la Military Axe -9wa Naga -9mp Crowbill -92a Twin Axe -9ax Cleaver -9ha Hatchet -9b9 Gothic Sword -gpl Strangling Gas Potion -opl Fulminating Potion -gpm Choking Gas Potion -opm Exploding Potion -gps Rancid Gas Potion -ops Oil Potion -gidbinn Gidbinn -g33 The Gidbinn -d33 Decoy Gidbinn -leg Wirt's Leg -Malus Horadric Malus -hdm Horadric Malus -hfh Hell Forge Hammer -hst Horadric Staff -msf Shaft of the Horadric Staff -orifice orifice -elx Elixir -tbk Tome of Town Portal -tsc Scroll of Town Portal -ibk Tome of Identify -isc Scroll of Identify -RightClicktoUse Right Click to Use -RightClicktoOpen Right Click to Open -RightClicktoRead Right Click to Read -InsertScrolls Insert Scrolls -vps Stamina Potion -yps Antidote Potion -rvs Rejuvenation Potion -rvl Full Rejuvenation Potion -wms Thawing Potion -amu Amulet -vip Top of the Horadric Staff -rin Ring -gld Gold -bks Scroll of Inifuss -bkd Key to the Cairn Stones -aqv Arrows -tch Torch -cqv Bolts -Key Key -key Key -luv The Black Tower Key -xyz Right Click to permanently add 20 to Life}Potion of Life -shrine shrine -teleport pad Teleport Pad -j34 A Jade Figurine -g34 The Golden Bird -bbb Lam Esen's Tome -LamTome Lam Esen's Tome -box Energy Cube -tr1 Horadric Scroll -mss Mephisto's Soulstone -ass Right Click to learn skill of your choice}Book of Skill -ear Ear -gcv ÿc;Chipped Amethyst -gfv ÿc;Flawed Amethyst -gsv ÿc;Amethyst -gzv ÿc;Flawless Amethyst -gpv ÿc;Perfect Amethyst -gcy ÿc9Chipped Topaz -gfy ÿc9Flawed Topaz -gsy ÿc9Topaz -gly ÿc9Flawless Topaz -gpy ÿc9Perfect Topaz -gcb ÿc3Chipped Sapphire -gfb ÿc3Flawed Sapphire -gsb ÿc3Sapphire -glb ÿc3Flawless Sapphire -gpb ÿc3Perfect Sapphire -gcg ÿc2Chipped Emerald -gfg ÿc2Flawed Emerald -glg ÿc2Flawless Emerald -gsg ÿc2Emerald -gpg ÿc2Perfect Emerald -gcr ÿc1Chipped Ruby -gfr ÿc1Flawed Ruby -gsr ÿc1Ruby -glr ÿc1Flawless Ruby -gpr ÿc1Perfect Ruby -gcw Chipped Diamond -gfw Flawed Diamond -gsw Diamond -glw Flawless Diamond -gpw Perfect Diamond -hp1 Minor Healing Potion -hp2 Light Healing Potion -hp3 Healing Potion -hp4 Greater Healing Potion -hp5 Super Healing Potion -mp1 Minor Mana Potion -mp2 Light Mana Potion -mp3 Mana Potion -mp4 Greater Mana Potion -mp5 Super Mana Potion -hrb Herb -skc ÿc0Chipped Skull -skf ÿc0Flawed Skull -sku ÿc0Skull -skl ÿc0Flawless Skull -skz ÿc0Perfect Skull -Beast Beast -Eagle Eagle -Raven Raven -Viper Viper -GhoulRI Ghoul -Skull Skull -Blood Blood -Dread Dread -Doom Doom -Grim Grim -Bone Bone -Death Death -Shadow Shadow -Storm Storm -Rune Rune -PlagueRI Plague -Stone Stone -Wraith Wraith -Spirit Spirit -Demon Raakshus -Cruel Cruel -Empyrion Empyrian -Bramble Bramble -Pain Pain -Loath Loath -Glyph Glyph -Imp Imp -Fiend Fiend -Hailstone Hailstone -Gale Gale -Dire Dire -Soul Soul -Brimstone Brimstone -Corpse Corpse -Carrion Carrion -Holocaust Armageddon -Havoc Havoc -Bitter Bitter -Entropy Entropy -Chaos Chaos -Order Order -Rift Rift -Corruption Corruption -bite Bite -scratch Scratch -scalpel Scalpel -fang Fang -gutter Gutter -thirst Thirst -razor Razor -scythe Scythe -edge Edge -saw Saw -splitter Splitter -cleaver Cleaver -sever Sever -sunder Sunder -rend Rend -mangler Mangler -slayer Slayer -reaver Reaver -Spawn Spawn -gnash Gnash -star Star -blow Blow -smasher Smasher -Bane Bane -crusher Crusher -breaker Breaker -grinder Grinder -crack Crack -mallet Mallet -knell Knell -lance Lance -spike Spike -impaler Impaler -skewer Skewer -prod Prod -scourge Scourge -wand Wand -wrack Wrack -barb Barb -needle Needle -dart Dart -bolt Bolt -quarrel Quarrel -fletch Fletch -flight Flight -nock Nock -horn Horn -stinger Stinger -quill Quill -goad Goad -branch Branch -spire Spire -song Song -call Call -cry Cry -spell Spell -chant Chant -weaver Weaver -gnarl Gnarl -visage Visage -crest Crest -circlet Circlet -veil Veil -hood Hood -mask Mask -brow Brow -casque Casque -visor Visor -cowl Cowl -hide Hide -Pelt Pelt -carapace Carapace -coat Coat -wrap Wrap -suit Suit -cloak Cloak -shroud Shroud -jack Jack -mantle Mantle -guard Guard -badge Badge -rock Rock -aegis Aegis -ward Ward -tower Tower -shield Shield -wing Wing -mark Mark -emblem Emblem -hand Hand -fist Fist -claw Claw -clutches Clutches -grip Grip -grasp Grasp -hold Hold -touch Touch -finger Finger -knuckle Knuckle -shank Shank -spur Spur -tread Tread -stalker Stalker -greave Greaves -blazer Blazer -nails Nails -trample Trample -Brogues Brogues -track Track -slippers Slippers -clasp Clasp -buckle Buckle -harness Harness -lock Lock -fringe Fringe -winding Winding -chain Chain -strap Strap -lash Lash -cord Cord -knot Knot -circle Circle -loop Loop -eye Eye -turn Turn -spiral Spiral -coil Coil -gyre Gyre -band Band -whorl Whorl -talisman Talisman -heart Heart -noose Noose -necklace Necklace -collar Collar -beads Beads -torc Torc -gorget Gorget -scarab Scarab -wood Wood -brand Brand -bludgeon Bludgeon -cudgel Cudgel -loom Loom -harp Harp -master Master -barRI Bar -hew Hew -crook Crook -mar Mar -shell Shell -stake Stake -picket Picket -pale Pale -flange Flange -Civerb's Vestments Civerb's Vestments -Hsarus' Trim Hsaru's Defense -Cleglaw's Brace Cleglaw's Brace -Iratha's Finery Iratha's Finery -Isenhart's Armory Isenhart's Armory -Vidala's Rig Vidala's Rig -Milabrega's Regalia Milabrega's Regalia -Cathan's Traps Cathan's Traps -Tancred's Battlegear Tancred's Battlegear -Sigon's Complete Steel Sigon's Complete Steel -Infernal Tools Infernal Tools -Berserker's Garb Berserker's Arsenal -Death's Disguise Death's Disguise -Angelical Raiment Angelic Raiment -Arctic Gear Arctic Gear -Arcanna's Tricks Arcanna's Tricks -Civerb's Civerb's -Hsarus' Hsaru's -Cleglaw's Cleglaw's -Iratha's Iratha's -Isenhart's Isenhart's -Vidala's Vidala's -Milabrega's Milabrega's -Cathan's Cathan's -Tancred's Tancred's -Sigon's Sigon's -Infernal Infernal -Berserker's Berserker's -Death's Death's -Angelical Angelic -Arctic Arctic -Arcanna's Arcanna's -Ward Ward -Iron Heel Iron Heel -Tooth Tooth -Collar Collar -Lightbrand Lightbrand -Barb Barb -Orb Orb -Rule Rule -Crowbill Crowbill -Visor Visor -Cranium Cranium -Headgear Headgear -Hand Hand -Sickle Sickle -Horn Horn -Sign Sign -Icon Icon -Iron Fist Iron Fist -Claw Claw -Cuff Cuff -Parry Parry -Fetlock Fetlock -Rod Rod -Mesh Mesh -Spine Spine -Shelter Shelter -Torch Torch -Hauberk Hauberk -Guard Guard -Mantle Mantle -Furs Furs -Deathwand Deathwand -CudgelSI3S Cudgel -Iron Stay Iron Stay -Pincers Pincers -Coil Coil -Case Case -Ambush Ambush -Diadem Diadem -Visage Visage -Hobnails Hobnails -Gage Gage -SignSI3S Buckle -Hatchet Hatchet -Touch Touch -Halo Halo -Binding Binding -Head Head -Horns Horns -Snare Snare -Robe Robe -Sigil Sigil -Weird Weird -Sabot Sabot -Wings Wings -Mitts Mitts -Flesh Flesh -Cord Cord -Seal Seal -SkullSI5S Skull -Wrap Wrap -GuardSI6S Guard -The Gnasher The Gnasher -Deathspade Deathspade -Bladebone Bladebone -Mindrend Skull Splitter -Rakescar Rakescar -Fechmars Axe Axe of Fechmar -Goreshovel Goreshovel -The Chieftan The Chieftain -Brainhew Brainhew -The Humongous Humongous -Iros Torch Torch of Iro -Maelstromwrath Maelstrom -Gravenspine Gravenspine -Umes Lament Ume's Lament -Felloak Felloak -Knell Striker Knell Striker -Rusthandle Rusthandle -Stormeye Stormeye -Stoutnail Stoutnail -Crushflange Crushflange -Bloodrise Bloodrise -The Generals Tan Do Li Ga The General's Tan Do Li Ga -Ironstone Ironstone -Bonesob Bonesnap -Steeldriver Steeldriver -Rixots Keen Rixot's Keen -Blood Crescent Blood Crescent -Krintizs Skewer Skewer of Krintiz -Gleamscythe Gleamscythe -Azurewrath Azurewrath -Griswolds Edge Griswold's Edge -Hellplague Hellplague -Culwens Point Culwen's Point -Shadowfang Shadowfang -Soulflay Soulflay -Kinemils Awl Kinemil's Awl -Blacktongue Blacktongue -Ripsaw Ripsaw -The Patriarch The Patriarch -Gull Gull -The Diggler The Diggler -The Jade Tan Do The Jade Tan Do -Irices Shard Spectral Shard -The Dragon Chang The Dragon Chang -Razortine Razortine -Bloodthief Bloodthief -Lance of Yaggai Lance of Yaggai -The Tannr Gorerod The Tannr Gorerod -Dimoaks Hew Dimoak's Hew -Steelgoad Steelgoad -Soul Harvest Soul Harvest -The Battlebranch The Battlebranch -Woestave Woestave -The Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper -Bane Ash Bane Ash -Serpent Lord Serpent Lord -Lazarus Spire Spire of Lazarus -The Salamander The Salamander -The Iron Jang Bong The Iron Jang Bong -Pluckeye Pluckeye -Witherstring Witherstring -Rimeraven Raven Claw -Piercerib Rogue's Bow -Pullspite Stormstrike -Wizendraw Wizendraw -Hellclap Hellclap -Blastbark Blastbark -Leadcrow Leadcrow -Ichorsting Ichorsting -Hellcast Hellcast -Doomspittle Doomslinger -War Bonnet Biggin's Bonnet -Tarnhelm Tarnhelm -Coif of Glory Coif of Glory -Duskdeep Duskdeep -Wormskull Wormskull -Howltusk Howltusk -Undead Crown Undead Crown -The Face of Horror The Face of Horror -Greyform Greyform -Blinkbats Form Blinkbat's Form -The Centurion The Centurion -Twitchthroe Twitchthroe -Darkglow Darkglow -Hawkmail Hawkmail -Sparking Mail Sparking Mail -Venomsward Venom Ward -Iceblink Iceblink -Boneflesh Boneflesh -Rockfleece Rockfleece -Rattlecage Rattlecage -Goldskin Goldskin -Victors Silk Silks of the Victor -Heavenly Garb Heavenly Garb -Pelta Lunata Pelta Lunata -Umbral Disk Umbral Disk -Stormguild Stormguild -Wall of the Eyeless Wall of the Eyeless -Swordback Hold Swordback Hold -Steelclash Steelclash -Bverrit Keep Bverrit Keep -The Ward The Ward -The Hand of Broc The Hand of Broc -Bloodfist Bloodfist -Chance Guards Chance Guards -Magefist Magefist -Frostburn Frostburn -Hotspur Hotspur -Gorefoot Gorefoot -Treads of Cthon Treads of Cthon -Goblin Toe Goblin Toe -Tearhaunch Tearhaunch -Lenyms Cord Lenymo -Snakecord Snakecord -Nightsmoke Nightsmoke -Goldwrap Goldwrap -Bladebuckle Bladebuckle -Nokozan Relic Nokozan Relic -The Eye of Etlich The Eye of Etlich -The Mahim-Oak Curio The Mahim-Oak Curio -Nagelring Nagelring -Manald Heal Manald Heal -Gorgethroat Gorgethroat -Amulet of the Viper Amulet of the Viper -Staff of Kings Staff of Kings -Horadric Staff Horadric Staff -Hell Forge Hammer Hell Forge Hammer -The Stone of Jordan The Stone of Jordan -GloomUM Gloom -Gray Gray -DireUM Dire -Black Black -ShadowUM Shadow -Haze Haze -Wind Wind -StormUM Storm -Warp Warp -Night Night -Moon Moon -Star Star -Pit Pit -Fire Flame -Cold Ice -Seethe Seethe -SharpUM Sharp -AshUM Ash -Blade Blade -SteelUM Steel -StoneUM Stone -Rust Rust -Mold Mold -Blight Blight -Plague Plague -Rot Rot -Ooze Ooze -Puke Puke -Snot Snot -Bile Bile -BloodUM Blood -Pulse Pulse -Gut Gut -Gore Gore -FleshUM Flesh -BoneUM Bone -SpineUM Spine -Mind Mind -SpiritUM Spirit -SoulUM Soul -Wrath Wrath -GriefUM Grief -Foul Foul -Vile Vile -Sin Sin -ChaosUM Chaos -DreadUM Dread -DoomUM Doom -BaneUM Bane -DeathUM Death -ViperUM Viper -Dragon Dragon -Devil Devil -touchUM Touch -spellUM Spell -feast Feast -wound Wound -grin Grin -maim Maim -hack Hack -biteUM Bite -rendUM Rend -burn Burn -rip Ripper -kill Kill -callUM Call -vex Vex -jade Jade -web Web -shieldUM Shield -KillerUM Killer -RazorUM Razor -drinker Drinker -shifter Shifter -crawler Crawler -dancer Dancer -bender Bender -weaverUM Weaver -eater Eater -widow Widow -maggot Maggot -spawn Spawn -wight Wight -GrumbleUM Grumble -GrowlerUM Growler -SnarlUM Snarl -wolf Wolf -crow Crow -raven Raven -hawk Hawk -cloud Cloud -BangUM Bang -head Head -skullUM Skull -browUM Brow -eyeUM Eye -maw Maw -tongue Tongue -fangUM Fang -hornUM Horn -thorn Thorn -clawUM Claw -fistUM Fist -heartUM Heart -shankUM Shank -skinUM Skin -wingUM Wing -pox Pox -fester Fester -blister Blister -pus Pus -SlimeUM Slime -drool Drool -froth Froth -sludge Sludge -venom Venom -poison Poison -break Break -shard Shard -flame Flame -maul Maul -thirstUM Thirst -lust Lust -the Hammer the Hammer -the Axe the Axe -the Sharp the Sharp -the Jagged the Jagged -the Flayer the Flayer -the Slasher the Slasher -the Impaler the Impaler -the Hunter the Hunter -the Slayer the Slayer -the Mauler the Mauler -the Destroyer the Destroyer -theQuick the Quick -the Witch the Witch -the Mad the Mad -the Wraith the Wraith -the Shade the Shade -the Dead the Dead -the Unholy the Unholy -the Howler the Howler -the Grim the Grim -the Dark the Dark -the Tainted the Tainted -the Unclean the Unclean -the Hungry the Hungry -the Cold the Cold -The Cow King The Cow King -Grand Vizier of Chaos Grand Vizier of Chaos -Lord De Seis Lord De Seis -Infector of Souls Infector of Souls -Riftwraith the Cannibal Riftwraith the Cannibal -Taintbreeder Taintbreeder -The Tormentor The Tormentor -Winged Death Darkwing -Maffer Dragonhand Maffer Dragonhand -Wyand Voidfinger Wyand Voidbringer -Toorc Icefist Toorc Icefist -Bremm Sparkfist Bremm Sparkfist -Geleb Flamefinger Geleb Flamefinger -Ismail Vilehand Ismail Vilehand -Icehawk Riftwing Icehawk Riftwing -Sarina the Battlemaid Battlemaid Sarina -Stormtree Stormtree -Witch Doctor Endugu Witch Doctor Endugu -Web Mage the Burning Sszark the Burning -Bishibosh Bishibosh -Bonebreak Bonebreaker -Coldcrow Coldcrow -Rakanishu Rakanishu -Treehead WoodFist Treehead WoodFist -Griswold Griswold -The Countess The Countess -Pitspawn Fouldog Pitspawn Fouldog -Flamespike the Crawler Flamespike the Crawler -Boneash Bone Ash -Radament Radament -Bloodwitch the Wild Bloodwitch the Wild -Fangskin Fangskin -Beetleburst Beetleburst -Leatherarm Creeping Feature -Coldworm the Burrower Coldworm the Burrower -Fire Eye Fire Eye -Dark Elder Dark Elder -The Summoner The Summoner -Ancient Kaa the Soulless Ancient Kaa the Soulless -The Smith The Smith -DeckardCain Deckard Cain -Gheed Gheed -Akara Akara -Kashya Shikari -Charsi Charsi -Wariv Warriv -Warriv Warriv -Rogue Rogue -StygianDoll Stygian Doll -SoulKiller Soul Killer -Flayer Flayer -Fetish Fetish -RatMan Rat Man -Undead StygianDoll Undead Stygian Doll -Undead SoulKiller Undead Soul Killer -Undead Flayer Undead Flayer -Undead Fetish Undead Fetish -Undead RatMan Undead Rat Man -DarkFamiliar Dark Familiar -BloodDiver Blood Diver -Gloombat Gloombat -DesertWing Desert Wing -Banished The Banished -BloodLord Blood Lord -DarkLord Dark Lord -NightLord Night Lord -GhoulLord Ghoul Lord -Spikefist Spikefist -Thrasher Thrasher -BrambleHulk Bramble Hulk -ThornedHulk Thorned Hulk -SpiderMagus Spider Magus -FlameSpider Flame Spider -PoisonSpinner Poison Spinner -SandFisher Sand Fisher -Arach Arach -BloodWing Blood Wing -BloodHook Blood Hook -Feeder Feeder -Sucker Sucker -WingedNightmare Winged Nightmare -HellBuzzard Hell Buzzard -UndeadScavenger Undead Scavenger -CarrionBird Carrion Bird -Unraveler Unraveler -Guardian Guardian -HollowOne Hollow One -Horadrim Ancient Horadrim Ancient -AlbinoRoach Bone Scarab -SteelWeevil Steel Scarab -Scarab Scarab -SandWarrior Death Beetle -DungSoldier Dung Soldier -HellSwarm Hell Swarm -PlagueBugs Plague Bugs -BlackLocusts Black Locusts -Itchies Itchies -HellCat Hell Cat -NightTiger Night Tiger -SaberCat Saber Cat -Huntress Huntress -RazorPitDemon Cliff Lurker -TreeLurker Tree Lurker -CaveLeaper Cave Leaper -TombCreeper Tomb Creeper -SandLeaper Sand Leaper -TombViper Tomb Viper -PitViper Pit Viper -Salamander Salamander -ClawViper Claw Viper -SerpentMagus Serpent Magus -WorldKiller Blood Maggot -GiantLamprey Giant Lamprey -Devourer Devourer -RockWorm Rock Worm -SandMaggot Sand Maggot -JungleUrchin Bush Barb -RazorSpine Razor Spine -ThornBeast Thorn Beast -SpikeFiend Spike Fiend -QuillRat Maggot -HellClan Hell Clan -MoonClan Moon Clan -NightClan Night Clan -DeathClan Death Clan -BloodClan Blood Clan -TempleGuard Temple Guard -DoomApe Doom Ape -JungleHunter Jungle Hunter -RockDweller Rock Dweller -DuneBeast Dune Beast -FleshHunter Flesh Hunter -BlackRogue Black Rogue -DarkStalker Dark Stalker -VileHunter Vile Hunter -DarkHunter Dark Hunter -DarkShape Dark Shape -Apparition Apparition -Specter Specter -Wraith Wraith -Ghost Ghost -Assailant Assailant -Infidel Infidel -Invader Invader -Marauder Marauder -SandRaider Sand Raider -GargantuanBeast Gargantuan Beast -WailingBeast Wailing Beast -Yeti Yeti -Crusher Crusher -Brute Brute -CloudStalker Cloud Stalker -BlackVulture Black Vulture -BlackRaptor Black Raptor -BloodHawk Blood Hawk -FoulCrow Vile Dragon -PlagueBearer Plague Bearer -Ghoul Ghoul -DrownedCarcass Drowned Carcass -HungryDead Hungry Dead -Zombie Zombie -Skeleton Skeleton -Horror Horror -Returned Returned -BurningDead Burning Dead -BoneWarrior Bone Warrior -Damned Damned -Disfigured Disfigured -Misshapen Misshapen -Tainted Tainted -Afflicted Afflicted -Andariel Andariel -Natalya Natalya -Drognan Drognan -Atma Atma -Fara Fara -Lysander Lysander -Jerhyn Jerhyn -jerhyn Jerhyn -Geglash Geglash -Elzix Elzix -Greiz Greiz -Meshif Meshif -Camel Camel -Cadaver Cadaver -PreservedDead Preserved Dead -Embalmed Embalmed -DriedCorpse Dried Corpse -Decayed Decayed -Urdar Urdar -Mauler Mauler -Gorbelly Gorebelly -Blunderbore Blunderbore -WorldKillerYoung Blood Maggot Young -GiantLampreyYoung Giant Lamprey Young -DevourerYoung Devourer Young -RockWormYoung Rock Worm Young -SandMaggotYoung Sand Maggot Young -WorldKillerEgg Blood Maggot Egg -GiantLampreyEgg Giant Lamprey Egg -DevourerEgg Devourer Egg -RockWormEgg Rock Worm Egg -SandMaggotEgg Sand Maggot Egg -Maggot Maggot -Duriel Duriel -BloodHawkNest Blood Hawk Nest -FlyingScimitar Flying Scimitar -CloudStalkerNest Cloud Stalker Nest -BlackVultureNest Black Raptor Nest -FoulCrowNest Dragon's Nest -Diablo Diablo -Baal Baal -Mephisto Mephisto -Cantor Cantor -Heirophant Heirophant -Sexton Sexton -Zealot Zealot -Faithful Faithful -Zakarumite Zakarumite -BlackSoul Black Soul -BurningSoul Burning Soul -SwampGhost Swamp Ghost -Gloam Gloam -WarpedShaman Warped Shaman -DarkShaman Dark Shaman -DevilkinShaman Devilkin Shaman -CarverShaman Carver Shaman -FallenShaman Fallen Shaman -WarpedFallen Warped One -DarkOne Dark One -Devilkin Devilkin -Carver Carver -Fallen Fallen Demon -ReturnedArcher Returned Archer -HorrorArcher Horror Archer -BurningDeadArcher Burning Dead Archer -BoneArcher Bone Archer -CorpseArcher Corpse Archer -SkeletonArcher Skeleton Archer -FleshLancer Flesh Lancer -BlackLancer Black Lancer -DarkLancer Dark Lancer -VileLancer Vile Lancer -DarkSpearwoman Dark Spearwoman -FleshArcher Flesh Archer -BlackArcher Black Archer -DarkRanger Dark Ranger -VileArcher Vile Archer -DarkArcher Dark Archer -Summoner The Summoner -StygianDollShaman Stygian Doll Shaman -SoulKillerShaman Soul Killer Shaman -FlayerShaman Flayer Shaman -FetishShaman Fetish Shaman -RatManShaman RatMan Shaman -HorrorMage Horror Mage -BurningDeadMage Burning Dead Mage -BoneMage Bone Mage -CorpseMage Corpse Mage -ReturnedMage Returned Mage -GargoyleTrap Gargoyle Trap -Bloodraven Blood Raven -navi Flavie -Kaelan Kaelan -meshif Meshif -StygianWatcherHead Stygian Watcher -RiverStalkerHead River Stalker -WaterWatcherHead Water Watcher -StygianWatcherLimb Stygian Watcher -RiverStalkerLimb River Stalker -WaterWatcherLimb Water Watcher -NightMarauder Night Marauder -FireGolem ÿc8Fire ÿc/Golem -IronGolem ÿc5Ironÿc/ Golem -BloodGolem ÿc1Bloodÿc/ Golem -ClayGolem ÿc4Clay Golem -WorldKillerQueen Blood Maggot Queen -GiantLampreyQueen Giant Lamprey Queen -DevourerQueen Devourer Queen -RockWormQueen Rock Worm Queen -SandMaggotQueen Sand Maggot Queen -Slime Prince Slime Prince -Bog Creature Bog Creature -Swamp Dweller Swamp Dweller -GiantUrchin Barbed Giant -RazorBeast Razor Beast -ThornBrute Thorn Brute -SpikeGiant Spike Giant -QuillBear Mycelium Growth -Council Member Council Member -youngdiablo Dark Wanderer -darkwanderer Dark Wanderer -HellSlinger Hell Slinger -NightSlinger Night Slinger -SpearCat Spear Cat -Slinger Slinger -FireTower Fire Tower -LightningSpire Lightning Spire -PitLord Pit Lord -Balrog Balrog -VenomLord Venom Lord -Iron Wolf Iron Wolf -InvisoSpawner Inviso Spawner -OblivionKnight Oblivion Knight -Mage Mage -AbyssKnight Abyss Knight -Fighter Mage Fighter Mage -DoomKnight Doom Knight -Fighter Fighter -MawFiend Maw Fiend -CorpseSpitter Corpse Spitter -Corpulent Corpulent -StormCaster Storm Caster -Strangler Strangler -Groper Doom Caster -GrotesqueWyrm Grotesque Wyrm -StygianDog Stygian Dog -FleshBeast Flesh Beast -Grotesque Grotesque -StygianHag Stygian Hag -FleshSpawner Flesh Spawner -RogueScout Rogue Scout -BloodWingNest Blood Wing Nest -BloodHookNest Blood Hook Nest -FeederNest Feeder Nest -SuckerNest Sucker Nest -NecroMage Necromage -NecroSkeleton Necroskeleton -TrappedSoul Trapped Soul -Valkyrie Valkyrie -Dopplezon Decoy -Raises Fetishes Raises Fetishes -Raises Undead Raises Undead -Lays Eggs Lays Eggs -Raises Fallen Raises Satyr -heals Zealots and Cantors Heals Others -drains mana and stamina Drains Mana and Stamina -drains mana Drains Mana -drains stamina Drains Stamina -stun attack Stun Attack -eats and spits corspes Eats and Spits Corspes -homing missiles Homing Missiles Drain Mana -raises Stygian Dolls Raises Stygian Dolls -raises Soul Killers Raises Soul Killers -raises Flayers Raises Flayers -raises Fetishes Raises Fetishes -raises Ratmen Raises Ratmen -steals life Steals Life -raises undead Raises Undead -raises Dark Ones Raises Dark Ones -raises Devilkin Raises Devilkin -raises Carvers Raises Carvers -raises Fallen Raises Satyr -raises Warped Fallen Raises The Warped -shocking hit shocking hit -uniquextrastrong Extra Strong -uniqueextrafast Extra Fast -uniquecursed Cursed -uniquemagicresistance Magic Resistant -uniquefireenchanted Fire Enchanted -monsteruniqueprop1 Cold Enchanted -monsteruniqueprop2 Lightning Enchanted -monsteruniqueprop3 Mana Burn -monsteruniqueprop4 Spectral Hit -monsteruniqueprop5 Teleportation -monsteruniqueprop6 Stone Skin -monsteruniqueprop7 Multiple Shots -monsteruniqueprop8 Thief -monsteruniqueprop9 Aura Enchanted -This Cow Bites This Cow Bites -Champion Champion -minion Minion -Barrel Barrel -Lever1 Lever -BarrelEx an Exploding Barrel -Door Closed Door -Portal Portal to -ODoor Open Door -BlockedDoor Blocked Door -LockedDoor Locked Door -StoneAlpha Cairn Stone -StoneBeta Cairn Stone -StoneDelta Cairn Stone -StoneGamma Cairn Stone -StoneLambda Cairn Stone -StoneTheta Cairn Stone -Crate Crate -Casket Casket -Cabinet Cabinet -Vase Vase -Inifuss Tree of Inifuss -corpse Corpse -RogueCorpse Dead Rogue -CorpseOnStick Dead Rogue -TowerTome The Moldy Tome -Gibbet Cain's Gibbet -MummyGenerator Mummy Sarcophagus -ArmorStand Armor Stand -WeaponRack Weapon Rack -Sarcophagus Sarcophagus -Trap Door Trap Door -LargeUrn Large Urn -CanopicJar Canopic Jar -Obelisk Obelisk -HoleAnim Undefiled Grave -Shrine Shrine -Urn Urn -Waypoint Waypoint -Well Well -bag Bag -Chest Chest -chest Chest -lockedchest Locked Chest -HorazonsJournal Horazon's Journal -templeshrine shrine -stair Stair -coffin Coffin -bookshelf Bookshelf -loose boulder Loose Boulder -loose rock Loose Rock -hollow log Hollow Log -hiding spot Hiding Spot -fire Fire -Chest3 Chest -hidden stash Hidden Stash -GuardCorpse Guard Corpse -bowl Bowl -jug Jug -AmbientSound Ambient Sound -ratnest Rat's Nest -burning body Burning Body -well Well -door Door -skeleton Skeleton -skullpile Skullpile -cocoon Cocoon -gidbinn altar Gidbinn Altar -cowa Cow -manashrine Shrine -bed Bed -ratchest Chest -blister Blister -bank Your Private Stash -goo pile Goo Pile -holyshrine Holyshrine -teleportation pad Teleport Pad -ratchest-r Ratchest -skull pile Skull Pile -body Body -hell bridge Hell Bridge -compellingorb Compelling Orb -basket Basket -Basket Basket -RockPIle Rock Pile -Tome Horazon's Journal -dead body Dead Body -eunuch Eunuch -dead guard Dead Guard -portal Portal -sarcophagus Sarcophagus -dead villager Dead Villager -sewer lever Sewer Lever -sewer stairs Sewer Stairs -magic shrine Magic Shrine -wirt's body Wirt's body -stash Stash -guyq Suffering Soul -taintedsunaltar Tainted Sun Altar -Hellforge Hellforge -Corpsefire Corpsefire -fissure fissure -BoneChest Bone Chest -casket Casket -HungSkeleton Hung Skeleton -pillar Pillar -Hydra Hydra -Turret a Turret -a trap a Trap -fire Fire -cost Cost: -Repair Repair cost: -Sell Sell value: -Identify Identify cost: -priceless Item cannot be traded here. -NPCMenuTradeRepair trade/repair -NPCPurchaseItems Buy -NPCSellItems Sell -NPCHeal Heal : -NPCRepairItems Repair -NPCNextPage Next Page -NPCPreviousPage Previous Page -strUiMenu2 Transmute -TransactionMenu1a Your Gold: -TransactionMenu1f Which item should be imbued? -VerifyTransaction1 Yes -VerifyTransaction2 No -VerifyTransaction3 Gold: -VerifyTransaction4 Sell -VerifyTransaction5 Buy -VerifyTransaction6 Hire -VerifyTransaction7 Identify -VerifyTransaction8 Repair -VerifyTransaction9 This Mercenary will replace your current one. -TransactionResults1 Waiting for confirmation of transaction... -TransactionResults2 Sync error on transaction, please try again. -TransactionResults3 Invalid item detected, player will be dropped. -TransactionResults4 You do not have enough free space to do that. -TransactionResults5 You already have the maximum number of Mercenaries. -TransactionResults6 That item has just been traded. -TransactionResults7 You do not have enough room for the gold. -TransactionResults8 Something tells me that you do not have that item. -TransactionResults9 I cannot complete that request. -TransactionResults10 You do not have enough gold for that. -TransactionResults11 She cannot come right now. Try again later. -ItemDesc1s Your Gold: %d Hire which Mercenary? -ItemDesc1t There are no Mercenaries left to hire. -HP Life -AC Def -Level Lvl -Cost Cost -Damage Damage -strhirespecial1 Fire Arrow -strhirespecial2 Cold Arrow -strhirespecial3 Jab Attack -strhirespecial4 Poison Resistant -strhirespecial5 Lightning -strhirespecial6 Cold -strhirespecial7 Fire -strhirespecial8 Lightning, Fast Cast -strhirespecial9 Cold, Fast Cast -strhirespecial10 Fire, Fast Cast -TalkMenu talk -WarrivMenu1b go east -WarrivMenu1c go west -MeshifMenuEast sail east -MeshifMenuWest sail west -NPCMenuNews0 important news -NPCMenuNews1 urgent news -NPCMenuNews2 pressing matters -NPCMenuNews3 important news -NPCMenuNews4 urgent matters -NPCMenuTalkMore tell me more -NPCTownMore0 about the merchants -NPCTownMore1 the townspeople -NPCMenuLeave leave -NPCGossipMenu gossip -NPCMenuTrade trade -NPCMenuHire hire -gamble gamble -Intro introduction -Back cancel -ok ok -cancel CANCEL -Continue Continue -strMenuMain15 _ -strOptMusic Music -strOptSound Sound -strOptGamma Gamma -strOptRender Render -strOptPrevious Previous Menu -cfgCtrl Configure Controls -merc01 Aliza -merc02 Amplisa -merc03 Annor -merc04 Abhaya -merc05 Elly -merc06 Paige -merc07 Basanti -merc08 Blaise -merc09 Kyoko -merc10 Klaudia -merc11 Kundri -merc12 Kyle -merc13 Visala -merc14 Elexa -merc15 Floria -merc16 Fiona -merc17 Gwinni -merc18 Gaile -merc19 Hannah -merc20 Heather -merc21 Iantha -merc22 Diane -merc23 Isolde -merc24 Divo -merc25 Ithera -merc26 Itonya -merc27 Liene -merc28 Maeko -merc29 Mahala -merc30 Liaza -merc31 Meghan -merc32 Olena -merc33 Oriana -merc34 Ryann -merc35 Rozene -merc36 Raissa -merc37 Sharyn -merc38 Shikha -merc39 Debi -merc40 Tylena -merc41 Wendy -merclevelup I feel much stronger now -Socketable Socketed -ItemStats1a Requirements not met -ItemStats1b Unidentified -ItemStats1c Charges: -ItemStats1d Durability: -ItemStats1e Required Strength: -ItemStats1f Required Dexterity: -ItemStats1g Damage: -ItemStats1h Defense: -ItemStats1i Quantity: -ItemStats1j of -ItemStast1k to -ItemStats1l One-Hand Damage: -ItemStats1m Two-Hand Damage: -ItemStats1n Throw Damage: -ItemStats1o Smite Damage: -ItemStats1p Required Level: -ItemStats1q Points: -ItemStatsrejuv1 Heals 35% Life and Mana -ItemStatsrejuv2 Heals 100% Life and Mana -ModStr1a to Strength -ModStr1b to Dexterity -ModStr1c to Vitality -ModStr1d to Energy -ModStr1e to Mana -ModStr1f to Maximum Damage -ModStr1g to Minimum Damage -ModStr1h to Attack Rating -ModStr1i Defense -ModStr1j Fire Resist -ModStr1k Cold Resist -ModStr1l Lightning Resist -ModStr1m Magic Resist -ModStr1n Poison Resist -ModStr1o to Maximum Fire Damage -ModStr1p to Minimum Fire Damage -ModStr1q to Maximum Lightning Damage -ModStr1r to Minimum Lightning Damage -ModStr1s to Maximum Cold Damage -ModStr1t to Minimum Cold Damage -ModStr1u to Life -ModStr1v Attacker Takes Damage of -ModStr1w extra gold from monsters -ModStr1x better chance of getting magic item -ModStr1y Knockback -ModStr1z Elixir of Strength -ModStr2a Elixir of Dexterity -ModStr2b Elixir of Energy -ModStr2c Elixir of Vitality -ModStr2d Elixir of Mana -ModStr2e Elixir of Life -ModStr2f Sec. Duration -ModStr2g Increase Maximum Life -ModStr2h Increase Maximum Mana -ModStr2i Increase Maximum Durability -ModStr2j Enhanced Maximum Damage -ModStr2k Enhanced Minimum Damage -ModStr2l Replenish Life -ModStr2m Replenish Mana -ModStr2n Heal 1/4 Life -ModStr2o Heal 1/2 Life -ModStr2p Restore Full Life -ModStr2q Replenish 1/4 Mana -ModStr2r Replenish 1/2 Life -ModStr2s Restore Full Mana -ModStr2t Magic Damage Reduced by -ModStr2u Damage Reduced by -Modstr2v Enhanced Defense -ModStr2w Drain Life -ModStr2x Drain Mana -ModStr2y Mana stolen per hit -ModStr2z Life stolen per hit -ModStr3a to Yodhini Skill Levels -ModStr3b to Dharma Yoddha Skill Levels -ModStr3c to Aghora Skill Levels -ModStr3d to Sahira Skill Levels -ModStr3e to Vira Skill Levels -ModStr3f to Light Radius -ModStr3g Increased Chance of Blocking -ModStr3h Requirements -ModStr3i to Fire Skills -ModStr3j Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of -ModStr3k to All Skills -ModStr3l Freezes target -ModStr3m Chance of Open Wounds -ModStr3n Invisibility -ModStr3o Neutral Invisibility -ModStr3p No Mana Healing -ModStr3q No Life Healing -ModStr3r Poison Length Reduced by -ModStr3u Hit Causes Monster To Flee -ModStr3v Heal Stamina Plus -ModStr3w Damage Taken Goes To Mana -ModStr3x Heal Life Plus -ModStr3y Ignore Target's Defense -ModStr3z Half Poison Duration -ModStr4a Prevent Monster Heal -ModStr4b Half Freeze Duration -ModStr4c bonus to Attack Rating -ModStr4d to Monster Defense Per Hit -ModStr4e Damage to Raakshus -ModStr4f Damage to Undead -ModStr4g Regenerate Mana -ModStr4h to Maximum Poison Damage -ModStr4i to Minimum Poison Damage -ModStr4j to Attack Rating against Raakshus -ModStr4k to Attack Rating against Undead -ModStr4l Slightly Increased Attack Speed -ModStr4m Increased Attack Speed -ModStr4n Greatly Increased Attack Speed -ModStr4o Fast Hit Recovery -ModStr4p Faster Hit Recovery -ModStr4q Fastest Hit Recovery -ModStr4r Fast Run/Walk -ModStr4s Faster Run/Walk -ModStr4t Fastest Run/Walk -ModStr4u Fast Cast Rate -ModStr4v Faster Cast Rate -ModStr4w Fastest Cast Rate -ModStr4x Fast Block Rate -ModStr4y Faster Block Rate -ModStr4z Fastest Block Rate -ModStr5a Throwable -ModStr5b Damage -ModStr5c Chance of Crushing Blow -ModStr5d Maximum Stamina -ModStr5e Kick Damage -ModStr5f to Mana after each Kill -ModStr5g Fire Absorb -ModStr5h Fire Absorb -ModStr5i Lightning Absorb -ModStr5j Lightning Absorb -ModStr5k Magic Absorb -ModStr5l Magic Absorb -ModStr5m Cold Absorb -ModStr5n Cold Absorb -ModStr5o Target Defense -ModStr5p Extra Bloody -ModStr5q Deadly Strike -ModStr5r Slows target by -ModStr5s Blessed Aim -ModStr5t Defiance -ModStr5u to Maximum Fire Resist -ModStr5v to Maximum Cold Resist -ModStr5w to Maximum Lightning Resist -ModStr5x to Maximum Magic Resist -ModStr5y to Maximum Poison Resist -ModStr5z Cannot Be Frozen -ModStr6a Defense vs. Missile -ModStr6b Defense vs. Melee -ModStr6c Life after each Raakshus Kill -ModStr6d Hit blinds target -ModStr6e Stamina Drain -ModStr6f chance to reanimate target -ModStr6g Piercing Attack -ModStr6h Fires Magic Arrows -ModStr6i Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts -strModAllResistances All Resistances +%d} -strModAllSkillLevels +%d to All Skill Levels} -strModFireDamage +%d fire damage} -strModFireDamageRange Adds %d-%d fire damage} -strModColdDamage +%d cold damage} -strModColdDamageRange Adds %d-%d cold damage} -strModLightningDamage +%d lightning damage} -strModLightningDamageRange Adds %d-%d lightning damage} -strModMagicDamage +%d magic damage} -strModMagicDamageRange Adds %d-%d magic damage} -strModPoisonDamage +%d poison damage over %d seconds} -strModPoisonDamageRange Adds %d-%d poison damage over %d seconds} -strModMinDamage +%d damage} -strModMinDamageRange Adds %d-%d damage} -strModEnhancedDamage Enhanced damage} -improved damage Improved Damage -improved to hit Improved Attack Rating -improved armor class Improved Defense -improved durability Improved Durability -Quick Strike Quick Strike -strGemPlace1 Can Be Inserted in Socketed -strGemPlace2 Weapons, Shields or Helms -gemeffect1 Helm: adds to strength}Shield: adds to shield's defense rating}Weapon: adds to attack rating} -gemeffect2 Helm: adds to maximum mana}Shield: adds resistance to cold}Weapon: adds cold damage to attack} -gemeffect3 Helm: adds to dexterity}Shield: adds resistance to poison}Weapon: adds poison damage to attack} -gemeffect4 Helm: adds to maximum life}Shield: adds resistance to fire}Weapon: adds fire damage to attack} -gemeffect5 Helm: adds to attack rating}Shield: adds to all resistances}Weapon: adds to damage vs. undead} -gemeffect6 Helm: adds to chance to find magic items}Shield: adds resistance to lightning}Weapon: adds lightning damage to attack} -gemeffect7 Helm: adds mana and life regeneration}Shield: adds attacker takes damage}Weapon: adds mana and life steal to attack} -sysmsg1 dropped due to timeout. -sysmsg2 dropped due to errors. -sysmsg3 %s joined our world. Diablo's minions grow stronger. -sysmsg4 %s left our world. Diablo's minions weaken. -sysmsg3a %s(%s) joined our world. Diablo's minions grow stronger. -sysmsg4a %s(%s) left our world. Diablo's minions weaken. -sysmsg5 is not in the game. -sysmsg6 is not logged in. -sysmsg7 was slain by -sysmsg8 was slain by -sysmsg9 was slain. -sysmsg10 Wrong type of Gem. -sysmsg11 Realm is going down in %d minutes. -sysmsg12 is not listening to you. -sysmsgPlayer Player -chatmsg1 whispers: -chatmsg2 shouts: -chatmsg3 (LVL -chatmsg3 ) -strwhisperworked ÿc0You whispered to ÿc1%sÿc0: %s -syswork Working... -ShrId0 Null Shrine -ShrId1 Refilling Shrine -ShrId2 Health Shrine -ShrId3 Mana Shrine -ShrId4 Health Exchange Shrine -ShrId5 Mana Exchange Shrine -ShrId6 Armor Shrine -ShrId7 Combat Shrine -ShrId8 Resist Fire Shrine -ShrId9 Resist Cold Shrine -ShrId10 Resist Lightning Shrine -ShrId11 Resist Poison Shrine -ShrId12 Skill Shrine -ShrId13 Mana Recharge Shrine -ShrId14 Stamina Shrine -ShrId15 Experience Shrine -ShrId16 Enirhs Shrine -ShrId17 Portal Shrine -ShrId18 Gem Shrine -ShrId19 Fire Shrine -ShrId20 Monster Shrine -ShrId21 Exploding Shrine -ShrId22 Poison Shrine -ShrMsg0 You feel nothing. -ShrMsg1 You feel refreshed. -ShrMsg2 You feel healthy. -ShrMsg3 You feel recharged. -ShrMsg4 You feel incredibly healthy. -ShrMsg5 You feel infused with energy. -ShrMsg6 Your skin hardens. -ShrMsg7 You feel ready for battle. -ShrMsg8 You no longer fear fire. -ShrMsg9 You no longer fear cold. -ShrMsg10 You no longer fear lightning. -ShrMsg11 You no longer fear poison. -ShrMsg12 You feel more skillful. -ShrMsg13 Your spiritual force recovers quickly. -ShrMsg14 The weight of the world seems lighter. -ShrMsg15 Your experience teaches you well. -ShrMsg16 Your sense of identity is subtly changed. -ShrMsg17 The freedom to go home... -ShrMsg18 A marvelous gem... -ShrMsg19 A fiery death... -ShrMsg20 Death's advocate approaches. -ShrMsg21 A circle of flame... -ShrMsg22 A circle of death... -strqi1 Activate the stones in -strqi2 this order. -stsa1q3alert The Horadric Malus has been returned to the Monastery. -stsa1q4alert The scroll of Inifuss has been returned to the Tree. -stsa3q1alert The minions of Diablo have taken back Lam Esen's Tome. -qstsa1qt The Townspeople -qstsa1qt0 introduction -qstsa1q0 Act 1 Prologue -qstsa1q1 Den of Evil -qstsa1q2 Sisters' Burial Grounds -qstsa1q3 Tools of the Trade -qstsa1q4 The Search for Cain -qstsa1q5 The Forgotten Tower -qstsa1q6 Sisters to the Slaughter -strplaylast Speech -newquestlog New Entry -qsts Quest Status -noactivequest No active quests. -qstsxxx Invalid Quest Value -qstsnull Invalid State -qstsComplete Quest completed. -qstsother You cannot complete this quest in this game. Another player completed it first. -qstsprevious You completed this quest in a previous game. -qstsThankYouComeAgain You cannot complete this quest in this game. You can complete it by creating a new game. -qstsThankYouComeAgainMulti You cannot complete this quest in this game. You can complete it by creating a new game or joining a different game. -qstsThankYouComeAgainSingle You cannot complete this quest in this game. Cain was rescued without your help. -Qstsyouarenot8 You must be level 8 to complete this quest. You can complete it by creating a new game or joining a different game when you are at least level 8. -qstsa1q3x The person with the malus quit the game. -qstsa1q4x The person with the horadric scroll quit the game. -qstsa1q11 Look for the Den in the wilderness outside the Rogues' Camp. -qstsa1q12 Kill all the monsters in the Den. -qstsa1q13 -qstsa1q14 Monsters remaining: -qstsa1q140 One monster left. -qstsa1q15 Return to Akara for a reward. -qstsa1q21 Look for Blood Raven in the Burial Grounds next to the Cold Plains. -qstsa1q22 Kill Blood Raven. -qstsa1q23 Return to Shikari for a reward. -qstsa1q41 Go through the Underground Passage to the Dark Wood, search for the Tree of Inifuss, and recover the Scroll. -qstsa1q42 Take the Scroll of Inifuss to Akara. -qstsa1q43 Go to the Cairn Stones in the Stony Field. Touch the Stones in the order found on the Scroll of Inifuss. Enter the portal to Tristram, but beware the danger that lies ahead. -qstsa1q44 Find and rescue Deckard Cain. -qstsa1q45 Cain has been rescued and is now at the Rogue Encampment. -qstsa1q46 Visit Cain and Akara in the Rogue Encampment. -qstsa1q46b Talk to Akara for a reward. -qstsa1q51 Look for the Tower in the Black Marsh beyond the Dark Wood. -qstsa1q51a Explore the cellar dungeons beneath the Tower ruins. -qstsa1q51b Explore the cellar dungeons beneath the Tower ruins. -qstsa1q52 Dispose of the evil Countess. -qstsa1q31 Look for the Horadric Malus in the Monastery Barracks. Beware of the Smith that guards it. -qstsa1q32 Return the Horadric Malus to Charsi. -qstsa1q32b Charsi will imbue an item with magical power. -qstsa1q61 Find Andariel's Lair in the depths of the Monastery Catacombs. -qstsa1q62 Kill Andariel. -qstsa1q62b Return to Warriv to take the Caravan East. -qstsa1q63 Return to Warriv to take the Caravan East. -KeyNone None -KeyLButton Mouse 1 -KeyRButton Mouse 2 -KeyCancel Cancel -KeyMButton Mouse 3 -Key4Button Mouse 4 -Key5Button Mouse 5 -KeyWheelUp Mouse Wheel Up -KeyWheelDown Mouse Wheel Down -KeyKana Kana -KeyJunja Junja -KeyFinal Final -KeyKanji Kanji -KeyEscape Escape -KeyConvert Convert -KeyNonConvert Non-Convert -KeyAccept Accept -KeyModeChange Mode Change -KeyLeft Left -KeyUp Up -KeyRight Right -KeyDown Down -KeySelect Select -KeyExecute Execute -KeyLWin Left Windows -KeyRWin Right Windows -KeyApps Apps Menu -KeyNumLock Num Lock -KeyBack Backspace -KeyTab Tab -KeyClear Clear -KeyReturn Enter -KeyShift Shift -KeyControl Ctrl -KeyMenu Alt -KeyPause Pause -KeyCapital Caps Lock -KeySpace Space -KeyPrior Page Up -KeyNext Page Down -KeyEnd End -KeyHome Home -KeyPrint P - Tell Ken -KeySnapshot Print Screen -KeyInsert Insert -KeyDelete Delete -KeyHelp Help -KeyNumPad0 Num Pad 0 -KeyNumPad1 Num Pad 1 -KeyNumPad2 Num Pad 2 -KeyNumPad3 Num Pad 3 -KeyNumPad4 Num Pad 4 -KeyNumPad5 Num Pad 5 -KeyNumPad6 Num Pad 6 -KeyNumPad7 Num Pad 7 -KeyNumPad8 Num Pad 8 -KeyNumPad9 Num Pad 9 -KeyMultiply Num Pad * -KeyAdd Num Pad + -KeySeparator Separator -KeySubtract Num Pad - -KeyDecimal Num Pad . -KeyDivide Num Pad / -KeyF1 F1 -KeyF2 F2 -KeyF3 F3 -KeyF4 F4 -KeyF5 F5 -KeyF6 F6 -KeyF7 F7 -KeyF8 F8 -KeyF9 F9 -KeyF10 F10 -KeyF11 F11 -KeyF12 F12 -KeyF13 F13 -KeyF14 F14 -KeyF15 F15 -KeyF16 F16 -KeyF17 F17 -KeyF18 F18 -KeyF19 F19 -KeyF20 F20 -KeyF21 F21 -KeyF22 F22 -KeyF23 F23 -KeyF24 F24 -KeyScroll Scroll Lock -KeySemicolon ; -KeyEqual = -KeyComma , -KeyMinus - -KeyPeriod . -KeySlash / -KeyTilde ~ -KeyLBracket [ -KeyBackslash \ -KeyRBracket ] -KeyApostrophe ' -ShorthandKeyMButton m3 -ShorthandKey4Button m4 -ShorthandKey5Button m5 -ShorthandKeyWheelUp mwu -ShorthandKeyWheelDown mwd -ShorthandKeyKana kna -ShorthandKeyJunja jun -ShorthandKeyFinal fin -ShorthandKeyKanji kji -ShorthandKeyEscape esc -ShorthandKeyConvert con -ShorthandKeyNonConvert ncn -ShorthandKeyAccept acc -ShorthandKeyModeChange mdc -ShorthandKeyLeft lft -ShorthandKeyRight rgt -ShorthandKeyDown Dwn -ShorthandKeySelect Slt -ShorthandKeyExecute exc -ShorthandKeyLeftWindows lwn -ShorthandKeyRightWindows rwn -ShorthandKeyApps apm -ShorthandKeyNumLock nml -ShorthandKeyBackspace bks -ShorthandKeyClear clr -ShorthandKeyEnter ent -ShorthandKeyShift sft -ShorthandKeyControl ctl -ShorthandKeyPause pse -ShorthandKeyCapsLock clk -ShorthandKeySpace spc -ShorthandKeyPageUp pup -ShorthandKeyPageDown pdn -ShorthandKeyHome hme -ShorthandKeyPrintScreen psn -ShorthandKeyInsert ins -ShorthandKeyDelete del -ShorthandKeyHelp hel -ShorthandKeyNumPad0 np0 -ShorthandKeyNumPad1 np1 -ShorthandKeyNumPad2 np2 -ShorthandKeyNumPad3 np3 -ShorthandKeyNumPad4 np4 -ShorthandKeyNumPad5 np5 -ShorthandKeyNumPad6 np6 -ShorthandKeyNumPad7 np7 -ShorthandKeyNumPad8 np8 -ShorthandKeyNumPad9 np9 -ShorthandKeyNumPad* np* -ShorthandKeyNumPad+ np+ -ShorthandKeyNumPad- np- -ShorthandKeyNumPad. np. -ShorthandKeyNumPad/ np/ -ShorthandKeyScroll slk -KeyMacOption Option -KeyMacCommand Command -KeyMacNumPad= Num Pad = -ShorthandKeyMacOption Opt -ShorthandKeyMacCommand Cmd -ShorthandKeyMacNumPad= NP= -CfgFunction Function -CfgPrimaryKey Key/Button One -CfgSecondaryKey Key/Button Two -CfgCharacter Character Screen -CfgInventory Inventory Screen -CfgParty Party Screen -CfgMessageLog Message Log -CfgQuestLog Quest Log -CfgChat Chat -CfgAutoMap Automap -CfgAutoMapCenter Center Automap -CfgMiniMap Micromap -CfgHelp Help Screen -CfgSkillTree Skill Tree -CfgSkillPick Skill Speed Bar -CfgSkill1 Skill 1 -CfgSkill2 Skill 2 -CfgSkill3 Skill 3 -CfgSkill4 Skill 4 -CfgSkill5 Skill 5 -CfgSkill6 Skill 6 -CfgSkill7 Skill 7 -CfgSkill8 Skill 8 -Cfgskillup Select Previous Skill -Cfgskilldown Select Next Skill -CfgBeltShow Show Belt -CfgBelt1 Use Belt 1 -CfgBelt2 Use Belt 2 -CfgBelt3 Use Belt 3 -CfgBelt4 Use Belt 4 -CfgBelt5 Use Belt 5 -CfgBelt6 Use Belt 6 -CfgBelt7 Use Belt 7 -CfgBelt8 Use Belt 8 -CfgBelt9 Use Belt 9 -CfgBelt10 Use Belt 10 -CfgBelt11 Use Belt 11 -CfgBelt12 Use Belt 12 -CfgSay0 Say 'Help' -CfgSay1 Say 'Follow me' -CfgSay2 Say 'This is for you' -CfgSay3 Say 'Thanks' -CfgSay4 Say 'Sorry' -CfgSay5 Say 'Bye' -CfgSay6 Say 'Now you die' -CfgRun Run -CfgRunLock Toggle Run/Walk -CfgStandStill Stand Still -CfgShowItems Show Items -CfgClearScreen Clear Screen -CfgSnapshot Screen Shot -CfgDefault Default -CfgAccept Accept -CfgCancel Cancel -strNoKeysAssigned No keys were assigned because you neglected to assign one or more keys. -KeysAssigned Keys assigned. -CantAssignMB Cannot assign to mouse button -CantAssignMW Cannot assign to mouse wheel -CantAssignKey Cannot assign to this key -CfgClearKey Clear key -Cfgcleartextmsg Clear Messages -CfgTogglePortraits Show Portraits -CfgAutoMapFade Fade Automap -CfgAutoMapNames Names on Automap -CfgAutoMapParty Party on Automap -strlvlup New Stats -strnewskl New Skill -warpsheader Warps -nowarps No Warps -waypointsheader Choose your destination -nowaypoints No Other Waypoints Activated -max MAX -MAX MAX -colorcode ÿc -space -dash - -colon : -newline } -pipe | -slash / -percent % -plus + -to to -srostertitle Players -dwell Dwell -larva Larva -Barbarian Vira -Paladin Dharma Yoddha -Necromancer Aghora -Sorceress Sahira -Amazon Yodhini -druidstr Pashupati -assassinstr Vadhaka -Nest Nest -NoParty No Party -ItsMyParty Party # -Upgrade imbue -upgraderestrict No Magic, Socketed, Rare, Unique, or Set Items. No Jewelry or Throwing Weapons. -Use Use Gem -NPCIdentify1 Identify Items -NPCIdentify2 Identify Items: -strCannotDoThisToUnknown Cannot repair unidentified items -Body Looted Body Looted -Party1 permits you to loot his corpse. -Party2 permits you to loot her corpse. -Party3 has expressed hostility towards you. -Party4 is no longer hostile towards you. -Party5 invites you to ally against the forces of evil. -Party6 has cancelled the party invite. -Party7 has joined your party to fight the forces of evil. -Party8 You are now allied with -Party9 has left your party. -strDropGoldHowMuch How much Gold would you like to drop? -strDropGoldInfo Drop Gold -strMsgLog Message Log -strBSArmor Armor -strBSWeapons Weapons -strBSMagic Magic -strBSMisc Misc -strTrade trade -strTradeAccept accept trade -strTradeAgreeTo agree to trade -strWaitingForOtherPlayer asking other player to trade -strTradeBusy is busy -strTradeTooFull One of you has too much stuff -strTradeGoldHowMuch How much Gold would you like to offer? -strTradeTimeout You must wait a short time to trade with that player. -SysmsgPlayer1 : -strBankGoldDeposit How much Gold would you like to deposit? -strBankGoldWithdraw How much Gold would you like to withdraw? -GoldMax Gold Max: %d -StrUI0 Golem -StrUI1 ÿc9Skeleton -StrUI2 ÿc8Mage -StrUI3 ÿc;Revived -StrUI4 ÿc4Valkyrie -strchrlvl Level -strchrexp Experience -strchrnxtlvl Next Level -strchrstr Strength -strchrskm Damage -strchrdex Dexterity -strchratr %s}Attack Rating -strchrdef Defense -strchrrat %s}Rating -strchrvit Vitality -strchrstm Stamina -strchrlif Life -strchreng Energy -strchrman Mana -strchrfir Fire}Resistance -strchrcol Cold}Resistance -strchrlit Lightning}Resistance -strchrpos Poison}Resistance -strchrstat Stat Points -strchrrema Remaining -WeaponDescMace Mace Class -WeaponDescAxe Axe Class -WeaponDescSword Sword Class -WeaponDescDagger Dagger Class -WeaponDescThrownPotion Equip to Throw -WeaponDescJavelin Javelin Class -WeaponDescSpear Spear Class -WeaponDescBow Bow Class -WeaponDescStaff Staff Class -WeaponDescPoleArm Polearm Class -WeaponDescCrossBow Crossbow Class -WeaponAttackFastest Fastest Attack Speed -WeaponAttackVeryFast Very Fast Attack Speed -WeaponAttackFast Fast Attack Speed -WeaponAttackNormal Normal Attack Speed -WeaponAttackSlow Slow Attack Speed -WeaponAttackVerySlow Very Slow Attack Speed -WeaponAttackSlowest Slowest Attack Speed -strNecromanerOnly (Aghora Only) -strPaladinOnly (Dharma Yoddha Only) -strSorceressOnly (Sahira Only) -strMaceSpecialDamage Damage to Undead -strGoldLabel Gold -strParty1 Invite this player -strParty2 to join your party. -strParty3 Accept this player's -strParty4 invitation to form a party. -strParty5 Cancel your invitation -strParty6 to this player. -strParty7 Click to go hostile -strParty8 with this player. -strParty9 Click to go neutral -strParty10 with this player. -strParty11 Click to allow this player -strParty12 to loot your corpse. -strParty13 Click to disallow this player -strParty14 from looting your corpse. -strParty15 Click to allow this player -strParty16 to hear you. -strParty17 Click to stop this player -strParty18 from hearing you. -strParty19 Click to squelch this player. -strParty22 Click to un-squelch this player. -strParty24 Remove yourself from party. -strParty25 Must be toggled in town. -StrParty26 Both players must be at least level 9 -StrParty27 to go hostile with each other -strGoldWithdraw Withdraw -strGoldDrop Drop Gold -strGoldDeposit Deposit -strGoldTrade Offer -strGoldInStash Gold in Stash: -strGoldTradepup Trade Gold -strUiMenu1 Cancel -strUiMenu2 Accept Trade -strUiBank ACCEPT TRADE -strUnknownTomb The True Tomb is Hidden. -strTradeOtherBox has items in his box. -strTradeBox You have items in your box. -strFree - Free for you -act1 Act 1 -act2 Act 2 -act3 Act 3 -act4 Act 4 -level Level -lowercasecancel cancel -close close -strClose Close -Lightning Spell Lightning Spell -Fire Spell Fire Spell -Cold Spell Cold Spell -Yourparty In your party -Inparty In a party -Invite INVITE -Accept ACCEPT -Leave LEAVE -Partyclose CLOSE -partycharama Yodhini -partycharsor Sahira -partycharbar Vira -partycharnec Aghora -partycharpal Dharma Yoddha -charavghit Average chance to hit -charmonster level %d monster: %d%% -charmontohit1 Average chance a level %d -charmontohit2 monster will hit you: %d%% -panelexp Experience: %u / %u -panelstamina Stamina: %d / %d -panelhealth Life: %d / %d -panelmana Mana: %d / %d -panelmini Open Mini Panel -panelcmini Close Mini Panel -minipanelchar Character -minipanelinv Inventory -minipaneltree Skill Tree -minipanelparty Party Screen -minipanelautomap Automap -minipanelmessage Message Log -minipanelquest Quest Log -minipanelmenubtn Game Menu (Esc) -minipanelHelp Help -minipanelspecial (%s) -RunOn Run -RunOff Walk -automapgame Game: -automappw Password: -automapdif Difficulty: %s -scrollbooktext Quantity : %d -skilldesc1 Level -skilldesc2 percent -skilldesc3 Required Level : -skilldesc4 Quantity -strpanel1 Char Info -strpanel2 Quests -strpanel3 Unused -strpanel4 Inventory -strpanel5 Menu -strpanel6 Automap -strpanel7 Unused -strpanel8 Skill Tree -stashfull Your stash is full. -Strhelp1 Diablo II Help -StrHelp2 Hold Down <%s> to Run -StrHelp3 Hold down <%s> to highlight items on the ground -StrHelp4 Hold down <%s> to attack while standing still -StrHelp5 Hit <%s> to toggle the automap on and off -StrHelp6 Hit to bring up the Game Menu -StrHelp7 Hit to go into chat mode -StrHelp8 Use F1-F8 to set your Left or Right Mouse Button Skills. -StrHelp8a Hit <%s> to toggle this screen open and closed -StrHelp9 Life Orb -StrHelp10 Left Mouse- -StrHelp11 Button Skill -StrHelp12 (Click to Change) -StrHelp13 Right Mouse- -StrHelp14 Run/Walk -StrHelp14a Toggle -StrHelp15 Stamina Bar -StrHelp16 Experience -StrHelp16a Bar -StrHelp17 Mini-Panel -StrHelp18 (opens Character, -StrHelp19 Inventory, and -StrHelp20 other screens) -StrHelp21 Belt -StrHelp22 Mana Orb -strSklTree -StrSklTreea Skill Tab 1 -StrSklTreeb Skill Tab 2 -StrSklTreec Skill Tab 3 -StrSklTree1 Skill -StrSklTree2 Choices -StrSklTree3 Remaining -StrSklTree4 -StrSklTree5 -StrSklTree6 Javelin -StrSklTree7 and Spear -StrSklTree8 Passive -StrSklTree9 and Magic -StrSklTree10 Bow and -StrSklTree11 Crossbow -StrSklTree12 Dhrama -StrSklTree13 -StrSklTree14 Tapasya -StrSklTree15 Yuddh -StrSklTree16 ÿc;& Curse} ÿc1Summon -StrSklTree17 ÿc2Poison -StrSklTree18 ÿc7& Bone -StrSklTree19 ÿc8& Passive} ÿc8Aghora -StrSklTree20 Warcries -StrSklTree21 Combat -StrSklTree22 Masteries -StrSklTree23 ÿc3& Cold} ÿc1Fire -StrSklTree24 ÿc2& Poison} ÿc/Lightning -StrSklTree25 ÿc4Mystical -StrSkill0 -StrSkill1 Next Level -StrSkill2 Current Skill Level: -StrSkill3 Mana Cost: -StrSkill4 Damage: -StrSkill5 Fire Damage: -StrSkill6 Cold Damage: -StrSkill7 Lightning Damage: -StrSkill8 Poison Damage: -StrSkill9 arrows -StrSkill10 To Attack Rating: -StrSkill11 hits -StrSkill12 - -StrSkill13 Cold Length: -StrSkill14 Poison Length: -StrSkill15 second -StrSkill16 seconds -StrSkill17 First Level -StrSkill18 Radius: -StrSkill19 squares -StrSkill20 Duration: -StrSkill21 Defense: -StrSkill22 Attack: -StrSkill23 percent -StrSkill24 percent chance -StrSkill25 Enemy Defense: -StrSkill26 yards -StrSkill27 bolts -StrSkill28 teeth -StrSkill29 Freeze Length: -StrSkill30 Attack Bonus: -StrSkill31 Defense Bonus: -StrSkill32 Fire Damage -StrSkill33 Weakens Enemies by -StrSkill34 per second -StrSkill35 Continuous Fire Damage: -StrSkill36 yard -StrSkill37 Damage Taken: -StrSkill38 Target's Damage: -StrSkill39 Magic Damage: -StrSkill40 Absorbs -StrSkill41 damage -StrSkill42 Life: -StrSkill43 Improved Missile Damage -StrSkill44 skeletons total -StrSkill43 skeleton mage -StrSkill44 skeleton magi -StrSkill45 Golem Level: -StrSkill46 percent of corpse Life -StrSkill47 damage to Self -StrSkill48 Stun Length: -StrSkill49 percent of shield strength -StrSkill50 Heals: -StrSkill51 Resist Fire: -StrSkill52 Resist Cold: -StrSkill53 Resist Lightning: -StrSkill54 Resist All: -StrSkill55 percent damage returned -StrSkill56 Range: -StrSkill57 Target's Attack: -StrSkill58 Enemy runs up to -StrSkill59 Enemy runs for -StrSkill60 per target -StrSkill61 3 hits -StrSkill62 Freezes for -StrSkill63 over -StrSkill64 poison damage -StrSkill65 Chance of losing durability: -StrSkill66 Target stutters for -StrSkill67 Ranged attacks slowed to -StrSkill68 Average -StrSkill69 Stamina Recovery Rate: -StrSkill70 Velocity: -StrSkill71 Stamina Bonus: -StrSkill72 Releases -StrSkill73 charged bolts -StrSkill74 Duration reduced by -StrSkill75 Elemental Damages: -StrSkill76 Chance uninterruptable -StrSkill77 Enemies slowed -StrSkill78 Remains target for -StrSkill79 percent of attack damage -StrSkill80 Converts -StrSkill81 percent damage to life -StrSkill82 Fire Duration: -StrSkill83 Fire Explosion Damage: -StrSkill84 Lightning Bolt Damage: -StrSkill85 Reduces curse duration by -StrSkill86 Attacks up to -StrSkill87 targets -StrSkill88 Mana Recovery Rate: -StrSkill89 Walk/Run Speed: -StrSkill90 Resistances: -StrSkill91 Holy Bolt Damage: -StrSkill92 mana per knockback -StrSkill94 skeleton total -StrSkill95 Skeletons: -StrSkill96 Magi: -StrSkill97 Monsters: -StrSkill98 Lowers Maximum Resistances -StrSkill99 Chance to convert: -StrSkill100 Max Life: -StrSkill101 Max Mana: -StrSkill102 Max Stamina: -StrSkill103 percent fire damage -StrSkill104 monster -StrSkill105 monsters -StrSkill106 Attack Speed: -StrSkill107 Life/Mana Recovered: -StrSkill108 points -StrSkill109 Chance to redeem soul: -StrSkill110 Successful Blocking: -StrSkill111 per yard -StrSkill112 Thorns damage -StrSkill113 Hydra Fire Damage: -StrSkill114 Resist Elemental Damage: -StrSkill115 Minimum Mana Required to Cast: -StrSkill116 Maximum Level Reached -StrSkill117 (item) -StrSkill118 You have been granted this skill by an item -StrSkill119 You have not learned this skill yet -skillname0 Attack -skillsd0 normal attack -skillld0 normal attack -skillan0 Attack -skillname1 Kick -skillsd1 kick target -skillld1 kick target -skillan1 kick target -skillname2 Throw -skillsd2 throw equipped item -skillld2 throw equipped item -skillan2 Throw -skillname3 Unsummon -skillsd3 releases a summoned creature -skillld3 of one of your creatures}relinquishes control -skillan3 Unsummon -skillname4 Left Hand Throw -skillsd4 throw left hand item -skillld4 throw left hand item -skillan4 Left Throw -skillname5 Left Hand Swing -skillsd5 swing left hand weapon -skillld5 swing left hand weapon -skillan5 Left Swing -skillname6 Magic Arrow -skillsd6 creates a magical arrow -skillld6 that does extra damage}creates a magical arrow or bolt -skillan6 Magic Arrow -skillname7 Fire Arrow -skillsd7 enchants arrows with flame -skillld7 always hits}or bolts with fire}magically enhances your arrows -skillan7 Fire Arrow -skillname8 Inner Sight -skillsd8 illuminates and weakens nearby monsters -skillld8 for you and your party}making them easier to hit}illuminates nearby enemies -skillan8 Inner Sight -skillname9 Critical Strike -skillsd9 passive - chance of doing double damage -skillld9 passive - your attacks have a chance to do double damage -skillan9 Critical Strike -skillname10 Jab -skillsd10 rapid attacks with a thrusting weapon -skillld10 using a javelin or spear class weapon}attacks with a series of rapid thrusts -skillan10 Jab -skillname11 Cold Arrow -skillsd11 enchants arrows to slow targets -skillld11 always hits}cold arrows only do half of their regular damage}by adding cold damage and a slowing effect}magically enhances your arrows or bolts -skillan11 Cold Arrow -skillname12 Multiple Shot -skillsd12 fires multiple arrows -skillld12 or bolt into many}magically splits one arrow -skillan12 Multiple Shot -skillname13 Dodge -skillsd13 passive - dodges melee attacks -skillld13 or standing still}a melee attack when attacking}passive - you have a chance to dodge -skillan13 Dodge -skillname14 Power Strike -skillsd14 adds lightning damage -skillld14 javelin and spear class weapons}adds lightning damage to attacks with -skillan14 Power Strike -skillname15 Poison Javelin -skillsd15 adds poison damage -skillld15 to leave a trail of poison clouds}magically enhances your javelin -skillan15 Poison Javelin -skillname16 Exploding Arrow -skillsd16 enchant arrows to explode -skillld16 always hits}contact, damaging all nearby enemies}enchants an arrow or bolt that explodes on -skillan16 Exploding -skillname17 Slow Missiles -skillsd17 slows ranged attacks of enemies -skillld17 illuminates nearby enemies and slows their ranged attacks -skillan17 Slow Missiles -skillname18 Avoid -skillsd18 passive - dodges missiles -skillld18 when attacking or standing still}passive - you have a chance to dodge enemy missiles -skillan18 Avoid -skillname19 Impale -skillsd19 increases damage but degrades weapon -skillld19 increases attack damage but rapidly degrades the weapon -skillan19 Impale -skillname20 Lightning Bolt -skillsd20 changes a thrown javelin into lightning -skillld20 magically converts your javelin into a bolt of lightning -skillan20 Lightning Bolt -skillname21 Ice Arrow -skillsd21 enchants arrows to freeze enemies -skillld21 always hits}to freeze your enemies}magically enhances your arrow or bolt -skillan21 Ice Arrow -skillname22 Guided Arrow -skillsd22 enchants arrows to seek enemies -skillld22 always hits}or seek one of its own}to track your target}enhances your arrows and bolts -skillan22 Guided Arrow -skillname23 Penetrate -skillsd23 passive - increases attack rating -skillld23 passive - increases your attack rating -skillan23 Penetrate -skillname24 Charged Strike -skillsd24 enchants thrusting weapons with charged bolts -skillld24 and releases charged bolts upon impact}adds lightning damage to javelin and spear class weapons -skillan24 Charged Strike -skillname25 Plague Javelin -skillsd25 enchants javelins with poison explosions -skillld25 expanding clouds of poison upon impact}magically enhances your javelin to release -skillan25 Plague Javelin -skillname26 Strafe -skillsd26 enchants arrows to strike multiple targets -skillld26 that target multiple nearby enemies}magically splits one arrow into several -skillan26 Strafe -skillname27 Immolation Arrow -skillsd27 enchants arrows to burn enemies -skillld27 always hits}creates a pyre upon impact}cause severe fire damage and}enhances arrows or bolts to -skillan27 Immolation -skillname28 Decoy -skillsd28 creates a duplicate of yourself -skillld28 that draws fire from enemies}creates a duplicate of yourself -skillan28 Decoy -skillname29 Evade -skillsd29 passive - dodges when moving -skillld29 when walking or running}a melee or missile attack}passive - you have a chance to dodge -skillan29 Evade -skillname30 Fend -skillsd30 attacks all adjacent targets -skillld30 attacks all adjacent targets -skillan30 Fend -skillname31 Freezing Arrow -skillsd31 enchants arrows to freeze multiple monsters -skillld31 always hits}to freeze entire groups of monsters}magically enhances an arrow or bolt -skillan31 Freezing Arrow -skillname32 Valkyrie -skillsd32 summons a powerful Valkyrie ally -skillld32 summons a powerful Valkyrie ally -skillan32 Valkyrie -skillname33 Pierce -skillsd33 passive - missiles may continue through enemies -skillld33 pass through enemies that they hit}passive - your missiles have a chance to -skillan33 Pierce -skillname34 Lightning Strike -skillsd34 enchants thrusting weapons with chain lightning -skillld34 and releases chain lightning upon impact}adds lightning damage to javelin and spear class weapons -skillan34 Light'ng Strike -skillname35 Lightning Fury -skillsd35 a lightning bolt that splits on impact -skillld35 bolt of lightning that splits on impact}changes a thrown javelin into a powerful -skillan35 Lightning Fury -skillname36 Fire Bolt -skillsd36 creates a missile of flame -skillld36 creates a magical flaming missile -skillan36 Fire Bolt -skillname37 Warmth -skillsd37 passive - increases mana recovery rate -skillld37 passive - increases the rate at which you recover mana -skillan37 Warmth -skillname38 Charged Bolt -skillsd38 creates multiple deadly sparks -skillld38 bolts of electrical energy}creates multiple, randomly directed -skillan38 Charged Bolt -skillname39 Ice Bolt -skillsd39 creates a shard of ice that slows enemies -skillld39 that damages and slows your enemies}creates a magical bolt of ice -skillan39 Ice Bolt -skillname40 Frozen Armor -skillsd40 improves defense and freezes attacker -skillld40 and freezes enemies that hit you}increases your defense rating -skillan40 Frozen Armor -skillname41 Inferno -skillsd41 creates a jet of flame -skillld41 to scorch your enemies}creates a continuous jet of flame -skillan41 Inferno -skillname42 Static Field -skillsd42 creates a field of deadly sparks -skillld42 of all nearby enemies by one third}creates an electrical field that reduces life -skillan42 Static Field -skillname43 Telekinesis -skillsd43 moves objects with your mind -skillld43 and knock back enemies}pick up items, use objects,}uses the power of your mind to -skillan43 Telekinesis -skillname44 Frost Nova -skillsd44 creates a freezing ring -skillld44 and slows all nearby enemies}creates an expanding ring of ice that damages -skillan44 Frost Nova -skillname45 Ice Blast -skillsd45 creates an ice bolt that freezes enemies -skillld45 damages and freezes your enemy}creates a magical sphere of ice that -skillan45 Ice Blast -skillname46 Blaze -skillsd46 creates fire in your wake -skillld46 in your wake to scorch your enemies}creates a wall of fire -skillan46 Blaze -skillname47 Fire Ball -skillsd47 creates an explosive sphere of fire -skillld47 to engulf your enemies}creates an explosive sphere of fiery death -skillan47 Fire Ball -skillname48 Nova -skillsd48 creates an electrically charged ring -skillld48 to shock nearby enemies}creates an expanding ring of lightning -skillan48 Nova -skillname49 Lightning -skillsd49 creates a bolt of lightning -skillld49 to lay waste to your enemies}creates a powerful lightning bolt -skillan49 Lightning -skillname50 Shiver Armor -skillsd50 freezes and damages attackers -skillld50 freezes and damages enemies that hit you}increases your defense rating -skillan50 Shiver Armor -skillname51 Fire Wall -skillsd51 creates a wall of flame -skillld51 blocks or burns your enemies}creates a wall of flame that -skillan51 Fire Wall -skillname52 Enchant -skillsd52 enchants melee or ranged weapons with fire -skillld52 adds one-third fire damage to ranged weapons}adds fire damage to melee weapons}enchants equipped weapon of targeted character or minion -skillan52 Enchant -skillname53 Chain Lightning -skillsd53 creates a bolt of lightning that arcs -skillld53 arcs through several targets}creates a bolt of lightning that -skillan53 Chain Lightning -skillname54 Teleport -skillsd54 instantly moves to destination -skillld54 instantly moves to a destination within your line of sight -skillan54 Teleport -skillname55 Glacial Spike -skillsd55 creates a freezing comet of ice -skillld55 that freezes or kills nearby enemies}creates a magical ice comet -skillan55 Glacial Spike -skillname56 Meteor -skillsd56 summons a meteor from the heavens -skillld56 to crush and incinerate your enemies}summons a meteor from the heavens -skillan56 Meteor -skillname57 Thunder Storm -skillsd57 summons a powerful tempest -skillld57 your enemies with bolts of lightning}summons a deadly thunderstorm that strikes -skillan57 Thunder Storm -skillname58 Energy Shield -skillsd58 uses your mana as a shield -skillld58 instead of health when you take damage}creates a magical shield that consumes mana -skillan58 Energy Shield -skillname59 Blizzard -skillsd59 summons a massive ice storm -skillld59 summons massive shards of ice to destroy your enemies -skillan59 Blizzard -skillname60 Chilling Armor -skillsd60 retaliates against ranged attackers -skillld60 against ranged attackers}increases defense and discharges an ice bolt in retaliation -skillan60 Chill'n Armor -skillsname61 Fire Mastery -skillsd61 passive - increases fire damage -skillld61 passive - increases all damage caused by your fire spells -skillan61 Fire Mastery -skillname62 Hydra -skillsd62 summons multi-headed fire beast -skillld62 to reduce your enemies to ashes}summons a multi-headed beast of flame -skillan62 Hydra -skillname63 Lightning Mastery -skillsd63 passive - reduces cost of lightning spells -skillld63 to cast your lightning spells}passive - reduces the mana required -skillan63 Lightning Mastery -skillname64 Frozen Orb -skillsd64 creates a globe of frozen death -skillld64 to lay waste to your enemies}creates a magical globe that sprays a torrent of ice bolts -skillan64 Frozen Orb -skillname65 Cold Mastery -skillsd65 passive - cold attacks become piercing -skillld65 by piercing enemies resistances to cold}passive - increases the damage of your cold attacks -skillan65 Cold Mastery -skillname66 Amplify Damage -skillsd66 curse - amplifies damage taken by enemies -skillld66 the non-magic damage they receive}curses a group of enemies, increasing -skillan66 Amplify -skillname67 Teeth -skillsd67 fires barbed teeth -skillld67 fires a barrage of summoned barbed teeth -skillan67 Teeth -skillname68 Bone Armor -skillsd68 creates a damage absorbing bone shell -skillld68 that absorbs melee damage}creates an orbiting shield of bone -skillan68 Bone Armor -skillname69 Skeleton Mastery -skillsd69 passive - better skeletons and revived creatures -skillld69 of raised skeletons and revived creatures}passive - increases life and damage -skillan69 Skeleton Mastery -skillname70 Raise Skeleton -skillsd70 reanimate skeletal warrior from target corpse -skillld70 fights for you}this raises a skeleton warrior that}cast on the corpse of a slain monster, -skillan70 Raise Skeleton -skillname71 Dim Vision -skillsd71 curse - reduces vision of monsters -skillld71 reducing their vision radius}curses a group of monsters, -skillan71 Dim Vision -skillname72 Weaken -skillsd72 curse - reduces damage done by enemies -skillld72 reducing the amount of damage they inflict}curses a group of enemies, -skillan72 Weaken -skillname73 Poison Dagger -skillsd73 next dagger attack poisons target -skillld73 adds poison to your dagger attacks -skillan73 Poison Dagger -skillname74 Corpse Explosion -skillsd74 turns a corpse into a bomb -skillld74 it explodes, damaging nearby enemies}cast on the corpse of a slain monster, -skillan74 Corpse Exp. -skillname75 Clay Golem -skillsd75 creates a golem to fight for you -skillld75 to fight by your side}creates a golem from the clay of the earth -skillan75 Clay Golem -skillname76 Iron Maiden -skillsd76 curse - enemies damage themselves -skillld76 to damage themselves when damaging others}curses a group of enemies, causing them -skillan76 Iron Maiden -skillname77 Terror -skillsd77 curse - monsters run away in fear -skillld77 causing them to flee in terror}curses a group of monsters, -skillan77 Terror -skillname78 Bone Wall -skillsd78 creates an impassable barrier -skillld78 of bone and debris}creates an impassable barrier -skillan78 Bone Wall -skillname79 Golem Mastery -skillsd79 Enhances Speed and Life of Golems -skillld79 Enhances Speed and Life of all your Golems -skillan79 Golem Mastery -skillname80 Raise Skeletal Mage -skillsd80 reanimate skeletal mage from target corpse -skillld80 fights for you}this raises a skeleton mage that}cast on the corpse of a slain monster, -skillan80 Skeletal Mage -skillname81 Confuse -skillsd81 curse - monster attacks random targets -skillld81 curses a monster to force it to attack random targets -skillan81 Confuse -skillname82 Life Tap -skillsd82 curse - enemies return life to attacker -skillld82 damaging them gives the attacker life}curses a group of monsters so that -skillan82 Life Tap -skillname83 Poison Explosion -skillsd83 turns a corpse into a poison gas bomb -skillld83 that poisons nearby monsters}toxic gas is released}cast on the corpse of a slain monster, -skillan83 Poison Exp. -skillname84 Bone Spear -skillsd84 summons a deadly spike of bone -skillld84 summons a deadly spike of bone to impale your enemies -skillan84 Bone Spear -skillname85 Air Elemental -skillsd85 an Air Elemental that shares life and damage -skillld85 it steals and damage it receives}creates an Air Elemental that shares with you the life -skillan85 Air Elemental -skillname86 Attract -skillsd86 curse - monster becomes universal target -skillld86 this curse may not be overridden by another curse}target of all nearby monsters}curses a monster to becomes the -skillan86 Attract -skillname87 Decrepify -skillsd87 curse - greatly slows and weakens enemies -skillld87 slow, weak and take amplified damage}curses a group of enemies to make them -skillan87 Decrepify -skillname88 Bone Prison -skillsd88 creates a barrier of bone around target -skillld88 creates a barrier of fossilized bone around your target -skillan88 Bone Prison -skillname89 Summon Resist -skillsd89 passive - summoned monsters gain resistances -skillld89 of all summoned creatures}passive - increases the resistances -skillan89 Summon Resist -skillname90 Iron Golem -skillsd90 creates a golem from an item -skillld90 the properties of the item}transforms a metallic item into a golem that gains -skillan90 Iron Golem -skillname91 Lower Resist -skillsd91 curse - lowers enemies resistance to magic -skillld91 lowers maximum resistances of hostile players}lowers resistances of monsters}curses an enemy to take more damage from all magical attacks -skillan91 Lower Resist -skillname92 Poison Nova -skillsd92 emits an expanding ring of poison -skillld92 emits an expanding ring of concentrated poison -skillan92 Poison Nova -skillname93 Bone Spirit -skillsd93 releases an undead specter -skillld93 tracks its target or finds one of its own}releases a spirit of the restless undead that -skillan93 Bone Spirit -skillname94 Fire Golem -skillsd94 creates a golem of fire -skillld94 it receives from fire into life}creates a golem that converts the damage -skillan94 Fire Golem -skillname95 Revive -skillsd95 raises a monster to fight for you -skillld95 to fight by your side}returns a monster to life -skillan95 Revive -skillname96 Sacrifice -skillsd96 increased accuracy and damage -skillld96 at the cost of life}increased accuracy and damage -skillan96 Sacrifice -skillname97 Smite -skillsd97 shield bash -skillld97 by bashing it with your shield}temporarily stun your enemy -skillan97 Smite -skillname98 Might -skillsd98 aura - increases damage -skillld98 done by you and your party}when active, aura increases the damage -skillan98 Might -skillname99 Prayer -skillsd99 aura - regenerates life -skillld99 the life of you and your party}when active, aura slowly regenerates -skillan99 Prayer -skillname100 Resist Fire -skillsd100 aura - protects against fire damage -skillld100 done to you and your party}when active, aura decreases fire damage -skillan100 Resist Fire -skillname101 Holy Bolt -skillsd101 divine energy that damages undead -skillld101 or heals allies}that damages undead enemies}a bolt of divine energy -skillan101 Holy Bolt -skillname102 Holy Fire -skillsd102 aura - flames damage nearby enemies -skillld102 with heavenly flames}when active, aura damages nearby enemies -skillan102 Holy Fire -skillname103 Thorns -skillsd103 aura - reflects damage back at enemies -skillld103 back at your attacker}when active, aura reflects damage done to you -skillan103 Thorns -skillname104 Defiance -skillsd104 aura - increases defense -skillld104 of you and your party}when active, aura increases the defense rating -skillan104 Defiance -skillname105 Resist Cold -skillsd105 aura - protects against cold damage -skillld105 done to you and your party}when active, aura decreases cold damage -skillan105 Resist Cold -skillname106 Zeal -skillsd106 attacks multiple adjacent enemies -skillld106 with a single attack}allows you to attack multiple adjacent enemies -skillan106 Zeal -skillname107 Charge -skillsd107 charge and attack target -skillld107 charge into battle and attack an enemy -skillan107 Charge -skillname108 Blessed Aim -skillsd108 aura - increases your attack rating -skillld108 for you and your party}when active, aura increases the attack rating -skillan108 Blessed Aim -skillname109 Cleansing -skillsd109 aura - reduces poison and curse duration -skillld109 will remain poisoned or cursed}of time you and your party}when active, aura reduces the length -skillan109 Cleansing -skillname110 Resist Lightning -skillsd110 aura - protects against lightning damage -skillld110 done to you and your party}when active, aura decreases lightning damage -skillan110 R. Lightning -skillname111 Vengeance -skillsd111 attacks add elemental damage -skillld111 to each successful attack}fire, lightning and cold damage are added -skillan111 Vengeance -skillname112 Blessed Hammer -skillsd112 summon a spiraling magic hammer -skillld112 150 Percent Damage to Undead}spirals outwards damaging enemies it hits}summons an ethereal hammer that -skillan112 B. Hammer -skillname113 Concentration -skillsd113 aura - increases your attack ability -skillld113 that the attack will be interrupted for you and your party }when active, aura increases the damage and decreases the chance -skillan113 Concentration -skillname114 Holy Freeze -skillsd114 aura - freezes nearby monsters -skillld114 when active, aura freezes nearby monsters -skillan114 Holy Freeze -skillname115 Vigor -skillsd115 aura - increases speed and stamina recovery -skillld115 and movement speed for you and your party}when active, aura increases stamina recovery rate, maximum stamina -skillan115 Vigor -skillname116 Conversion -skillsd116 Change allegiance of monsters -skillld116 other foul Raakshus and beasts}converts monsters to fight against -skillan116 Conversion -skillname117 Holy Shield -skillsd117 enhances your shield -skillld117 enhances your shield with divine power -skillan117 Holy Shield -skillname118 Holy Shock -skillsd118 aura - lightning damages nearby enemies -skillld118 to damage nearby enemies}when active, aura causes pulses of electricity -skillan118 Holy Shock -skillname119 Sanctuary -skillsd119 aura - repels and damages undead -skillld119 and knocks them back}when active, aura damages the undead -skillan119 Sanctuary -skillname120 Meditation -skillsd120 aura - increases mana recovery -skillld120 for you and your party}when active, aura increases mana recovery -skillan120 Meditation -skillname121 Fist of the Heavens -skillsd121 target is banished -skillld121 seek out nearby enemies}lightning strikes your target as holy bolts -skillan121 Heaven's Fist -skillname122 Fanaticism -skillsd122 aura - increases attack speed -skillld122 and attack rating for you and your party}when active, aura increases attack speed -skillan122 Fanaticism -skillname123 Conviction -skillsd123 aura - weakens enemies -skillld123 and resistances of nearby enemies}when active, aura reduces the defenses -skillan123 Conviction -skillname124 Redemption -skillsd124 aura - redeems the dead for mana and life -skillld124 life and mana to you and your party}the souls of slain enemies to give}when active, aura attempts to redeem -skillan124 Redemption -skillname125 Salvation -skillsd125 aura - protects against elemental damage -skillld125 done to you and your party}when active, aura decreases fire, cold and lightning damage -skillan125 Salvation -skillname126 Bash -skillsd126 powerful blow that increases damage -skillld126 to enemies and knocks them back}powerful blow that increases the damage done -skillan126 Bash -skillname127 Sword Mastery -skillsd127 passive - improves sword fighting skill -skillld127 passive - improves sword fighting skill -skillan127 Sword Mastery -skillname128 Axe Mastery -skillsd128 passive - improves axe fighting skill -skillld128 passive - improves axe fighting skill -skillan128 Axe Mastery -skillname129 Mace Mastery -skillsd129 passive - improves mace fighting skill -skillld129 passive - improves mace fighting skill -skillan129 Mace Mastery -skillname130 Howl -skillsd130 frightens nearby monsters -skillld130 scrambling away in fear}sends nearby monsters -skillan130 Howl -skillname131 Find Potion -skillsd131 targets corpses to find potions -skillld131 for a chance to find a potion}use on the corpse of a slain monster -skillan131 Find Potion -skillname132 Leap -skillsd132 jumps over obstacles -skillld132 or into the fray}leaps away from danger -skillan132 Leap -skillname133 Double Swing -skillsd133 swings two weapons at once -skillld133 or one target twice}attacks two targets if possible,}when two weapons are equipped -skillan133 Double Swing -skillname134 Pole Arm Mastery -skillsd134 passive - improves pole arm skill -skillld134 passive - improves pole arm skill -skillan134 Pole Arm Mastery -skillname135 Throwing Mastery -skillsd135 passive - improves thrown weapon skill -skillld135 passive - improves thrown weapon skill -skillan135 Throwing Mastery -skillname136 Spear Mastery -skillsd136 passive - improves spear fighting skill -skillld136 passive - improves spear fighting skill -skillan136 Spear Mastery -skillname137 Taunt -skillsd137 causes a monster to attack -skillld137 enrages a monster into relentlessly attacking -skillan137 Taunt -skillname138 Shout -skillsd138 alerts party and improves defense -skillld138 rating of you and your party}warns of impending danger and improves the defense -skillan138 Shout -skillname139 Stun -skillsd139 stuns your target -skillld139 and increases your attack rating}stuns your target for a short time -skillan139 Stun -skillname140 Double Throw -skillsd140 throw two weapons at once -skillld140 throwing weapons at the same time}allows you to throw two different -skillan140 Double Throw -skillname141 Increased Stamina -skillsd141 passive - increases stamina -skillld141 passive - increases your stamina -skillan141 Increased Stamina -skillname142 Find Item -skillsd142 targets corpses to find items -skillld142 to find hidden treasures}use on the corpse of a slain monster -skillan142 Find Item -skillname143 Leap Attack -skillsd143 leaps and attacks target enemy -skillld143 in one swift assault}leaps to and attacks target enemy -skillan143 Leap Attack -skillname144 Concentrate -skillsd144 attack that is not interruptible -skillld144 improves attack and defense rating}attack that is not interruptible and -skillan144 Concentrate -skillname145 Iron Skin -skillsd145 passive - improves defense rating -skillld145 passive - improves defense rating -skillan145 Iron Skin -skillname146 Battle Cry -skillsd146 reduces enemy effectiveness -skillld146 enemies defense rating and damage}fearsome cry that decreases -skillan146 Battle Cry -skillname147 Frenzy -skillsd147 successful double swing hit increases speed -skillld147 requires you to equip two weapons}each successful attack increases your overall speed}allows you to swing two weapons at once -skillan147 Frenzy -skillname148 Increased Speed -skillsd148 passive - increases walk and run speed -skillld148 passive - increases walk and run speed -skillan148 Increased Speed -skillname149 Battle Orders -skillsd149 improves life, mana and stamina of party -skillld149 stamina of you and your party}improves the maximum mana, life and -skillan149 Battle Orders -skillname150 Grim Ward -skillsd150 creates a frightening totem -skillld150 that causes nearby monsters to flee}to create a frightening totem}use on the corpse of a slain monster -skillan150 Grim Ward -skillname151 Whirlwind -skillsd151 whirling dance of death -skillld151 legions of your enemies}that cuts a path through the}a whirling dance of death -skillan151 Whirlwind -skillname152 Berserk -skillsd152 powerful but reckless attack -skillld152 but decreases defense rating}that increases damage and attack rating}a powerful but reckless attack -skillan152 Berserk -skillname153 Natural Resistance -skillsd153 passive - increases natural resistances -skillld153 to elemental and poison damage}passive - increases natural resistances -skillan153 Natural Resistance -skillname154 War Cry -skillsd154 injures and stuns nearby enemies -skillld154 injures and stuns all nearby enemies -skillan154 War Cry -skillname155 Battle Command -skillsd155 increases skill levels -skillld155 increases all current skill levels for you and your party -skillan155 Battle Cmd -skillname217 Scroll of Identify -skillsd217 identify a magic item's properties -skillld217 identify a magic item's properties -skillan217 Identify -skillname218 Tome of Identify -skillsd218 identify a magic item's properties -skillld218 identify a magic item's properties -skillan218 Identify -skillname219 Scroll of Townportal -skillsd219 create a magic portal to the nearest town -skillld219 create a magic portal to the nearest town -skillan219 Townportal -skillname220 Tome of Townportal -skillsd220 create a magic portal to the nearest town -skillld220 create a magic portal to the nearest town -skillan220 Townportal -strMephistoDoorLocked Ormus has the key that opens this door. -strTitleFeminine Lady %s -strTitleMasculine Lord %s -strChatHardcore Hardcore -strChatLevel Level %d -Tristram Tristram -Catacombs Level 4 Catacombs Level 4 -Catacombs Level 3 Catacombs Level 3 -Catacombs Level 2 Catacombs Level 2 -Catacombs Level 1 Catacombs Level 1 -Cathedral Cathedral -Inner Cloister Inner Cloister -Jail Level 3 Jail Level 3 -Jail Level 2 Jail Level 2 -Jail Level 1 Jail Level 1 -Barracks Barracks -Outer Cloister Outer Cloister -Monastery Gate Monastery Gate -Tower Cellar Level 5 Tower Cellar Level 5 -Tower Cellar Level 4 Tower Cellar Level 4 -Tower Cellar Level 3 Tower Cellar Level 3 -Tower Cellar Level 2 Tower Cellar Level 2 -Tower Cellar Level 1 Tower Cellar Level 1 -Forgotten Tower Forgotten Tower -Mausoleum Mausoleum -Crypt Crypt -Burial Grounds Burial Grounds -Pit Level 2 Pit Level 2 -Hole Level 2 Hole Level 2 -Underground Passage Level 2 Underground Passage Level 2 -Cave Level 2 Cave Level 2 -Pit Level 1 Pit Level 1 -Hole Level 1 Hole Level 1 -Underground Passage Level 1 Underground Passage Level 1 -Cave Level 1 Cave Level 1 -Den of Evil Den of Evil -Tamoe Highland Tamoe Highland -Black Marsh Black Marsh -Dark Wood Dark Wood -Stony Field Stony Field -Cold Plains Cold Plains -Blood Moor Blood Moor -Rogue Encampment Rogue Encampment -To Tristram To Tristram -To The Catacombs Level 4 To The Catacombs Level 4 -To The Catacombs Level 3 To The Catacombs Level 3 -To The Catacombs Level 2 To The Catacombs Level 2 -To The Catacombs Level 1 To The Catacombs Level 1 -To The Cathedral To The Cathedral -To The Inner Cloister To The Inner Cloister -To The Jail Level 3 To The Jail Level 3 -To The Jail Level 2 To The Jail Level 2 -To The Jail Level 1 To The Jail Level 1 -To The Barracks To The Barracks -To The Outer Cloister To The Outer Cloister -To The Monastery Gate To The Monastery Gate -To The Tower Cellar Level 5 To The Tower Cellar Level 5 -To The Tower Cellar Level 4 To The Tower Cellar Level 4 -To The Tower Cellar Level 3 To The Tower Cellar Level 3 -To The Tower Cellar Level 2 To The Tower Cellar Level 2 -To The Tower Cellar Level 1 To The Tower Cellar Level 1 -To The Forgotten Tower To The Forgotten Tower -To The Mausoleum To The Mausoleum -To The Crypt To The Crypt -To The Burial Grounds To The Burial Grounds -To The Pit Level 2 To The Pit Level 2 -To The Hole Level 2 To The Hole Level 2 -To Underground Passage Level 2 To Underground Passage Level 2 -To The Cave Level 2 To The Cave Level 2 -To The Pit Level 1 To The Pit Level 1 -To The Hole Level 1 To The Hole Level 1 -To Underground Passage Level 1 To Underground Passage Level 1 -To The Cave Level 1 To The Cave Level 1 -To The Den of Evil To The Den of Evil -To The Tamoe Highland To The Tamoe Highland -To The Black Marsh To The Black Marsh -To The Dark Wood To The Dark Wood -To The Stony Field To The Stony Field -To The Cold Plains To The Cold Plains -To The Blood Moor To The Blood Moor -To The Rogue Encampment To The Rogue Encampment -Deathmessage Death takes its toll of %d Gold -Deathmessnight You have lost experience -Harddeathmessage Your deeds of valor will be remembered -LordofTerrordied %d Seconds Until Game Ends -Killdiablo1 Congratulations! -KillDiablo2 You Have Vanquished Diablo -KillDiablo3 Will Henceforth Be Known As -x EXIT -x OK -x CANCEL -x (c) 2000 Blizzard Entertainment -x All Rights Reserved. -x SINGLE PLAYER -x BATTLE.NET -x OTHER MULTIPLAYER -x EXIT DIABLO II -x CREDITS -x CINEMATICS -x View All Earned Cinematics -x Epilogue -x SELECT CINEMATICS -x OPEN BATTLE.NET -x TCP/IP GAME -x TCP/IP Options -x HOST GAME -x JOIN GAME -x Enter Host IP Address to Join Game -x Your IP Address is: -x Click 'Host Game' to make your computer the host for a game. Other players must then enter your IP Address to connect to your computer. Only locally stored characters can be played in a hosted game. -x Click 'Join Game', then enter the IP Address of the host computer. Only locally stored characters can be played in a hosted game. -x Cannot detect a valid TCP/IP address. -x Character Name -x Hardcore -x Select Hero Class -x Skilled with the spear and the bow, she is a very versatile fighter. -x Summoning undead minions and cursing his enemies are his specialties. -x He is unequaled in close-quarters combat and mastery of weapons. -x She has mastered the elemental magicks -- fire, lightning, and ice. -x He is a natural party leader, holy man, and blessed warrior. -x Player Not Found -x CANCEL -x Create Channel -x Join Channel -x Invalid Game Name -x A Game Already Exists With That Name -x Server Down -x Error Creating Game -x Join Failed -x Maximum Battle.Net -x characters reached. -x Select to create a -x New Character -x new open character. -x new realm character. -x Select Hero Class -x There is not enough room on your Hard Disk. Please free up space and then try again. -x CREATE GAME -x JOIN GAME -x CREATE LAN GAME -x JOIN LAN GAME -x Hell -x Nightmare -x Normal -x Select Difficulty -x Hardcore and Normal Characters may not be in the same game. -x Game does not exist. -x Game name and password don't match. -x Game is Full. -x You do not meet the level restrictions for this game. -x Are you sure that you want to delete this character? Take note: this will delete all versions of this Character. -x Open -x That character name is already taken. Try another. -x YES -x NO -x Please Insert the Diablo II -x Play Disc -x Cinematics Disc -x Connecting to Battle.net -x Querying gateway -x Connecting to the fastest server -x Accessing your account -x Checking versions -x Verifying CD-key -x Getting player profile -x COMPLETE -x DOWNLOADING PATCH -x Terms of Use -x AGREE -x DISAGREE -x There is a new version of the software available. Please completely uninstall your game program, reinstall from your original CD, and reconnect to Battle.net. -x Unable to connect to Battle.net. If you are using a modem to access your service provider and are not configured for Remote Access, you may have to initiate the connection manually. -x Your Internet connection is either very poor or is not processing UDP packets through port 6112. You will be able to chat but will not be able to play games. Contact your Internet service provider or your system administrator for assistance with opening this port. -x This application was installed using a CD Key which is not authorized for Battle.net use. -x Battle.net is unable to properly identify your application version. -x For more information, please visit www.battle.net/support/errormessages/ -x Unable to connect to Battle.net. -x If using a modem, you may need to connect to your Internet Service Provider before connecting to Battle.net. For more information, please visit www.battle.net/support/errormessages/ -x You are using a 16-bit connection to your Internet Service Provider. -x Battle.net requires a 32-bit connection to the Internet. Please make sure that you are using the most current connection software from your Internet Service Provider. -x Unable to open a TCP/IP connection. Make sure that OpenTransport is installed correctly. You may also need to connect to your Internet Service Provider before connecting to Battle.net. -x Please uninstall and then reinstall the application using the CD Key from your CD case. If you still cannot connect to Battle.net, please visit www.battle.net/support/errormessages/ -x There is a new version of software available. Battle.net requires that you use the latest version. Your software will be updated now. -x The update has been downloaded successfully. Your application will now restart. -x The update has been interrupted. No changes were made. Please try this process again. -x Downloading software upgrade. -x The CD Key that you installed with has been disabled. Please contact Blizzard Entertainment Technical Support for further assistance. -x Your CD key is currently being used by: -x Only one registered instance of this application can use your CD key at a time. If your connection to Battle.net was just interrupted, please wait five minutes before trying to connect again. -x The CD key used to install this application was intended for another product. Please reinstall this application using the correct CD key. -X The Realm is undergoing renovation. Please try again in 15 minutes. -x Battle.net Log In -x To use an existing Battle.net account, enter the information below and click 'Log In'. Otherwise, click 'Create New Account'. -x Account Name Already Exists. -x The password you have entered is incorrect. Please try again. -x That account does not exist. If you have not been on Battle.net for 90 days with this account, please select 'Create New Account' to choose a new name and password. -x That account is corrupted. Please report this to support@blizzard.com immediately. -x Server Down -x Cannot Connect to Server -x Server Down -x Server Authorization Failed -x Name -x rejected by Server -x Account name must be at least 2 characters. -x Account name can't be more than 15 characters. -x Passwords don't match. -x Password must be at least 2 characters. -x Password can't be more than 15 characters. -x CREATE NEW ACCOUNT -x Create Battle.net Account -x Enter the Name and Password for your new battle.net account. -x Account Name -x Password -x Verify Password -x PLEASE READ -x Please note that inactive accounts are deleted at regular times. If you create a new account, you must be logged into Battle.net long enough - either in one session, or spread over several - to have accumulated 2 hours of time within the first 48 hours. -x After that, your account becomes permanent so long as you continue to log into this account once every 90 days. -x PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORD. BLIZZARD DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO PASSWORDS, AND CANNOT FIND OR REPLACE FORGOTTEN PASSWORDS. -x User names must be at least two characters in length. Please try again with a different name. -x Your user name contained one or more illegal characters. -x Your user name contained one or more disallowed words. -x Your previous account creation request is still being processed. Please wait a few moments and try logging in with the account you just created. -x Your name did not have enough alpha-numeric characters in it. -x Your name contained too many adjacent punctuation characters in it. -x Your name contained too many punctuation characters in it. -x The passwords you have typed do not match. Please enter the same password twice. -x An account already exists with the name you have chosen. Please try again with a different name. -x You have entered an invalid ID. -x You have entered an incorrect password. If your character has not been on Battle.net for 3 months, or if you forgot your password, you can select -x Unable to change password. You have specified an invalid name or password. -x Please Wait -x Login Error -x Unable to Identify Version -x Reinstall to Upgrade -x Unable to Connect -x Battle.net -x Unable to Create Account -x Create battle.net Account -x Enter a name and password for your new battle.net account. -x PEOPLE -x FILTER -x CHANNEL -x PLAYERS -x Password (Optional) -x Game Description (Optional) -x Max. Number of Players: -x Character Difference: -x Levels -x Create/Join Channels -x Channel Name -x Channels -x YES -x NO -x PLAYER PROFILE -x Name -x Gender -x Age -x Location -x Description -x DELETE -x CREATE NEW CHARACTER -x Game Name -x Game Name Players -x Please note that inactive characters are deleted at regular times. You must play a new character at least 2 hours within the first 48 hours. -x After that, your character may be deleted if you do not play it at least once every 90 days. -x Played %d days ago -x -x Played yesterday -x Play within %d days -x to avoid deletion -x Play within one day -x Status Unknown -x May be deleted -x Character Deleted -x Player Name -x LOG IN -x Select Realm -x No Realms are available right now, please try again later. -x Select a Realm from the list below or type the name in the 'Realm Name' box and then click 'OK'. -x Realm Name -x Realm List -x Sort -x Alphabetically -x Capacity -x Realm Information -x connection speed: -x current capacity: -x A Realm is a battle.net server that stores Secure characters and runs Secure games with those characters. A Secure character is played in only one Realm. -x Character Storage Site -x Secure characters have access to all battle.net features, including Ladders, and chat portraits. You must have a working internet connection to play a Secure character. -x WARNING: Once a Hardcore character dies, it cannot be played again. Are you sure you wish to create a Hardcore character? -x You cannot create or join games with a dead hardcore character. -x SEND -x WHISPER -x SQUELCH -x HELP -x EMOTE -x UNSQUELCH -x AWAY -x CREATE -x JOIN -x CHANNEL -x LADDER -x QUIT -x STANDARD LADDER -x HARDCORE LADDER -x WEEKLY LADDER -x Rank -x Name -x Class -x Exp Gained -x Exp -x DISPLAY: -x OVERALL -x BY CLASS -x K -x M -x B -x T -x From %s: %s -x Sent to %s: %s -Gem Activated Gem Activated -Gem Deactivated Gem Deactivated -Perfect Gem Activated Perfect Gem Activated -x Invalid channel name. A channel name cannot contain reserved characters. -x You have clicked on a link to the Internet. Your web browser will now be launched. You can use the Windows Taskbar to return to Battle.net. -x You have disconnected from Battle.net. Press OK to hangup the connection to %s. Press Cancel to stay connected. -x Battle.net was unable to launch your default browser. -x Couldn't open this URL. The URL appears to be invalid. -x Launching a web browser from Battle.net requires Internet Config 1.1 or newer. Make sure Internet Config is installed on your computer. -x The default web browser selected in Internet Config or the Internet control panel could not be located on your hard drive. -x There is not enough free memory available to launch the web browser. -x You have clicked on a link to the Internet. Your web browser will now be launched. Use -x That channel is restricted -x You were disconnected from battle.net. Please reconnect. -x Battle.net is down. Reconnect later. -x Timed out waiting for response. -x Battle.net is down. Reconnect later. -x Lost Connection to battle.net. -x Your connection to Battle.net has been lost. -x Battle.net is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes. -x Battle.net is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes. -x The connection to Battle.net has been interrupted. Please try again later. -x You are banned from battle.net. Reconnect later. -x Your connection has been interrupted -x The Host of this game has left -x A dead hardcore character cannot join or create any games. -x Versions do not match. Please log onto battle.net or go to http://www.blizzard.com/support/Diablo2 to get a patch -x Unable to enter game. A hardcore character cannot join a game created by a normal character. -x Unable to enter game. A normal character cannot join a game created by a hardcore character. -x Unable to enter game. Your character must kill Diablo in Nightmare difficulty to play in a Hell game. -x Unable to enter game. Your character must kill Diablo to play in a Nightmare game. -x Unable to enter game. Bad character version -x Unable to enter game. Bad character quest data -x Unable to enter game. Bad character waypoint data -x Unable to enter game. Bad character stats data -x Unable to enter game. Bad character skills data -x failed to join game -x Unable to enter game -x unknown failure -x Unable to enter game, Bad inventory data -x Unable to enter game, bad dead bodies -x Unable to enter game, bad header -x Unable to enter game, bad hireables -x Unable to enter game, bad intro data -x Unable to enter game, bad item -x Unable to enter game, bad dead body item -x Unable to enter game, generic bad file -x Game is full -dummy an evil force -Dummy an evil force -not used an evil force -unused an evil force -Not used an evil force -convertsto Right click to make -strNotInBeta Not in Beta. -strLevelLoadFailed No Level Name -Endthispuppy End of Beta - - diff --git a/bin/sqldiff.exe b/bin/sqldiff.exe index 3d19714..ad2f31d 100644 Binary files a/bin/sqldiff.exe and b/bin/sqldiff.exe differ diff --git a/bin/sqlite3.exe b/bin/sqlite3.exe index 6d188ef..499d7b4 100755 Binary files a/bin/sqlite3.exe and b/bin/sqlite3.exe differ diff --git a/bin/sqlite3_analyzer.exe b/bin/sqlite3_analyzer.exe index 3d5daa6..b8b3b9c 100644 Binary files a/bin/sqlite3_analyzer.exe and b/bin/sqlite3_analyzer.exe differ diff --git a/src/head.php b/src/head.php index f034bd7..1c553b1 100755 --- a/src/head.php +++ b/src/head.php @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ - + D2Modder \ No newline at end of file